The Degeneration of the Nation
The Dog Ate the Notebook
Remnants of notes, from what is an immense loss to philosophy: The dog ate the philosopher's third notebook, who fell asleep in an armchair after a philosophical binge, in which he vomited into the notebook everything he had learned along with banana leftovers. From among the scraps, researchers of the Netanya School managed to decipher a limited number of passages, but it is precisely from their eclecticism that a coherent philosophical doctrine is gradually emerging and growing, until its maturation at the end of the notebook, which is the philosopher's final composition. From there, the notebook's landscape no longer appears as fragments of impressions of a distinguished intellectual tourist, but as a pilgrimage to the peak of a system that raised the future as its flag - in what is a victory of the spirit of philosophy over the spirit of the dog
By: Will for the Future
The Despicable Dog  (Source)

Scraps of the Notebook

The Intellectual Sublime
Philosophy of philosophy, which explores the sublime in philosophy versus the mythical in religion - through an unsentimental lens. Philosophy has accumulated many sentiments around it throughout history, and many myths, which obscure its true mode of operation for us, just as the myth of the artist obscures the way art is created. From the love of wisdom, philosophy has become precisely the fear of wisdom, and has gained prestige as the highest discipline in the world of the spirit, parallel to mathematics in the natural sciences. What made it so?

The Great Novel of the Next Century
All great literature is built on the collision of motivations and drives (vectors) of human beings. Therefore, to know what conflict the great literature of the generation should deal with, one needs to understand what are the strongest vectors of the era, and examine how they can collide and what happens then. Usually, it's the rise of a new vector that replaces the old ones and collides with them powerfully, and preferably in an internal conflict and not just an external one. Or in a conflict of the tragic type, where human desires and vectors collide with a reality stronger than him, above him

Feed = Intellectual Food. And What About Intellectual Sex?
In the current world, how can cultural creations still deeply influence a person, as in the pre-network era? Which of the technologies are merely an external form, and which among them are also content that causes internalization? Why is depth, as in sex, defeated by the repetitiveness of food. On the spiritual portrait of the thinker from Netanya as a parable for the era, for the spirit of the time - and for the matter of time

The Mother of the State
Feminism will triumph not when a woman rules instead of a man - because the structure will turn her into a man - but when the structure changes from masculine to feminine - and from control to nurturing. The easiest narrative for identification is that of a single person, and therefore religions that told the story of the individual in a concentrated manner (Christianity and Islam) had an advantage over religions that are feminine systems, like Judaism, without a central individual (but a people). But today, we need to build a narrative of systems, not individuals, in order to succeed in navigating a world of giant systems

Value as Future and Future as Value
A new philosophical theory of morality and aesthetics in accordance with the philosophy of the future, including an appropriate epistemology. From it, one can answer the question of what are the two most important things that a person should bequeath to the future - and why. In this view, what a person bequeaths to the future has a unique value from a philosophical and even ontological perspective

Wittgenstein and Hitler
An analysis of the philosophical critique of Nazism, from different disciplines and perspectives of philosophy, lacks precisely the most established and expected one - and precisely because of that. This perspective solves several historical puzzles regarding the Nazi phenomenon: Why specifically the Jews? How did it eventually deteriorate to the Holocaust? And what is the source of the phenomenon's power in the first place? To all these, it provides a necessary explanation, not just a possible one

The Revolution of Meaning in Urbanism
Towards an architecture of meaning. A proposal for a new agenda for world architecture, drawing its characteristics from the architecture of the ancient world and from poetry - and combining narrative and cultural content with form. Such a paradigm could replace modernism and post-modernism in architecture, and then we will not understand why we saw urban alienation, empty formalism, and meaningless replication as inevitable fates

The Future of Love - Between Him and Artificial Her
What if what is perceived as the highest phenomenon in the human world - love - is actually the most basic phenomenon? When there are two unique systems in the entire biological world - the question arises whether it is precisely the unique connection between them that created them, and created the human itself. The unique and accelerated evolution of humans and intelligence probably went through a mechanism unique to it, which combined the brain and sex into one unity, and caused unprecedented sexual natural selection in all matters of intelligence

The Smallest and the Largest Meet at the End
Could intelligence have been created in larger or smaller orders of magnitude in the universe than ours? Indeed, we are trapped between its maximum size determined by the speed of light and the minimum determined by the uncertainty principle, but why precisely our order of magnitude, and not others - is there something special about it? And do the theoretical connections between the world of elementary particles and the entire cosmos teach about a darker connection between the smallest and the largest in our world? One cannot deny the similarities between these two levels: being composed of vast emptiness within which tiny spheres of matter move in circular-periodic motions and between which forces act at distances

The 1% Smart vs. the 99%
The multiplication of the population means the multiplication of geniuses, but despite the multiplication of geniuses, complexity also grows and accelerates, to such an extent that it is not clear whether the understanding of reality is not actually in decline. Towards a medieval stage - where only a few have a broad enough education, ability to conceptualize and perceive reality - we must return to medieval methods of governance. The project of the education system and universal education by the state is going bankrupt before our eyes, and without it, democracy is a disaster

