The Degeneration of the Nation

Black Circle

The Book of Darkness - Trilogy
The magnum opus of Black Circle - a contemporary tragedy in three acts. Black Circle's greatest work deals with the dream - and its shattering, with wild futurism - and the loss of the future, with personal and literary audacity - and its price. This is an astoundingly ambitious work, remarkably innovative, overtly original and deliberately wild, unparalleled in Hebrew literature. It tells the story of the Circle's life in strict and measured chronological order, with piercing realism of the development of a person's life and their mental worlds, stemming precisely from boundless fantastic surrealism. From vast expanses of spiritual freedom, with infinite capacity for invention and conceptual manipulation, the richness of the work stands almost beyond the capacity of the human mind, until it collapses before a new and wonderful - and inhuman world
Search Tree
Black Circle's last book, which concludes his dream project, is an interactive novel in the style of "Choose Your Own Adventure", where the reader chooses the continuation of the dream. The dream paths branch out in the form of a binary tree, spreading a parallel dream space, instead of a linear-narrative dream time. The result is simultaneously a wide-ranging novel and a short story, allowing the reader to search for its ending - in the dream tree
Dream of Escaping the Nazis
A recurring dream throughout life is ultimately a branching dream, where each time you return from the ending backwards, and try another way to escape the ending. Black Circle's last dream, in which he bids farewell to the world of writing, but also signals a new literary possibility. And as in his last book, here too apparently the depth-first search algorithm is the deepest way to delve into the tree of possibilities - in an endless farewell
Psychotic Love
Trust me - don't ask why you're here. That's the biggest mistake
The Heavenly Facebook
The tablets weren't made of stone? Did that stop them from being breasts? If the new Torah doesn't come from sexuality - it has no chance in the spiritual atmosphere of our times... No one reads anything unrelated to sex, and only in sex do people still connect to the need for mystery - and even myth
When a Person is Brought to Judgment
They won't remember this? They won't remember all of this after me? I have no World to Come?
And There You Shall Not Pass
And the Holy Spirit rubs her breasts against me (as if she's some kind of heavenly voice), and they're shriveled like the pomegranates of a Torah scroll. And her breaths are rapid (she knows this is it too): so you want a special miracle just for you?
The Spiritual Death
I start calculating the number of nights until I die, and the number of dreams I have left. What to waste them on? I must penetrate into something deep, that I'll at least be one of those writers who got something out of the illness, and didn't remain spiritually virgin
A Candle for My Memory
Have you ever thought about the connection between dream and illness?
Legacy ●
And the doctor leans by the bed and says: You don't have much time left, maybe a paragraph, or two, or if God performs a miracle - three
No Dreamer in His City
You won't drag me into placative political thinking, but I'll draw you into erotic thinking. I'll penetrate the thought behind you, meaning you're just signs of it, embodying it, and therefore embarrassing me, and claiming that I'm a fig leaf - with no nakedness behind it. Because you who call me (to my face!) a hiding coward, you too are not really you, but a bird singing someone else's song, and what's more important to a bird than originality?
Children of the Talmud
I start the day with half an hour of studying the Grash's [Translator's note: Rabbi Shimon Shkop] innovations in bed, then move to fifteen minutes of in-depth mathematics and then rest with fifteen minutes of Spinoza's Ethics in proficiency, while brushing my teeth, and so I go through the whole day from one abstract thought to another, and then at night I'm able to maintain supreme concentration for two hours straight and satisfy my wife
Hear O Israel the Lord Our God the Lord is Red
Both sexes received puberty wounds as an evolutionary advantage designed to protect them until intellectual maturity, otherwise this evolutionary disadvantage would have disappeared long ago, and this is also the evolutionary advantage of ugly women. And the girl moves her hands in panic in a kind of fluttering of a cooing dove whose wings have been caught, as if I caught her in something no one saw and wasn't supposed to see. And I say: Ugliness is a protective armor from the world, you understand? That's very comforting, right? I should thank God for my face. That's why the exilic Jew grew a nose, and a messy beard, and fur on his back, and a drooping tail, and became mouse-like
Epistolary Novel
Like watching your own porn
Doctorate on Black Circle
I send her a friend request from a fake profile and put her on "see first", and follow every post of my new friend first thing in the morning before "I give thanks" [Translator's note: A Jewish morning prayer]. I just wake up from the dream and immediately open Facebook - and it makes me forget the dream
Judaism's Betrayal of Men
If you have a union with your wife - then you will fix the upper worlds - and let her think about her lover. It's not your business what her fantasies are - as long as you fantasize about the world of Atzilut [Translator's note: The highest of the four spiritual worlds in Kabbalah]
My Longing for the Era of Terrorist Attacks
I invite special burglars from the police - and they surround the house, keep me away, and my wife goes crazy: Why did you buy him this new computer? And I say: How could I have known?
