The Degeneration of the Nation
Confucius of the Future
"The Jewish Confucius" - or "The Proto-Netanyahuite" - are the names given to an anonymous thinker who predated the beginning of the Netanya school of thought, who was perhaps the teacher or initial inspiration of the most important philosopher in Netanya, who later disowned him - when he turned from Eastern thought to Western thought. Very little has been preserved of the Proto-Netanyahuite thought, which remained partly obscure and sealed for a future generation to discover, but some of the teacher's ideas precede those of the student - particularly the philosophy of learning and the future. From the remaining fragments, it appears to have been a kind of mystical group that existed in ancient Netanya around a charismatic teacher - and sex addict. The thought is organized in two condensed collections, one by the teacher and the other by the student, and it was found in the Netanyahuite's home after his suicide, and was apparently his favorite reading material in the bathroom, but he denied any connection to it during his lifetime, and insisted that he had never read it - and was not influenced by it at all
By: The Student of the Future
"I never said that" - attributed to Confucius (source)

Introduction: The Teacher of the Future

The fault line in pre-Netanyahuite thought between the teacher's collection and the student's collection lies in the fact that the teacher's thought revolves around the concept of learning, while the student's thought revolves around the direction of the future, in contrast to its development in Netanyahuite philosophy, where the idea of the future is perceived as a partial and initial idea while the idea of learning is perceived as a complete, deeper and more mature formulation. It seems that the student belonged to a later generation than the teacher, and may have been one of the ideological fathers of the Netanyahuite philosopher. In any case, the earlier formulation of the fragments is much more literary than is customary in the later Netanya school, and certainly with the Netanyahuite himself, who is a master of poor style. They are presented here for the benefit of future researchers of the school - because a school that has no past has no future either. And as emerges from the teacher's will: there is nothing more fitting than to end - at the starting point.

The Ethics Beyond the Rational

The teacher said: Learning is not pleasure, but the root of pleasure is learning. In the world of virtue, pleasure is the root of learning, and therefore there is no pleasure that is not learning. In the world of virtue - everything is sex.

The teacher said to a student who made a mistake: Just as eternal pleasure is not pleasure, there is no eternal learning. Pleasure that is not learning is a mistake from the path - and addiction is a circular path. In the world of virtue, there is error - but no addiction. And here is an error. The student said: So was I right when I made a mistake? The teacher said: If you follow the mistakes but do not arrive at the same place.

The teacher said to a crying woman: The pleasure of sex is the pleasure of learning of sex, of evolution. And pain is the failure of learning. Fixation is the entrance to pain, and love is its home - but it is also the home of learning. The woman said: And what should I do when it hurts? The teacher said: Learn.

The teacher said to the students: Good pain causes learning, when bad pleasure fails to cause it.

A student who did not progress came to the teacher's house. The teacher said: The path is learning, but learning is not a path. It becomes a path like searching in a forest. When the forest is inside the house, it is the safest learning, which is learning that can be failed. The student said: And if I cannot find the trees inside the house? The teacher said: Leave the house.

They asked the teacher: When you say that everything is sex, doesn't this lead to promiscuity? The teacher said: Those who say that not everything is sex are the ones leading to promiscuity. Promiscuity is a mistake in learning - when there is only outside and no inside, then the depth of learning is lost. In the world of virtue - there is no outside. Everything is inside.

A student said: To learn something new, isn't it a greater pleasure than learning something old? But to learn something new from within the old is the true pleasure. This is successful sex, isn't it so? The teacher said: This is something I could only learn from a student.

The teacher said at his student's wedding: To move from old to new is the simple path of learning, the learning of man. To move back from new to old is the path of deep learning, the learning of woman. When closing the circle of learning, this is the path of learning sex. The bride asked: And when opening it? The teacher said: This is the way to deviate from the path.

The teacher came to visit a mourning student. The student said: And what good was all my learning. The teacher said: Pain and pleasure when they help learning - both are good, when they block it - both are bad. Good and evil are not directions of morality. Good is the direction of learning progress and evil is the opposite direction. Pain and pleasure are not behind or ahead, but on both sides. When pain and pleasure are in their place, they keep learning from deviating from the path. The world of virtue is not the ultimate good, but the place where pain and pleasure are in their right place. Sometimes, not deviating from the path means there is nothing to learn - and nothing to do. In such a situation, one should cry.

The teacher said to a single student: Learning in the forest without a house will eventually degenerate into forward movement on the path only. Learning forward on the path only will eventually degenerate into walking on a straight path. Walking on a straight path only will eventually degenerate into getting stuck. Fixation in one place only will eventually degenerate into pain. Therefore, pleasure requires walking backward. Therefore, the path requires returning home.

The teacher said at a student's funeral: Death is the end of learning. Evil is the destruction of learning. Do not confuse them. The evil in the wrong death is not to the person - but to the world.

The teacher said in his old age: Justice is a learned thing - but it is narrowing. Truth is also a learned thing - but it is expanding. Therefore, the justice of yesterday is the injustice of tomorrow, and the truth of tomorrow is the lie of yesterday. But good and evil are outside of learning, and so are pain and pleasure. These are the four winds of learning, and therefore they are eternal, because they are only directions in the air, and not paths on earth. As long as there is learning under the heavens, there will be sex on earth.

