The Degeneration of the Nation
The Smart 1% Against the 99%
The growth of the population means the growth of geniuses, but despite the increase in geniuses, complexity also grows and accelerates, to the point where it's unclear if the understanding of reality isn't actually in decline. Approaching a medieval stage - where only a few have a broad enough education, conceptual ability, and perception of reality - we must return to medieval methods of governance. The project of state-sponsored education and universal enlightenment is going bankrupt before our eyes, and without it, democracy is a disaster
By: we are the 1%
The Masses (Source)
The judicialization of government and removal through legal means is the re-takeover of democracy by the elite - following the failure of ratings-driven media, which is a feedback loop of dumbing down with the people - and therefore it is a positive process. IQ is a misleading number that has created a cultural disaster. A person with an IQ of 150 is not one and a half times smarter than the average person but tens of times smarter, in terms of what their abilities allow them to understand, because this speed accumulates into a growing distance and gap over years, like a tortoise versus a hare. This is how it was perceived in ancient and ultra-Orthodox cultures in the concept of the genius and the greatest of the generation. He's not just one and a half times smarter, which doesn't sound like much, but we're simply not capable of understanding his considerations.

Therefore, the aristocracy of wealth and technology needs to retake control of the business and turn democracy into an oligarchy before it turns into anarchy. These are the two options. Because the balances have been disrupted. And the gaps have widened. Including intellectual gaps. The gap between the elite today and the masses is enormous due to the development of science, knowledge, sophistication, and culture, and once the gap was much smaller.

In fact, we're returning to a pre-Enlightenment state. Most of the population is intellectually illiterate. They lack literacy in rational, scientific, and technological thinking in the ways demanded by the information age. The gap that closed with the printing press has reopened. Once, before printing, those who could read possessed the literacy of an entire culture and thousands of years, and those who couldn't - were ignorant, uneducated, and boorish. Today the gap is reopening, but it's an intellectual gap, because even a literate person can't understand what's happening. Everything is so complex and processes are so fast that you need to be a genius to have a reasonable understanding of the world. Today, you need literacy towards the future, not towards the past. And future literacy requires the ability to think far ahead, where a person with an IQ of 150 has enormous advantages over a person with average IQ, whose brain today can't even keep up with the speed of the present, and therefore lives constantly delayed in the past, in a gap that will only widen and intensify.
Philosophy of the Future