The Degeneration of the Nation
The American Dream
The American empire has finally reached the most mature and supreme stage in the power of an empire – the Caligula stage, where you can put completely loony emperors in place, and the imperial mechanism is so strong that it doesn't matter who the emperor is; on the contrary, a mad emperor doubles Rome's power
By: An Idiot with a Nuclear Weapon
Ivan the Terrible must kill his son, the heir apparent, in a fit of madness (Source)
I dreamed that I met an American Jew and he said to me: You have no idea how crazy they're going over there about this thing. About Trump. Day and night they're in a frenzy. Like the left in Israel during Netanyahu's first government. And in the end he fell then, and look what came of it in the end. If Trump wins again – I'm leaving the U.S. and returning to Israel.

And I ask: Why, how does it affect your personal life? Don't succumb to the brainwashing. On the contrary, you should be happy. It shows that the American empire has finally reached the most mature and supreme stage in the power of an empire – the Caligula stage, where you can put completely loony emperors in place, and the imperial mechanism is so strong that it doesn't matter who the emperor is; on the contrary, a mad emperor doubles Rome's power. Because international relations are characterized by almost mechanical rationality, the forces and pressures are enormous and crush any individual, therefore rational leaders have almost no influence on history and their policy is a weighted product of circumstances. If you put someone who just pretends to be crazy – then it will quickly be revealed that he's not truly mad, but an impostor, so you must have a truly mad one.

It's well known that a crazy state has an advantage in the international arena far beyond its real power, which is why Iran tries to pretend to be a crazy state, because secular people think religious people are insane and Ayatollah sounds like "ayy-yay-yah", and Kim deliberately plays it cuckoo. Because power is force multiplied by the willingness to use it, and deterrence is surprise multiplied by tension. If an empire becomes predictable, it's the end of it, so Ahasuerus must be drunk, and Ivan the Terrible must kill his son, the heir apparent, in a fit of madness, and Herod needs to murder his wife. Even David must sin with Bathsheba. Because when Solomon was too wise – the kingdom fell apart immediately afterwards. Gorbachev was simply too sane to lead the Soviet Union. What's scarier, a genius with a nuclear weapon or an idiot with a nuclear weapon?

On the contrary, the destiny of the American empire is to achieve a peak in world history and be the first empire led by a monkey, to whom both the Democrats will vote when they tire of guilt feelings over slavery and look for a more up-to-date victim in the zoo, and the Republicans who tire of the settling of accounts and calculations and computers' control over humans - and will want a monkey that hits. If the U.S. can afford an edition of Kofiko [Translator's note: a popular Israeli children's book series about a mischievous monkey] in the White House, who bites the advisors and makes decisions using a spinning banana, then there will be an American world peace that will put the Roman peace in its back pocket.

And this will be the decisive advantage of the West over China and Russia – that they are cold and calculated like a computer, while democracy will turn into a surrealistic, instinctive dream that is terrifying to mess with, but it gives a feeling that only very young people have: that everything is possible, that this is the land of unlimited possibilities. And so the U.S. will remain a young promise and not age quickly like other empires. The classical mechanics of international relations of pressures and forces will be replaced by quantum mechanics, thanks to the monkey randomness generator at the heart of democracy, which can hold in superposition a possibility and its opposite, both truth and falsehood, unlike the undemocratic rationality of naked power - what is called (both in literature and in international relations) realism.

The American dream can become reality only if reality itself moves in a dreamlike irrationality, and we are getting closer to that every day. Don't you feel the global transformation towards a reality where every day is Purim [Translator's note: a Jewish holiday known for costumes and revelry]? And let me reveal to you a secret that secular people don't know. According to Kabbalah, King Ahasuerus is the very model of how the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He, leads the world! The King to whom we pray is drunk - and wine is the secret.