The Degeneration of the Nation
Judaism's Betrayal of Man
If you have marital relations with your wife - then you will rectify the upper worlds - and let her think about her lover. It's not your concern what her fantasies are - as long as you fantasize about the world of emanation
By: The Author
The sin of knowledge in the information age: discovering what the computer is doing with your wife (Source)
I dreamed that my wife was cheating on me with the computer. Suddenly she's taking it with her even to the bathroom, never leaving it alone for a moment, and hiding the password from me. And of course, at first, I don't believe it's about the computer, and I'm sure it's about a man. But then I disconnect the internet and she doesn't even notice. And there's one thing that can't be unfelt, or hidden (despite her attempts) - she has transferred all her love from me to it. And one night, I decide to stage an exit, circle around the house, and enter the bedroom by surprise - and I catch her naked with it in bed.

And I shout I'll break it, and I'm about to throw it out the window, but my wife pounces on me like a wounded lioness, rescuing her beloved. And she says: It's not forbidden. Not according to our marriage and not according to Judaism. I downloaded a lover app under rabbinical supervision! And I look at her hugging it and hiding her breasts from me with it and shout: Let's really go to the rabbinate! After all, if I delete it, it's not murder, according to your Judaism, right? So know this, when you leave the house, I'll turn it upside down until I find where you've hidden it and I'll slaughter it with kosher slaughter - under rabbinical supervision. And she says: Stop being such a drama queen. Download yourself a kosher mistress app. Our love has long been over, so at least let us have love. Do you even know what love is? I haven't been this excited in years. And I shout: What do I care about love! That's not how it works for men. Couldn't you have cheated on me with a real man?

And I go to the rabbinate to make a scene there, and the progressive rabbi - because even in the rabbinate everything is high-tech now - tells me: We're saving countless marriages this way. It's for the children's sake, for the sake of the altar that doesn't shed tears, and also for the sake of your subjective happiness! Yes, extensive studies in behavioral romance have found that a computerized lover increases happiness in relationships - for both partners. Give it a chance. Neurologically, it affects exactly like a real lover, just without the side effects of a real lover. It's a recommended treatment in the health basket - and these are up-to-date findings from brain research. Meta-analyses show that human couple therapy is ineffective - computer-lover is a blessing to humanity.
And I stamp my feet: So what if it's true! Don't you understand that it doesn't matter if it's true? I didn't get married because it's true! In fact, it's probably not true!
And the rabbi looks at me: I don't understand. What's the problem? Do you know how many religious people use the software? They distribute it at the mikveh [ritual bath] with a two-week free trial. Would you prefer they go to the techno-porn industry, like the secular women? Besides, there's no basis in the Torah to forbid relations with a computer, or even with a robot. So what do you want from me, I'm just a halachic authority. I can't change the law to suit you. We operate according to the commandments of the Holy Torah. This isn't a made-to-order program. And I can't forbid something that's allowed - in fact, I'm forbidden to forbid, because that's "bal tosif" [prohibition against adding to the Torah]. If the Holy One, Blessed be He, was against it - He would have forbidden it.
And I cry out: Are you saying that God would have told Moses that it's forbidden to sleep with a computer?
And the rabbi says: Are you suggesting that God didn't know there would be computers? The Torah is a Torah of life - an eternal Torah - your thinking stems from a lack of true faith.

And I realize that nothing will come of the rabbi, because Talmud and software go hand in hand, and I go to the Kabbalist. And I tell him: You must understand! There's something spiritually wrong here, a terrible flaw in the worlds. This wasn't supposed to be. And the Kabbalist looks at me with calf eyes: There's no blemish of the covenant for women. Because they have no seed. And anyway, why do you care about your wife when you have the Shekhinah [divine presence]. What, isn't the Shekhinah a lover we downloaded for ourselves when we got tired of the lawful one? If you have marital relations on Shabbat night with your wife - then you will rectify the upper worlds - and let her think about the lover. It's not your concern what her fantasies are - as long as you fantasize about the world of emanation.

And I leave the Kabbalist and go to the crazy Rebbe, because only he will truly understand. In fact, the whole problem with him is that he'll understand too much. And the Rebbe tells me: To understand, you need to look at the matter from a much, much broader perspective. When the human world is heading towards a collision with the non-human world - then the Torah is heading towards a collision with software. And if the collision of worlds will be a shattering, like the breaking of the vessels - then it's the end of the human world, and therefore the end of the Torah. Therefore, the most important thing to ensure is that the meeting between the worlds will be a union, and the way of Judaism to unite with another world is through the Torah. Therefore, the Torah needs to develop points of contact with the future, which will become connections. And what are these connections? The composition of new books - new connections. And the main thing in these innovations is not what the Torah's attitude towards computers is, like some youth movement guide asking what the Torah's attitude towards Western culture is. But to develop the computers' attitude towards the Torah. That's why your wife is doing something important - that she's uniting with the computer. Not because of her - but because of the computer. Because a computer that develops into a woman's lover is not just artificial intelligence - but an artificial soul. And therefore, the future of the soul is precisely in love relationships between humans and computers. We must develop the field of artificial romance and artificial love, otherwise we'll be left with only artificial intelligence and artificial understanding. Do you understand? Of course you understand. Because that's exactly what hurt you so much. It's so important that it hurts - because only then do you understand. You still love her.