The Degeneration of the Nation
An Impassioned Letter to the Editorial Board
It's not too late to eliminate Bashar - there's a fundamental moral importance to it, like killing Eichmann. He must not be allowed to continue as if nothing happened. On Israel's terrible crime in Syria. A letter sent from a black circle to the "Haaretz" editorial board at the height of the Syrian civil war that was never published
By: Yad Vashem
Today, the number of victims in Syria is estimated at 600,000-700,000 dead. Over 3 million liters of blood. More than a tenth of a Holocaust beyond the border, including gas massacres - without any intervention by the Jewish state  (Source)

"And the court is warned not to accept ransom from the murderer. Even if he gives all the money in the world and even if the blood redeemer wants to exempt him. For the soul of this slain person is not the property of the blood redeemer but the property of the Holy One, Blessed be He, as it is said: 'And you shall not take ransom for the soul of a murderer.' And there is nothing that the Torah was more strict about than bloodshed, as it is said: 'And you shall not pollute the land, etc.' For blood will pollute the land, etc." (Maimonides, Laws of Murder. Applies also to non-Jews)

I dreamed that blood had reached the soul and I'm sending a letter to the leftists' newspaper. Leftists - they only care when Jews kill Arabs, because Arabs from their perspective are not human beings, but rather receive their value from Jews who are not okay. When Arabs kill a quarter million Arabs a meter from here, in Syria - it doesn't bother them. The entire occupation doesn't even tickle this crime of the Jewish state. Syria is Israel's shame - not Palestine. You shall not stand idly by your neighbor's blood, I am the Lord - faithful to pay reward, and faithful to punish. Do you know why it's called "bloodshed"? Well, I know you don't understand, so here I'm spilling it all out in your polite military discourse, so you won't say it's this religious dreamer, we don't know what he wants from us, with all kinds of literary nuances. We should have gone in hard on this butcher, Assad, when he started slaughtering his people, a two-week operation and Israel would have left the Syrian army with 1% of its strength, and eliminated the fighting family. His palace should have been bombed and buried him inside. Just like the West didn't bomb Auschwitz.

Even if six million Syrians are killed, no Israeli will care. Arabs killing Arabs. Criminals - that's what you Israelis are, both Jews and Arabs, both Israeli Arabs and Palestinians. Our hands did not shed this blood - and peace be upon my soul. And the leftists are the most hypocritical. A massacre in their backyard, and they're busy with the immorality of the barbecue in front. The only one who shouted about it, who raised an outcry, was Rabbi Berland, who gathered all the Hasidim in the stadium and cried out about Syria and they read Psalms, the Hasidim were in shock. But he raises souls to the world of Atzilut [Translator's note: a Kabbalistic concept referring to the highest spiritual realm], and here they only know how to smile under their mustache and wish success to both sides.

So the punishment Allah brought upon you is ISIS. The Western world truly deserves it. That shit Obama. God will not forgive him, his hands are full of blood, he should be shamed everywhere. Is this your enlightened black Democrat? And we're the biggest assholes - because this is happening a hundred kilometers from here. When for once we could have shown the Arab world that Jews also care about Arabs, and set a new standard in the Middle East, that whoever exaggerates will be cut down - we didn't even have the sense for that. We would have shown the Sunnis which side we're on, we could have issued an ultimatum together with Turkey and Saudi Arabia and Egypt, we could have done a joint operation with Turkey, and hit Iran a bit by eliminating Assad, after all it wouldn't have taken much for the Syrian army to collapse, we could have given it a fatal push, with some pretext, there's no shortage. One small operation, even secret, by the Mossad, to take out Assad and the entire leadership in a car bomb, even just to eliminate him personally, and even in a vegan way, like we did to Arafat, couldn't we?

