The Degeneration of the Nation
The End of Feminism
Until the Bodybookstage - when there was only Facebook - people would present their beautiful faces. But the moment the biological social network began, women who enjoy more revealed this and benefited from enormous demand by the best men. As with everything in late sexo-capitalism, the gaps and inequality widened: there are women who became billionaires of orgasms and those who became completely impoverished
By: The Frigid One
Not even once in my life have I had one like hers - Bernini's eternal orgasm (Source)
I dreamed that women start fighting among themselves. Because the differences between the sexes are nothing compared to the sexual differences among women themselves - which creates unbridgeable worldviews between those who can't enjoy at all, and who envy and hate those who enjoy in an almost inhuman way. And the sisterhood cracks when it's discovered that the differences are biological, and that what few men always knew is true: that there is a superior race of women sexually, and there is an inferior race. And that they are born this way, and don't become this way because of society's injustices, as they preferred to believe so there would be someone to blame - and something to take comfort in. There is simply enormous heterogeneity in everything related to female pleasure.

And the women who enjoy are of course the most sought after, without any relation or proportion at all, compared to those who don't. Because until the Bodybook stage, when there was only Facebook, people would present their beautiful faces. But the moment the biological social network began, the women who enjoy revealed this and benefited from enormous demand by the best men, and those who don't were left behind, victims of charlatan workshops and treatments, and of demands from medicine to find a cure, as if their nature is a disease.

Because like everything in late sexo-capitalism, the gaps and inequality widened and also became clear for all to see. And so also in the sexual realm there are women who became priestesses of desire and queens of pleasure, billionaires of orgasms, whom all men wanted, and there are those who became completely impoverished, left in their loneliness. Because their low sexual capital could no longer be hidden through faking, once the biological indicators for pleasure became objective, and more than that - social - with the final death of privacy on the Bodybook network, which became almost the exclusive dating network. Anyone who started with a girl on the street was immediately asked what he had to hide, and he did have something.

Women with low pleasure capacity experienced shame and social humiliation and were not willing to bring daughters into the world. Because men recognized that anyway they are all more or less equal in their capacity for pleasure, and therefore experienced relief, and it's better to have sons who won't suffer from the problematic and ostracized genetic baggage. Because if once desire was built on external appearance, and therefore the discrimination was between beautiful and ugly, where the gaps between women are relatively small except at the margins, but the curve is normal and the vast majority of women attract the vast majority of men, today desire is built on pleasure itself, where there are exponential gaps between different women, and a very concentrated normal curve among men.

It was always claimed that external measures are superficial, creating injustice and falseness and lies, and they didn't understand what would be the meaning of internal, true measures, of experience and neurology and genetics. Once, it was enough that you had breasts, and today you need to reach orgasm after orgasm. And there are those who are capable of more in one night than others in a lifetime. And the worst thing is that there is no one to blame - not even men.