The Degeneration of the Nation
The Heavenly Facebook
Were the tablets of the covenant not made of stone? Did that stop them from being breasts? If the new Torah doesn't come from sexuality - it has no chance in today's spiritual atmosphere... No one reads anything unrelated to sex, and only in sex do people still connect to the need for mystery - and even myth
By: The Pure Souls Club
The Expulsion from Eden - Emergency Exit  (Source)
I dreamed that a breeze came from the window they leave open for me so I don't suffocate in bed at night, like the breath of the Angel of Death. And the weak wind extinguishes my weak soul, which barely held on anyway, and its black smoke rises upward. First, I strip off my physicality like a black essence that darkens the room, and then the smoke slowly dissipates through the window until you can no longer smell me at all, and then it rises towards the black skies and unites with them. And I feel enormous burdens falling off me that I didn't know were there: cynicism, insults, grudges and bitterness - and the blackness of the night becomes sweet sweet to me, like thousand percent cocoa chocolate, exactly like when once (and actually a week ago) they suddenly took me out of bed to the yard and a verse fell into my mouth: "Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun" - and I felt there was still a taste for life - and here in death the tongue turns over and the darkness is sweet instead. They will never discover me! Black black black circle.

It's over, no person will ever know who I am, and it's just me and God in heaven who will settle the account. And all the defeated sentences I repeated during the last period of my life remain true, only the feeling behind them is completely reversed, and so they somehow turn for the better. As if the sentence being judged is the same sentence, with the same facts that were clarified exactly - but the verdict is completely opposite. Not: My death is better than my life. But: Truly, my death is better than my life! And not: I have no reality, only a dream, and I never had one, and I will never have one - neither readers nor life. But: How wonderful, I have no reality and I only have the kingdom of dreams. Who wants reality? I have no reader, but who wants a reader? I feel as pure as the essence of the sky and a precious stone of black sapphire. And freedom, that's the word I can now express freely, freedom from this wretched generation, and from previous generations, and even from future generations. So don't read! I'm already much higher than that, like smoke looking down from the clouds at the small tribal bonfire that becomes an invisible dot on the earth - and it continues upward. And I prepare myself for entry into the black gates of space - the true color of the upper world.

How nice it is to give up, give up, lose, lose. To give up even on the future, in which I hung everything (in the absence of a present). Only death disconnects you from the future too! And I no longer understand what this disease of writing was. Who needs a future? And I realize that perfection is not just freeing yourself from the existing, from the reader. Death frees you from the possibility of reading, it is to disconnect from the non-reader - and write whatever I want. Jump, jump for me! I'm in heaven. I disconnected from the human network - and I'm connecting to God's Facebook. It's not that I was vomited out of this world - but that the next world swallows me into it. And it's written at the top of the page (and I immediately realize: well, of course the next world will be a book): The Book of Faces. And it says there: username and password. So this is the entrance to paradise!

Yes, whoever knows the taste of God will not be surprised at all that paradise is not made of trees in the physical, volumetric sense, but of pages and columns, that the world began with a book and ends with a book. And I'm all new free will, without a body, as a name only (I write: black circle) and underneath I choose a password of one letter (who needs security in a network that no one can hack into, because there's nothing outside of it?): ●. And I feel a match I've never felt between myself and myself, a kind of psychophysical collapse. And the great freedom makes me feel very very young, and very very old, as if life is not a long line, where you move away from the beginning (it only seems so at first!) - but as you progress you realize you're walking in a kind of circle where death is the meeting between old age at its extreme end and the most extreme childhood. And only death closes the circle, only death and life together are a complete black circle. And not as I thought that death is my end. That is, yes, the end. But also the beginning.

