The Degeneration of the Nation
Enough with the Sourpusses
Does culture serve the wealthy person, or perhaps is he - trapped within the ethos of capitalist wealth and therefore creating economic activity like a donkey and financing society - the one being exploited? As part of the exhaustion and turning point of philosophy against individualism, a concept will arise that will replace the individual in terms of value and focus of interest. The day is near when the value of the individual will be understood solely as serving culture, and therefore death will no longer be perceived as a problem, but only creative barrenness and cultural damage. The Holocaust will no longer be perceived as a holocaust of individuals, and the cultural holocaust will be seen as the center of the crime
By: On the Contrary and On the Contrary
The conceptual reversal of coming to terms with a philosophical problem and turning it into a fundamental assumption for the next theory (Source)
The main weapon in philosophy, which wins wars, is let's celebrate the problem, the problem is the solution and it's good that it's so. Like Kant versus Hume, or the later Wittgenstein versus the early one and linguistic positivism, like Aristotle versus Plato, like Descartes against skepticism (I doubt therefore I am). And like postmodernism in its optimistic version, the celebration of there is no truth, as in the merry 90s, with Gurevitch and Keret and Derrida.

Afterwards, a critical and negative tone took over - Foucault for example, and political correctness - which says that everything is constructs and politics, which is a skeptical and negating approach. And then one can say against it, using the main weapon: it's wonderful that everything is constructs, and everything is control of discourse, this is culture, let's celebrate it, let's understand that everything is a product of culture and it's not a problem that it's so but that it's good that it's so. That is, we'll replace politics and economics as producers of discourse, meaning as negative, forceful, bad forces, against the individual, with culture, which is also against the individual, but good.

That is - to go against Marx, against leftism. To change branding from negative to positive for a phenomenon. To replace the bad with the good, like in "the evil inclination is very good". And to understand that this is how culture works, through constructs, and it's good that we don't have authenticity of the individual, because it's a messed up, kitsch, unimportant thing, and the individual is bad. And culture is good. That is, culture is the source of constructs, not power. Power is under the control of culture, its product, its way of thinking, and there are non-forceful cultures. That is - not the will to power and not forceful power, but at most cultural, spiritual power. Culture is the source of power and not the opposite.

All politics, economics, even technology, are servants of culture without being aware of it. There we can expose the false consciousness: the rich person who thinks he's strong, but is actually rooted in perceptions that stem from literature. The politician who actually serves a philosophy written by someone smarter than him whom he didn't know, but the ideas had power. The power that is actually controlled by art. Pornography and Hollywood that are actually controlled by painters' images, and try to imitate them to gain cultural legitimacy, because that's what they are, imitators. Literature is the strongest power in the world. That's where they determine the ways power will flow in the future. Because whatever power won't do - literature will be above it. Which is actually the definition of the Jewish idea. From the Bible to the Holocaust.
Philosophy of the Future