The Degeneration of the Nation
The Capitalism of Meaning
No historical direction continues forever but eventually swings back like a pendulum, and so will the sexual and feminist revolution. A series of phenomena could cause feminism to be remembered as a historical episode, perhaps even a positive one, but a dead one. The traditional sources of power in the 20th century - money and sex - will be drained of their meaning, while inequality grows dramatically. The result will be a world where power is meaningfulness, and it is controlled by a narrow and very masculine technological elite, who alone have significant influence on the world
By: Technological Pig
Not Equal: When there's a narrow elite ruling the world - the percentage of women in it will be smaller than in the elite today (Source)
What will be the end of the gender war, and will it lead to equality and enlightened sexuality? No, because men will eventually defeat women, who are crossing the line in the revolution in an era of Jacobin terror, and the revolution will come. The leading men are already fed up, and the leading men will always win. Because men have a genetic advantage over women, not on average, but at the high end (just look at their dominance in technology), because their standard deviation is larger. And as time goes by, the world becomes one where the average is less and less relevant, important and powerful (and with it the mass of women and men) and only the upper edge concentrates power within it. Therefore, inequality is growing and therefore men will win again. And again there will be tremendous inequality of power in society, this time at the expense of the state (relatively egalitarian), thanks to the economy (anti-egalitarian), which will grow stronger and stronger at the expense of the state.

Because the economy learns and evolves, and the state is a fixed technology, a tool. So in the end, the economy will be the queen, and the state the maid, and perhaps its power will disappear like the church. Therefore, men will win thanks to economic strength, and the tendency to take risks and be less conformist. Different sexual motivations also create different incentive systems between men and women, and encourage them to take risks. For example, men have a significant sexual incentive to be pioneers and leaders in their field, even at older ages, and these incentives encourage achievements in men. Women have less such sexual incentive, because a professor can marry a young student and have children, but a female professor is less biologically built to pursue such a scenario. Therefore, the sexual incentive, which is central and strong among human incentives, works less for her to try to be a guru or admired. For all these reasons, the thriving inequality will serve men and replace the dying patriarchy as the equality breaker between them and women.

For the same reasons, Jews will also defeat Arabs, because quality is becoming more and more important than quantity. Whites will defeat blacks. And the USA will defeat China. All the equality that was created in the twentieth century will disappear. Therefore, there is likely to be a large counter-feminism movement, and what will remain is only sexual liberalism. Because as long as sexual power is in the hands of women, because men want more, there will be feminism, but only within a system that gives them choice, and believes in their choice. But in light of the unfortunate choices of human beings, this trust is eroded, and the perception tends to believe that man is an animal and his choice is bad and contrary to his interests, and therefore culture will come and create a new balance. For example, if an algorithmic matchmaking program between humans is more successful than dating sites (and this is not a sky-high algorithmic achievement) women's bargaining power will significantly weaken.

In addition, as there are more gays and lesbians, and there are more people interested in sexual technology at the expense of flesh and blood, women will lose their power. And so will as there are more religious and conservative people (and this is the group that will multiply the most) - even the issue of virginity will return. And the upper edge of men will be technological alpha males who, by virtue of inequality, get lots of women and polygamy, or rather nerds who are for classic monogamy. Above a certain income level, which the whole world will reach, there is much less value to money, and happiness stops increasing, so all those who don't want to make an effort and don't have the skills will become beasts, people of no importance in the world, and money will be less valuable. Power will be elsewhere, and the few who will set the rules of the game will be the technologists. And they are fed up.

Technologists don't like the current ethos of money and sex, so this is not the ethos that will rule the world where they rule. And in a less sexual ethos, women will have much less bargaining power, because it was precisely the sexual ethos that raised their power and prestige in society. In short, the new cultural heroes will be different. And only a few among humans will be significant, because inequality in meaning will also grow, and all the rest will be human dust. And what you won't be able to trade in is meaningfulness, so financial capitalism will also die. And the elite will again open a gap with the masses, and a narrow aristocracy of intelligence will be created and all the rest bored. Like in the Middle Ages of meaning.
Philosophy of the Future