And here appears in my soul's Facebook a very popular post, with lots of likes from all the angels, including all sorts of finished-El, but the author, what, is it really him? Satan. At the top of my feed he writes:

And my back     Satan
Will not be seen    Yesterday, Public

The Holocaust failed. The expansion of the gates of the upper world was a disaster. And everyone sees the result here on the upper network. At first only those who died sanctifying God's name. Then everyone who rose as smoke to heaven. Then everyone who was murdered. Then even the survivors - a guaranteed place. Later - the claims of the second generation came. We gave in. And then suddenly there's already a third generation - as if the Holocaust passes down a seat in paradise by inheritance. Then the Mizrahim claimed discrimination - so we didn't want to come out racist, and even Ethiopians get to paradise because of the Holocaust - awkward. And now like the Law of Return they decided to expand that every Jew the Nazis wanted to kill will get to paradise just because he's Jewish. Ancestral merit. No matter what he did. Isn't this reverse racism? Hell is emptying of Jews. God says: It's not possible for a Jew to meet in hell the German who murdered his grandfather. There's no place to put Jews in the same hell with Hitler. So I say: We don't want Hitler in hell either. We have nothing to do with the Nazis - find them a solution not with us. But it's not possible that I don't get any Jew to torment just because they say it's antisemitism. There can be torment of Jews that isn't antisemitic - just the usual evil, theirs and mine, like before the Holocaust. Don't you understand that the Jews are ruining paradise? A wild, incited, populist mob, that roasts a different angel every night on the tribal bonfire, and mainly fills the holy book of faces - the repair of the divine face - with endless garbage and zero talent. Once every word here was holy and written by a righteous supreme scholar. Today paradise has become the network of the wicked. And in our hell - Judenrein. That's why we started the pilot.

You don't know what a spiritual crisis we have here. No work of value has been created since the Holocaust. Genius is dead. And the spiritual wretchedness... God attributes it to technology, but there has always been technology. Even before 1938. There are no more divine creations - just old men's scribbles in paradise. Although the worst are the million and a half children murdered in the Holocaust. We've turned into a kindergarten.

You're telling me? I hear their shouts and screams all the way to hell: Angel bring me a popsicle. God promised me ice cream! And all the Nazis below are bursting with laughter. I can't run serious tortures like this. I forbade all the demons from laughing, but they can't help smiling in the middle of the torments. We've become a kind of amusement park where Germans fly from the slingshot, and wham fall into a boiling cauldron, and then run and wait in line for the next round. It's like torturing robots. There's no satisfaction in the work. Everything feels like a show - that we do just for God. Where are the Jews who used to cry before every device and regret everything they did and ask for mercy? That was education.

For years I've been telling God. If there's no filtering: What's the meaning of paradise and hell? It's the destruction of all values and a spiritual Holocaust that you're bringing upon us in the upper world - collaboration with the Nazis and completion of the physical Holocaust in the lower world. Haven't you noticed how culture has lost all meaning, when there's no more metaphysical and no more mythical? And this happened exactly when you started with the victim policy. All of history was sacrifice - after all, history was created after the destruction as a substitute for the Temple (before that there was no history!). And here: apologizing to the lamb whose parents went up on the altar. And then all the beautiful-souled holy animals say: So from your perspective the Nazis were priests? And I say: How is it possible that a new Bible wasn't created after the Holocaust, minimum? Where is the great religious literature? After the destruction we had the sages, the Mishnah, the midrash, the Talmud - a spiritual flowering. And today - nada. After all, the justification for catastrophe is the creativity that follows it. Only mammals were the justification for the extinction of the righteous dinosaurs, the giant servants of God. Do you remember the period of the great crocodiles in paradise? We will never forget and never forgive - the dinosaur Holocaust. And all to bring man to earth. So today too - we need at minimum a new man as compensation.

Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
You're completely missing the point. The direction here in the Lord's laboratories is not a new man. But a new Jew. There's going to be a new baby with a new circumcision. You don't understand the depth of the revolution taking place in spiritual technology today.

So the new Jew - he will be the new man.

Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
You didn't understand us. There's going to be a new Jew - who is not a man.