The Last Man
Three beautiful and especially bountiful identical twin sisters sneak into my bed, born as triplets (it's very common with all the artificial inseminations). And I'm mesmerized by the six identical breasts, spilling over me from all directions, and I don't know what to do with myself
The New Judaism
And I wait for her to leave, and all the unclean animal dolls I turn into clean animals, drawing them hooves and clefts, and exterminating vermin from the house like Mickey Mouse. And I also correct the books: I turn Winnie the Pooh into Winnie the Fowl, Kofiko into Tzadiko [Translator's note: A play on words, changing "monkey" to "righteous"], Raspberry Juice into Grape Juice for Kiddush and Havdalah [Translator's note: Jewish rituals], Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs becomes Shechina [Translator's note: Divine presence] and the Seven Haredim, and The Wizard of Oz I simply turn into Job
The World's Genitalia
Without the destructive Western split between body and soul - a Jewish-Chinese union against the West!
Sleeping Like a Baby
What's the biggest compliment for a lover? I feel like he's reading me from the inside. And this, simply, is the reason there are more and more homosexuals - everyone wants to be passive in sex, even men. Everyone wants to be lazy and desired and courted and for someone else to make an effort to make them laugh, not them him, and they just lie back on their back or stomach and enjoy. And this is also the secret to why people prefer a movie over a book
The Genocide-Correct
It excites me so much to be crushed under my wife, that I start arguing to heat her up so she'll crush me again, more, heavy, hard, for her to choke me with her two enormous breasts, for her to shut my mouth by simply covering my face, to feel the inferiority of man under woman in our times, and her spiritual and physical and sexual superiority, which arouses me terribly, and especially the full realization of a woman's right over her body
Angel of Destruction
Look what evolution the secular have undergone! Once, the secular would claim: My grandfather was a monkey. Today the secular claims: My grandfather was a rabbi. The generation is rising, and especially the generation of grandfathers. And the most valuable grandfather is a Holocaust grandfather. Even a Moroccan grandfather is good these days. You see how I understand everything because I'm religious? She won't understand anything, and you know why? Because she's secular
Kabbalah of Women
I come in the morning to the room next to her room to talk to her, and I see the bathroom door opening and I say great now I'll see her unintentionally and not my fault coming out naked (which I've never seen)
Dream About Shin After Marriage
And I search for her in the streets and discover streets I haven't walked in for years and I want to save S., and my daughter-in-law is angry at me that I was late on Shabbat. And then I tell her that there's S., and the friend I told her about is S. and she's a former partner and not a friend
Eye Color
I only have a few months to see and I won't finish the book and I start crying to them, that just as I started writing my big book, my masterpiece and magnum opus, and I need two more years and just now and it's not fair. But inside I feel that it is actually fair and I deserve it - eating my heart out over all the time I wasted (and on someone who didn't want me)
The Third Lebanon War
And I think to myself: Would I really trust Haredim with nuclear weapons? After all, it's possible that the red button is with the greatest rabbi of the generation, but he doesn't want to take responsibility and gave it to the neighborhood rabbi, who doesn't trust himself so he entrusted it to the gabbai [Translator's note: synagogue assistant], and now during prayer behind the synagogue the gabbai's child is playing marbles with the other children with the red button. And I ask: Where are the green uniforms?
