The Degeneration of the Nation
The Final Moral Solution
The movement calling for leaving the humanities faculties and changing biology itself, which is the source of injustice, through social genetic engineering, has grown and intensified. After all, both sexes suffer constantly, and worse - they wrong each other constantly, in countless ways that the cultural industry has made clear even to the most idiotic right-wing voter
By: Serial Harasser
A world without sin. The Garden of Earthly Delights - Bosch (Source)
I dreamed that the trend taking over the secular intelligentsia claims that sex itself is the problem. Because if since the dawn of humanity we have not managed to solve the problem of discrimination between blacks and whites - which caused immorality and always infected everyone with either suffering or injustice - then this is a structural problem. Therefore, the only real solution is to abolish the structure itself, an issue that has long since become a broad consensus. Indeed, attempts to abolish the perceptual-ideational structure with various claims that color is only in the eye of the beholder, and that black is actually white and/or vice versa (if you look in the dark and/or if you close your eyes), did not stand the test of social reality, because it's still difficult to ignore what one sees. Therefore, the movement that called for leaving the humanities faculties and changing biology itself, which is the source of injustice, through social genetic engineering, grew and intensified. And instead of a black person and a white person, to create one person - a gray person.

And after it became clear that even distinguished analytical philosophers who reached old age sexually harassed young female students, and no way out of the sexual predicament was found, it was similarly understood that the source of injustice is sex itself - the division into men and women - and that if we don't change this, we will never succeed in uprooting sexual immorality from society, which undermines every human word, thought and action, and morally desecrates them from within. Therefore, engineering was enlisted to make peace in the battle of the sexes, by creating a unified sex.

After all, both sexes suffer constantly, and worse - they wrong each other constantly, in countless ways that the cultural industry has made clear even to the most idiotic right-wing voter, and all relationships fail in the long run in truth, as scientifically proven, with the lengthening of life expectancy. The very fact that a man cannot enjoy sex like a woman is an injustice in every male birth, and the very fact that a girl will grow up to a life of objectification is an injustice in every female birth. Large breasts - one type of suffering. Small breasts - another type of suffering. And the very word breasts - an injustice. Therefore, having children is an immoral act, unless it involves giving birth to an offspring without sex, which includes both the man and the woman, in rebellion against cruel biology.

"Rebellion against biology" became the battle cry of the humanities faculties, and quickly penetrated politics as well, under a simpler slogan: "Down with discrimination". After all, Amendment No. so-and-so to the Constitution, or perhaps the Constitution itself actually, states that all human beings are born equal, and therefore there is a constitutional right for a person to be born neither male nor female. And here comes the day when we can realize the value of equality, because culture is superior to nature, which is evil and heartless and above all - lacking morality. So why not take morality into our own hands?

Here at last we will abolish the primordial injustice done by God in the creation of man, by taking the woman out of man's side, and naming her after the man. And so we can return the woman into man, into the rib. For this shall be called human - androgynous. And the final moral solution, the last intellectual result of veganism and environmental movements and the endless tangle of exploitation, is the abolition of the injustice of taking man out of the earth [Translator's note: In Hebrew, "adam" (man) and "adamah" (earth) share the same root].