We're already the bad kid in the neighborhood from their perspective, so what kind of neighborhood bully is it that lets one kid beat another kid to death, literally kill him. The one with power is the one with responsibility, we could have asked for a mandate from the West, which didn't want to do anything, and was just looking for someone else to do the job - we would have gotten it. You know what, we could have at least tried. We didn't care. And the leftists least of all. In the security establishment there was a bit of discourse, even though these are people who aren't disgusted by blood, and I'm telling you blood is disgusting, disgusting, but above a certain blood level, even the officers understood that something was really not right, but there was no public discourse. There were no leaders, no journalists, no poets, writers, intellectuals, all assholes, like with the Armenians. A thousand times more shameful than the occupation.

People here close their eyes, and the blood of the murdered doesn't wake them up at night. On the other hand, some wounded terrorist who was killed occupies them endlessly. The immorality is first and foremost the loss of proportion. And the loss of sensitivity to blood. Which the Torah constantly tried to instill in people's minds, blood is disgusting, blood is not just anything, it's impurity, blood needs to be atoned for, especially spilled blood. You could have filled the Sea of Galilee with the blood of the Syrians. And it would have come here to every house in the sink from the National Water Carrier. And then people would have realized that this is a plague of blood, and not hardened their hearts, every time the numbers go up, it's not even headlines here.

You're probably saying that maybe it wouldn't have helped. But did you try? Did you think? Did you make an effort? Did you even consider it? Did you check for solutions? Did you go crazy? Nada. You don't get points in the Israeli internal discourse for Syrians. Syrians are not human, because they're not Palestinians. By the way, Palestinians wouldn't be human either if there weren't Jews here. No one in the world would have cared about them. There's only one measure of morality, very objective: liters of blood. And you think I care about this? I'm a person of dreams, of images in bed, of a glass of milk before sleep, of breasts in the dark. This is the worst thing for me to write like this, it ruins all the effect for me, the blood dwarfs all the spilled milk, the pathos ridicules the chest, I wish I could publish this separately, as another person. I hate the moral prigs, I despise this whole concept. Aesthetically it's a terrible mistake. If ten thousand Syrians were killed it wouldn't tickle the tip of my nipple. But we're approaching hundreds of thousands already. Too much. Even for me. To think of hundreds of thousands of breasts that were lost, that you could swim in them, a sea of milk, and in the grave nothing remains of the breasts, not even a skeleton. Ptui on this Assad. May the one who nursed him be ashamed. The country is outraged when the blood of one Arab baby is spilled by a Jewish hand, immediately you're in a frenzy of opinion pieces, but a sea of blood flows and flows for years uninterrupted.

And where are you, Haaretz, as the only newspaper of the intelligentsia in the country in all of this? There was no public discussion that would give legitimacy to decision-makers. Even from a utilitarian perspective, we've only begun to pay the price we'll pay from this black hole, which sucks in all the shit of the world, like Afghanistan, after all that was the lesson from the Twin Towers, that you can't have areas with a vacuum. So here first of all - breaking the taboo on weapons of mass destruction, taboo on chemical weapons since World War I (even in the Second there wasn't, and if anyone asks why, it's thanks to Hitler, who was a soldier in the First and forbade the Nazis from using chemical weapons). All the shits from the Muslim world drained here, the Iranians and Hezbollah and the Chechens, then this ISIS that I can never remember if the ayin is before the alef or vice versa, and here Putin is already here, wait wait, all the shit of the world will continue to come here right above our heads, like a shtreimel [Translator's note: fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] of shit. So black dreams you didn't publish, but here I'm talking to you like a good Zionist Golani [Translator's note: elite Israeli infantry unit] soldier.

We're the ones who had the most interest in the Middle East not being considered some jungle where what's not allowed anywhere else is allowed, because this will come back to us. The power of the unthinkable is morality itself, morality is the boundaries of thinking what can be done, a perceptual boundary, epistemological, and we should have made sure that breaking boundaries doesn't pass quietly, that there's a limit, until we found someone the Sunni world hates more than Israel, we missed the opportunity to join, that's how you create alliances, that's how you make peace, you join when there's a bigger asshole, let's say you're that kid everyone hates, and you don't want to be hated, and then this son of a bitch Assad comes along, what will you do, stand like an asshole on the side, when everyone's bleeding? Or will you join the others and go in on him, blow up his mother, what, they don't understand.
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