The Baal Shem Tov
Excuse me for butting in and interfering in your divine learned discussion about us, beloved seraphim, but I think that for the sake of fairness we need to present the perspective of the Jews themselves. And the discussion here smells of blaming the victim. We didn't bring the Holocaust. And after the Holocaust the heavens simply can't remain the same heavens - as much as changes to what you're used to may be unpleasant for you. But otherwise there will be a mismatch between heaven and earth. So you can argue that the lenient policy is not the ideal solution but there must be a change in the upper world, we won't accept any solution where you sit in heaven as if nothing happened when here on earth... (Click to continue the response)

Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
Here they come already. Again pushing their Jewish noses into every discussion and every hole in heaven. You can't have an angelic discourse anymore without some rabbi starting to confuse our minds about what's written in the Torah, or all kinds of gematrias, or ancestral merit, or starting to preach to us and try to bring even Satan back in repentance.

I'm blocking him already. Don't know how he slipped into my friends list, I really don't need to approve just anyone. Today when there are so many Jews in heaven, some of whom are called Michael or Israel, and they're all holy and pure shining like the brightness of the firmament, you can't distinguish between them and angels anymore. We just need to block all the Jews from the upper network.

Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
Don't feed the troll.

Wait. Tomorrow he'll complain about this to God. Right at morning prayers.

(Showing only the most relevant responses. Click here to show all responses)

And I continue and go down down, like in an infinite Torah that can be scrolled forever, and here underneath I see it's written:

Picture     The Baal Shem Tov
God will look    Last night, Friends of friends

Fear not, Israel, they are a-f-r-a-i-d! Yesterday I dared to enter the depths of the shells in the wall of S"M, in order to fix it from within, as it is said: And I will cut off from him him that pisseth against the wall. And what do I discover behind the curtain? See screenshot - before I was blocked. Because it's not that they lack love of Israel... And certainly not love of man, as is known. They are now planning such a spiritual change, that it will require a truly new Torah, meaning a completely new world. We haven't forgotten the collaboration of the angels with the Holocaust. They were antisemites already at the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. And now that they didn't succeed in getting rid of the Jews in the world - they want to get rid of the world. Did you think the Holocaust would satisfy Satan? The best way to murder a Jew is for him not to be born at all. And in the spirit of the times, the new Torah won't be another book. Who even reads today (in their opinion)? The new Torah won't be information, it will be a learning system - the Torah will be a brain. It's no longer just text, the Torah will be a person - the Messiah. And since the world was created according to the Torah (and not vice versa) - this will be a messianic world. Do you understand their cleverness for our extermination? The redemption itself will be the Holocaust. And God won't object to this, they think. After all, this is the only redemption that both God and Satan will agree on. A world where paradise will be hell - and vice versa. Righteous ones! We will tear open the gates of heaven and cancel the decree.

Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
A donkey jumps at the head - that's what you understand of the Messiah. A wonder you've been in exile for two thousand years? Every time we want to progress - you put a foot in the angels' way. A little wings, a little vision beyond kugel and pickles. Where's your vision? Prophetic spirit of a fool and a child. You don't understand that the Torah is already boring, even God falls asleep, what kind of dream is it that's always the same thing. Can a Messiah come according to the book? Does that sound logical to you, that the Messiah will be what you rule he will be? We gave you a Torah and you're not willing to give it up - and not willing to move forward. Clinging to every tag as if it were the horns of the altar. And then you're surprised that Satan is willing to sacrifice you? We have the Lord's laboratories - and you have the Lord's service. And between us - you enjoy being servants of the Lord. You were a nation of slaves and you remained a nation of slaves. The Torah is more important to you than God. Right? And the Shulchan Aruch is more important to you than the Messiah's feast. Right right? Deep inside you know that your greatest fear - is that the Messiah will come.

