The Degeneration of the Nation
Political Cat
A short political column by Bilha Reuven on current affairs and meow matters, aiming to respond to events and public murmurs in real-time and to attract news readers to an alternative. Against a whining and intellectually lazy media, we present proud, leading cathood with shiny fur that will shine brightly on the couch in contrast to the rabble of street cats in the Facebook square. This is how we'll fight the stigma created in public consciousness that links cats to garbage - and current affairs to brainwashing
By: No Longer Current
A Decade Before Obama: A Black Cat in the White House (Source)

Catlistic Punditry

The End of Current Affairs vs. The End of History
A summary of the column - and a summary of the world at the beginning of the 21st century. The cat responds once and for all to all posts and all comments in her feed since time immemorial. TL;DR: Too short, didn't read
Tremendous Exclusive Achievement for "The Degeneration of the Nation": Special Interview with U.S. President Trump
I attribute my dream scoop and first as an independent journalist to cat luck. It all started at 3 AM Washington time and 10 AM Israel time. Trump and I woke up at the same hour - he in rage to tweet and I from a pleasant cat nap to practice bird catching. Since all of America was asleep, I pounced on the easy prey on Twitter with the skill of an apex predator in the urban space - and the rest is history. Thus I extracted the world's most important person's secrets and elicited from him the ideological foundation that drives him - and exposed him naked and bare
Barak Cooked Soup: Why Did Barak Really Return and What Is His Great Hidden Plan?
Ehud Barak's genre casts a spell on veteran Israel, but it's built on one of the most primitive devices in poetics: surprise. This is the genre of the intrigue detective story, where we only understand the beginning at the end. Ehud Barak is known for assembling watches, planning precise operations, and having impressive analytical abilities. Therefore, his audience expects brilliant scheming and clever plans from him. What a pity that he is a failed author who doesn't master his own genre
The Holocaust of Homosexuals: Rabbi Peretz Saves Homosexuals from Self-Destruction and Assimilation
Homosexuals are, as we know, wonderful creatures, but apparently they don't know math. Nothing in the course of human history has contributed more to the extinction of homosexuals than the gay rights movement of the 70s, along with the idea of "homo" itself. If Rabbi Peretz doesn't succeed in his plot, the "homosexual problem" will eventually solve itself, so Rabbi Peretz is in a win-win position against the community
Netanyahu Meowed: Why Will I Vote for Bibi Again?
Bibi is leading us to a new land - but he won't get to enter it. His tragedy is the tragedy of Zionism's desert generation, and his conflicted soul is not only the engine of his leadership - but the source of its power in the national psyche. I'll vote Bibi, and Bibi again, and if there's a third election - I'll vote Bibi again. Not because I'm a crazy cat, but because the world and Bibi are both crazy. Bibi may be far from the spirit of Judaism, but he is the embodiment of the Jewish soul and its bitterness, and therefore no one is more suitable than him to embody it on the stage of world history. The role - is his

The Desire to Be America: On the Wretchedness of the "Ethiopian Protest"
Political Cat: Second column in Bilha Reuven's new section. And this time the house cat takes on a huge and terrifying black cat, with dreadlocks and groove and a hoodie and bling, who looks like the authentic king of the trash and calls himself Niger, but for some reason speaks with an American accent, which ruins everything. On another victim of tail-wagging politics

On the Idea of Sexual Terrorism: A New Israeli Startup for Global Terrorism
Political Cat: A new column by Bilha Reuven. And this time the cat digs into the obvious connection between two types of group hysteria fostered by our media. Why is raping a woman or a girl more severe than murdering her? The pairing of the taboo that most excites the imagination of the masses in the #MeToo era with the idea of terrorism is extremely fertile, and we will yet taste much of its rotten fruit, all thanks to our hysteria. On porn terrorism as the future of terrorism in the 21st century - and in our conflict in particular. Because murder is so 20th century
Alternative Current Affairs