The Degeneration of the Nation
How I Became a Bibi Admirer
Please, Lord, my God and God of my fathers, open Facebook for us at the time of Facebook's closing, for how will I know now what people think about Bibi? Save us, how will they now be able to read the dreams that have all disappeared within Facebook's innards? Please do not hide Your ear, why close the only communication channel with the world, especially for me?
By: Making a Safe Dream
Supersymmetry - The opposite of Bibi is also Bibi, and therefore there is no opposition (Source)
I dreamed that Facebook closed my Facebook account and I was left outside, with no one to talk to. And I fled from the computer to the synagogue, opened the prayer book, and prayed to God to bring back my Facebook: Please, Lord, my God and God of my fathers, open Facebook for us at the time of Facebook's closing, for how will I know now what people think about Bibi? Save us, how will they now be able to read the dreams that have all disappeared within Facebook's innards? Please do not hide Your ear, why close the only communication channel with the world, especially for me? But God, who was already tired of all the pleas and prayers about Facebook, directs the worshippers straight to the Facebook angel - an angel responsible only for Facebook.

And the weary angel says: You too? How can all of you complain that your Facebook was closed - when Facebook is forbidden altogether. It's like someone complaining that their pork got burned while frying. And I plead: But it's a matter of life and death! My soul is buried inside Facebook, which suddenly collapsed on it. First, we must inspect the stones, then inspect what's inside. Why me of all people? And the angel mimics me: Why me of all people? What about my soul? Even the angel responsible for complaints about Bibi doesn't suffer like this. And I'm surprised: They appointed a special angel just for Bibi? And he snorts: You'd be surprised! And I say: Everyone is only interested in Bibi all day, even though in a hundred years no one will remember who he was. And no one is interested in me, even though maybe in a hundred years they'll remember me instead. And then there will be a footnote to explain who Bibi was, and maybe also what Facebook was. How did Bibi-consciousness take over the world, and only I don't understand what's interesting about it? And in the face of the Facebook angel, a spark of hope ignites: So you actually want me to refer you to the Bibi angel? And I say: You know what, go ahead. And he smiles a wide smile, and gives me a referral with his motto at the bottom: Facebook Angel - Peniel, for I have seen God face to face, and my life was spared (Genesis 32). And at the top of the referral it says: Nathaniel - Netanyahu's angel, the angel who gives you more.

And Bibi's angel beams with happiness: It's because you're not annoying enough! The leftists are Bibi's best partners. If they didn't pay attention to him, he would disappear - exactly as Zen teaching instructs - but as Jews, nothing is further from them than Zen consciousness. The entire existence of Bibi-consciousness is because they participate in it, and this consciousness is actually the only thing they have in common with the right, and therefore Bibi is the cornerstone. It's impossible without him. And I ask: But I thought that the most annoying person is the least popular? And he says: That's a common mistake. What's important in contemporary democracy, or on Facebook, or in the current era in general, is not who is most loved, but who gets the most attention. In network communication, what matters is not who gets the most likes (mistake!) but who creates the most discourse, who's the most viral. This is an insight you haven't internalized, which is the essence of your era: on the network, it's not the vertices that determine - but the connections. And what creates more discourse and spreads to others than annoyance? You need to be a Hasidic saint or a Zen monk not to get annoyed when someone yells at you, for a conflict one side is enough. And since Bibi is the most annoying person in the country, he's the prime minister. Same thing in the USA. Even those who love Bibi do so to annoy the leftists. Or the gentiles. Or their mother-in-law. In fact, he even annoys his wife, and that's why she loves him so much. There are also literary figures who caught on to this trick, like Houellebecq and Balak son of Zippor [Translator's note: Reference to Israeli author Yishai Sarid]. You need to be the most annoying, and then people will pay attention to you, and then they'll read you on Facebook.

