The Degeneration of the Nation
Bibi Go Home
But I already see myself as a pioneer in the connection between the black and the world. The first aliyah [immigration] of cats from the floor of the world to the promised bed, to establish within it a home for the persecuted feline people. And most importantly: to renew the black culture and institutionalize the new relationship between the ultra-Orthodox cat - and the woman. She goes out of the house, brings income, she is the head of the government, and he is the tail of the government, her cat. God advocates female dominance - and natural relationships between a mistress and her cat. The courage to be normal
By: Sarah Knows How to Play It
I have dwelt in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Source)
I dreamed I was a black cat that never leaves the house. And the mistress says to me: Why do you never go out the door? Don't you want to see the world? Meet friends? And I burrow into the sofa: I have no friends.
- Maybe that's why? Don't you want to go to the sea? You live so close to the sea and have never seen it.
- Have you ever seen a cat at the sea? The world doesn't recognize my existence. And I don't recognize its existence.
- If you had a connection with the world, maybe you would have had readers long ago?
- Maybe they would have had a connection with another creature, awake, not with a cat dreaming in bed. Not with me.

And the more my mistress pesters me, the more I turn the practice into ideology. When she buys me a leash, so I won't be afraid of getting lost, I'm shocked: What, what you really want is a dog? And she's startled: Heaven forbid, it just suits you so well for a collar. And I sulk: I'm happy to wear the collar you bought me, because it shows I belong to you, and it reassures me that I have an owner and a home, that I'm not a street cat. But a leash? A leash is a control accessory. Do you understand the difference between belonging and control? It's taking the most beautiful thing and turning it into something horrifying. Taking me out of the house is returning me to the trauma of a street cat. A leash is an accessory that turns love into hate! And the mistress apologizes terribly.

And now I understand the threat looming from the outside, which is increasingly invading the house and trying by force of cables and wires and rods with intellectual baits and human connections to pull me outside. It doesn't even shy away from using my tail to try to get me out of bed. And I increasingly fortify myself inside it, and only leave it when there's no choice and when no one's looking. And my computer is with me under the blanket and I write the dreams, and try to sleep as much as possible and be awake as little as possible, and never to see daylight. And the mistress already deeply regrets the severe regression she caused to my condition. Until I agreed to stick my nose out from the computer and talk to her outside the dream. But I already see myself as a pioneer in the connection between the black and the world. A wall and tower of the sheet and pillow. The first aliyah of cats from the floor of the world to the promised bed, to establish within it a home for the persecuted feline people. And most importantly: to renew the black culture and institutionalize the new relationship between the ultra-Orthodox cat - and the woman.

She goes out of the house, brings income, she is the head of the government, and he is the tail of the government, her cat. God advocates female dominance - and natural relationships between a mistress and her cat. The courage to be normal. To correct the curse that man shall rule over woman and return to the state in the Garden of Eden, where the woman brings him the fruit of knowledge and commands him to eat - after consulting with the tail. After all, if she was created last, from man, then she is the crown of creation, and should rule the world. And therefore her heels when she returns home cause me immense joy. And this is contrary to the modern order, which is contrary to the nature of the cat, which wants men to leave the house to work, or worst of all - to go to the army. I'm only willing to die in the world of dreaming.

And I establish from home the movement against leaving home. At first with many supporters in Japan, but then when the rest of the world turns into Japan - with many supporters in the world. And all those who walk on two legs analyze in horror the success of the movement.
And one intellectual says: This is a protest against capitalism! People no longer want to be driven by external forces, and it turns out that even the muscles in our legs are external forces, even the laws of nature are manipulative laws in favor of capitalism, not to mention biochemistry - which is always in the role of serving the strong.
And another intellectual says: Fool who takes root, this is a protest against globalization! It all started with electric scooters, even when walking on the street people stopped moving their legs. People want roots. Want home. Returning to the most intimate community. Of one person.
And a conservative intellectual cries out: Fools and simpletons! This is a protest in favor of family and home values. Men want to go back to being lazy cats on the couch. Women want to go back to keeping men as cats. This is a return to the natural order of cat and mistress. Down with feminism!
And a feminist intellectual jumps on him: Chauvinistic pig! This is a huge success of feminism, finally men stay at home and women conquer the public and interpersonal space, according to their abilities, and let men stay on the computer - according to their limited abilities. And then in bed she's the mistress and he's the cat who licks and sucks up to the owner - the cat owner. Finally, the male fantasy has merged with the female fantasy - female domination. And admit it, leftists, the pioneer was Bibi.
And a leftist intellectual loses it: I can't believe it, you? Right-wing! This is a protest against the occupation, against territorial expansion, against the territory itself, and in favor of withdrawal, in favor of not leaving recognized borders, and certainly not going to wars. Let the Arabs be outside and the Jews be at home, and then there will be no terror. Cats and dogs refuse to be enemies. The Arab reclaims the term Arab dog, it's an excellent dog, like an Arab horse. And the Jews stop settling in our backyard. The Arab will be in the yard, and the Jew will fortify himself in the house - and peace upon Israel.
And the gay intellectual says: You limited reductionist, everything with you is just right and left? This is the straight man's identification with the gay man. The desire to be dominated and passive and penetrated inside your house by the woman, who goes out and comes in through the door and brings milk to the cat. All men are homosexuals in their souls, and women are men in their souls, meaning lesbians in their souls, meaning homosexuals in their souls. This is the vision of the end of days, because end hints at behind, and the dream is the rear front of the day.
And the green intellectual says: You sex-washed humanoid, everything you see only in one color, your color - pink! This is a green protest against what we're doing to planet Earth. There's nothing a person, or a cat, can do that's less harmful to the environment than never leaving the house. The less you go out, the less carbon emissions, less nitrogen coming out of the lungs, less oxygen entering the brain, and less food consumption. Staying at home and staying in bed is urban sustainability incarnate, the greenest thing for the environment besides suicide. And all thanks to one cat, who saved planet Earth.