Eve of the Holiday
She's angry at me for not answering her texts, and the whole conversation is angry even though I don't want it to come out unpleasant, but the truth is I'm also very angry, and all the anger is kind of suppressed, for both of us. And I say that I asked her not to write and that I don't want to hear from her ever again in my life no matter what happens, no matter even if she really needs me too, I mean. And in the end I can't overcome it and ask, because if we're already talking - and I didn't want to talk at all - but you know
The Last Time
And I'm surprised that she has any ability to hear me at all even though he's also talking at the same time, because I myself can barely, because he reminds me of how I was foolish and complacent. And I didn't understand that I was losing her this time for good. And every time in bed I'm surprised by her anew, that she has a desire to continue to listen, with big big pupils, especially now after the engagement. And again and again inappropriate things that I shouldn't have said come out by mistake
Cat Kaddish
I always miss her juiciness, and all the wildness I once loved, when I thought both religious and cat, and she loved me too (who still remembers). And who knows what howls she makes for me behind my back, that everyone hears at night - and everyone talks. And whitens my face in public. And black circle is a currency passing among all the soft tongues, and everyone wants to bite it to check if it's real
Alternative History of the State of Israel
Even if the Messiah comes he won't solve the conflict (and therefore it's not worth embarrassing ourselves). In the end they'll think there's no divine plan and it was all a blunder after the Holocaust (as always), or worse - that it's a messed up and amateurish plan, something like the Exodus ending with the sin of the Golden Calf. So it's time for Plan B
The Birds
She asks me: "How don't you know?". And I say that she never shares with me what's happening in her marriage, in intimate matters, and I assumed nothing was happening. And she coos: "It happened just now two days ago". And I say that I talked to her now and she didn't tell me anything. And if it's two days ago it's not as bad as she describes. Maybe it's just a small crisis and it'll pass. And she's excited: "You don't know what she's managed in these two days". And I say: What did she do already?
Public consciousness has become a dream! An endless and truly infinite collection of dramatic affairs, changing without connection, one after the other, apart from being associative variants of what really troubles the collective subconscious. And so consciousness changes at a high frequency, over years, and doesn't accumulate to anything, except for a vague feeling of distress, anxiety, helplessness. And that's my role as the psychologist of humanity to treat it. To bring it back to reality. And that's precisely by exposing the contents of the dream as a dream, he says with professional pride
The Story of a Queen
She will be my face outwards towards the world, my armor, the front - and I'll swallow inside her, and only occasionally peek out through the helmet and immediately return to hide inside. Just like a cat afraid to leave the house, or a Haredi afraid to leave the faith, or a dreamer afraid to leave the bed, or a writer afraid to leave the computer, or a circle afraid to leave the black lines - or a man with a fantasy of being inside a woman. And I embark on a brave, daring and experimental journey to search for my dream queen, according to the Jewish code of chivalry
Speech by the Honorable Prime Minister Cat-Meow
Facebook is the existential enemy of our people, and has added a secret and vile poison potion to its algorithm, within the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (who today are old gossiping women), as part of the global network conspiracy: Facebook checks what words are in the post, and strongly promotes posts on the hot topic it identifies, which is the latest scandal of the 5% against the 95% silent profiles, to increase engagement - and thus amplifies every scandal like a resonance box until it becomes a deafening noise and thought. And if you write a post on an original topic of your own, but not on the latest affair, almost no one will see it
A Dating Site You Don't Want to Know
Why do women have breasts and men don't? It's really not fair. Couldn't I have nursed? Couldn't I have had a cleavage, which I would hide, and then collect favors for the pleasure even from a small favor? Why doesn't anyone desire me on the street, why doesn't anyone harass me? After all, if the world were reversed, men would be happy with harassment, and women would be exempt from it - so why the injustice? And I think where as a man will they treat me like a woman. Where will they harass me? Because people don't believe that a black man can secretly hide a small circular hole inside, and that a woman can have sidelocks and a beard