When the teacher fell ill, he said: Opinion is when the soul has not learned enough or has learned too much. Illness is when the body has not learned enough or has learned too much. One who learns a lot without knowing will eventually fly in the air, one who knows a lot without learning will eventually sink into the ground. Learning is water - rising to the heavens and growing from the ground, exalted is he who holds onto it. When it cannot be held, one can only touch. When it cannot be touched, one can show direction. When direction cannot be shown, one can open hands to receive. When hands cannot be opened, one must become a vessel. Thus the soul will not leave the body, but the body will leave the soul, and the soul will remain in the world. In a person's life - their actions are felt. In a person's death - their soul is felt. Today, I have no students who are teachers. In the future, I will have teachers who are students.

The teacher commanded from his bed: Love is outside of learning, because learning is inside love. Learning is outside of sex, because sex is inside learning. It is not only the inner force - it is the inner. When everything is sex - this is the world of virtue. Sometimes when the world learns, the person does not learn. And sometimes when the person does not learn, the world learns. The noble person is learning itself, but the world of learning does not depend on the person. Virtue is general learning and not particular learning. Do all your deeds to contribute to general learning - this is the law of the world, higher than any law of nature. For this is the law of will. My will is to die so that my teaching may live.

The teacher wrote in his will: Why is it easier to be a teacher than to be a student? This is the fundamental law of learning. A teacher does not need to know but to teach. A good teacher is a path that can be walked for many generations, not because he waits at its end, but at its beginning. A good teacher discovers the pleasure in a certain learning path, and turns the world into sex. The noblest thing a teacher does is to reveal to the world a new will. I write, and do not know if there will be anyone to read, whereas when I read I know there was someone who wrote. Is it really easier to be a teacher than to be a student?

Ethics of Learning

The student said: A great teacher is needed to give us the ethics of the age of learning. Learning is not only a human matter. It is common to it, including its intelligence, with the pre-human and post-human. The human is only a stage in the organization of learning. Therefore, this is an ethics outside the human.

The student said: When I first met the teacher, I asked him: What is the law of the world? The teacher answered: The fundamental law of the universe is learning. But learning does not progress equally in all directions, but finds an interesting case that is a new field of learning, just as mathematics does not research all equations equally. And this is from the very nature of learning that it is a search for learning. I said to him: Then you are the interesting case. The teacher said: Interest is potential for learning. I am no longer interesting, for I am a teacher, but I am looking for an interesting student. Are you an interesting case that is a new field of learning?

The student said: The teacher said: What is the structure of the world? The map of the world is a learning fractal with areas dense with learning to infinity, and uninteresting areas, understood to the end.

The student said: What is the time of the world? The teacher said: This is how the world was created: Pure learning created mathematics, which is a particular and interesting type of such learning. Mathematical learning created within it physics, which is a particular and interesting type of such learning. Physical learning created the universe, and within it biology, which is a particular and interesting type of such learning. The human is only the current stage - connecting between evolutionary learning, whose peak is intelligence learning, which is a particular and interesting type of biological learning - on one side, to history on the other side - which in network learning exceeds intelligence learning. The field of learning within intelligence is human culture, which is an interesting type of intelligent learning. The teacher said to the student: Did you understand? That is, what is the history of the world? A recurring process in which the teacher finds a student who becomes a teacher who seeks a student. The main learning of the teacher is the search for the student. And most teachers die without finding students. The teacher stood and cried, the student also stood and cried.

The student said: This I did not say to the teacher and I should have said to him: Many are also the students who died without a teacher. If we do not become teachers to our children, if we write a book that does not know how to read, if we build a student who does not learn from us, if we grow a network that is not a brain.

The student said: What is history? History is when human intelligence ceased to be only human, and created a spiritual machine that is the book, which preceded the creation of the computer by far. What is the computer? The book that operates on a book. The book that writes and reads a book. That is, when the book replaced man. From the moment the book was invented, the book is becoming more and more central, and man is the servant of the book. Just as the teacher and student are servants of this book in its writing and reading.

The student asked: What is a book that is a network? A brain. In the world of virtue - everything is a brain. Does a neuron understand the thoughts of the brain?

The student wrote in the teacher's book: In every field, in literature, in science, in economics, you must advance learning. This is the golden rule of learning. Does it have justification? They said to the teacher: What is the justification? Why should the rule of the world become the rule of the individual, why should the rule of description become the rule of command. The teacher said: A neuron can choose not to contribute to learning in the brain, then the brain will manage without the neuron. But a neuron that contributes to learning in the brain will be honored by the neurons, and they will drink in its words thirstily, and this - is its life. Identify your question to a neuron that asks whether to rebel against the brain, and why cooperate with it in learning. Isn't non-cooperation also part of learning. A neuron can choose to harm learning, but it will have no continuation. The law is learning or lack of continuity. Learning is the mechanism between description and command, and between the general and the particular. The opposition to learning is sterility and rejection. A teacher who rebels against learning will die of loneliness, a student who rebels against learning will die of stupidity.

The student wrote that the teacher wrote: There is no world outside the world, there is nothing to learn outside of learning, lack of interest is boredom. This is the definition of nothingness. The nothing and the something are defined by the boundaries of learning. What is not learned does not exist. The boundaries of the book are the teacher and the student. When learning begins, the teacher dies. When learning ends, the student dies. The continuation of the soul is possible only through learning.
Philosophy of the Future