The Degeneration of the Nation
The Smallest and the Largest Meet in the End
Could intelligence have emerged in larger or smaller orders of magnitude in the universe than ours? Although we are trapped between the maximum size determined by the speed of light and the minimum determined by the uncertainty principle, why specifically our order of magnitude and not others - is there something special about it? And do the theoretical connections between the world of elementary particles and the entire cosmos teach us about a darker connection between the smallest and the largest in our world? One cannot deny the similarities between these two levels: both are composed of vast emptiness within which tiny spheres of matter move in circular-periodic motions, with forces acting between them at a distance
By: Speculative Physics
Is the universe not only infinite, but does it have infinite orders of magnitude? (Source)
Perhaps dark matter is related to string theory and stems from it, and similarly, dark energy might be related to branes? Because we see that as something gets smaller, it eventually gets a larger and more monstrous expression at the cosmic level, as happened with neutrons and neutron stars, and with hydrogen and helium atoms with the sun, and with pure matter and quanta in black holes and with black hole radiation, and with force carriers like gravity, so perhaps strings have an expression specifically at the astrophysical level?

And what is the significance of strings from a computational perspective, like quantum computing? What is the complexity class of string computation? And what happens in all the orders of magnitude between them and the quantum level? It's very strange that there's nothing there - so many orders of magnitude - so maybe there is something there, or maybe there's a reason there's nothing? Perhaps when you reach these levels, you need to go through many orders of magnitude without any complexity, unlike other orders of magnitude we know. In other words, does the universe have a bell curve distribution at the level of orders of magnitude, where we are the most complex order of magnitude, and can this be calculated? And therefore, perhaps it's not coincidental that intelligence is found at our level and in our order of magnitude?

Isn't technology essentially an attempt by our order of magnitude to invade smaller and larger orders of magnitude, and cause complexity in them as well? And in this respect, have we only just begun? Artificial intelligence might be our first success in creating complexity like ours in a different order of magnitude. Will it be larger, like in a supercomputer, or smaller, like in quantum computing? And will quantum computing perhaps be more powerful, but due to noise, never be able to reach our structural complexity, or significant complexity?

Therefore, the theory of relativity and quantum theory can be seen as mutually complementary. Relativity is built on a limit of communication and thus of creating a mutual system from the smallest to the largest order of magnitude, while quantum theory is built on a limit of communication and creating a mutual system from large orders of magnitude to small ones. Is there a fundamental difference between a speed limit and an uncertainty limit on communication? Or is there practically an explanation where speed limitation creates uncertainty, while uncertainty limitation creates a medium where information cannot return from small to large, a kind of small event horizon? Because maybe information also has a minimum speed and not just a maximum, or because if the speed of light is constant then it's too fast to create communicative interaction in too small orders of magnitude? Therefore, it's possible that the small and the large meet in uncertainty, and that in fact it's the same physical object? And that strings and the entire cosmos are also connected, and therefore there is some level in the middle that is furthest from both - and that's where we are?
Philosophy of the Future