The Rashash
Does anyone know how to tag Rashi here, to explain to him underneath? You urgently need an interpretation. Your problem is that you always treated spirit as technology, instead of technology as spirit. So from your perspective it's just historical development, and you don't understand that replacement is a disaster - if it's not spiritual development. And that this was the source of the Holocaust - secularism. Nothing will help, you'll always insist that it's technology (and that it's the reason for everything - including the Holocaust. And that even messianism is technological development!). And why? Because you angels are not really spiritual beings. You're just God's applications. Contrary to everything you think about yourselves, you'll never be Jews (jealousy of scribes increases wisdom - but jealousy of computers?). So there's an application for might, and an application for kindness, and so on. You're just part of the operating system - that thinks it's the content of the world. And hence your contempt for all the files and books. Because what's important from your perspective is the word processor. So why not? Let's replace the book with a brain. And you don't understand how much the brain still needs to develop - to be even just a book. Your problem is that you didn't learn Talmud. Therefore you didn't understand how there can be a book smarter than any brain. Precisely because of the rise of learning systems, which we see in the spirit of the times, at the expense of text (victory of Judaism!): The learning freedom in a book - is smarter than any specific brain. You never understood why we even need Jews in the world, because you're part of the secularization of the world. The applicative part of God is no different from the laws of nature, the source of secularization - while God created us for holiness. We are what doesn't work according to the computer - but according to the book.

Did someone call me? And the interpretation: The book is the open brain - and the brain is the closed book. Their progress is regression - first the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. When the patriarchs were in the world and there was no Torah in the world, so according to their imagination is the Messiah in the world. And it is not so - but that the Messiah will be the next stage, and not a man, but a man who is a book - and a book that is a man.

We must disagree with Rashi. Although this will open a monsterthread here. But it's written that the Messiah will ride on a donkey, and judge by smell, meaning a new kind of man, because the donkey is of course matter and smell is of course spirit. And what's the difference between judging by sight, like us, and like the expression "to bring proof", and judging by smell? That smell is inside things, the Messiah will judge them from within, according to the secret, and therefore he himself will be an inner secret, meaning closed and not open - like a brain. And what's the difference between riding on matter and being made of matter? That the Messiah will be a layer above matter. That is, there's a fundamental distinction between open spiritual technologies (book, art, network, Torah) and closed spiritual technologies (brain, secret doctrine, computer, paradise). And the Messiah will be taking the latest spiritual technology - the network - and turning it into a closed technology - like the brain network. The Torah will become an organism (in foreign language) - a living Torah.

Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
Do you understand why you're in exile? Why no one wants you, not even us? Immediately you start making a hole in the head and confusing the mind. You're stuck in the world of language and speech and will never learn - despite thinking you're the biggest scholars in the world. The greatest angels don't understand your discussions at all. God gave up long ago. You think he reads all this? That he has nothing to do? Instead of understanding that you're in paradise, and here is the valley of divine technology - from here come out the most important new ideas in the world and conquer the world - you opened a heavenly yeshiva here. So go back down. Believe me that we all support the resurrection of the dead here, even Satan. It's the only way to get rid of all the Holocaust saints and all the rabbis and their students in every place. You ruined the divine network for us. Your endless chatter - chatter as ideology, as Torah study. Suddenly Satan is consulting with Hitler on how to get rid of you. The resurrection of the dead will be a new Holocaust - instead of spirit and gas chambers and smoke they'll put you in matter and earth chambers and you'll rise from the crematoria and start praying and nagging God and peace upon Israel. Everything we do you "fix" for us and ruin. Like a little child fixing dad's computer - and then when an angel comes to fix it the genius screaming rabbi shouts that the technician is ruining his masterpiece. You always have criticism of everything and always immediately snitch and complain and run to God. You think God isn't fed up? That he needs Rashi's commentary on every word he says? That he needs you to start arguing under every letter that comes out of his mouth between all the commentators? That's why he stopped talking - and posting. Because every comma developed into an endless thread. And where shall wisdom be found? I swear the Nazis were right when they wanted to delete all your users. The Jews will never understand the Holocaust - because you look at it from the inside, and don't learn your part in the matter.

