The Degeneration of the Nation
Public consciousness has become a dream! A truly endless and infinite collection of dramatic affairs, changing without connection, one after another, except for being associative variants of what truly troubles the collective subconscious. And so consciousness changes at a high frequency, over years, and accumulates to nothing, except for a vague sense of distress, anxiety, helplessness. And that's my role as the psychologist of humanity to treat it. To bring it back to reality. And that's precisely by exposing the dream contents as a dream, he says with professional pride
By: Countertransference
Even God has fallen victim to the therapeutic brainwashing. He no longer judges you - he understands you (Source)
I dreamed that God got tired of judging the world. Because it really became excessive, and this world doesn't need a judge but a psychologist. There's already a serious problem judging minors, and He no longer has patience for nonsense, at His age. So He goes to sleep in the heavens, to dream in the upper worlds - like a serious person - and appoints an angel psychologist to deal with the whole pile of mental issues. God deals with souls, and it's really too much to expect Him to provide mental health care too, and what's the point of sitting on the throne of glory - if next to you on the couch lies a narcissist, complaining about who did what to me and who said what about me.

And the angel Psycho-El, the world's psychologist, comes to me at night in a dream, to treat my reality. Because I am a dream without reality, and we need to start connecting them until people mature and become realistic, and if I have no love and no work - then I'm not okay and need treatment (Freud said). And he sits by the bed, and I lie on the bed, and he immediately starts complaining about the tough night he had at work, and about the boss: God doesn't understand anything about psychology!
And I try to soften: I understand you're very critical of God. But He wrote the Bible, didn't He? Surely He understands a bit about the human psyche.
And the psychologist attacks: Have you read the Bible? Do you know why it's such a successful book? Because there's no psychology in it! A good writer needs to understand psychology, but a genius writer becomes one precisely because he doesn't understand anything. And God doesn't understand anything about humans. Absolutely nothing. That's why His creation is superhuman. Because He doesn't have a drop of consideration for psychology in His commandments. And then they send me to mediate between Him and reality. Do you understand?
And I say like a psychologist: I understand.
And the psychologist is agitated: You understand? He doesn't understand that it's a systemic problem! And then they send the angel Psycho-El to treat individuals. What good will that do? Can you treat all of humanity one by one? I need to be the psychologist of the entire world, and the whole world should lie down and I'll do psychoanalysis and talk therapy. And what does the world say?
And I ask him with psychological empathy: What does the world say?
And he charges: Haven't you opened the news? Don't you hear?
And I'm startled in my sleep: What don't I hear? Did I miss something, did something happen?
And he says with a victorious expression: That's exactly it, nothing happened. Public consciousness has become a dream! A truly endless and infinite collection of dramatic affairs, changing without connection, one after another, except for being associative variants of what truly troubles the collective subconscious. And what they have in common is that they all deal with individuals, meaning characters, and in all of them the plot is melodrama, and the result is a balloon opera of soap sensations that continues to the perverse contents of the id (sex and violence), which once were pushed to the back pages and margins of consciousness - and today they are the headlines. He said this and that one did that, and this was done to her here and there. And so consciousness changes at a high frequency, over years, and accumulates to nothing, except for a vague sense of distress, anxiety, helplessness. And that's my role as the psychologist of humanity to treat it. To bring it back to reality. And that's precisely by exposing the dream contents as a dream, he says with professional pride.
And I ask: I understand. So can you interpret this dream for me?
- No, no, no, you didn't understand. You're not important. That's exactly it - you're not important, and your personal dream is entirely your private matter, contrary to what you think is of interest to the public and troubles the world, and thus dismantles reality, instead of dealing with the world's dream. It's precisely the obsessive focus around the individual that creates mass psychosis, and pulls the world map to the right until it falls off the table. As long as your dreams deal with yourself and not with the world - you're collaborating with the neuroses. With Trump and Bibi!
- Bibi? What's Bibi doing in my dream?

And he explains to me the psychological logic of the current world: As long as the media deals with individuals - the right will always win. Because the right is exactly this perspective - of the individual. The freedom of the individual, the responsibility of the individual, the crime of the individual, the terror of the individual, the ownership of the individual, everything is privatized. Whereas the left is the systemic perspective, for example society. Or the international system. Or the community. Or a group within society. Ideas like equality and fair distribution are only a derivative, a very simplistic one by the way, of a systemic view. And that's why the whole world is moving to the right, because public consciousness no longer sees the world systemically, unlike in the past, when the systemic idea of the conflict, for example, was the main thing, or of the economy (the Cold War!) or even of world wars, after all, modernism was Kafkaesque helplessness in the face of the system - while today the view is of individuals. And then the left is dragged into the right's field, and turns people into stereotypes, which is a first-degree literary mistake: the homosexual, the woman, the black, the Arab at the checkpoint. Because that's the only field that exists today: the individual. And there the right always wins. Because even if the left wins, in this or that struggle, for example on sexuality, it's actually the individual who defeats society. And systemic matters become unconscious, the tectonic plates move with enormous forces unseen beneath the world, while everyone is busy with what a pin-sized lady said to Mr. Thumbtack on the giant board. And they don't notice that the board itself, beneath the game, has long been gone, and this is the new subconscious. The subconscious and reality have switched roles! Today reality is the unconscious, and the world lives in a dream.
- I understand.
- After all, on the moral level, the right and left are equally correct at the individual level. Because it's really impossible to judge a character morally. Immediately the writer will bring you more depth, and suddenly the judgment is reversed, and here's more depth, and again the judgment is reversed, because judgment belongs to God. After all, the secret will always be revealed that what you thought is not what you thought, and morality will slip away from the left and right like from a pair of slippery octopus hands that get tangled up between themselves - which doesn't stop them from reaching out decisively each time anew to intimate places and sexually harassing reality. But this is exactly the acquired moral failure. Because the great Kantian secular mistake was to think that morality is at the individual level, and to oppose collective morality. After all, the Holy One, Blessed be He, never commanded each person as an autonomous subject, like secular law, but He commanded the people, the system, and that's what He punishes and to whom He promises. His relationship is with the people. True, if there's a subject who deviates from the people, then maybe (maybe!) he receives a different judgment. But today everyone thinks they're a subject who deviates from the people. One man will sin and You'll be angry with the whole congregation is the rule, and the exception is that if this man deviated from the rule then maybe they'll have mercy on the rule. Judah has sinned - not "the Jews have sinned". The idea of individual morality is an idea that leads to endless contradictions, after all, poor Arab who murdered. On the other hand, in collective morality, we don't care at all about the Arab's grandmother, but about the Palestinian national movement versus the Jewish national movement. And there we see the Palestinian failure to connect dream and reality, compared to the realistic Jewish dreaming - and therefore the danger if the Jews also lose the connection between dream and reality, instead of the opposite happening, and the Arabs learning how to dream. Therefore, from today I want to see a change in you - from disconnected personal dreaming to connected global dreaming.
- Haven't I done that already? Haven't I already tried to connect to the world's dream? And what came of it for me? And what came of it for the world? If I remain alone anyway, what good does it do, all the whole world I wrote, I created, I dreamed? Isn't it better that I dream my own dream, if the world doesn't understand anyway?
And he says to me with psychological, angelic, divine empathy: I understand.
Night Life