The Degeneration of the Nation
When I hear the word culture - I reach for my banana
How are philosophers' sexual needs expressed in their thought? What kind of pressure needs to be developed in order to develop culture? Why do cultural gaps grow wider as cultural progress accelerates - leading to separation and the creation of conservative culture and avant-garde culture? How did language create a culture of secrecy, gossip and concealment that distinguished humans from apes? Why is violence becoming increasingly secretive? What lies behind the outer shell? And why is the banana peel on the floor?
By: The Banana Philosopher
When mental violence and sexual frustration turn into philosophy - philosophy turns into a banana  (Source)

Enlightenment thought as an own goal by thinkers who wanted to get sex

Women leave relationships more often, and it's not because it's personally beneficial for them, but because the exit barriers are lower, because that's the nature of natural selection, that there is selection, and they are responsible for selecting men, it's an interest of the species and not of the individual. And then culture - when it wanted long-term child-rearing and a complex social structure - with the help of reason corrected nature, and put very high barriers on women leaving relationships, so that only the worst systems would break down, and whoever breaks them becomes poor. But feminism lowered the barriers, because many thinkers wanted free sex, and fought against the existing system out of the rebellious nature of the beta male. And since then the family has been destroyed, and with it culture is deteriorating, because the education of a father to his son, tradition, respectable male models - are being destroyed. They didn't understand that free sex means less regular sex and more loneliness. And that the natural state, where a child grows up in a tribe, and doesn't need a specific father, and long-term apprenticeship, is not a good state for human development. Culture corrects the failures of evolution and natural society so that it will be more successful, meaning developing. Evolution emphasizes external beauty and strength, while culture emphasizes social status. The return to the natural state is a step backwards, and not happier, because people in their natural state are not motivated by utility or happiness, but by impulses and neurology, determined by the evolution of the species. Happiness is just one neurological mechanism, not particularly important, and so is utility. Pleasure and enjoyment are not the central drives in the brain. What controls is dopamine, and that's why people are addicted to the internet and news and updates and instant messages and series - and not to sex. Because in the jungle you had to be careful every moment during the day, and have sex only at night.

The supernatural versus the unnatural in regulating nature

A little pressure is good, but in a state of prolonged scarcity consciousness, a behavioral system designed to survive hunger is activated, which has a depressing effect. In every period there are those who activate prolonged pressure consciousness, whether it's the church because of sins, or capitalism that creates artificial scarcity consciousness, or social status scarcity consciousness in class society. And so, out of a bug in the human brain that operates differently in a state of scarcity, sectors in the population are created, like the poor, who constantly operate in hunger consciousness. For example, today a consciousness of time scarcity has been created, and one can think of crowded lives that created a consciousness of space scarcity, and so on, and therefore people are unable to manage their time and a time-poor class is created. Because in scarcity and pressure consciousness, neurological and physical systems are activated that sacrifice the long term for the short term calculation, which are evolutionary remnants. Just as the stress designed to escape predators currently depresses people's immune system and increases blood pressure, even though there is no connection between the body's mobilization for urgent physical action and their stress, and therefore causes health problems. So many people have a sick brain due to time scarcity consciousness, despite there not really being such a scarcity (that is not artificially created). One can think of a future where there is stress from lack of creativity, or knowledge, or sexuality, and so on. There was even someone who managed to create stress consciousness from lack of meaning, and called it existentialism, something that now belongs in the trash bin of ideas. Culture is the understanding that what I want, my natural neurology without effort, is not necessarily what's good for me, and therefore there is a need for reason above nature, because there are flaws in nature. The theory of evolution made people think that what is natural has been optimized and therefore natural is good, but evolution often doesn't reach the best solution and gets stuck in a local maximum. Many times it's stuck in solutions of the game theory kind, because it does local and not global optimization. When people thought God created the world, then the natural didn't necessarily seem good to them, because he also created culture that corrects the natural with systems of sins that are opposite to the natural. But human neurology is messed up in many ways, and there are all kinds of things that selfishly help the individual at the expense of society, like personality disorders, and vice versa, that help society at the expense of the individual's good, like conformity, and also just all kinds of phenomena that came out by mistake, like mental illnesses. And therefore one shouldn't hurry to throw away the sins and structures created by culture, the fruit of cultural evolution, just because their justifications have been removed and understood as artificial and invented, because the justifications were never the main thing, but the regulation. The true enemies of culture like Foucault claim that the justifications are against our interests, and therefore it's likely that throwing the structures in the trash will improve our situation. But they are not interested in one direction, but a system of balances between many factors, and an attempt of generations, in what works and what doesn't work, and therefore any structural change can lead to worse results than the current situation, even if it's just lowering cultural barriers. The best example is sexual liberation, which unlike feminism was destructive. It's not true that there were always sexual harassments and only now we the enlightened are eradicating them. But once the various structures of how to behave between the sexes, sexual culture, were removed, chaos was created, and violence, and the natural jungle state. Therefore we need a new and conservative sexual culture, that respects both sexes equally, although equality is not necessarily just, and it's possible that for neurological reasons inequality is preferable. But we must separate the feminist revolution from the sexual one, and not destroy the institution that meanwhile has no substitute - the institution of family. Because now the state is invading the most private domain, of relationships between the sexes, which becomes a domain where the public has something to say, after it invaded all other domains, like work, family, education, helping the weak, and so on. This is totalitarianism of the state that becomes a total legal system like the Halachic one. When children will be able to sue their parents the state will finally enter - even in families without divorce - the family domain. The natural sexuality of humans is so messed up and problematic that in many cultures they changed it through physical change in the human body in external appearance, in clothing and in sexual organs, like circumcision. It's not because they were stupid, but out of the need to regulate something that doesn't work well for the benefit of society. Therefore there is no such thing as returning to natural sexuality. Or to a natural couple structure. The natural structure is a hairy ape.