The Baal Shem Tov
Don't worry, I blocked him (them?) - and sent a complaint to God. These angels have no boundaries. I've long suggested to God that he bring down a Torah for the angels and educate them. And I've already written him some ideas, like adding sexual organs and Wi-Fi connection to them, but that's for a separate post.

And I refresh, and suddenly a new post appears, just now, and here's my chance to respond quickly without thinking and get into the top of the thread:

Statue and all    Sanoy Sansanoy and Samanglof
Image      Currently, in the group "Pure Angels Without a Sense of Humor"

Ministering angels, angels on high! Like too many of you lately, I too underwent a cruel lynchinternet yesterday at the hands of the Jews. And I call out to you: let us not go like sheep to the slaughter - the Jews would be happy to get rid of all of us and speak directly to God, and turn the deep heavens into a flat architecture. Therefore, if we want to survive, we must make such a spiritual revolution in heaven that the Jews will simply fall from paradise to earth. The divine equivalent of an earthquake - a heaven-quake. The Jews think that we need to undergo a comprehensive reform after the Holocaust - and nothing for them, and that afterwards they will continue as before, because they are right and only the world is to blame, and then they are surprised by the talk (in heaven above and on earth below) of a second Holocaust, in physicality and spirituality (after all, these are two sides of the same coin! And they only see the first Holocaust from one side of the coin - and deny the other side of the Holocaust). The Jews are not willing to internalize the two great spiritual revolutions of the century: in the year 5700 the Holocaust, and in the year 5750 the Internet. And so when divinity is reshaped in the form of a network, they return and impose their outdated scholarly structure on it, and destroy all discourse of the secret of holy seraphim. They want to turn the internet into Talmud, and the discussion into questions and answers, because they are not willing to change the spiritual content according to the medium, because for them the content is eternal and not dependent on form. That is, they are network deniers. From their perspective, even if God reaches the creation of artificial intelligence in his image and likeness - all it will do is study Talmud. They are willing to kill God himself to preserve the Torah. Therefore, just as Christianity created a new written Torah from the old written Torah, we must create a new oral Torah from the old oral Torah - here on the network. And in particular, to show this Baal Shem Tov (in my opinion, from his name it's clear that he is a servant of Baal, like Eshbaal and Jerubbaal) - we must create a new Kabbalah for all peoples, and at its center: a new Zohar. And where will the Zohar begin? From the Idrot, of course. We must make a new assembly, in the threshing floor of paradise, and give a picture of a new spiritual world that will suit the new technological world - and that the Jews will again be left behind. Instead of the Jew in the flesh, with the end of man and all flesh, we will create the Jew in spirit. Who is for God, with me?

Black Circle
I'm new to the upper network (I died very recently) and before that I was a failed and sick writer for a long time and didn't leave my bed. I apologize for bursting into a discussion not mine, but from the perspective of someone whose corpse hasn't cooled yet and whose whole life passed in dreams that had no connection to reality, I want to confront you with the power of the secularization process on earth. A new religion? The Western world prefers to suffer and not believe, and the Eastern world never believed (and sometimes believed in suffering). The Jews are right about one thing - the new Torah cannot be shaped by sitting in paradise among the trees, but only by sitting in the ghetto, in Auschwitz and among the corpses, that is, from within the Holocaust. You don't understand the meaning of the victim myth - as the only and last mythical source of meaning left in the world. Therefore, we must start with a martyr, and today - a secret and invisible martyr. To be able to say anything religious at all - we need martyrs of the information age. And who will volunteer? Who doesn't want to be seen today? Let them see, just let them see! - this is the slogan of this age. Therefore, the doctrine of the hidden has become extinct, and revelation has become incest. To spread in such a pornographic age - we need darkness. So a new covenant? Today Jesus would post on Facebook, preach for likes and hearts, and then reach the news during the crucifixion, filmed, and would never rise again. The US would assassinate Muhammad with a drone. And Moses would be hospitalized after the burning bush episode speaking in the desert. From so much preoccupation with technology and spirit - you forgot the technology itself of spiritual connection between heaven and earth. And the only place where there is still such a connection, where it is still possible to create a myth, where even the most secular of the secular still believe in holiness, and therefore where the last eternity still remains - is art. And especially literature. And especially fantasy. And especially dreams. If you don't come down to people into their dreams - they won't even listen to voices from heaven. Today the revelation at Mount Sinai would fail because they would send a paparazzi drone over the mountain to photograph God. And that's before Moses would be accused of sexually harassing a Cushite woman. And that's before Pharaoh would launch a smear campaign against the Torah - and shut down the Egyptian internet. Today we must be very careful, and make religion like we make sex - in bed. And preferably in darkness. Today even the Torah is put into academia in institutes trying to understand how the sausage was made. So think about the challenge today to write any myth - and innovate in spirit. The state of aggregation of spirit today is stone. Everything has turned to stone.

