The Degeneration of the Nation
The Homework Notebook
A notebook of lessons that the Netanya thinker couldn't teach at the university, so he taught them in his living room. These are summaries written by the students of the outbursts of the leader of the Netanya school when he is frustrated by the lack of recognition from the philosophical world outside Netanya - and outside the living room. The summaries deal with diverse topics such as: intelligence and misogyny, Kant and algorithms, deep connections between theology and science, political science and learning systems, aesthetics and technology, and more. On one hand, they contain a mixed multitude of intellectual provocations in the Netanya stream of consciousness, and on the other hand, they reveal intense and original conservatism. A fundamental concept woven throughout the notebook is learning, which replaces language as the paradigm at the philosophical center of gravity - in a move with far-reaching implications for the future of philosophy
By: L'Chaim!
To the world's ignorance  (Source)

The Lectures

Three Directions in Speculative Philosophy
What changes will occur in philosophy in the post-human era? How can the sexual revolution influence the future development of philosophy? And how might a philosophy look in which the future is the basic concept from which all other philosophy is derived? Three exercises that open the second notebook of Netanya's number one philosopher and reset philosophy from point zero

The Religion of the Future and the Future of Religion
If the religions of the past are the classical religions, and the religion of the present is secularism, what is the religion of the future? On complexity as a moral interest and a religious interest - and on the acceleration towards the future as a philosophical-optical illusion. We were not fortunate enough to be born in a special era

Light That Contains Thought
Why is the revolution of string theory a counter-revolution to the Cartesian revolution, and what is the connection between this development and the Sabbatean paradoxes of matter and spirit? On parallel developments in Kabbalah and theoretical physics

The Solution to Superficiality
What is the reason for the increasing superficiality of the intellectual sphere, and what could be the solution to this? How might a secular combination of prophecy and philosophy look? On the history of methods - as the deepest history of the development of ideas

Hegel Was Wrong
Do catastrophes have a positive impact on the development of history, similar to their impact on the development of evolution? Is migration - detachment from the mother culture in favor of mating with a new culture - good for cultural development as it is good for species development? Heretical thoughts against the concept of good growing out of evil, and on the perceptual illusions that cause it

Critique of the Power of Criticism
What is the controversial seed of calamity planted in Kant's (most conservative) aesthetic thought? Why is the less innovative Critique of Judgment the deepest among the three critiques? On the roots of the avant-garde in Kant

Can We Still Talk About the Meaning of Life?
What other formulation can save love and the purpose of life from becoming manipulative New Age clichés to ideas with intellectual validity and power, as they were throughout history? What in the idea of chavruta [study partnership] can redefine love and give it a broad and universal meaning, including in human-computer interfaces? On the philosophy of long-term relationships between ideas - as opposed to the philosophy of temporary ideational relationships

The Great Deception of the Technology World
Why should we prefer the historical description offered by the history of ideas over the historical explanation offered by the history of technology? And why is an explanation rooted in the history of the spirit preferable to an explanation rooted in the history of matter? On the idea of depth explanation precisely as one that reveals a layer of description that was not visible to the eye - that is, as depth that is always relative to previous descriptions, and only the relative depth turns it (temporarily!) from description to explanation

Why Did Intelligence Stop?
Did the tendency of intelligent men to choose beautiful women lead to a slower evolution of intelligence? Can the history of the Jewish people be explained as a history of creating a different species, in which the criteria for natural selection are different and revolve more around intelligence, and therefore it breaks through beyond the human, and arouses enormous hostility? On the Jewish society of learners as the first historical attempt to create superhuman intelligence, out of a religious motivation to decipher the word of God

The Reading of the Future
Why should art be read only as a creator and not as a consumer? Why wouldn't we want to meet the artist as an individual within their work but as demonstrating a method - that is, as learners and not as experiencers? On the reason why so many great artists are small villains in their personal lives

The Comedy in Tragedy
What is the fundamental error of psychoanalysis, and why did it succeed not despite this error - but because of it? Why did Nietzsche, who was in love with Greek culture, fail to create a tragedy or myth, while the Jewish Freud succeeded in doing so? The leading philosopher in the Netanya school parts ways with his ex

The Principle of Superiority as Surpassing the Pleasure and Reality Principles
When the secular need for a sense of superiority over the religious conflicts with the need for a story - the need for superiority prevails, not to its benefit. Satire is a type of story that is a weapon against another story, and therefore those without a story make excessive use of it, since there is no way to attack them back. The result is vulnerability to the eruption of monstrous and anti-religious meta-narratives, like fascism and communism. On the denial of the secular-religious dimension of the Holocaust: extreme modern Nazi secularism against the oldest religion

