The Degeneration of the Nation
The Holocaust of Homosexuals: Rabbi Peretz Saves Homosexuals from Self-Extermination and Assimilation
Homosexuals are, as we know, marvelous creatures, but apparently they don't know mathematics. Nothing in the course of human history has contributed more to the extinction of homosexuals than the gay rights movement of the 1970s, along with the very idea of "gay" itself. If Rabbi Peretz doesn't succeed in his scheme, the "homosexual problem" will eventually solve itself, so Rabbi Peretz is in a win-win position against the community
By: Political Cat
The Closet - The vault in which the homosexual genome has been preserved throughout history (Source)
The most repressed question in the LGBTQ rights movement, which will never be asked at any pride parade or rally of a pro-community organization, despite its criticality to its survival, is: Why are there homosexuals at all, from an evolutionary perspective? Only the liberal consciousness that sees homosexuals as mere individuals, with human rights as individuals, as part of the rights discourse, can ignore the self-extermination towards which the community is marching with head held high, while proudly waving the rainbow flag. After all, if Rabbi Peretz is wrong, and conversion therapy is impossible, then there must be a dominant genetic component to homosexuality - so far, all according to the liberal book, right? We were born this way. But if there is such a component, why are there homosexuals at all, from an evolutionary perspective? The answer is that there aren't. And eventually, there won't be. But woe to anyone who dares to voice the following probable calculation out loud.

Under any reasonable assumption, homosexuality is an evolutionary variant that causes a significant decrease in fertility compared to heterosexuality. However, any genetic combination or variant that increases the likelihood of this should have been eliminated by evolution long (long!) before the beginning of recorded history. So how is it possible that there is such a large proportion of homosexuals in the population, against which Rabbi Peretz is forced to contort himself? The answer is that those with homosexual attraction have never been "gay" throughout history, but rather did indeed undergo "conversion" and had children no less than any heterosexual (along with engaging in homosexual practices, of course). Today, when there are "gays", their fertility rates are drastically lower than any straight person, and the "gay genome" will gradually exterminate itself, and we may soon see a plummet in their proportion of the population. Rabbi Peretz is desperately trying to preserve homosexuality - but who will listen to him. After all, he represents a collectivist consciousness - one that, for example, sees the Jewish people before the individual assimilators - and therefore places the survival of the group and its culture and the bearing of many children far above the welfare of individuals. Ridiculous, isn't it?

And the knights for pink rights will ask: What about the minority of homosexuals who have children? Well, the procreation of a homosexual couple is still an assimilation of homosexuals into the heterosexual population, and an exponential dramatic decrease (50%!) in the rates of their genome, which are related to exclusive same-sex attraction, in the next generation, since the egg or sperm donation carries a genome that is not theirs. For a homosexual couple to maintain even in absolute terms the expected number of homosexuals in the population, they need to have more than four children, since each child is only half theirs. How many such couples are there? And what about Price's equation, which justifies altruism in evolution? Even if there was such a dubious effect - meaning a homosexual would help raise more children for his family - it has certainly disappeared today. On the contrary, it is likely that today, for the first time in history, following the modern invention of "gay", natural selection is working with tremendous force and its uncompromising efficiency to reduce the rate of "gay" in the population, and any genetic variant or combination statistically related to it will fade. The law of large numbers doesn't err, and the liberation of individuals is the tragedy of the group. But unlike Jewish consciousness, the thought of thousands of years of survival of gay culture is as foreign to the average homosexual as the thought of evolution is to the Rabbi. But unfortunately, the instincts of Rabbi Peretz and his God are much closer to nature and biology than the liberal ones, which is really a scandal - not to be mentioned in polite circles.

Therefore, in the face of what seems like a defeat for conservatism, the community presents a victory that, if it lasts long in its current form, will be a Pyrrhic victory. We have passed the peak in history of the proportion of homosexuals in the population, and the path to their becoming a negligible minority is paved - if only Rabbi Peretz doesn't interfere. All that conservatives need to do in the face of populations that have chosen demographic suicide (secularists? leftists? the Western world?) is to wait. And the liberal population leading the demographic suicide - by a huge margin at the head of the parade! - is the homosexuals. Every homosexual who "comes out of the closet" or marries a man slightly reduces Rabbi Peretz's problem in the next generation. And when evolution applies its steamroller - Rabbi Peretz Ltd. will still be here, but homosexuals as such will be remembered in history as a passing, albeit colorful, episode. And the victorious Rabbi Peretz, the writer of history, will surely explain that it's because of their unfortunate opposition to conversion therapy. And if the proportion of homosexuals in the population drops dramatically, their rights will already be shrouded in fog, and in general - history will judge them as a failure. But who cares about the judgment of history, or, God forbid, evolution? Who cares about the future? Only Rabbi Peretz, perhaps.

Therefore, anyone who wants to preserve the enormous cultural achievements of homosexuals in history (Turing! Wittgenstein! Proust! Noah Harari! Ohana!), far beyond their proportion in the population, must support conversion therapy, just as anyone who wants to preserve the enormous cultural achievements of Jews in history (Rabbi Peretz?) must oppose assimilation (a second Holocaust?). Because it may be too late for the current community, but in the situation that has arisen - only conversion therapies that turn straight people into homosexuals will be able to maintain their proportion in the population, or at least begin to rehabilitate it, after the enormous demographic damage caused to it by the definition of gay - which is an extinct animal by its very definition.

* "Political Cat" is a satirical column
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