The Degeneration of the Nation
Philosophy of the Future
Interviews and writings published by "The Degeneration of the Nation" reveal the new philosophical wave sweeping through Netanya, characterized by original, accessible, and speculative thinking. The vast array of ideas and the Netanyian intellectual flourishing inspire hope for a renewal of philosophical thought at the cutting edge of contemporary scientific, academic, and technological development - with an eye to the future. For from Netanya shall come forth wisdom [Translator's note: A play on Isaiah 2:3, "For out of Zion shall go forth the law"]
By: The mind behind the Netanya School
When content is form, blood is soul, and brain is skull - the inner essence interchanges with the outer  (Source)
Against the backdrop of contemporary philosophy's conservatism, with its face turned to the past, the Netanya School surprises with innovative thought oriented towards the future. Befitting our era, its style is fragmentary and reveals the development of thought in the process of writing, yet it distances itself from all esoteric discourse - it is equally far from the charlatan obscurity that has spread in the Continental tradition and from the theoretical dryness that has mummified the Analytic tradition. From the totality of the fragments emerges a synthesis between the scientific roots of Analytic philosophy - including significant influence from mathematics and computer science - and a style of thinking that is essentially radically Continental, fitting for a school that grew on the eastern edge of Western culture, in an American satellite state with European roots - a philosophical banana republic.

Introduction to the Netanya School

First Interviews
The initial encounters of "The Degeneration of the Nation" editorial staff with the Netanya School, in meetings that left the editorial team awestruck, awakened them from their dogmatic slumber, and shifted the magazine's focus from current criticism to intellectual innovation - and from dealing with the present to engaging with the future. On the fault line in the history of the spirit in Netanya

Notable introductory chapters to the thought of the Netanya School, from which one should begin acquaintance with it

The Journal Entry that Initialized the Netanya School
This page was hung at the entrance to the philosopher's living room and everyone who entered was required to read it before wasting the philosopher's time

The Late Netanyian School
Netanya at the peak of its philosophical maturity: final summaries, profound beyond measure, analyzing deep learning concepts - and the concept of depth itself

The Banana Notebooks

The First Banana Notebook
The legacy of the head of the Netanya School is nothing less than an amazing collection of ideas in all fields of knowledge, spirit, science, art - and philosophy. It's hard to believe that one mind is capable of producing such a wide variety of thoughts, in a grotesque Renaissance-like connection strongly influenced by algorithmic complexity theory, but also Jewish thought, art history, the history of ideas, and the world of science fiction - and scientific fiction. Beyond the recurring motif of the banana and the monkey, one can discern the philosopher's feverishness, who toils in his armchair 24 hours a day, has never uttered a banal sentence in his life, and whose innovation is truly infinite - like an ever-flowing spring. In the notebook, his thought unfolds before the reader in abundance, confidence, breadth of thought and conciseness at once - like one of the ancients. As if Leonardo were connected to the internet and never left the house

The Homework Notebook
A notebook of lessons that the Netanyian thinker couldn't teach at the university, so he taught them in his living room. These are summaries written by students of the Netanya School leader's outbursts when frustrated by the lack of recognition from the philosophical world outside Netanya - and outside the living room. The summaries deal with diverse topics such as: intelligence and misogyny, Kant and algorithms, deep connections between theology and science, political science and learning systems, aesthetics and technology, and more. On one hand, they contain a mishmash of intellectual provocations in the Netanyian stream of consciousness, and on the other hand, they reveal intense and original conservatism. A fundamental concept woven throughout the notebook is learning, which replaces language as the paradigm at the philosophical center of gravity - in a move with far-reaching implications for the future of philosophy

The Dog Ate the Notebook
Remnants of notes, from what is an enormous loss to philosophy: The dog ate the philosopher's third notebook, who fell asleep in his armchair after a philosophical bulimia attack, in which he vomited into the notebook everything he had learned along with banana remnants. Among the tears, Netanya School researchers managed to decipher a limited number of passages, but it is precisely from their eclecticism that a coherent philosophical doctrine gradually grows, until its maturation at the end of the notebook, which is the philosopher's final composition. From there, the notebook's landscape no longer appears as fragments of impressions of a distinguished intellectual tourist, but as a pilgrimage to the peak of a system that raised the future as its flag - in what is a victory of the spirit of philosophy over the spirit of the dog

The End of the Matter, All Has Been Heard

Prefaces to All Future Philosophy
A summary of trends in the Netanya School. Following the glorious philosophical tradition of those who were not understood at all in their lifetime - the philosopher establishes a new tradition of those who were not read at all. Prefaces as a summary - this is a fitting conclusion to the work of a school that dealt with the future. In keeping with the school's condensed tradition, whose single book contains material equivalent to about a thousand non-fiction books, and which condenses the waste of time in philosophical jargon (which broke negative records in the twentieth century, a trend shared by both the Analytic and Continental traditions), the Netanyian compresses his entire doctrine into a short article. The rest is commentary; go and study [Translator's note: A reference to the Talmudic saying "The rest is commentary; go and learn"]

The Last Seminar
A text of a different kind. A summary in bullet points of the week-long seminar given by the Netanyian philosopher in his living room about his dreams for the future of the world - just before he left the world for a world that is all future. In this seminar, the late Netanyian left behind an abundance of directions for future progress, as he himself stood on the threshold of cessation, perhaps already peeking beyond the border

Confucius of the Future
"The Jewish Confucius" - or "The Proto-Netanyian" - are the nicknames of an anonymous thinker from before the beginning of the Netanya School, who was perhaps the teacher or initial inspiration of the most important philosopher in Netanya, who later disowned him - when he turned from Eastern thought to Western thought. Very little has been preserved of the Proto-Netanyian thought, which remained partly obscure and sealed for a future generation to discover, but some of the teacher's ideas precede those of the student - particularly the philosophy of learning and the future. From the remaining fragments, it appears to have been a kind of mystical group that existed in ancient Netanya around a charismatic teacher - and sex addict. The thought is arranged in two concise collections, one by the teacher and the other by the student, and it was found in the Netanyian's home after his suicide, and was apparently his favorite reading material in the bathroom, but he denied any connection to it during his lifetime, and insisted that he had never read it - and was not influenced by it at all
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