Conservative Politics
10 notes on the human condition. How does it happen that the right is correct and the left is wrong - precisely because the right is bad and the left is good? Problems where good efforts lead to good results were solved long ago or are being solved quickly, and directions where bad efforts lead to bad results were abandoned long ago, or are quickly abandoned if they are new directions. Only problems remain where good efforts add up to a bad result, and where bad efforts add up to a good result. Therefore, both the left and the right are important, because sometimes altruism is egoism - and vice versa

What Is Intelligence Really
If the computer science equivalent of intelligence is computing power - what is the equivalent of attention and concentration? How can a distributed network focus on something - and why is this mechanism important for its proper functioning - and almost completely lacking today? On the great mistake of ideological engagement in political science instead of algorithmic engagement

An Act of Ugliness
Kahneman's happiness research found that aesthetics, while not affecting happiness like other parameters, unlike them, it affects it in the long term - one doesn't get used to it. One doesn't get used to a sea view, unlike winning the lottery, which has no long-term effect on happiness. Aesthetic culture - very far from Israel - was an essential part of the lifestyle in the ancient world, and contributed to shaping society in the long term more than any law or leader. This is the secret of classical cultures, which were much more aesthetic cultures than modern ones, which revolve around ethics

Critique of the Power of Painting
A hidden connection runs between painting and mathematics - it's about an abstract ability (even in the most realistic painting - the abstraction is to forget what you're painting and paint what you see: not to paint a woman but a shape and a stain). Therefore, they are perceived as masculine professions, like philosophy. But in fact, these are two opposite directions of abstraction: one analytical and the other synthetic. Therefore, the problem of computer vision is the bottom of the artificial intelligence problem, while the problem of computer proof is its highest part

The Movement of Specifically
As an alternative to the progression of intellectual history through antithesis and synthesis, religious logic progresses through two other operators: also and specifically. Thus, religiosity is expanded to new areas and then specifically established in them. For example, from a movement that adds the book also to religion, Judaism became a movement that sees religion specifically in the book. From seeing prayer also as intention, and the spread of religious commandment also into the heart, the perception became specifically as intention - and specifically as duties of the heart. Soon, the entry of religion also into the world of computers will become a perception of specifically in computers - and there will be the religious domain

Degeneration VS Collapse
What is the relationship between systems that degenerate and systems that collapse, and is it an inverse relationship: systems that don't collapse - degenerate gradually, and vice versa? Is a learning system of the collapsing or degenerating type preferable? A comparative examination of different fields in art, science, and society reveals two patterns of deterioration - fading and disintegrating - and allows mapping the types according to the philosophical basis of the disciplines

The Peak of Individualism
The idea of the individual, namely the indivisible, like the idea of the atom a hundred years ago, is facing a big bang. Once the forces within the individual are released, for example dopamine and different parts of the brain, there can be a completely new motivation of people, and a new social energy source. Until then, feminism is breaking down the molecule of society - the family - and then the chemical bond itself of couplehood. In parallel, the aging of the population will contribute to the breakdown of an even more basic chemical bond - parenthood

Biologization of the Inanimate
Which meta-metaphor will replace language in the philosophy and spiritual world of the 21st century? On the surface, it seems that technology is the buzzword of the era. But a deeper look will reveal deeper layers of meaning that are preferred candidates to stand at the center of the new world of concepts, such as organization, learning systems, and "evolutions"

The Capitalism of Meaning
No historical direction continues forever but eventually returns in a pendulum movement backward, and so does the sexual and feminist revolution. A series of phenomena can cause feminism to be remembered as a historical episode, perhaps even positive, but dead. The traditional sources of power of the twentieth century - money and sex - will be emptied of their meaning, while inequality grows dramatically. The result will be a world where power is meaningfulness, and it is controlled by a narrow and very masculine technological elite, which alone has a significant impact on the world

Against the Grain
Even the philosophy of science can be replaced with a theory of learning, which will replace "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". On one hand, science is not a certain, timeless logical inference, and on the other hand, it is not a collection of incomparable paradigms. On the contrary, it is an evolutionary development, that is, a learning system in time, which is adapting to reality on one hand, and on the other hand is increasing in its level of complexity. Mammals are not the paradigm after reptiles, but are built upon them, and it was not possible to skip directly from amphibians, and their adaptation to reality is not arbitrary - but also not tight. All this is in accordance with deep learning, where there are many layers to each paradigm
Philosophy of the Future