The Degeneration of the Nation
The Mistress and Death
Why, scientifically speaking, do less intelligent and more primitive people have more children? I mean, isn't this somewhat dangerous for the theory of evolution? Or at least for political theory and democracy? Isn't this supposed to rapidly increase stupidity in the population and return us towards the ape? And all this because they couldn't find where to progress after humans
By: Extracorporeal Fertilization
The Maiden and the Biological Clock - The Cat as a Modern Version of the Angel of Death Attacking Single Women (Source)
I dreamed I was a cat - and I want a kitten child from my mistress. Because why do all the others, even people who don't really raise the average in the population, have children like themselves, and only I don't have a child like me? Wouldn't it be nice to walk with a kitten on the street, so that all the others could envy that they have a mediocre and normal child - even reasonable - while I, on the other hand, have a feline child? A child with clean fur who knows how to meow, while their children scream and make a mess. And when these human animals - influenced by Freudian drive theory - constantly wail that awful word: "I want", he looks at me with a sincere and sad gaze and says: "Meow". After all, how is it that barbarians always multiply - and culture always goes extinct? Why, scientifically speaking, do less intelligent and more primitive people have more children? I mean, isn't this somewhat dangerous for the theory of evolution? Or at least for political theory and democracy? Isn't this supposed to rapidly increase stupidity in the population and return us towards the ape? And all this because they couldn't find where to progress after humans. After all, all of culture claims that humans are a dead end - and therefore now we can only reverse backwards. So it's time to move forward, open our minds and evolve from Homo sapiens - to Homo cattus.

And anyway, I think to myself in bed, who wants a human child these days? What people really want is a cat child. Freudian theory has completely corrupted the soul of the human child and turned it into an unbearable creature, with a false consciousness of a screaming consumer. Because the capitalism of childhood is modern psychology, where the parent is the emotional service provider to the small customer who is always right. The polite "please" turned into the friendly "if you don't mind" which turned into the neutral "I want" which turned into the frightening "I feel like" which turned into the disgusting "I deserve" which turned into the revolting "it's my right", and in the end we find ourselves with rights discourse. How far is this from one small meow. Many times I've wanted to smack someone else's child, and this has never happened to me with a kitten. Therefore, for the future of the human race - it's precisely a mixed couple like us who should reproduce, to create a new species.

And I go to the mistress and meow to her: I want a child! And she bends down: Are you lonely? And I rub against her: No, on the contrary, I want one with you. Let's make a child together. And the mistress says: You can't make a child of a mistress and a cat. It's against nature. And I immediately scold her: Haven't you heard that love today can't be against nature? And she quickly apologizes: I mean, I didn't mean it's not natural, everything possible is natural, but it's not possible, is it? I mean, I'm sorry, it's legitimate for us to be a couple and celebrate our love, and be a proud cat and mistress in their inclination, because that's how we were born - cat and mistress! And everyone needs to accept that. But, what exactly do you want, a child with a human body and a cat's head? A cat's body and a human head? Although our love is the most beautiful thing in the world - our child would be a monster. I mean, don't be offended, it's not that I don't want a monster child, and am not capable of loving a monster, but the world will be cruel to it. It's not me, I'm enlightened, especially in bed, it's them - the darkness around the bed. And I start to wail that she doesn't really love me like she would love a real man - until she gives in. And we agree to go to the fertility doctor.

And at the doctor's we wait, everyone raises eyebrows at the cat in the hospital, and meanwhile all the women tell my mistress their terrible stories: I've been trying for five years, and then finally I conceived, and now I miscarried in the fifth month. I don't have the strength to try again, but I know this time it will succeed. Or: I remembered I want a child at age 44 and I know now it will come and the soul that needs to enter it is descending. But they no longer fund my treatments so I sold my car for a child. Or: I know that because of my huge Jewish nose it will be impossible for me to get a man, so I prayed until I received sperm from a handsome German who is also a fruit juice enthusiast like me, and it took me a long time until I found a donor who lost his nose, in a shaker accident, so that in the next generation the average will be marriageable. And the mistress says: I fell in love with a cat, and I don't know how to realize our love so that it bears fruit, and all the women look at her in horror. And I'm embarrassed, and say to her from my basket: Let's leave here.

And I tell her at night in bed: I think that at my advanced feline age, although I'm younger than you, I'll die in the coming years, and I already understand that I won't have a continuation. On the other hand, I've never left the house, and therefore I have eight superfluous souls. So even if I won't have a biological continuation, I can still have a spiritual continuation, if I manage to penetrate the hearts of the apes' children. If I manage to create a feline head in them, in a human brain. If I manage to convey the principles of feline thought, that will work on ape hardware. Then I still have a chance for a cat running in a human's mind. And since in future generations the intellectuals foresee people without souls - there's a chance that the spirit will carry one of the cat's many souls and it will find a human wick to continue burning. Some person who will read all the cat's writings, and understand what a universe was here, how much the cat was not like a human - but like a world. Yes, now I understand, my problem isn't a child - but an heir. Someone I can pass the tail torch to. The legacy of the great fur. Someone who will continue the dream after me. For in his death he commanded us the meow. And the mistress says: Next time I'm bringing a man.