General Intelligence Commando Unit (GICU)

There is also another false pressure consciousness, which is the consciousness of the late 19th and early 20th century, and it is the pressure consciousness of place, which was before the pressure consciousness of time. In it lived the Germans who wanted living space for the Aryans and feared the extermination of their race (another false pressure consciousness, racial pressure), and in it live the settlers and Arabs, despite there being plenty of space in the world, and there is no longer importance to living near water sources. Another pressure that is created is the one related to sexuality, which the world creates on the individual by presenting sexual abundance, and in the past there were various imaginary pressures, like pressure from demons, or from impurity, or from sins and temptations. And today they are working on creating future pressure. That is, a society structures its values by creating a sense of false scarcity, and not only through temptation and positive reward, but through negative reward that is implanted in people's minds through propaganda, like sexual propaganda today. Pressure usually takes a real need and expands it immeasurably compared to its biological origin, and whoever lives in constant scarcity consciousness is a slave to the social system. That is, society works through a double mechanism: dream + nightmare. Today society lives in a sense of acceleration, which creates pressure from being left behind, and the feeling is that the force that creates the acceleration does not stem from pushing by the past towards the future, but it is a force that is in the future, that pulls towards it, like gravity, towards a black hole. Therefore it creates a feeling that there is something in the future that we will collide with or reach and be swallowed into, and this is in contrast to the Enlightenment period that moved by a repulsive force from the past, a negative force. In a situation where society is not a working machine, but a system that moves forward, there is no importance to the average and ordinary person who is a part of the machine like everyone else, the screw exactly like the chip, but there is importance only to those who are ahead, to the small percentage that deviates from the norm in their skills. That is, an average person in any society becomes worthless, and only deviation forward is valuable, and what's important in any society is only the geniuses and the most talented and advanced, and not the abilities of the average person. A society can neglect the average, like the USA, and be much more advanced than a society where the average is higher, but there are fewer talented people at the edge. And this is a natural result of moving forward, that only the few whose noses protrude forward a bit from the general are important, those who live a little in the future, and therefore they are entrepreneurs, or the first to think of ideas. Also the brain population can depend on a very small number of creative and smart neurons that create intelligence and sweep all the rest, without any connection to the brain's operation as a huge machine, and therefore it may be that creative intelligence is a very specific phenomenon in a certain area of the brain, and not a systemic property. Like how the genome is influenced by mutations found in edge populations, and not so dependent on the broad population of the species. That is, from a cultural perspective it's clear that what leads is a commando unit, and not the mass from which geniuses randomly emerge, but a system is created where suddenly there are many geniuses. Therefore it's possible that this is how other learning systems work, because in learning as opposed to action what's important is only the commando unit, and this is the logic of the existence of life within matter, or the human species within evolution, or the existence of the Jewish people in history. Investment in the commando unit only, and the commando unit phenomenon.

