The Degeneration of the Nation
The Housing Crisis and the Jewish Problem
They should have long ago separated into two states as happened in the Bible: the State of Israel on the coastal plain and the State of Judah in all the rest. And it's not clear to me why the Israelis agree to be ruled by the Jews, contrary to our ancient tradition of always quarreling and splitting up
By: The Minister of Finance
My wife is driving me crazy because we don't have money for an apartment  (Source)
I dreamed that the State of Israel decides to disguise itself as the State of Judah. Although in my opinion, they should have long ago separated into two states, as happened in the Bible: the State of Israel on the coastal plain and the State of Judah in all the rest, including the territories. And so Tel Aviv would stop subsidizing Jerusalem, and Jerusalem in turn would stop embarrassing Tel Aviv, and in general, there would be embassies in both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, and everyone would be happy. And it's not clear to me why this hasn't happened, why the Israelis agree to be ruled by the Jews, contrary to our ancient tradition, which always involves quarreling with each other and splitting into factions, even in ghettos. So the result of modern Israel's increased appetite to swallow Judah is that Judah struggles from within Israel's belly, and they decide that everything is Jewish: there's Jewish law, and Jewish government, and in school they teach Jewish mathematics, and then they ask why there isn't a Jewish economy, after all, Jews are good with money, right? Let's manage the economy according to Jewish sources.

And they decide to search in yeshivas [Jewish religious schools] for someone who will give the Jewish perspective on economics, and they take me as the Jewish-Israeli Minister of Finance who asks: How do we overcome the crisis of housing, infrastructure, and congested roads? And I answer him like a good Jew - because I understood that's what they expect from me - with questions: Why do you think the Temple failed and the Torah succeeded? And he answers: Because in the Temple they sacrificed cows. And I ask: And what do you think the Torah is made of if not a cow? Why did the Bible conquer the world and the Temple didn't even conquer the Temple Mount? Why did the process that the book went through not happen to the house? Why did the book and even the computer become accessible to every dreaming soul, and I can write at night while my wife sleeps, but I can't buy an apartment and sleep peacefully? Thousands of years have passed, so how is it possible that still the biggest expenses for both individuals and countries are on buildings and infrastructure? And these are also the s l o w e s t investments, inexplicably lagging behind every other technology. Are the materials so expensive? How does a house, a technological product from the Stone Age, cost a thousand times more than a computer, a product a thousand times more technologically advanced?

And the Israeli Minister of Finance gets angry and asks: So what's your Jewish answer? It's not clever to just ask questions. And I answer: Your question shows that we've already made progress! The Jewish method of answering any problem is that the problem itself is the problem - to find the answer within the question itself. So the answer is in the question - the construction field hasn't even gone through the industrial revolution and mass production, and it's the last area in the economy stuck in the Stone Age with manual production, unlike the printing of circuits in computers and pages in books. If it were possible to print a house or an interchange from an architect's file in a 3D printer of plastic and concrete and metal and asphalt, like they print circuits in the heads of black roaches [Translator's note: "Jokim" in Hebrew can mean both "roaches" and "chips"], or roaches in the heads of black circles... If it were possible to order a structure from a selection of models on the internet with standard industrial quality, without chasing after the contractor who will chase after the workers who will end up doing waterproofing with leaks... In the construction industry, you find the least intellectual people in the population, and therefore there's no Jewish innovation there but only Israeli chutzpah and Arab humiliation. How hard is it really to develop a robot that builds the skeleton of the building?

If you really want to make trillions, turn Israel into a high-tech superpower in the field of structure printing. A mobile printer the size of a truck can change the way the world is built. Affordable housing is printable housing. Do you know how much my wife is driving me crazy because we don't have money for an apartment? Even the word work was mentioned, imagine, work! Do you know what that means for a dreamer like me? So I hope you'll read this and take up the challenge. Because only thanks to printing does an Israeli like you meet a night dream of a Jew you'll never meet in your days, and the Israeli super-ego can once again cover the Jewish subconscious, and go back to sleep.