The Degeneration of the Nation
What is the philosophy of learning?
Philosophical learning, like any search in a tree, can be didactic and orderly, but also greedy and based on the principle of demonstration. When dealing with an unstructured tree - there is an advantage to philosophical learning of the type presented in these notebooks. Like in evolution, it includes an element of random mutation, which is suitable for searching in a space with infinite dimensions. Ultimately, philosophy is a form of thinking, or more precisely a form of learning, and the notebooks demonstrate a way of thinking and learning. Blessed is the person who will learn it - and not continue it, but continue to learn
By: Birkat HaDerech
Loves Kandinsky, hates those who continue him  (Source)
You can love Kandinsky without thinking you need to paint like Kandinsky, and think he's a great painter without thinking that the direction he outlines is the future of painting or even legitimate painting today, or even that he was part of the path towards the future of painting. Because it could be that it was a check of a dead-end in the search tree. And mainly because if the perception is learning-based - seeing him as an example is not necessarily as an example of what to do (in any sense) but in the sense of something that needed to be checked in the overall learning of art history, or a direction that was good to be checked and found what was found in it.

In other words, if someone does better than Kandinsky what Kandinsky did, then seemingly he has a place, but he doesn't, because all Kandinsky did was check a possibility, and he spread it out in a good way (of course there are other ways to interpret, but it's no longer as interesting or challenging as the first time to discover this land and space - you can't be Columbus 2). The learning-based approach allows you to free yourself from the past complex of art history as instruction (what to do), to art history as learning (non-random development, with internal logic and direction, but not external direction like aiming for history).

That is, it allows you to think about the future not as a slave of the past but as a child of the past. Therefore, the fact that everyone gets confused by cultural role models like Kandinsky and modern artists (and wants to continue the idea of the avant-garde) stems from a misunderstanding of what a role model is, that is, what a stage in learning is, which is not necessarily an arrow pointing to a future direction that needs to be continued, but a place we visited along the way. Because the path is winding. And that's what they don't understand - there is no linear direction of any kind. This was the thought of the Enlightenment, that one needs to discover what this direction is and it is the Enlightenment, and it's clear that whoever gets there first will win.

On the contrary, it's about discovering a space with complex topology. A learning space. Just as mathematics is a field with complex topology, where it's not clear where there's meat and where the proof will come from. It's always surprising, because by definition it deals with the surprising, because what's not surprising is already known. And what's not surprising is already calculation. And therefore to paint better than Kandinsky like Kandinsky is already calculation. Maybe complicated calculation, but calculation. Is there a fundamental gap between this calculation and that of something new?

Yes and no. Not necessarily in the number of steps, but yes in the complexity of the problem. In the asymptote. We must teach complexity already in school because it's an iron sheep asset [Translator's note: Hebrew idiom meaning a fundamental principle] for human thinking - and perhaps the greatest achievement of the human spirit in the last half century. And you can't be a person of spirit and an intellectual nowadays without knowing complexity, statistics and algorithms. Not even a scientist. On the other hand, you also can't be a person of spirit nowadays without knowing the Netanya school [Translator's note: likely a reference to a specific philosophical or cultural movement] - and the fact is that you can. The words of the Netanya school that prophesied during the Netanyahu era have ended - and only the future will be able to judge it and recognize its greatness.
Philosophy of the Future