The Degeneration of the Nation
The Explosion of Sexual Knowledge
It is not pornography that has the greatest influence on sexuality today - but rather the growing and spreading sexual education in the population, as knowledge that was once esoteric becomes a staple and basic knowledge. The period of sexual enlightenment, along with scientific innovations that have only recently begun massive research into sexuality, is the belated arrival of enlightenment into the darkest, most secret, and private human domain. It is expected to have a similar impact - in raising the level of human pleasure and sexual happiness, while eradicating the medieval sexual heritage - for better or worse (annihilation of magic and mystery). This is good news for marriage and relationships - and for the human race
By: Sex Bomb
The internet has influenced sex more through text than through porn (Source)
Like other knowledge that was passed down from generation to generation in the past - through observation, imitation, and guidance - and disappeared with modernity, for example, childcare or childbirth, so too the sexual knowledge that existed in pre-agricultural society was lost with the transition to agricultural privacy, and completely disappeared with the privacy of religion and modernity, and therefore is being rediscovered today. Because we are a creature that in many things - like hunting - is built on passing knowledge from generation to generation and not on instincts, and therefore instinct alone is not enough. And sexuality is built with great variation in the population, like faces and personality, to reward bonding between partners and individual specialization, customization. The thought that this is an evolutionary glitch is arrogant, and the thought that it should be an instinct does not understand what Homo sapiens is.

On the day when science decodes sex, only love will remain. The physical dimension of inserting the organ is what created the concept of secrecy in humans, from which privacy and shame and walls and clothes developed, and the covering in language and lies, etc. Freud was right in identifying the source but did not understand how abstract the influence is - in the form of thinking. The physical difference between an external and internal organ is what creates the psychological type of penetrating a secret versus hiding it, and the different attitude towards sexuality between the sexes, or at least it is an expression at the physical level of this structure, which stems from a difference in pregnancy, which is also physical.

The improvement in knowledge will bring a tremendous improvement in sexuality more than any technological change, and relationships will improve wonderfully - including marriages. People will be happier, unlike almost any other development, which does not add to happiness. Sex is also becoming an ideology and a new religion that will encompass the whole world. And what feminism is trying to do is to give validity to prohibitions in it, instead of going for the positive, which if explained properly there will be (almost) no need for prohibitions. Sexual knowledge will become part of the basic education of every person - in contrast to its secrecy in the past, and this thing is happening only in the current generation.
Philosophy of the Future