The importance of the next religion

In the end it will turn out that what distinguishes humans is not intelligence but culture, no one really knows how smart an elephant or whale is, or even a crow. Just as computers didn't make a revolution until they were connected to the internet and nerve cells didn't make a revolution until they were connected in the brain, and it took a very long time for cells to turn from colonies that communicate with each other through chemical signals like bacteria into one whole organism, so it's possible that what caused the evolution of the brain was actually culture. And culture was caused precisely by the long childhood that was forced on humans the moment they stood upright and were born with an unprepared brain due to a small head, but a brain open to learning. That is, learning was more important than intelligence, and who won is not the individually smartest ape but the most learning ape as a group. And to this day the strongest motivations of humans are related to their organization as a group. It's not for nothing that politics is at the top of the news, it really interests everyone the most. And poverty is an adaptation mechanism of the weak ape compared to the dominant ape in the group, designed not to threaten him - to avoid threat from him. So is the Fermi paradox, the ability of stars to communicate with each other, to create a network of worlds, is harder than creating intelligence in each of them. That is, the speed of light gives a finite size to culture. If God is an alien, does that reduce his religious power? Not necessarily. We can have an intimate relationship with an alien. But a relationship with an alien will always be very asymmetrical. In this sense we are alone. The transition from a network of humans to an organism of humans - where individuals will remain outside and be like terrorist bacteria compared to the large animal - can take quite a bit of time, and require a suitable religious ideology, which will cause humans to give up their essence and personality. It will be a very extreme type of cult. That is, individuals (life) are quickly created and they quickly create a network of connections between them, but it takes a very long time until they become a whole, because it's actually not in their interest and against game theory, it's to become something else. In Judaism there is such an infrastructure in the system of sefirot [Translator's note: divine emanations in Kabbalah], in a Zoharic group where each embodies a different sefirah and there are connections between them. And in the ability to multiply and divide this division again and again, in a fractal structure that repeats itself. Such a group is described in the Zohar and had imitations throughout the generations, of various secret groups. That is, what glues the individuals into a whole is not regular communication but secrecy.

The tunnels are secrets underground - and therefore effective

If the leftists wanted to end the occupation they would all register for the Likud [Translator's note: right-wing Israeli political party]. And replace the prime minister. But this needs to be done in secrecy, and the ability to organize a large action in secrecy is the peak of culture and organizational ability. Secrecy is a force multiplier of action. Because the impact is according to the change in power, and surprise turns all the power into change in power, from zero to a hundred. The change in power is what determines in power struggles, everything is relative to expectations. And therefore culture needs something above it, a floor of secrecy. Like intelligence is the secret above the state. Whose purpose is to prevent surprise and create surprise. Like how the Holocaust succeeded because it was a secret. And not as they say that everyone knew. The sheep didn't know about the slaughter. Terror succeeds thanks to surprise. And the Cold War was all a war of secrecy, and the cyber war even more so, it's a secret that there's a war. People are afraid of algorithms because of the secrecy of their operation. But only when a computer has a real internal secret will it become human. Like how in every person there is a world of secrecy and that's what turns them from an animal to a human. The power of science was to take the secret from religion, the secret of the universe's operation. The human attraction to secrecy is a neurological trait that developed evolutionarily for social reasons (secrets in society) and as a hunter (secrets in nature). As a knowledge machine the brain is drawn to secrecy. And to the new. And we are at a stage of victory of the new over the secret. And therefore we need a new secret.
Philosophy of the Future