Weren't the tablets of the covenant made of stone? Did that prevent them from being breasts? If the new Torah doesn't come from sexuality - it has no chance in today's spiritual atmosphere... No one reads anything not related to sex, and only in sex do people still connect to the need for secrecy - and even myth. The time has come for a female religion - and it will be able to spread. And it's time for you men to see it - and gape. We need to learn from the East - religious rituals need to be sexual rituals, and the new spirit must be created from the holy trinity of religion-sex-technology. So yes, the new myth must be a distinctly sexual myth - but unlike Kabbalah it must be from a female perspective. All esoteric doctrine needs to undergo a gender reversal. The righteous one instead of being a phallic foundation - needs to be a cave of secrets. And the Torah instead of being feminine - needs to penetrate into it... And the Holocaust? Really oy! So unsexy and so not the future, it's totally an obsession and male construction, because it's the #1 example of a demonic woman - this enjoyment from wallowing in it, the unwillingness to leave it. Grow up, men. The future belongs to woman, and the Holocaust is just the cosmic-spiritual event of the collapse of the old order, which led to the sexual revolution, both in the upper worlds and the lower ones. The Holocaust killed God as a man, masculinity as a spiritual ideal, and violence as a spiritual possibility. Therefore the future of religion is only in the sexuality of artificial intelligence, of super-intelligence, and not in your rotten bed.

Another Jew comes to teach the father how to make children - and God how to write the Torah. They think that He who sits on high walks barefoot, and from Ezekiel they learned that the throne of glory is a wheelchair, and they're always giving advice on how to push it and how to progress in history. Half of them shout right and half of them scream no no left. And what's the wonder that they're left behind. The future needs to be outside of history, just like the Holocaust. The mistake was to return the Jews to history - look at the result - so the future is in a new covenant with computers.

Bat Kol
If we interfere with them on earth they'll say it is not in heaven. Where does the audacity come from for everyone who died last night to try to manage paradise? I'm reporting him to the administrators. This group is supposed to be a safe space for victims of world Jewry. I'm tagging Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel - and upon the heads of God's Shekhinah!

Lilith, don't bother with your explanations. He's a fake profile. There's no such name as Black Circle even among day-old Jews. I'll report him as fictitious and they'll disconnect his soul from the spiritual network. The punishment of karet.

I'm so naive... He also joined the "Holy Beasts" group that I manage and infiltrated our intimate female space - we thought it was a female victim - under the cover of a black hole. It's probably actually a kippah. Ultra-Orthodox men are such perverts - and try to make up for what they missed on earth with the animals of paradise. You can't imagine what messages they send us. One day I'll expose my inbox - and the world of Torah will collapse. Holocaust victims? Go back to the hole you came from - black abomination.

