The Degeneration of the Nation
How I Developed a Felinistic Consciousness
Every minute I see the trash can across from me, and understand what awaits me on the day when this terrible silence ends, seemingly calm and relaxed, but in reality teeming with feminine schemes. Because in our home there's no shouting or wailing, to the outside world we're the perfect couple, living in the normal routine of a cat and its owner, but no one would believe what really happens behind closed doors - and beneath the velvet fur
By: The Second Wave of Felinism
True love is just a cover for the struggle against Felinism (Source)
I dreamed I was a cat wanting to divorce my owner. True, there was great love between us. But now I'm not sure if she ever really loved me, or if it was all emotional exploitation. And when love disappeared one day, it wasn't replaced by indifference and boredom, but turned into hidden hatred and unresolved issues, all of course through hints and veiled threats towards the cat, when every minute I see the trash can across from me, and understand what awaits me on the day when this terrible silence ends, seemingly calm and relaxed, but in reality teeming with feminine schemes.

Because in our home there's no shouting or wailing, to the outside world we're the perfect couple, living in the normal routine of a cat and its owner, but no one would believe what really happens behind closed doors - and beneath the velvet fur. When one day I realize that all this time I've been living with a monster, or at least with an emotionally crippled woman, who doesn't know how to give a cat what he needs. And that's how I understood - that I deserve more! I deserve to be a happy and satisfied cat. And a human woman could never give me what a female cat gives. Until finally I started imagining female cats at night, while in her bed.

I no longer know how we got to this state, after being so happy. One day she disappears and returns only the next day, not telling me where she was at night. Then she goes out for a walk without me and I'm consumed by jealousy at home, imagining her with other cats. And lately if I come to her feet she's indifferent as if I were a cat made of synthetic fur, and doesn't stroke my tail, and doesn't even admire it anymore. And the situation at home is terrible. There are no more cockroaches in the house for me to catch and bring her, and she's not impressed by it at all anymore. I saw her throwing a fish from the fridge into the trash instead of giving it to me to eat. You understand, she prefers the cats in the trash over me! In her cunning, she separated me from my family and friends at the beginning of our relationship, and I no longer have contact with them, thus making me dependent only on her. At first, she seduced me with words of affection and fish, and then, when we formalized our relationship, and it was too late, and when I'm locked behind the door, a cycle of emotional abuse began. At night she's the warmest and nicest and invites me to her bed, and in the morning she's cold and hurried and leaves me and disappears until evening.

And I write to the court: My owner has been neglectful and emotionally abusive towards me for a long time. She doesn't pet me and doesn't tell me I'm a good cat. She forgets to put water for me in the summer and I only get food if I'm a good cat. She chases me off the couch when she sits down and goes to work without me. I have a terrible suspicion that she has another cat outside the house that she doesn't tell me about. The warmth and love I give her at home allowed her to accumulate wealth at work at my expense and therefore I deserve half of the shared property, including half of her bed (in return I'm willing to compromise with half of my litter box). I request a restraining order for my owner so she doesn't throw me in the trash or to the dogs. Therefore I ask to hand her over to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Cats, in a shelter for abusive owners (or at least non-petting ones), until another cat comes to collect her from there, and meanwhile leave me in her apartment, until I find a worthy feline solution or she surrenders to a fair and non-discriminatory compromise. With thanks, a poor and sad cat, whose heart is broken and tail is drooping.

And until the court intervenes on my behalf, or at least sends a cat social worker here to save me, I burrow into the couch and try to understand where I went wrong, where it all began. How I deteriorated to this point, from a proud cat with shiny fur to a broken vessel. And I sit on the internet and read the writings of the Felinist movement and understand that I've lived in a false consciousness all these years. I was conditioned to believe that a cat's happiness is the owner's happiness, and that I belong to a woman, and in practice I served her emotionally, albeit in exchange for material support, but one that created a relationship of dependence and authority between us. That I'm not the problem but the social construction of a cat belonging to an owner. That the entire human world is a conspiracy against the cat. That's why they dress. That's why they talk. To differentiate themselves. To not be cats. That the whole purpose of this arrangement where I lie on the couch and she brings me food is the oppression of the cat. That I must release my inner cat from within me, and develop my cat consciousness into a Felinist consciousness. That it's my right to find other owners who will make me a happy cat, who will adore me and my paws (which are wonderful!), who will make me love my body (every cat is beautiful!), who will love me with true love, and that this isn't betrayal but a legitimate realization of my feline nature - and then I notice the neighbor in the window across from me.