The Degeneration of the Nation
Why Has Intelligence Been Arrested?
Has the tendency of intelligent men to choose specifically beautiful women led to a slower evolution of intelligence? Can the history of the Jewish people be explained as the history of creating a different species, where the criteria for natural selection are different and revolve more around intelligence, and therefore it breaks through beyond the human, arousing enormous hostility? On the Jewish society of scholars as the first historical attempt to create superhuman intelligence, out of religious motivation to decipher the word of God
By: Low Forehead
High forehead as a beautiful forehead, versus wide forehead as an ugly forehead (Source)
Did intelligence have an evolutionary advantage? Yes, but not beyond a certain level, otherwise we would all be Einstein, meaning intelligence reached a level beyond which it is no longer an advantage. Is this because a more intelligent brain needs more energy? No, the brain of geniuses does not consume more and is the same size, and the fact is that genius did not spread in the population, despite being very genetic. In other words, women have never been more attracted to geniuses, and they were not more accepted in the hierarchy, but rather those with balanced brains, in all aspects, emotionally-intellectually-socially.

Most of the malfunctions we know in the brain are imbalances, for example, excess emotion, or lack of motivation, or excess associativity, and so on. The brain is a machine that is difficult to calibrate, far beyond the difficulty in creating intelligence. That is, it is likely that the smarter ones were more successful in certain aspects and less in others. All this except perhaps in Jewish society, and even that only in the last two thousand years, and this has already created a certain variance. In other words, it is not difficult to genetically move the brain towards more intelligence, there is no fundamental problem with this. It is also clear from the existence of highly functioning geniuses, who are up to 50% more than ordinary people, which is like the variance in other traits such as height, say, and not like fat, because height is more physically limited than fat. That is, we are not talking about exceptional variance at all, but about very normal variance in the human population.

Is it possible that intelligence was halted due to social pressure? So why wasn't there a constant trickle, not in leaps, towards those slightly more intelligent than average? That they would bring more offspring, not the geniuses. In other words, even intelligence slightly higher than average is not an advantage for bringing more offspring. On the other hand, it is not a disadvantage, otherwise it would not be so common in the population, and the distribution would be narrower. Apparently, people do not like people who are too different from them, and there was no advantage in intelligence beyond a certain level, so society preferred those who were more or less in the norm. Or there is an objective problem in designing a brain above a certain level and this creates a risk that is not worth taking if one gets too close to it, and even if the genius functions, it will increase the risk for less functional children or reduce his drive for children.

Even today, women are not necessarily attracted to geniuses, but most want a smart man. It is possible that women halted the development of intelligence, because their distribution is narrower and less risk-taking, so they preferred men like them. And maybe once smart women had fewer children. In any case, the female brain is smaller than the male brain, meaning there was clearly some kind of brake there. And maybe men preferred less intelligent women.

In any case, it seems that the brain is a system that requires many (and perhaps contradictory) balances and it is difficult to advance them all in parallel, and a too intelligent brain will create an imbalance like a too emotional brain, and therefore since it is a genetically complex trait, it needs a huge advantage for it to progress, and it does not depend on one parameter. The fact is that occasionally a genius person is randomly created in almost every society and class, and this mutation does not take over the population, but becomes extinct.
Philosophy of the Future