The New Anti-Semitism
A new class division is rising in the information age. Until now, every increase in education for the masses was accompanied by a smarter society as a whole, but as the democratic and individualistic propaganda of the media flatters the average person more, his wisdom, his understanding, his talent and his rights - so rises the arrogance and hubris of the public, to the point of cultural catastrophe. Only a new class division within society will stop the barbarism

The New Wealth of Nations
If we look at nations from a computational perspective, we will find that their power stems from a balance between human processors, non-human processors, and the organization of the form of connection between them - into a kind of general effective computational power of the state, instead of GDP. On the other hand, if we look at cultures according to the size of their effective cultural memory, we will find that their wealth and importance can be measured through this simplistic external parameter. Cultures and countries that internalize this insight will understand that it is difficult to change their resources - but relatively easy to switch to more effective algorithms, which will give them a significant relative advantage, considering the primitiveness of social algorithms that have not internalized anything from the sophisticated algorithmic knowledge accumulated in the last half century

On the Lack of Use of Mathematics in Public Policy
Mathematics still has tremendous potential for applications in a variety of disciplines and fields that have remained mathematically illiterate, including the public sector. Eventually, its requirements for feedback for optimization will cause the implementation of learning processes in institutions that currently operate arbitrarily and full of biases. The claim that not every result can be measured is based on primitive measurement methods, which higher mathematical knowledge would allow to replace, and certainly would lead to a more stringent examination of policies that are currently based mainly on gut feelings

Enough with the Sour Ones
Does culture serve the rich person, or perhaps he - who is trapped within the capitalist ethos of wealth and therefore creates economic activity like a donkey and finances society - is the exploited one? As part of the exhaustion and turn of philosophy against individualism, a concept will arise that will replace the individual in terms of value and focus of interest. The day is near when the value of the individual will be understood solely as serving culture, and therefore death will no longer be perceived as a problem, but only creative barrenness and cultural harm. The Holocaust will no longer be perceived as a holocaust of individuals, and the holocaust of culture will be perceived as the center of the crime

Caution Wet Paint
A comparison between contemporary art and contemporary literature shows the immense difficulty that still exists in the simple idea of coupling, which is the basis of the Zohar's ideology. The balance between content and form requires exceptional maturity, because there is always a tendency to maximize one side, instead of maximizing meaning - which is their coupling. Therefore, precisely artistic practice can help people improve in real coupling - and in love

The Explosion of Sexual Knowledge
It is not pornography that is the greatest influence on sexuality today - but rather the growing and spreading sexual education in the population, as knowledge that was once esoteric becomes a staple and basic knowledge. The period of sexual enlightenment, along with scientific innovations that have only recently begun massive research into sexuality, is the belated arrival of enlightenment into the darkest, most secret and private human domain. It is expected to have a similar effect - in raising the level of human pleasure and sexual happiness, while eradicating the medieval sexual heritage - for better and for worse (annihilation of magic and mystery). This is good news for marriage and couplehood - and for the human race

The One Name
Contrary to current research, which sees the Bible as a kind of testimony to power struggles whose blurring was unsuccessful, in imitation of Foucauldian thought, historical insights should be extracted from the Bible precisely through ars poetica thinking that gives tremendous credit to the writers and their aesthetic tendencies. The question that should be asked is how the unique biblical aesthetic grew and why precisely in Judah and Israel. And then the answer is obvious: This is a necessary aesthetic result of iconoclastic monotheism, where the physical worship of God and the popular religious feeling around it were replaced, for lack of choice, by textual work around the word of God, which created great literature, in which the best of popular religious feeling was invested. Because behind great literature stands an immense cultural effort - not a conspiracy

The Indians of the Future
What do Indians and Jews have in common, which caused these two traditional and divided cultures to choose democracy as a default? The 19th century powers, led by Britain, made a huge mistake in not conquering China and creating colonialism there - and we are paying for the consequences of this mistake today. In retrospect, British colonialism was the most successful of all, and therefore we should recreate an alliance built on the largest empire ever, which managed to create more stable democracies than any other empire

The Tragedy of Philosophy
There can be two main aesthetic tastes in the form of philosophical writing: philosophy that reveals its origin and way of thinking and follows the beginning of the development of ideas, and philosophy that presents ideas in their most sophisticated, aesthetic and complete form - and evokes astonishment. The second taste teaches less about doing philosophy, and it is contrary to the principles of the philosophy of learning, but it teaches the philosophy itself better, and evokes a sense of sublimity for philosophy and the height of its ideas - because it throws away the ladder. But there is also a third and tragic form of philosophical writing: when philosophical work does not reach completion, and evokes sorrow for the spiritual loss, but also opens a door for continuation

