The Degeneration of the Nation
The Late Gravedigger
Breakthrough - with no way out. The late poetry of the singing gravedigger is characterized by formal meticulousness and thematic liberation, combining liturgical influences and alternating motifs of brokenness, arrogance, defiance, and cats
By: On the Finish Line
The gravedigger's last two books (Source)
With few illusions and many allusions, our gravedigger crosses the threshold of consciousness - to the other side of the border, where he will sing and sing

The Threshold Crossing Trilogy

Show Me on the Teddy Bear Where the Computer Touched You
The Penultimate Book

My Cats and My Plants [Translator's note: "Chatulai Ve'Shtulai" is a wordplay in Hebrew, rhyming "cats" with "plants"]
The Last Book

Estate File
Poems Under the Table (poems, remnants, and leftovers from a world that is all good. To be edited by the editorial board - and published in the future)

Collection - Found

Farewell and Mule [Translator's note: "Preida Ve'Pered" is a wordplay in Hebrew, combining "farewell" with "mule"]
The gravedigger's life account, meticulously edited with unprecedented attention to sound - amidst general disintegration
Culture and Literature