The Degeneration of the Nation
Netanyahu Meowed: Why Should I Vote for Bibi Again?
Bibi is leading us to a new land - but he won't merit entering it. His tragedy is the tragedy of the desert generation of Zionism, and his conflicted soul is not only the engine of his leadership - but the source of its power in the national psyche. I will vote Bibi, and Bibi again, and if there's a third election - I'll vote Bibi once more. Not because I'm a crazy cat, but because the world and Bibi are both mad. Bibi may be far from the spirit of Judaism, but he is the embodiment of the Jewish soul and its bitterness, and therefore there is no one more suitable than him to embody it on the stage of world history. The role - is his
By: Political Cat
The truly dark deal between Bibi and Mozes. In the picture - all the commandments the leader broke (Source)
My Bibi is not your Bibi. That is, he might be, but he's mine in a way that he will never be yours. Because Bibi's inner essence is a contrarian movement of defiance. It's a deep psychological need for him, unfathomable in its depth, and therefore he also answers a deep need (the kind that makes you write articles of defiance). He allows people in society who have such a need - to release their poison through him, through toxic leadership, instead of through toxic relationships or toxic parenting. Like any purification sacrifice, that is, a sacrifice that purifies from impurity, he channels the dirt and filth towards himself, thereby cleansing society and atoning for its sins. If they don't release it through or against Bibi - this dark urge will come out in real life. That's why he allows anger, whether against him or through him, in a world that prohibits violence. Bibi is release. That's why Bibi is truly a sacrifice.

Bibi is a kind of tragic play, bringing society to catharsis, and purifying it. He is a totem of frustration. But why do we need such a totem? Why can't we be a nation like all nations that choose boring leaders? Because the Jewish people - and this is a topic that isn't discussed - carries within it an enormous frustration. It's the frustration of the gap between promises and expectations (initially divine expectations, then parental expectations, and finally self-expectations) - and reality. A utopian dream built over two thousand years - meets the ground of the world in the land of Israel, and the meeting - not so great. Where in the prophecies of redemption does it mention Palestinians, traffic jams in Rishon [Lezion, an Israeli city], and marriages at first sight? But it's not just the Messiah, and it's not even mainly the built-in disappointment in various false messiahs, but an enormous and deep frustration, which almost has no name that can express it, but has earned an agreed-upon term among us: the Holocaust.

Anyone who reads Bibi's supporters knows they are not happy with their lot - and the rhetorical-intellectual engine behind them is defiance. It's not about sweet versus sour - but about pickles in vinegar versus pickles in acid. Bibi is a magnet for populations that feel wronged, and connects them to Israeli society, and then distills it into defiance against the Western world, out of the immense anger of Jews over the world's betrayal of them. That's why the main anger is directed at Europe, at the Enlightenment, at high culture, at international institutions and their laws, and even at humanistic morality itself, at "the world". Every drop of Jewish blood spilled arouses frustration at the national level, and in the consciousness of the entire nation down to its last individual, a matter that has no parallel in any nation in the world. Even Bibi's main fantasy content - the fear of a second Holocaust - is a dark fantasy of reliving the trauma, and constant preoccupation with the unhealing wound.

But the truth is that we can't blame the Holocaust for everything, and not for the actual construction of neuroticism and defiance (but only for the intensity of the enormous national need behind it). When did we become an annoying and annoyed people? If we go back to the book of Genesis, we'll see that, unusually for the Bible, the patriarchs didn't annoy God at all. In fact, God promised mountains and hills to the obedient patriarchs, and didn't understand at all where this people fell on him in the middle of the book of Exodus, which at its beginning was still a very submissive people of slaves. The one who reshaped the character of the people was a great leader, who imprinted his personality on it just as Bibi imprints his on Israel.

Moses, the most irritable of the Bible's leaders, who kills the Egyptian in a fit of rage, who ultimately didn't merit entering the land because of his anger - is a man who always stands on the edge of a smoking, erupting mountain. Moses is a man who grew up with his enemies, who understood that the one who raised him was the one who separated him from his mother, and therefore the internal engine of anger burning within him - the bush that burns and is not consumed - is the emotional engine of the Exodus from Egypt. With him, God immediately brings terrible and cruel plagues, unparalleled in the entire Bible, and strikes Pharaoh, in whose house he grew up, with great force. Moses is the one who shaped the consciousness of nerves, he was the great toxic leader, the one who through the force of his malignant personality created the puzzling sin of the Golden Calf, in which even his brother participated, and immediately afterwards broke God's own tablets - in his anger - and initiated random killing among the people, out of a pure outburst of rage, and not for the last time.

Moses' defiant soul movement, both towards God himself and towards the people (the entire book of Deuteronomy is one big complaint about the people before his death) - is what created his great leadership. And from Moses to Bibi, we have not had a leader as annoying and defiant as him. That's why Bibi is not a once-in-a-generation leader, or once-in-a-lifetime, but a messianic leader for whom we've waited an entire exile. Vote Bibi - because the collapse of a false messiah is a spectacular sight, a morality play, and it must not be stopped before the final act. It is not Bibi's fault that he is a false messiah, just as it was not Sabbatai Zevi's fault. It is reality itself that is not right, it is this world that is corrupted to the core of being - and that's what we're so angry about.
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