The Degeneration of the Nation
When a person is brought to judgment
Will they not remember this? Will they not remember all of this after me? Do I have no place in the World to Come?
By: The One Awaiting Salvation
Personal security / Peace of mind / Only God can! / True peace / Free economy / Only God can! (Source)
I dreamed that I had a night kick (is that the word?) that the world forgot about black circle. And that after his death, he had no resurrection, and his memory was erased from the face of the earth until the end of all generations. After all, there were so many other things, and he had no memory agents, no successors, no disciples. And the future did not know him, they forgot him completely, forever, black circle was no more, and they never remembered him or rediscovered him (it's unclear why this suddenly terrifies me, after all, it's such a reasonable thing, so probable and self-evident. I know this!). And the world in this vision, so much truer than my own life, seemed like a primordial chaos in a uniform color of darkness upon the deep, forever and ever. And I remember the dream and think about what a dream, not even a particularly bad dream, a dream really below average, and it suddenly seems to me from within sleep so much deeper and touching the heart of things and the soul of the world than other things - and I wake up in panic in the middle of the night. Will they not remember this? Will they not remember all of this after me? Do I have no place in the World to Come?

And I get up with the last of my strength, I don't know how I have such strength in the middle of the night, from the bed, and stagger to the refrigerator to drink water. And I write these things. Out of some mechanical habit. To leave a memory for what has no memory. For a dream.

And my wife wakes up from the light in the middle of the night, from the light of the computer in bed beside her in the absolute darkness, and asks if the Messiah has already arrived. And the very thought that the light from the screen is the Messiah stuns me. Yes, I too depend on the Messiah. I too still depend on redemption. It doesn't even matter if people write great, enormous things. We all depend on God. Only God will decide. You can write the most original thing of your generation, and still, at the gates of Eden, they will ask you one question: Did you anticipate salvation?

And I anticipated.