How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Conversion Therapy
What would your mother say, if she were alive, that you've become an animal? And if it starts like this all men will pretend to be cats, everyone would prefer a cat's life, and what will the women do? It's hard to even imagine, because there's a feeling that if we dare to imagine something shocking will come to our minds. Something better not to imagine even. Not to give ideas. No no, it's not personal, if we give in to you - it always starts with one cat - and ends with a snowball of fur and howls, and the cat will start to gain momentum, and it will end in revolution. At the end of humanity
How I Became a Nazi and Mass Murderer
Anyway I don't like meat and I don't like animals. They always seem like disgusting creatures to me - less God-fearing than secular people and more smelly than Haredim. I'm terrified of dogs sniffing me, startled by cats looking at me, and from mice I simply run away. Every encounter I've had with animals has always ended in some kind of comic effect at my expense. Like that time at the zoo when a penguin bit me - because I tried to ask it where its shtreimel [Translator's note: A fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] was
The Future of Black Judaism
During that period the whole Earth dries up, and there's no mikveh [Translator's note: ritual bath], because it stops raining, and the Jews become extinct. And even when they bring them a thin pipe, that will stream water from space to the sky, they say it's vessels, drawn water. And women travel to distant planets to immerse, but don't manage to return. Because the distances are astronomical between women and men. And all life is slow and limited to the speed of light, because space is already a different kind of exile, much darker and deeper
The Problems of the World's Most Famous Writer
Does anyone know why he stopped writing? Once people used to wait for his new book, and today they've already forgotten who he is. It's a shame, he could have developed into one of the great writers of new Hebrew literature. He had tremendous talent. He used to be my favorite writer, but since then I've managed to forget what he wrote. And people gossip about him
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Cat
They cut off my tail in a cat circumcision ceremony, and then the Satan cult burned me and that's why I'm black, and then I was saved from being roasted by a Thai worker only to be wounded by a Palestinian worker, who stabbed me as a Jewish cat and then I started writing from the wound, and so I discovered that I'm actually a female cat who was raped, and writes from the hole of the black circle
God Supports Bibi
A disgusting cult of suffering - all this tormented Jesus, oh have mercy on you, you son of a bitch, who thinks he's the son of God. And now I don't know what's happening to me anymore, because I find myself defending Jesus: But he was a good Jew, wasn't he? Have you read Flusser? And God snores something between contempt and smoke: I hated Jesus, this moralistic nudnik, from the beginning
Bibi Go Home
But I already see myself as a pioneer in the connection between the black and the world. The first aliyah [Translator's note: Jewish immigration to Israel] of cats from the floor of the world to the promised bed, to establish within it a home for the persecuted feline people. And most importantly: to renew black culture and institutionalize the new relationship between the Haredi cat - and the woman. She goes out of the house, brings income, she's the Prime Minister, and he's the tail of the government, her cat. God advocates female rule - and natural relationships between mistress and her cat. The courage to be normal
Samson's Choice
Is this serious? What, another Holocaust? Who the hell is writing this? What an illogical history, a nightmare. And the Air Force commander says: We'll intercept some. Some will get through. I'm sorry. The Arrow 3 system is limited. We'll pray to the Holy One, Blessed be He. And this religious statement from the Air Force commander seems strange to me. But according to protocol, there's no time even to process, let alone pray, but we need to decide immediately, and two words appear on the screens
The Mistress and Death
Why, scientifically, do stupider and more monkey-like people have more children? I mean, isn't that a bit dangerous for the theory of evolution? Or at least for political theory and democracy? Isn't this supposed to rapidly increase stupidity in the population, and return us towards the monkey? And all this because they didn't find where to progress after humans
How I Became a Fan of Bibi
Please God, my God and God of my fathers, open Facebook for us at the time of Facebook's closing, because how will I know now what people think about Bibi? Save us, how will they be able to read the dreams now, which have all disappeared in Facebook's innards? Please do not hide your ear, why close the only channel of communication with the world just for me?
