The Degeneration of the Nation
Biologization of the Inanimate
Which meta-metaphor will replace language in the philosophy and spiritual world of the 21st century? On the surface, it seems that technology is the buzzword of the era. But a deeper look will reveal deeper layers of meaning that are preferred candidates to stand at the center of the new conceptual world, such as organizational theory, learning systems, and "evolutions"
By: Darwin of Philosophy
The Origin of Ideas - A new evolutionary theory of spiritual development after the extinction of the dinosaurs of philosophy. Philosophy as evolution (Source)
Did technological development lead to the Middle Ages? No, it was the disintegration of organizational forms, and reorganization, due to Christianity (the Roman Empire of the "holy" type was less strong than the ethos of the original strong Roman Empire, because Christianity is more egalitarian and universal, and competes with nationalism). Did technological development bring about the Bible, perhaps the invention of the alphabet? (No, the alphabet existed in other places). We've become accustomed to thinking that all historical development is fundamentally technological development, but this is a new phenomenon, which is essentially what defines the modern era, from the Renaissance.

What is not a new phenomenon is that, like in the brain, there are different levels of organization and different forms of expression of the same basic development, which is fundamentally organizational. Technology is an example of organizational development, as is the beginning of the Middle Ages. For instance, we've already understood that new technology will also be expressed in literature, economics, the state, aesthetics, law, psychology, sexuality, etc., and everything will reinforce the others, so everything will go together, but it's not because of technology, rather because everything is reorganizing. Therefore, it's not correct to say that philosophical-ideational development created a certain economic or technological development, nor vice versa, not one as the cause and the other as the effect, but rather all are expressions of a new form of organization, which is also the basis for new philosophical thinking.

In other words - there is philosophy beneath philosophy, philosophy is not the basis for everything but rather the highest form, just as high-level thought is the highest form of describing neuronal activity. But what creates new thought, meaning a new form of thought, is a reorganization of the brain, not a previous thought - not as a cause. In fact, there is a totality here, a phenomenon that has no causal explanation but different levels of looking at the same thing and different aspects. We'll call this holistic totality a form of organization, even though it's an empty expression, and not a new discipline that explains (which is equivalent to claiming that organizational theory and systems theory replace technology as an explanation for everything), but merely a description of a phenomenon, of the reorganization of systems (as opposed to a cause which is local, an arrow from one specific thing to others, here it's a description of the system).

What was actually new in the development of "life"? The cell is an organizational force of chemistry. Nazism succeeded because of Germany's organizational power (and the Jews were defeated because of their poor organizational power - not because they didn't have a state, that's just a result of poor organization). Athenian philosophy was part of a reorganization of the Greek world, where abstraction and idea also prevailed in politics. Now we call a certain type of organizational forms "technologies", which are mainly the development of inanimate objects outside of humans (as opposed to agriculture which was the development of plants, and domestication which was the development of animals) - and a reorganization of the human world because of them. In fact, it's possible that in retrospect (in the future) the Internet will no longer be considered technology, and perhaps not even the computer, but rather a different type of organizational form. These are no longer tools, and it's an outdated way of thinking to consider them as tools. It's no longer use but essence - Wittgenstein reversed, or at least the metaphor of games triumphs over that of tools and is understood as more advanced.

But a better metaphor is learning/intelligent systems or perhaps "evolutions". Not things that people use (technologies), as if raisins added to the human cake, but things that people are inside of, new cakes where people are the raisins in them, where we are their tools. The computer is the moment when the relationship of user and tool between humans and technology reversed, it was the equality, and today humans are becoming the tool and the computer is becoming the user. And this fits with us being players and the network being a game, the players serve the game, not vice versa, because they don't set the rules. They don't create the game, they only play in it. And if the game changes, it's because of the evolution of games. Therefore, we are in transition from the era of technologies to the era of evolutions.

Just as technology caused things like the agricultural revolution to be retrospectively called a technological revolution (although perhaps it was a religious revolution?), so too will everything in history appear as particular cases of evolutions. And perhaps a more successful name is needed - and that's the role of philosophy to find a more successful metaphor, and less empty. What characterizes evolution is that it has no factor, or cause, but there is innovation that reorganizes the species, and it's not a change in individuals, but a change in the species. No single individual undergoes evolution, it's a systemic matter.

And perhaps it's just a less successful name for learning systems. The Internet is a learning system, changing, unlike the computer which was programmed technology, even if flexible in programming unlike a car, and therefore an intermediate stage. Why is the economy so strong in the world, and leading everything? Because it's the strongest evolution currently, and the economy is the first to have become an evolution on a broad scale. Capitalism is the evolution of the economy. Biology naturally aspires to expand and become the driving force of the universe at the expense of physics. The living wants to defeat the inanimate. Perhaps the inanimate will defeat the living in the end, but that's when the inanimate itself will become living.
Philosophy of the Future