The Degeneration of the Nation
God Supports Bibi
A disgusting cult of suffering - all this tormented Jesus, oh have mercy on you, you son of a bitch, who thinks he's the son of God. And now I don't even know what's happening to me, because I find myself defending Jesus: but he was a good Jew, wasn't he? Have you read Flusser? And God snores something between contempt and smoke: I despised Jesus, that moralizing nudnik [Translator's note: Yiddish term for a pestering, nagging person], from the beginning
By: Dream Scoop
An interview with the supreme power that keeps Netanyahu united  (Source)
I dreamed that God was getting angry at the secular people. Who even asked you to be secular? And day by day, the skies look more ominous for the poor secular folks. And I try to pray and advocate for them: but didn't you invent disbelief? The secularization movement. So it's your fault they're secular, isn't it? And God gets even more upset, and comes to me in a dream: Secularism - I invented it entirely for Christianity! Christianity is the most foolish, base, and hated religion by me on the entire Earth. If there are religious people that I also despise - it's Christians. And to my surprise, I find myself trying to defend Christians now: They can't be worse than idol worshippers, can they? At least it's monotheism. Sort of. And God heats up quickly: These hypocrites - they're the worst. Even Maimonides ruled that Christians are idolaters unlike Muslims. Judaism and Islam are monotheistic religions - Christianity is polytheism disguised as monotheism. Have you ever seen a statue or painting in a mosque or synagogue? Do you know that Christianity has created more statues and paintings than all the pagan religions combined? And I say: Some would say that's to its credit, that it's art. And God's nose flares with wrath: Art? How many times have I said I don't want an image. A black circle - that's what I want. Like behind the password on a computer. A disgusting cult of suffering, all this tormented Jesus, oh have mercy on you, you son of a bitch. Who thinks he's the son of God.

And now I don't even know what's happening to me, because I find myself defending Jesus: but he was a good Jew, wasn't he? Have you read Flusser? And God snores something between contempt and smoke: I despised Jesus, that moralizing nudnik, from the beginning. And God imitates him in an annoying, whiny voice (really irritating. Amazing that this was his voice): "Turn the other cheek". Is there another religious leader of a different faith that I punished with such a terrible and strange death, or even killed? Moses, Abraham, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jain, etc. - they all reached a ripe old age. But this idiot I couldn't stand, within a year since he started preaching I already crucified him. And these twisted Christians, as revenge, put me myself on the cross! Is there another religion that abused me like this, like these sadistic necrophiliacs? And was there anyone else who was as violent to the Jews as the Christians? The Muslims are righteous compared to them. And who's to blame for all the disgust of the Crusades and religious wars? The Christians started against the Muslims. Christians are the worst, corrupt, homosexuals, pedophiles, the whole church is a sexual crime organization, a mafia of perversions. Do you know what terrible popes there were, murderers, rapists, thieves, what a desecration of God's name they made? No other religion even comes close to that. That's why I had to bring secularism. I didn't do it to any other religion, because I knew how dangerous it was. And now suddenly Muslims and Jews are becoming secular to me too. Isn't that infuriating?

And I ask: So why did the Christians succeed so much? That's what made others respect them. And God says: They didn't succeed! Until I started the roots of secularism, Christians remained primitive and in an extremely unusual way in history even went backwards (the Middle Ages) and didn't leave Europe. But since they left, who still managed to cause the crime against humanity of colonialism was Christianity, it was the spirit behind the enterprise of evil and death. And who continued to drip poison into European blood until it caused the Holocaust, what do you think is the source of anti-Semitism? Christianity. A completely perverted religion, full of dark pagan impulses, they drink my blood and eat my flesh every Sunday, and when Mary gave birth to that bastard and cheated on her husband - they invented that she was a virgin. It's a shame I decided to punish Rome for the destruction with the most ruined religion in the world - because although Rome was punished and destroyed, I've been stuck with Christianity for two thousand years. That's why I invented secularism and the sexual revolution to destroy it finally, and indeed good work is being done and the churches are emptier than ever, but I very much hope that within a hundred-two hundred years Europe will become Muslim. And that the remnants of Christians will become Buddhists. Or any other self-respecting religion. I'm even considering a new technological religion.

And I ask: And isn't it a bit dangerous that the Jews are now fighting with the Muslims? And God explains: Yes, but we must also fight the secular among the Jews. That's why I sent Bibi as a punishment to the secular, to take away their zest for life, and turn the atheists into an extinct tribe, and precisely because he is a secular extinct atheist they won't understand this dimension, and won't develop resistance to me, because Bibi is such a secular nihilist who came to die. Don't you notice how I help him, and how in return he sucks the life out of them? I'm going to make such a terrible secular government here, that if tradition takes over the Jewish people again - they will already accept it with relief. And it will really be much better - with the Muslims too, by the way.

And it slipped out of me: You, Lord God of the spirits of all flesh, whom the heavens and the heaven of heavens cannot contain, support Bibi? And God whispers: Between us, there are two groups that I despise the most among the Jews, because they always make noise and arouse anti-Semitism, especially between two and four, and both of course are closest to Christianity - the extreme left and the extreme right. That's why I'm discouraging and exhausting these two sides, one through the other, with divine frugality and elegance: the punishment of the right is to hear the left, and the punishment of the left is to hear the right, and even God (that is, me!) doesn't know which is worse. And meanwhile I enjoy watching them suffer, like all the idealists who enjoy suffering, as I enjoyed seeing Jesus on the cross. It's simply a close competition who is more moralistic and annoying, because since the crazy card that played for that madman two thousand years ago, Jews really love to think they are Jesus, and everyone thinks a whole world religion will come out of them. And as long as the leftists manage to be even more hypocritical Christians than the rightists, although the rightists are giving a serious fight in the field of virginity and the holy trinity (Land of Israel-People of Israel-and the Spirit of the IDF), then come and I'll reveal to you in secret what's happening behind the curtain. God votes Bibi.