The Degeneration of the Nation
The New Antisemitism
A new class division is emerging in the information age. Until now, every increase in education for the masses has been accompanied by a smarter society as a whole. However, as the democratic and individualistic propaganda of the media increasingly flatters the average person - their wisdom, understanding, talent, and rights - the public's arrogance and hubris rise to the point of cultural catastrophe. Only a new class division within society will stop the barbarism
By: Patient Zero
A famous graduate of public school (Source)
What caused the Holocaust was not the industrial revolution - it would have happened even before it - but the communications revolution: mass media. There could be a Holocaust without trains and with horses, but there couldn't be a Holocaust without radio, and especially without propaganda. Because once mass communication arose, when enough people became media consumers due to the development of reading and writing for the masses, antisemitism spread throughout the world, including the Muslim world, even before the Holocaust. Antisemitism was the virus, and mass communication allowed for rapid infection, and then the Holocaust was just the disease.

The Holocaust was caused because the masses learned to write and read, because of public school. The moment the masses entered the game, the most vulgar and cheap incitement immediately spread, and this was always antisemitism, which was also the most long-standing and established. There were countless incitement materials that had been shaped for generations, and now they became viral. Therefore, those who think that the internet and social media will come without a viral spread of historical diseases - don't understand that the Enlightenment and education were reading and writing for the elite, but when the masses entered the game, other things happened.

Science is elite, and the masses produce less and less intellectual value because they are incited. Therefore, the intellectual master race, the intelligent ones, need to rule over the fools. Because antisemitism is the hatred of the fools towards the wise. The hatred of the masses towards the elite. People with high IQs need to increasingly understand that those with average IQs are their enemies and need to be increasingly controlled, because they don't control themselves. This is the class of the future. And the next class war is a neuro-war between brain classes.

We're talking about a thousand divisions in society: the fat against the thin, the rich against the poor, men against women, but the only relevant division that will dominate the next century is the intelligent against the stupid. And this is a completely repressed division. Therefore, an inverse Marxism of the intellect, or intellectual capitalism, is necessary.
Philosophy of the Future