The Degeneration of the Nation
One Big Cat - Against the Entire Left
The moment secular people understand they are a minority and not in power, they will focus their energies on cultural creation, like the Jews. Now is the time to create the golden age of secular culture. Learn from us. You need to understand that from your perspective, the religious are the gentiles, and you are the Jews under siege - and seclude yourselves in the study hall. This will be your redemption, just as it is the spiritual suicide of religious culture
By: Commissar Komi
Leftist Christian compassion - and how pitiful are the leftists who are now eating their hearts out  (Source)
I dreamed that the leftists lost again, it doesn't even matter in what anymore. And I meet a leftist crying in a corner of the country: All of Israel hates us. We used to be the next big thing and now the world has moved on and we're left as something from the nineties, at best.

And I encourage the leftist: You should be happy that you've lost the country. Do you know the verse "My heart is void within me"? That's about you, the secular.

And the leftist rolls his eyes: What do you want?

And I change my language, so he'll understand: The moment secular people understand they are a minority, and not in power, they will focus their energies on cultural creation, like the Jews. Now is the time to create the golden age of secular culture. Learn from us, who will never be in power, and instead of wasting energy on a lost material struggle - direct everything to spiritual creation. And the Tel Aviv culture, the leftist culture, the maligned one, can produce a tremendous creation that will be remembered hundreds of years later. Isn't it a shame to get stuck on Bibi or Tibi [Translator's note: Netanyahu and Ahmad Tibi, Israeli politicians]? It's no longer in your hands, so take yourselves in hand.

And the leftist says painfully and kicks a poor stone: But what's the worth of culture without a state, spirit without body, it's just dead culture!

And I get excited and lecture him: On the contrary, dead culture is higher than living culture! That's exactly the power of Judaism. You need to understand that from your perspective, the religious are the gentiles, and you are the Jews under siege - and seclude yourselves in the study hall. And then everything will be reversed: because the secular body will die - the secular state will die - this will be your redemption, just as it is the spiritual suicide of religious culture. The religious will go to die in religious wars, and the secular will die in the tent of Torah. The secular will now be able to become people of Torah study for its own sake, even if your Torah is literature, or humanities, or mathematics, or art. If once the Messiah was religious and the secular were donkeys, now the Messiah will be secular and the donkeys will be religious. The secular will be the rare, elitist minority, and the material state, may its name be erased, will be religious. And in the secular society of learners, you'll be able to turn to completely different directions, of people who are not responsible and do not identify with the wicked state, for example more scientific progress - and less technological, or more intellectual progress - and less economic. Have you ever thought of trying ideological poverty? Giving up the whole money thing in life in exchange for intimacy with canonical works - "The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces"?

And the leftist jumps as if bitten by a snake: But what about the occupation! How can one concentrate on Torah when there's no morality? When on the other side of the fence there are people who don't have the privilege to engage in Torah - or in whatever culture there might be - can I sit here in my Ashkenazi kollel [Translator's note: religious study hall] with my privileged poverty and...

And I lose patience: Moralism - that's the great mistake of secularism. That's all I've been trying to convey to you in the past year - dreaming and dreaming, and you're not waking up. We have here a minority with a majority consciousness and a majority with a minority consciousness. You need to understand that you're now going into exile, and therefore there needs to be a "Yavneh and its Sages" [Translator's note: reference to the preservation of Jewish learning after the destruction of the Second Temple] of the destruction of Zionism. Which is the project of rebuilding secularism not around the state but around culture.

And the leftist cries out: But the Palestinians! And the women! And the Eritreans! And the weak! And the Mizrahim [Translator's note: Jews of Middle Eastern or North African descent]! And the victims! And the disadvantaged! And the marginalized! And the cats!

And I interrupt him: Enough already, idiot. You forgot about the single-parent cows whose calves were taken away and who live in the Bedouin diaspora and are married to abusive bulls who murdered them over dairy honor because of lesbian tendencies. If you don't free yourselves from Christian thinking - you're invited to lose in the next elections too. Jews don't engage in fake compassion. There's nothing less cultured than morality.

And he: But!

And I: Yes, I know. There are also cows that only eat grass because they're vegan, but on the other hand don't fart so as not to contribute to global warming. We understand that it makes your beautiful leftist soul feel nice, and also helps to get girls, but if you don't move to a different and updated aesthetic, less conformist and necessarily more cruel - you won't have a remnant. In the end, it's all a question of cultural superiority. Whoever doesn't understand (know!) that Jewish culture is much higher than Palestinian or Eritrean or American or all the Christian de la schmatte ideas (like political correctness) that you copy from them - has no chance. Human beings have no value. Zero. Holocaust. Not interesting. Only culture has value. Therefore morality, which gives value to the human, and in our days even to animals, plants and inanimate objects, to all the inferior domain - is the enemy of culture. Human beings (Palestinians are human beings too!) have value only according to their contribution to culture. That's why it's also not terrible if artificial intelligence replaces you. What is terrible - is if artificial intelligence won't be cultured, but only functional. The secular person is an intermediate stage between the religious and artificial intelligence, and you must not be the weak link. You drew the wrong conclusions from the Holocaust. The big problem wasn't that Hitler was a heartless Christian evil person who killed many human beings. Stalin and Mao and many villains were like that too. The problem was that Hitler killed the Jews, namely the cultural elite of Europe, which was itself the elite of humanity, and since then Europe hasn't recovered, and we got young and stupid America. The problem was the damage to culture - not to human beings. World War II was a culture war - that's the reason Hitler hated Jews. And until you recognize the truth - that culture is actually not relative at all, and there are objectively great (and inferior) creations, and that Jews have superpowers in this field - you will be one of the most failed and worthless Jewish populations in history. Your choice.