The Great Love Story of My Life
Words can touch more than all the touch in the world, and a screen is all there is even between flesh and blood human beings. So it happens that this screen is skin, and it happens that it's light, containing black signs and even a black and round hole, meaning me. But this time at the end of love, when the screen turns off, and I have no excuse and no reason because I caused only pain and disappointment, I look at who was transparent to me until now, whom I didn't see, and understand that I was wrong all these years. There was someone else here
Why Was I Deleted from Facebook?
I want to warn you here about a serious phenomenon of exclusion that I've encountered, against us the unreal voices in culture. To shout here to all the friends against a destructive epidemic of return to realism, to authenticity, you see it even with Trump and the political wave of realness in the face. A trend of legitimacy only for the true story, instead of the creative story, all the time returning to the personal story behind the creator
How I Developed a Catholist Consciousness
Every minute I see the trash can across, and understand what's in store for me on the day the terrible quiet ends, the seemingly calm and relaxed, but actually teeming with feminine plots. Because we don't have shouting and howling at home, outwardly we're the perfect couple, living in a normal routine of a cat and its owner, but no one would believe what really happens at our place behind the door - and under the velvet fur
Every Publisher's Wet Dream
By the authority of the place and the authority of the congregation - they're excommunicating me even from Facebook. To what lower place can one descend? Where are the people? Where are the people who are really interested in fantasies and a repressed and persecuted subconscious world, but with libido? And I remember the most popular search result that brings me visitors to the site, and they're immediately disappointed and run away, and I go even lower in Google - "Haredi sex"
The Circle's Victory Over the Square
How can it be that every time I choose to write a right-wing and conservative dream, and it turns out to be a left-wing progressive, technological dream? It can't be coincidental. There must be something in the computer, some deep computer, sitting inside and ruining my democratic individual choice every time anew
The Rise and Fall of the Black Circle
Everyone only wants things that have a black circle on them, because what's more elegant and advanced than a circle, and just black, and on a background of white snow. Simplicity is genius. How didn't they think of this before? And the intellectuals of the Stone Age say: The shtreimel revolution will change everything we thought about the head, and anyone who doesn't invest in a shtreimel will be left behind, in the snow, alone, with the intellectuals from the previous Stone Age
The Howl Inside Every Word
The world aspires to a state of low energy, which is a higher feline state, this is the second law of catodynamics, and spiritual laziness is already at such high levels that it's hard to surpass them. And indeed secularism is losing its appeal, because if once it was lazier than religion - today religion is easier than it, and worst of all - more natural. Who has the energy for evolution, when science itself supports the theory of catolution
Climate Denial and Holocaust Denial
And I ask: Are you even listening to me up there? A real, original cockroach stands before you, telling you a history of ideas from first person. Who was born, like you, after 2080 doesn't know at all what nonsense there was in my days, and only knows what nonsense there is in your days. Secularism replaced the fear of hell with fear of global warming, and the desire to reach heaven with the green aspiration to preserve the quality of the environment
The Mistress and the Cat
All the other black cats think exactly the same bad thought: We must erase the net from the face of the earth, and not leave even one small tail, from which the monster will grow back. And the mistress returns from the kitchen and brings me a bowl and places it before me on the floor and her a bowl and places before the computer. But she doesn't guess what my tail is plotting, because her head isn't here
An Outraged Letter to the Editor
It's not too late to eliminate Bashar - there's a fundamental moral importance in this like in killing Eichmann. He must not continue as if nothing happened. On Israel's terrible crime in Syria. A letter sent from Black Circle to the "Haaretz" editorial during the height of the civil war in Syria that was not published
A Cat's Conversation with a Circle
Money is defined as what everyone wants. Meaning as a mediator of desire, desire that becomes an object. Sexuality is defined as who everyone wants. Meaning desire not as a means but as an end, desire that becomes a subject. And therefore the mixing between them arouses so much resistance, and is done in secret (through the institution of marriage). In short, we'll have to create a currency of learning, an incentive for learning. To increase intellectual pleasure in the brain until knowledge becomes the new money and creativity becomes the new sexuality
A Red Shtreimel That Says: "Make Judea Great Again"
The jester was a very important institution for government in the Middle Ages, like the prophet in ancient times, or the original role of Satan in the heavenly entourage - to interfere, until modern times when he was replaced by the writer. Only writers are more pompous people than prophets and their ability for jesting is limited, and when the prime minister looks for a literary jester it's hard for him to find one. A deadly serious government is the horror of the 20th century
Third Place in The Degeneration of the Nation's Short Story Competition: "The Kiss with the Secular Woman"
Judges' comments: "The Kiss with the Secular Woman" is a story that combines the experimental with the emotional to create a fundamental exploration of the connection between the two - and the price of experimentalism, its power and weaknesses. The story disguises itself as an ars poetica manifesto, reaching the point of theoretical conceptualization, but ultimately reveals itself as a decidedly personal story, of one whose life is his creation, and has no existence outside of it, and therefore his soul-searching - including the accounting of his romantic life - is a creative accounting. More than anything, this is a story of connection between cultures - secular culture and religious culture - where the twists and failures of this connection represent the Jewish condition. And also the circular condition.