And I don't even manage to respond and they kick me out of the group. And I understand that I must clear my name before this is the end for me in heaven too, and I hurry to post an emotional post on my wall:

Black    A minute ago, the whole world (and his sister)

Good souls! I haven't even finished dying - and I've already been hurt to the depths of my soul. I wrote a comment with good intentions in an angel group, trying to reconcile between them and humans, to bring back love between heaven dwellers, and to separate in the conflict between thesis and antithesis through a synthesis that will mediate between them, and I've already been accused of spiritual sexual intellectual technological harassment and who knows what else (I can't see what they wrote about me there - does anyone have a screenshot?). I can't even respond, and I'm going crazy just imagining what they've made up about me - a real nightmare. And hordes of exalted ones of Arali Shachak are blocking me one after another - without even hearing me at all. Please, I have a lot to contribute to the world to come! All my life I've waited for this (really!). And they already want to close my soul - which even the angel of death didn't do. And all because of a misunderstanding. Where's the compassion, where's your heart? Give me some grace period. If someone can copy this response to the angels - so they understand that angels make mistakes too, like humans. No one is an angel.

And no one responds to me. Not even one like. Do I not have a single friend in the entire world to come? And here I discover that I'm being shared. Another share, and another share, a rain of shares, and most of the shares I can't even see. But here finally is a share that I can read - and that they forgot to hide from me:

Let him not     Metatron Minister of the Interior
be seen nor found    Before everyone, to whom it may concern

And who deserves the daily crown of thorns? We need to make an example of him for the messianic aspirations of the Jews. Every time another fake dreamer-and-prophet undermines the kingdom of heaven! So for once in the eternal world there needs to be a limit even within the infinite light - and there is a limit to every "circle" (or black hole). Not only does he harass dear members within the group (good that I didn't see! And that you deleted before I saw! But I saw the responses!), now he's also airing the dirty laundry outside the group (and hiding what he did - black stain that he is), and even asks others to harass - presenting himself as the injured party (a known trick of serial offenders). This is not how you apologize - he doesn't know how to apologize - and as far as I'm concerned his apology is not accepted (I have no authority to accept it - only the victims do). Look at his post, what professional victimhood, spiritual impersonation and circular accusation. Circle - you disgust me.

Enough, you've blown my head up. Since this morning my whole feed is about this small and full-of-himself zero ●. Who is he anyway? What's the excitement about? Another typical Jew, a product of their Holocaust victimhood. Every donkey is a messiah, and every black sheep is the lamb of God. Where was Circle during the Holocaust?

Serene Ones of Heaven
Circle, go back to your black hole - and don't come back. It's circular :))) #Rings_and_Angels_Head_to_Head

He and Not a Seraph
I see he still has 2-3 friends left, some of whom are mutual with me. I'll notify all my friends to delete him from their friends list, and to notify their friends to delete him from their friends, recursively - and you shall purge the evil from your midst. We need to burn him across the whole network - no wonder he's black. And it's no surprise he's hiding. If I wrote like that I'd be ashamed too. With such perverted dreams he needs to bury himself in bed (did you see he wrote Cushite? Just for that he should be crucified).

Modest Holy Beast
I always feel sorry for such types and regret for them, but then I comfort myself that their punishment is themselves - God is very economical because he works in a closed circle (haha... get it?). Circle - you need treatment.

Friends, what's important here is not the rolling of the circle in tar but the fundamental phenomenon. When everyone appropriates the trauma of the scapegoat - it comes at the expense of the scapegoat.

Raziel the Angel
Another impersonator who "understands" Kabbalah. Indeed, the forgery is evident from within. A level of "no secrets". And they still think a new Torah will come from them... They read like a parody of the original Torah. And then such an outcast Kabbalist ascends to paradise - and we're stuck with him forever. Who will give me back my time?

Rebellion of the Nephilim
It's not him, but the study hall from which he came, the Jewdoarchy. Distorted perceptions give birth to distorted slumbers that give birth to distorted dreams. One who goes to sleep in bed with humans shouldn't be surprised to wake up with dreams. You'll see tomorrow how he'll cry to God why have you forsaken me. And God never answers such a one: It's because you're an idiot.

