The Degeneration of the Nation
The Future of Black Judaism
During that period, the entire Earth dries up, and there's no mikveh [ritual bath], because rain stops falling, and the Jews become extinct. And even when they're provided with a thin pipe to stream water from space to the skies, they say it's vessels, drawn water [which is invalid for ritual purification]. And women travel to distant stars to immerse, but don't manage to return in time. Because the distances between women and men are astronomical. And all life is slow and limited to the speed of light, because space is already a different kind of exile, much darker and deeper
By: Blood Redemption
The Empty Space - and my heart is hollow within me (Source)
I dreamed that I murdered my wife, murdered her by mistake, unintentionally, without meaning to. And I flee from the blood redeemer [avenger] all over the world, to a distant city of refuge - to a Jewish community in space. Because redemption is for blood spilled on the earth. And even the Jews already know not to put all their eggs in one basket, with all the holocausts and extinctions and unintentional murders and Jewish blood spilled like water. And that star rotates s-l-o-w-l-y, and they pray the morning prayer once like in our seven weeks, and Sabbath only happens once a year and lasts almost two months, and people celebrate only one New Year in their entire lives, and one Passover, etc., and once every seven generations there's a generation of Shmita [sabbatical year], when they don't work or water the land, and almost everyone dies.

And during that period, the entire Earth dries up, and there's no mikveh, because rain stops falling, and the Jews become extinct. And even when they're provided with a thin pipe to stream water from space to the skies, they say it's vessels, drawn water. And women travel to distant stars to immerse, but don't manage to return in time. Because the distances between women and men are astronomical. And all life is slow and limited to the speed of light, because space is already a different kind of exile, much darker and deeper. Not just the exile of the Shekhinah [divine presence], but its actual disappearance. Because if the breaking of the vessels of destruction led to exile outside the land, after the Holocaust, exile outside the solar system gradually began. The sparks scattered into infinite darkness, and continue only to move further and further away at the speed of light into the black space.

But everyone still thinks that the best young men are found on Earth, the best yeshivas, the very best matches. That's where Judaism began, after all, that's the source of the spring. It's the last connection to the ancient culture, even when the future is already light-years away from it. That's where our original heart is. And the eldest daughter wakes up at night and gets into our bed, because here my wife is beside me in space, and nothing has changed. It was just a mistake, a complete mistake. Without any intention. And the daughter cries, she thinks her fiancé sent her an email on Sabbath from Earth, because how could the light have reached through the darkness, and she's just waiting and he's actually been secular for a long time and didn't tell her.

And she asks: Look at the time of the email, isn't it a time when it's Sabbath on Earth? And what should I tell the daughter. Email? You haven't met for years. Why are you even waiting for him? He ran away from you long ago not just to another continent, not just to another planet, but to another world. What does secular even mean in space? When we were in the land and God was in the heavens, it was still close (relatively), it was still possible to hear him (barely), and there was even a chance, unlike God in space. And that's precisely why he became blacker and more ultra-Orthodox than ever. Because if once he was hiding deep within matter, and there was still a chance for redemption in the world, now he's already hiding in the absolute void. And who knows if the young man sent the email by mistake, without intention, without any desire to hurt, and broke her heart. But he sent her the email years ago, and it's only arrived now, so what's the point of even crying.

Because even when love dies, it's limited to the speed of light. And according to the theory of relativity, years can pass until the death of a love on Earth reaches space, and all that time the love in space is still alive. After all, the whole idea of light-years is that in the truly distant darkness - years become distances, years of darkness. And I myself no longer believe how far I've drifted from my previous life into the dream. How far the speed of darkness can carry you, because I'm already years of darkness away from who I was, once, on Earth, with a wife and daughter, and a Sabbath table, and living waters, and long emails, who remembers. And my wife is sad all the time, and won't say why. And I ask what did I do to you? And she just says: You don't love me. Maybe you loved me once, I don't know. And it's not clear if you ever loved. And I ask but what did I do to you? And she just says: You didn't do anything. And one night, after many years, my wife opens her heart to me, and I see a knife inside it.
Night Life