And I'm surprised: I'm not annoying enough? I tried to annoy as much as I could, like Balak son of Zippor wanted. And the angel smiles, pleased with himself up to the heavens: You need to work on your inner core, to identify with Bibi. You must feel that someone has wronged you - for example, Facebook! For example, Balak son of Zippor! For example, "Haaretz" [Translator's note: Israeli newspaper]! For example, the literary world or the leftist elite! - and live the insult and defiance. You can't be annoying as a joke. To truly annoy - you need to annoy seriously. What Balak son of Zippor forgot, you haven't learned yet. The need to annoy is not his limitation - it's your limitation. Because the urge to annoy and be annoyed is deeply psychological, a spiritual need of the Jewish soul ever since we annoyed God in the desert and the gentiles in exile (for exactly the same reason!), while the desire to laugh is shallow and intellectual. And since Jews love annoyance and nerves - the one who divides them the most is the true center. Around him they revolve. If you just manage to annoy enough and adopt toxic circularity - the black circle will become the black hole around which the world revolves, along with the entire galaxy. And then I'll be your guardian angel.

And I ask: But who will be annoyed by me? Annoyingness only strengthens the strong, and allows only the well-known annoyers to continue accumulating annoyance capital, and impoverish everyone else of any attention. I'm so obscure that even if I'm annoying, there's nothing to be annoyed about. And the angel flaps his wings with excitement and circles around my soul: This is the classic circular problem of the annoyer and the chicken, which is no longer relevant today when people get annoyed by people they don't even know. The social network has created a new era in annoyer-annoyed relations, of disconnecting the annoyer from the annoyed, and therefore nerves spread to enormous interpersonal distances, on a national scale, even international. The more people got annoyed on Facebook - the more it just grew and strengthened and became a global empire of negative emotion and circle exclusion. Putin - annoying. Trump - annoying. Whoever isn't annoying enough - is ousted. Why did Assad survive and Mubarak fall? Because Assad is annoying and Mubarak isn't (just look at their faces). Negative emotion is five times stronger than positive emotion in creating arousal and memory, so for every negative experience in a relationship, you need five positive ones to fix it, it's been proven in research. Therefore, if you annoy the reader, you'll succeed five times more than if you make them laugh. People only think they like to laugh - what they really like is to be annoyed. Otherwise, satire would be at the top of the news pages, while the news would be on the back page. Search deep within yourself: what's annoying about you? What's really, really annoying about you?

And I ask: But isn't laughing at people annoying to them? And the angel laughs: Laughter does exactly the opposite of annoying, it reconciles and destroys people's nerves that they've accumulated with great effort. If you ridicule Bibi-consciousness, the center of being - it's clear that you're the least popular writer on all of Facebook. Bibi is the tribal bonfire, both from the right and the left - and you're peeing on the fire. Are you surprised they threw you out of the newspaper? People love the newspaper because it annoys them. That's why they're addicted to news, that's why they love terrorist attacks, Arabs, and burning issues, that's why they love real positions - because they're more annoying. The Jewish people survived two thousand years of exile only because it was the most annoying people in the world. The Palestinian conflict is an asset for Israel, it's what makes it a superpower, because it annoys the whole world. Otherwise, who would even hear about it. Russia too only returned to being a superpower because it learned to annoy the world again. And now the USA itself is trying the same trick to return to its greatness. And Iran? Same story of course. But you here are unable to learn from one of the most annoying people in the world, which is a rare privilege that has fallen to your lot to live under him. No, no, you disappoint me very much, you're still so far, you've severely neglected the Bibi within you, the one who could have arranged success for you. Almost every Israeli is closer than you to Bibi's great spirit, which sweeps them within it. Something that secular people, who don't believe in the spiritual world and angels, think can be reduced to Machiavellian manipulations and media advisors, and therefore fail every time. In spirit, you fight only with spirit, and the very word manipulation shows how much they don't understand the difference between power and spirit. Because a spirit with its own angel, like me, who distills it into an idea and gives it wings, will defeat any opposing force. It's not a technical matter, as they think of Bibi as a magician technician, instead of as the embodiment of a spiritual - and annoying - idea. Therefore, no advisor, not even an angel, will help you, as long as you don't change from within, and connect to Bibi's soul, and not as a joke, or in a manipulative way. After all, every Israeli has their inner Bibi, without which the external Bibi would evaporate like a dream. And how much can you already annoy when it's just a dream?