How the Tail Saved My Life
Without voting, without army service, without being Jewish, without being Arab, without being married, without being single. I came to return the ID card and I want them to inject me with a chip. Like any other cat in the State of Israel. No more and no less. Equal treatment. And she says: Are you willing to be neutered?
One Big Cat - Against the Entire Left
The moment secular people understand that they are a minority and not in power, they will focus their energies on cultural creation, like the Jews. Now is the time to create the golden age of secular culture. Learn from us. You need to understand that from your perspective, the religious are the gentiles, and you are the Jews under siege - and seclude yourselves in the study hall. This will be your redemption, just as it is the spiritual suicide of religious culture
Sex with the State of Israel
So this is Israel's afterlife: Since I have no physical existence, I don't eat or drink, don't sleep or dream, but become a pure political animal, a pure and clean soul of the Israeli person - my spirit lives only from election to election and from news broadcast to news broadcast, without all the unnecessary filling in between
The End of Feminism
Until the Bodybuk stage, when there was only Facebook, people would offer their beautiful face. But the moment the biological social network began, women who enjoy more revealed this and enjoyed enormous demand from the best men. As with everything in late sexocapitalism, the gaps and inequality widened: there are women who became billionaires of orgasms and there are those who became completely impoverished
The Final Moral Solution
The movement calling to leave the humanities faculties and change biology itself, which is the source of injustice, through social genetic engineering, grew stronger and stronger. After all, both sexes suffer constantly, and worse - wrong each other constantly, in countless ways that the culture industry has made clear even to the most idiotic right-wing voter
A Strong Cat for Israel's Future
There's a right-wing mafia in the deep state - in the army, the stock exchange, the rabbinate - that the previous right-wing Bibi planted there, and it's impossible to overcome it and therefore impossible to make peace. But look your cat in the eyes, do you want a right-wing prime minister?
Sex and Diaspora Judaism
A million Jews in Japan and a million Jews in China - this should be Judaism's goal for the next century. This is the dream for the next century instead of Zionism. And then there will be a cultural flourishing of true Jewish-Eastern culture
When Vegetarianism Became State Law
You could have been born a cat, so according to Rawls' veil of ignorance you must support distributing property to cats
Iranian Nuclear Bomb Fell on Tel Aviv
A shameful thought crosses my mind: Finally there will be parking there
Discrimination Against Ashkenazi Culture
Eastern Judaism is a completely ridiculous concept. Is Spain east? Is Morocco east? It's the far west
Peace Begins Within Us
If I were prime minister, the first thing I would do is find a religious solution to the conflict with the Muslims. I would turn the Jews in the country into dhimmis [protected non-Muslim subjects] according to Sharia law by paying the jizya tax - and put an end to the conflict. I'm in favor of Ahmadinejad being president of the State of Israel
Israel-Russia War
We are the sinners, who allowed Assad to slaughter hundreds of thousands a hundred kilometers from here with complete indifference, now we're paying for it
Aristotle Sexually Harassed Me
She screamed, and it seemed to me like complete jealousy of the mouth towards the anus, and I thought about the unfair discrimination between them
The First Ultra-Orthodox Chief of Staff
It's been 40 years and you still haven't learned that your main problem on the Palestinian front is non-lethal weapons? You need to be more creative, because the competition with the Arabs is not who is stronger, but who is more creative. When myth fights myth, you need to employ literary imagination
What's Your Opinion on Rape?
