Tuesday: Sexual Dreams
The Male Sexual Revolution | Sexual Biofeedback | Sexotechnology | Sexual Genetic Engineering | Converting Money and Likes into Sexual Pleasure - A World of Prostitution | Learning Failures as Sins | Pleasure as a Creator of Learning and Wealth as its Nullifier | Social Genetic Engineering | Sex Between Organizations | Matchmaking Algorithm | Restoring Balance Between Men and Women Through Technology
By: Sexologica
The war of non-culture versus the war of culture. The collision between technology and sex is the grand arena of the 21st century
(Source) - The next breakthrough in sexuality, after women's sexuality, will be men's sexuality and their pleasure potential, which will eventually be equalized to that of women through technological and pharmaceutical means. Sexuality itself will be perfected to new heights through biofeedback, both in the ability to pleasure and the ability to be pleasured. The pleasure of a woman and a man will be measurable, and the partner will be able to maximize it through biofeedback - a mutual biofeedback system, and possibly also a personal system. The new profession of the 21st century, like the psychologist in the 20th century: the techno-sexologist.
- What are the goals and limits of genetic engineering? Attraction-desire-pleasure will be understood as a learning mechanism, and therefore, in a technological reversal, will eventually be harnessed to the learning mechanism - the pleasure of solving a mathematical problem will be sexual pleasure. Therefore, capitalism can be replaced by sexo-capitalism that motivates people through sex rather than money. And the entire society will be built on protection from breaching these mechanisms, just as today it is built on protection from theft, rape, and violence. The genetic translation of social networks will be from likes to pleasure, in the second stage of genetic engineering, which will engineer humans as learning machines without the learning failures they have today (for example, laziness and lack of motivation to learn. Sins will be understood as learning failures). In genetic engineering, the motto should be intelligence first, because it is a surprisingly genetic trait, and therefore we should focus on increasing intelligence, but with the same emotions, so as not to disturb the balance created by evolution between different emotions, and our understanding of the children who will be created, and their understanding of us, that is, while preserving humanity - the soul - while increasing the spirit. What must not be touched genetically, unlike sexuality, is happiness. This is the most dangerous, and it is actually the definition of happiness - what can cause the cessation of learning. If we were in a medieval consciousness and previous perceptions, we would use genetic engineering to suppress desire and sexuality precisely (why does this cause us the most resistance? Because we want it today?). Also, genetic engineering should prioritize changes in the epigenome rather than the genome, and gradual, supervised improvement of generations, not in leaps (according to the year - every year smarter children will be born), thus turning the gap between human and superhuman into a continuous intergenerational gap. The gaps within the generation of children will be like the gaps within the generation of adults today, and thus society will not split into two classes - the improved and the outdated.
- Genetic feminism can also provide motivation to genetically enhance the ability to love and engineer monogamy - to turn humans into a monogamous species like penguins and without quarrels. Thus, genetic engineering can also save us from large-scale addiction to the internet, but the end of moral genetic engineering is that of moral social engineering: To create all men equal. Fair competition in starting conditions between people, which will be justified for the purpose of learning. Otherwise, corruption is created, as is created when there is intergenerational inheritance of wealth, and then the gaps widen for the wrong reasons - not according to the learning achievements of the person. Therefore, every so often, the starting conditions must be reset, or balanced, in a healthy learning system. For example, resetting the brain during sleep or creating a revolution that will reset wealth. What is the negative morality of sexual engineering? Against promiscuity - breaching the system, against sex with computers or machines, which is like obesity and fast food or inferior music, which give the brain reward without learning. For example, sexual pleasure without a relationship. That is - a cultural and aesthetic hierarchy that will replace the moral-religious one.
- Sex between organizations and the birth of a new organization can be the engine of organizational evolution. This will create generations of organizations, while limiting the time for an organization, for example, a corporation will dissolve itself after 50 years. Marriages will also be limited to ten years, and a person will have several relationships (even with the same woman). In every organization, there will be an elite unit - which is the center of the organization, which knows everything and is engaged in the most important things in the organization, and where the best people in the organization are, with a comprehensive and long-term view, and directly subordinate to management, and they are its arm for special or critical matters. The union of these elite units will be the nucleus for creating a new and excellent organization from its parents, with fewer barriers. This will be the incubator for startups that have the organizational genetics of two corporations. And what is sex between organizations? Mutual sharing of secrets - to know, as in the Garden of Eden. The recreation of the sin of the Garden of Eden will be a state of loss of privacy and shame, when there is no private information, but everything is breached, for example in connecting the minds of all humanity, or when superintelligence knows everything and reveals everything, or in the Facebook-ization process that eliminates privacy that society is undergoing, or when there are no more organizational secrets following the victory of WikiLeaks.
- In learning, sex will be defined as the only thing that cannot be fully programmed, hence its value, uniqueness, and the excitement about it. And therefore it prevents corruption and genetic diseases, because it introduces a random, mutational and unplanned element, hence its importance for learning mechanisms. Without it, there is no evolution. But unlike sex, the social construction called "love" will die - the end of the romantic era, which will be perceived as ridiculous. Unlike a covenant, which produces learning within the system, that is, it has importance for learning, according to the second commandment of learning: "Within the system". After the first commandment: "Language will be replaced by learning". The philosophy of learning in one sentence: Learning will replace language, and learning is within the system, through intentions, between two types of agents: women and men.
- A matchmaking algorithm will replace human matchmaking with much greater efficiency than individual decisions, and will create a boom effect in human happiness and a new generation of happy and stable marriages with wonderful sex and a drop in divorce rates. If a Google for people search (for jobs and connections and matchmaking) is not established, it will be the role of the state, which will take on the regulation of information, and allow both needs: privacy + availability. This will be the paternalistic state of happiness, and the central parameter for personal happiness, real improvement in quality of life and family stability - is a partner suitable for us at a compatibility level of one in a million, which there is no chance that a person comes close to on their own. And so we will discover that the family is returning.
- In the past, economic power was with the man and sexual power with the woman, and thus culture created an offset between the powers, in an artificial creation of a counter-power to sex. Because in the natural state, in nature, women have disproportionate excess power. The man produces food - and the woman sex. The balance between the sexes was disrupted due to changes in economic power precisely, and as the trend continues, at some point the balance in the couple system will be disrupted so that it will collapse frequently, and it will be almost impossible to build it. Today men are the weaker sex, and sex is centered around the woman's pleasure, and the family around the woman's aspirations, particularly around children and obtaining a home, and women are the initiators of divorce by a large majority, due to their excess power. The imbalance of powers is not healthy for the courtship market, and for the family system, and creates structural instability, and they are collapsing before our eyes. The solution is to replace economic power with technological power, and add power to the man so that the balance returns and with it returns the relative harmony between the sexes.