The Degeneration of the Nation
The Movement of Davka
As an alternative to the progression of intellectual history through antithesis and synthesis, religious logic advances through two other operators: "gam" [also] and "davka" [precisely]. Thus, religiosity is expanded into new domains and then becomes established precisely within them. For example, from a movement that added the book to religion as well, Judaism became a movement that sees religion precisely in the book. From viewing prayer also as intention, and the expansion of religious commandment also into the heart, the perception changed to precisely as intention - and precisely as duties of the heart. Soon, the entry of religion also into the world of computers will turn into a perception of precisely in the computer - and there will be the religious domain
By: A computer wearing a kippah
First conquest as an addition - also, then settlement - precisely (Source)
The religious world advances in double steps - one step is "gam" [also] and the second step is "davka" [precisely]. Hasidism, for example, began with also - "The whole earth is full of His glory", also in the lower realms - and Chabad continued with precisely - precisely in the lower realms (the lower worlds). In other words, the holy domain (of God) is initially expanded, as an addition, to a new area in the world, and then on the radical side, they find that God is mainly there. It's like the difference between the discovery of America, the New World, versus American independence and its transformation into a world superpower. Judaism was also, and Christianity - precisely. Christianity claimed that God is precisely revealed in man, in the weak, in the suffering, that one should precisely turn the other cheek, and precisely what's important is what's in the heart - all these are original Jewish "also" claims.

Thus, each time the religious act is finding holiness in a new domain. Rabbi Kook was also, also in the land, in the political - and Religious Zionism is precisely, hence its perverse character, up to the hills and the extreme right. Because at the extreme end of the precisely lies the deviation. The Ari [Rabbi Isaac Luria] was also in the forbidden, also in the breaking of the vessels or in the empty space - holiness is found, the sparks. And Sabbateanism was precisely. Therefore, now the movement of also on the internet, also in technology, also in neuro, etc. holiness is found, will turn into precisely. And this is the "mamash" [really] at the end of Chabad Hasidism, the paradoxical movement of the dead Messiah into the grave. The precisely in the lower worlds is already turning into deviation.

The Spanish Zohar found holiness also in sexuality, also in the other side, also in the name of divinity, also in exile and in concealment and in the hidden, and the Anusim [forced converts] were precisely. If there had to be a post-Holocaust Judaism, meaning if the Judaism that died in the Holocaust had lived and they needed a new religiosity, then the first stage would have been also in the Holocaust, and the second stage precisely. But there was no such Judaism because of the State of Israel and America. Europe was emptied in every place where there was a Holocaust. No living body of Judaism remained. But on the other hand, after the destruction there was a movement from also in destruction to precisely in destruction. And since then, the ability of the people of Israel to be the people of precisely is its engine. What keeps it in the most difficult times.

But the movement of also and precisely is not limited to religion: Special relativity - also. General relativity - precisely. The Trial - also. The Castle - precisely. True religious change moves carefully between the also and the precisely, without crossing the boundary of precisely, and without becoming fixed before the also, but aspires to something between also and precisely. And every religious change begins with seeing a side of reality where religiosity has not yet crossed the hurdle of also and therefore remained in the past. The present is the time of also. The future is the time of precisely. And therefore it is not enough to remain on the side of also, because the energy (dopamine) is found precisely on the side of precisely. On the other hand, excess energy is destructive, breaking boundaries. But religion always lags behind the world. Holiness is conservative by nature. And it sows destruction when it reaches the precisely side of precisely.
Philosophy of the Future