How does the media manage to endlessly replicate the conflict and create the conflict with the Arabs? Only because the conflict activates those involved as a narrative
The Housing Crisis and the Jewish Problem
They should have long ago separated into two states as happened in the Bible: the State of Israel in the coastal plain and the State of Judah in all the rest. And it's not clear to me why the Israelis agree to be ruled by the Jews, contrary to our ancient tradition of always quarreling and splitting
How I Committed Suicide and Lost My Virginity
And I walk towards the attack and the explosive belt is several sizes too big for me and my pants keep falling down, and I'm afraid I'll hiccup or cough or sneeze and in the end I'll be one of those clumsy terrorists who didn't manage to blow up anyone but themselves
The American Dream
The American Empire has finally reached the most mature and supreme stage in an empire's power – the Caligula stage, where you can put completely crazy emperors, and the imperial mechanism is so strong that it doesn't matter who the emperor is, on the contrary, a crazy emperor doubles Rome's power
Rabbi Yuval Noah Harari
The 6th century BCE was undoubtedly the most important century in human history. Within a few decades we see a global intellectual boom in all major cultures: China (Confucius, Lao Tzu), India (Buddha, Jainism), Persia (Zoroaster), Judah (beginning of the Bible) and Greece (Thales and the beginning of Greek philosophy)
The Twin Law
What you don't understand, or don't know, is that the Druze are Shiites. And the Sunnis and Shiites hate each other much more than they hate Jews
To Hell with Gaza
Each of the boys and girls will give a moving speech that they want to live and are full of dreams, and commit suicide against the occupation like Gandhi fasted against the occupation, and then blow themselves up before the eyes of the world. It will be a suicide attack on consciousness
The Jewish Comedy
If I wasn't anti-Semitic the Jews themselves would build me the bomb and decipher the codes for me, and not push the Americans in the face, and the Nazis would win the war - thanks to the German Jews
Dream Now: Why I'll Vote Agudat Yisrael?
The secular can't make peace with anyone, the Lithuanians [non-Hasidic ultra-Orthodox] might be able to make peace with the Arabs, but only the Hasidim can make peace with Iran
The Four Species
Historians don't understand Nazism. These weren't racial laws - but sex laws. The different sexuality is the secret of the Jewish people's survival, the one that prevented assimilation through intermarriage for two thousand years. There are two sex cultures here that created parallel types of masculinity and femininity
The Sin of Hebrew Literature
Kafka is guilty of the Holocaust. Therefore it's necessary to correct nightmare literature with dream literature
Men Prefer Bitches
From now on every man from age zero wears special augmented reality glasses that hide all women on the street in black. It's simply a brilliant patent for guarding the eyes, so a person won't be able to know at all what a woman looks like until the wedding, so he won't even be able to dream about her
Disputed Land
And husband and wife argue: And you told me we were wrong to sell the apartment! And she curses: Blockhead, now there will be crazy price increases! And a man complains: What bad luck I have in life, right in the middle of sex. And the other cries to him: You know what hurts me the most? That now the Arabs will be happy
When the Parasite Meets the Host
The problem is that you don't study Talmud and therefore didn't understand that you need to deceive the state. Where is your crooked, Jewish thinking?
The Tree of Life
Ariel Sharon's dream. Special for Tu BiShvat [Jewish holiday celebrating trees]
A play. Black Circle's final work. "Linguistically brilliant, ideologically fascinating and elegantly navigating between nonsense and mysticism" (-Prof. Shimon Levy)
Exclusive Interview with Black Circle
The most subversive interview in Hebrew literature. Black Circle opens his mouth about the entire world
The Demons section of The Book of Darkness - in a new and tendentious edition
Judonazi: I Dreamed I Was Hitler
A dream by Black Circle on YouTube
The Degeneration of the Nation