The Degeneration of the Nation
The Four Species
Historians do not understand Nazism. These were not race laws - but sex laws. The different sexuality is the secret of the Jewish people's survival, the one that prevented assimilation through intermarriage for two thousand years. There are two sex cultures here that created parallel types of masculinity and femininity
By: Bad Black Shoe
The obsession with the etrog's [citron fruit] nipple (Source)
I dreamed that I was finally sleeping in the sukkah [temporary hut for the Sukkot holiday], without my wife's snoring, and could chat with the secular female friend before sleep. Although she already has another boyfriend, and she was actually the one who didn't want to, she keeps writing to me that it drives her crazy why he - her ex - is with her - his new one. Fifteen years older than him. Please, can you explain to me what he's doing with her?

- Because she's a queen.

- He has a thousand girls who would die to be with him. I see them sucking up to him on Facebook, and considering that they all know what he's got down there, it's really embarrassing. And she's an ugly fat woman and he's not even ashamed of her. He posts pictures with her holding him with that disgusting nail polish.

- For a queen, it's not necessarily bad that she's ugly, quite the opposite. These are things you won't understand as a woman. Only men can understand this. After all, it works on control. What's more humiliating, a bad black shoe of a young chick or of an ugly mother?

- But he keeps writing to me that he's suffering when she's with her secondary partners, even though he's the primary. He's totally vanilla. And she's a type C lawyer: Divorced with three.

- Well, that's great, a bad lawyer. Can't you understand that? You also don't know what the contract between them is. And what it does to him to see her with the secondaries. Women can't understand. Little girls might be in love with their fathers but don't suckle from them, so it's less infantile. You can't understand what breasts are. Even of a fat woman. Sometimes the most obvious things are also the most embarrassing. Like those two protrusions in front. That even ultra-Orthodox women can't hide. And then you see a huge and skinny Torah scholar and next to him a giant woman, overflowing in an inhuman way, each one the size of my head, and you immediately understand. The sexuality of the Jewish man is completely different from that of the Gentile. With us, women rule. Have you ever read the stories of the Patriarchs and wondered what kind of sexuality was there?

- Patriarchal?

- Come on, don't believe the brainwashing. Read with open eyes. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah spun them around like marionettes. You see it in the basic myth about the woman who got excited by the snake and wrapped Adam around her little finger. Do you know how many ultra-Orthodox couples engage in power dynamics without ever having heard of BDSM? And if the balabusta [Yiddish: housewife] is the main breadwinner - then all the more so. The most obvious things are the most hidden, and vice versa. Have you ever seen a synagogue full of men enthusiastically shaking their lulav [palm branch used in Sukkot ritual] with two clumps of leaves dangling on both sides? It's embarrassing how obvious it is, until no one sees it. But if you've thought about it once, you can never forget it. And the obsession with the etrog's nipple. What, don't you see what's really happening there?

Go through them one by one and you'll see that throughout the Bible there's a consistent pattern in gender relations: the woman wraps the man around her finger and although he has the formal authority - she's the one who controls and leads. This is Jewish sexuality - from Esther, Ruth, Rahab, Bathsheba, Delilah, Zipporah, Jezebel, Tamar, Hannah, etc. - to Woody Allen and Hanoch Levin. It's not a deviation, it's the norm. And this is exactly the reason for antisemitism throughout history. That's why historians don't understand Nazism. These weren't race laws - but sex laws. What caused the Holocaust is that the shikses [Yiddish: non-Jewish women] actually preferred Jewish men and vice versa, and this threatened the sexuality of the Germans. As long as the Jews just embodied a sexuality different from that of the Gentiles, they were just persecuted and humiliated and degraded, like they do to homosexuals. The entire race theory is just a secondary derivative of sex. The entire Nazi ideology is just an exaltation of extreme and militaristic German sexuality and the degradation of Jewish sexuality. And even on the Jewish side, the separation from the Gentiles stemmed from the anxiety that they would take the girls.

The different sexuality is the secret of the Jewish people's survival, the one that prevented assimilation through intermarriage for two thousand years. There are two sex cultures here that created parallel types of masculinity and femininity. The secular think that sexuality is external attraction, so their four species (mathematically it's always 2x2) are: straight man, straight woman, gay man, and lesbian. But when you understand that sexuality is internal attraction, then the four species are the four ideal types of femininity and masculinity: Gentile - strong and crude masculinity, Gentile woman - weak and delicate femininity, Jew - weak man, and Jewish woman - strong woman. The Gentile is the phallic lulav, and the Gentile woman is the fragile etrog that needs to be wrapped. And the Jewish woman is the proud myrtle, Hadassah in the Torah is Queen Esther, and the Jewish man is the pathetic willow, which is even beaten on Hoshana Rabbah [last day of Sukkot] in order to break the gevurot - the masculinity. That's why your ex, the macho man, is attracted specifically to a strong, dominant woman, a queen - it's the spark that always remains in the heart of every Jew. From the Chazon Ish [prominent rabbi] to the Prime Minister.