The Agnonian Anchor
Why did Agnon choose this name? The matter is related to a Kabbalistic conception no less daring than Sabbateanism - in the relations of the coupling of the Shekhinah with God. This conception is also the source of Agnon's modernism - and the reason he was accepted outside the religious world. A one-sided attachment, which has an overt component of necessity and a covert component of will and some inherent impossibility and hopeless hope and expectation, namely agunah [anchored/chained wife] in the language of tradition - is what ties Agnon to the sources of modern absurdity

Philosophy of the Mathematics of the Future
The philosophy of mathematics, in its aspiration for timeless eternity like its subject, does not take into account developments in physics as changing fundamental perceptions of mathematics. If not for its success in the sciences - which is very strange according to the current scientific picture (that is, this is probably not the correct picture) - the entire perception of mathematics would be different, as chess is perceived, that is, as arbitrary and not as an eternal truth at the basis of the universe. Mathematics can be perceived as a kind of physical experiment that reveals a basic low physical truth that is also expressed at the high level of thinking, that is, a physical law that is not limited to a certain horizontal order of magnitude in the universe but vertically crosses all orders of magnitude in the universe, and therefore accessible to us also at the level of thought, which allows us to conduct a physical experiment in the brain at the level of elementary particles and thus penetrate the secrets of the universe

The Future of Israel
What is strategy in the eyes of the philosophy of the future? An analysis of the learning capabilities of a system, compared to rivals. That is, it is not about future content (a problematic concept) but about future form - not the specific goals are examined in strategy, but the methodology. So the examination does not revolve around data, or even trends and directions, but around learning algorithms that operate in the system. Demonstration of algorithmic thinking about Israel

If Morality is Dead - Is Everything Permitted?
Demonstration of the philosophy of learning applied to the field of morality. Unlike the philosophy of the future, which will examine a moral act according to future judgment towards it, the learning philosophy of morality argues that there is no such thing as future judgment (when? In a thousand years? A million? After all, even in the future judgment will change and reverse again and again) as an object to aspire to (asymptotically). On the contrary, morality should be understood as a system of learning in the present, in which we have no future pretension (to reach the limit), except for the aspiration to progress (in the current derivative). In fact, ontologically, the future itself will be defined as the direction of progress of learning, which stems and is created from learning as a by-product, and not as an imaginary metaphysical object placed somewhere on an axis - at a time that does not exist now

On the Principle of Self-Repetition
Why do thinkers repeat themselves? Why is what is a literary flaw not at all a philosophical flaw? If we understand learning as evolution and not as learning that reaches a certain conclusion, then philosophy itself is a learning system, in which each philosopher is another stage in learning, or another direction for an evolutionary branch. And unlike a linear story, in evolution there is crucial importance to copying, and in learning there is tremendous importance to repetitions - to internalizing the idea and learning to use it, to turning it into a tool, and finally to a part of you. That is, ideas go through a technological process, in which the tool becomes part of the person

The Interest Network
The tourist site degrades to a collection of photography angles, and to a ritual of recreating canonical photographs, that is, to a Facebook feed, and therefore receives a similar spiritual structure. Tourism is always an intensification of reality, and therefore can be used as a seismograph for trends that later take over reality, and on the other hand to offer alternatives in it. For example, travel in the past was much longer and included an inner journey, sometimes with a religious or spiritual component that was not strongly anchored in matter but in the spirit and culture of the traveler. Therefore, not all journeys were "performances" of the same tourist route, where like in a concert the tourist or traveler is measured in "performance". In contrast, the traveler is a listener - and precisely because of that also a composer

Network Morality vs. Atom Morality
If Nietzsche contrasted slave morality with master morality and ridiculed the perception of good and evil through historicization and genealogy of morality, then precisely the use of history of moral examples as a philosophical basis can solve the problem of relativity and historicity of morality. Indeed, the perception of morality changes historically - but out of philosophical justification for ethics built on moral learning. And what we are learning today about humans causes us to see the group as the new moral atom - and to retreat from individualistic morality

Salon Philosopher
The house philosopher of the Netanya School is looking for a student

The Human Genius
The philosophy of the future is actually proven in practice. Almost never is the greatness of the great recognized in the present time, and on the other hand, people are amazed at people of the past who did not recognize the greatness of the great in their days. That is - it is actually impossible to see and distinguish the great in real time, because they are really not great from the perspective of the present, but only from that of the future. Therefore, only the future can judge greatness. And so also the understanding of who is stupid and who is smart becomes clear only in the future, because it is determined by the results, and the smart cannot know that he is smart and the stupid cannot know that he is stupid and the great cannot know that he is great. Therefore, wisdom and stupidity and greatness are not knowledge or awareness in the present, but a vision of the future

What is a Philosophy of Learning?
Philosophical learning, like any tree search, can be didactic and orderly, but also greedy and working on the principle of demonstration. When dealing with an unordered tree - there is an advantage to philosophical learning of the type presented in these notebooks. Like in evolution, it includes an element of random mutation, which is suitable for searching in a space with infinite dimensions. In the end, philosophy is a form of thinking, or more precisely a form of learning, and the notebooks demonstrate a form of thinking and learning. Blessed is the man who will learn it - and will not continue it, but will continue to learn
Philosophy of the Future