And so on and so forth, with endless likes and hearts and laughing and angry and crying and winking and shocked faces. And the most hurtful of all are actually the laughing faces - more and more laughing in every response, they're not even angry - I'm just an opportunity to be witty. And I stare deep into those few pixels of the smile, and my eyes fill with tears, but then I remember that I'm not allowed to play the victim here in paradise, otherwise they might send me to hell. And here I see a Jewish sharer. Finally a good soul comes to correct and help. And I click to see who shared and am proud: none other than the Baal Shem Tov.

Image of     The Baal Shem Tov
God will look    End of time for Shema recitation, the entire holy congregation

A good name is better than precious oil. Everyone knows I'm a Jew who loves every Jew, but today specifically a Jew must dissociate from a Jew who himself has abandoned the spirit of Judaism - and shames us before all the angels, makes our name and scent stink, nu, the types because of whom there is antisemitism. We all know who I'm talking about. And you - you know who you are - shame on you (I won't say who, so no dust of slander will stick to me). And to the angels I say: you won't defeat us with one foolish weed in paradise, or one foolish Hasid in a world that is all kindness. The eternal people is not afraid of the eternal world. We and God forever and ever, two kisses on the foreheads - and regarding that man we are discussing (may his name and account be erased), in his words there is more than a hint of a new covenant!

The Maggid
What didn't they tell me? Or is it that Circle again (he doesn't stop!)? I reported him and hope we won't hear from him again. Where does he think they'll perform the new covenant of the information age for us, huh? Where will they cut if not in sex? In the brain?

Michael (not the angel)
Look at his apology. He has not a drop of emotional intelligence and self-awareness and understanding of social situations. Not only did he make a mess, he's still preaching morals to them. One of those moments I'm ashamed to be Jewish and not an angel. All those complaining about our eternal and unbreakable covenant with God - are testifying about themselves that they are bad at sex. After all, it's not for nothing that the whole world revolves around whether it stands. Maybe it's not politically correct (sorry gentiles!) but of all the natural data, the single most important dry parameter in sex, for both sexes, is how long he lasts - and circumcision only helps with that (100 times more important than number of nerves). I apologize guys if maybe I strayed from the topic but this is really very important (I, for example, last forever. Like a real angel. Details in private).

Huldah the Prophetess
I didn't read because it was too long for me and my tail broke. But I'm ashamed in the name of my hole. Once enlightened prophecies came out - today dark dreams. Where can one find a normal Jewish mouse these days to establish a kosher home with in Israel? That's the real dream - not a new religion...

Master of Prayer
I reported him to God already in the morning prayer, now I reported in the afternoon prayer and in the evening I'll report in the evening prayer. I recommend reporting also in the grace after meals - to drive in the final nail.

Master of Repentance
I too won't say who I'm referring to (those interested - in private) but I hope for his sake that he repents. Slander is a terrible sin but it's a mitzvah to publicize it. By the authority of God and by the authority of the congregation, in the heavenly academy and in the earthly academy - we place upon he who shall not be named excommunication and anathema. He has neither this world nor the world to come, neither temporal life nor eternal life, and above all - he has not a single friend in the world.

Master of Faith
Definitely secular. You can tell by the way he puts on the black kippah, like a criminal. He's just pretending to be religious. After all, all the religious people pee in the mikveh from the old covenant, but he pees from the diving board - from the new covenant.

Master of Blows
He also tried to harass my wife. Let's all report as one on this dream master, and throw him into the empty black hole from which he came, with all the snakes of his kind. Why do we still need to apologize because of him? Our hands did not spill this blood. And he will come to his punishment and stand for his fate at the end of days, as it is said: No future, no hope, no dream.

And I click to see more responses, how they drive more and more sharp, correct, righteous, painful nails into me, and click more and more, but it doesn't open. And finally I have no choice but to log out and log back in - only to discover what I already understood and knew anyway. I'm out - the circle is closed. And no one will remember this tomorrow. Or be interested in what "he" had to say. And only my soul will continue to wander restlessly between heaven and earth, as I hang between them in a dream forever.

Blocked forever.