The Degeneration of the Nation
The Genocide-Correct
It excites me so much to be crushed beneath my wife that I start to provoke her to crush me again, more, heavily, strongly, to choke me with her two enormous breasts, to shut my mouth by simply covering my face, to feel the inferiority of man beneath woman in our times, and the spiritual, physical, and sexual superiority of woman, which arouses me terribly, and especially the full realization of a woman's right over her body
By: The Demographic Threat
An Arab fetus passes by. Just kidding, a Jewish fetus. Just kidding, a German fetus (Source)
I dreamed that my wife says it's scary to have children these days and that she doesn't want to be pregnant. And that's enough, there's no need to have children nowadays, and children aren't good for the environment. So I go and arrange a backup for us, just in case, with the help of the German government which provides funding, to clone two twins who died in the Holocaust, my uncle and another uncle of mine, to have for now. This way she can change her mind when she surely wants children later (she is still a woman despite being my wife, isn't she?), and we'll raise them. We'll be parents without her being pregnant. And I don't understand how the German bureaucracy actually allows me to raise these two, since I know them, and I know what will become of them in the end, and they didn't die in the Holocaust, but like a good Jew I don't argue with bureaucracy, certainly not with German bureaucracy, if the mistake is in my favor. I don't point out their error, even though it seems strange to me that the Germans are mistaken. If they give you something - take it.

And I go to the less successful twin, the one who converted to Christianity and disconnected from the family, and tell him, to help him in advance, to be aware that he has bad genes and he needs to overcome them, that he's such an angry and unkind person, and it seems the child-baby doesn't take well to what I'm saying. So I soften it and tell him: not angry, but stubborn, you're as stubborn as a mule and therefore you can go far, like my uncle (who is you in a previous incarnation) who eventually became a distinguished scientist but a recluse and complete gentile, meaning you have potential. And he makes very difficult faces for a baby's face, of anti, and I tell him it's just genes, it doesn't have to be you. But I no longer believe he'll really overcome it, and I feel bad for him that we revived him, the poor thing, unlike the successful uncle, his twin brother, who is great in the mystical teachings. And I don't really understand why I revived both of them, what, did it come in a package deal? Why didn't I think a little.

Maybe because they barely survived, and grew up with nuns, because the mother gave away the twin babies in '42 and then didn't come back, didn't come to take them, and the Germans think maybe they died, and that they killed them, and therefore approved this strange grant for me. Because there's some kind of global leftist trend of reviving genocide victims through cloning under the responsibility of the murderers, something that replaces political correctness, and therefore whites from the South raise blacks who died as slaves, and in the western U.S. every family raises Native Americans. And this trend has reached us too, and there are leftists who raise an Arab at home and the right-wingers are angry that it's not true and a lie that we killed the Arabs and that this is how the left cooperates with antisemitism and the false propaganda of Deir Yassin. But now, at least I've also taken advantage of the trend to raise secular Jews in an ultra-Orthodox family, and ultra-Orthodox in a secular family, in the cuckoo's nest method - and especially these two prodigies. And maybe it's they who have my grandmother's brain, which I too was blessed with such a brain, maybe they will indeed use this brain as children at the beginning of the 21st century to do something real, which I can no longer do. Because I grew up in a place that didn't allow development.

And I go to my wife and tell her look what I got in a deal two children we can raise if we want, who are growing by themselves in a daycare for now, like in an incubator made in Germany (I emphasize so she knows it's a good incubator). And my wife is shocked at me what are you crazy what have you done, I didn't want children and now I have two? And I also realize I don't understand what I've done, how could I do such a thing, after all they're not our children at all, and if we barely want children, surely I don't want to raise children that aren't ours. And I leave them in the German daycare. Let them learn Goethe and Schiller. And even Heine.

And I stroke her belly in bed and tell her why are you afraid to raise children, they have a Jewish brain, maybe something will come of it even in our times. And she sits me on the bed next to her, and it seems something will happen in bed, but instead she starts arguing with me (because she too has a Jewish brain, and she's suddenly a brain scientist in the dream or something, or at least someone who read something about the brain on the internet on a site for Jewish mothers): Children's brains are severely damaged today. Don't you see what's happening? This is the beginning of a neurological Holocaust. Like the wars of the twentieth century, of physics, because that was the science of the twentieth century, so now there will be wars of brain sciences. You don't understand what impact a child has who has an android already in the womb. That's the next thing. A child who doesn't kick his mother from inside during pregnancy, because they put a smartphone in the amniotic fluid so it won't disturb. And even during birth he doesn't cry because he's glued to the screen. This is the child of the future. Do you want to raise a monster at home?

And I look at the bed: because of this not to have children? Because of this yes to have them. Stop being such a mother of meat and schnitzel and belly and pregnancy. Everything is backwards with you. The best thing for the brain is to grow in an environment where it will be required to function in the future, that's why it comes out of you immature and learns to adapt, unlike animal brains. And therefore we need to raise children nowadays inside the computer - because as adults they will live inside the computer. And we are the desert generation that won't merit entering the computer - but only to look at the future from afar, from Mount Nebo. And precisely because of this - we need to be the generation that receives the new Torah, for the new land. And this new space is the promised land of the future, which is not a real land but virtual, so that we won't need to conquer it from the Canaanites and commit genocide against them and then everyone will have to raise a Girgashite, Hivite, Perizzite and Jebusite at home.

And now my wife, who is much bigger and stronger and fatter than me, pounces on me in bed, and presses me to the mattress, but instead of doing what I want (because it excites me very much!), she says: You won't tell me what to do with my belly. Just as I won't tell you what to do with your brain. Dream until tomorrow about pregnancy. Brings me two children from the Holocaust from the supermarket in a buy-one-get-one-free deal. Don't you know not to buy in sales, that what costs little costs dearly? And I say (and it excites me very much to lose to her in an argument): It's made in Germany! Not good enough for you? What Judaism was ever better in the history of humanity than German Judaism? And my wife crushes me: You naive fool perfect in his generations. Don't you understand what happened? It was too good. Don't you understand why the Germans are raising them again? How every German wants a Jewish child at home?

And it excites me so much to be crushed beneath my wife that I start to provoke her to crush me again, more, heavily, strongly, to choke me with her two enormous breasts, to shut my mouth by simply covering my face, to feel the inferiority of man beneath woman in our times, and the spiritual, physical, and sexual superiority of woman, which arouses me terribly, and especially the full realization of a woman's right over her body. And all this becomes absolutely perfect, because meanwhile I start to hear from outside the noise of Arabic music (and it's known that Arabs love enormous women. And a fat woman is a beautiful woman, and it's her right to eat as much as she wants!). Because the child of the leftist neighbors, again they're playing Umm Kulthum for him at full volume, to let him express his Arab culture, and not appropriate him, and already from age three his mother pushes a hookah on him so he won't turn out Jewish, instead of who he is.

And then all these children all over the world (and the Germans suddenly have the most child-rich families in the world, because they're also good at industrial cloning - and also at industrial extermination), reach the age of bar mitzvah and they have a coming out ceremony for them, and tell them who they are, and what was done to them, and that their parents are to blame for what happened to them, and so all these children hate their parents (to the cheers of the right-wingers). But the parents say it's good that they hate, we mustn't rob them of their rage, their protest, it's good that they break objects at home and beat their siblings and curse the adults - we need to let it out. Whoever takes from them even the right to be angry - is taking from them themselves and their heritage, and these are bad parents, who raise children for themselves, and not for the children themselves - exactly the definition of bad parents. And the fact that our children hate us - that's the proof that we are excellent parents.