The Degeneration of the Nation
Opening: Instead of a Suicide Note
Fragments from the notebook of the philosopher, who attempted suicide in his living room last summer by choking on bananas, in order to transform from the greatest living Netanyahuite philosopher to the greatest Netanyahuite philosopher, period. We stole the notebook during our last visit to the philosopher's living room while he went to the bathroom, and after a Sisyphean decoding of the handwriting through the banana stains, we will gradually publish his thoughts
By: The Greatest Living Netanyahuite Philosopher (still)
Banana: The Secret Behind the Philosopher's Desire (Source)

Knowledge is Lack of Power

What compels me to write? Oscar Wilde: "The passions we are mistaken about their origin are those that tyrannize us most powerfully. Our weakest motives are those we are aware of their nature." In other words, at the core of desire, including and especially the sexual one, there must be a secret. Science embarked on a 500-year journey to eradicate the world of secrets, which gave the ancient world its power, and as an unexpected and unintended byproduct, found itself emptying various desires. The desire for life, for example, has lost much of its meaning in the era of modern medicine, as well as the desire for children, and the fear of death and infertility are weaker than ever. It wasn't the dangers themselves that gave desires their power, but the uncertainty (=lack of knowledge) that stemmed from them: death in childbirth or war or epidemic or pollution (the power of the unexpected, not death itself), sexual sanctions in case of being caught and unplanned pregnancy, unexplained infertility and its randomness, and so on. The desire for war, and for wandering, which in the past were thought would lead the human race on a direct path to space, and even the desires for revenge and honor, are all weaker than ever. Even the basic desire for food has been greatly emptied, which sometimes led to gluttonous eating as compensation. Once food had to fulfill a physical need, to fill a stomach, after that was assured it had to fulfill a psychological need, to be tasty, then a moral need grew, to be healthy or vegetarian or vegan, and today food needs to fulfill an ideological need, it needs to be interesting, it needs a story behind it, it needs to be authentic and it's a touristic act, hence the spread of "world food," meaning one needs to try to recreate a secret behind it. Music has also undergone a similar process (through all four stages: from functional social ritual, to melodic pleasure, to revolution and defiance, and finally to increasing diversity). And whoever reads Wilde well knows that any thinking machine, computer or human, must not have too much knowledge about itself, or absolute access to itself. It's not only important to create awareness for artificial intelligence, but also lack of awareness, especially in the most important part - will and motives. The computer needs to be ignorant about what drives it, even if it has Google's knowledge of the world, it must not understand itself. So historically, the desire for knowledge kills all other desires, and finally perhaps even itself.

Secret is Power

The two desires that remained last standing, because the mechanism behind them gives a secret, and uncertainty was preserved - are money and sex. This is what remains of the broad world of desires of the ancient world. The ancient world was a world of mystery, and therefore was full of desires and motives, including also cultic, religious, and other supernatural motives, which we have no access to today, such as impurity and purity, connection to the souls of ancestors, idolatry, and sacrifices. The traditional desire for honor, all-encompassing, partly evolved into the desire for fame and finally into the hollow desire for celebrity, precisely because of the little uncertainty of the mechanism that creates celebrities. Desire is strengthened and becomes addictive only because of a mechanism of uncertainty (that's how the motivation mechanism in the brain works, in rewarding positive surprise, and not just good). Therefore, only an inaccessible, chaotic secret works on us, like the stock market and the media. The last bodily desire, sex, survived largely due to the lack of understanding of the mechanisms behind it, the uncertainty in female satisfaction, and the secrecy of its realization. Sex still maintains a certain aura of a world of secrets. But as with food, it is undergoing the same four-stage process, from physical need and bringing children, to psychological need for pleasure, to moral need for "correct" couplehood and healthy sex life (and "safe" sex), and today increasingly to a need with an "intellectual" structure, which needs to be interesting, to experiment, to innovate and check the possibilities, similar to world food, or world music, the parallel to which is world sex, namely pornography. Sexual desire in itself is in a process of constant dilution, and has lost a significant part of its mysteriousness, which is now being sought in various perversions, like world explorers, who after mapping the entire Earth, still try to find a piece of relatively virgin genesis for tourism (hence sexual experimentation, the last "liberation" project). Social desires like money and prestige and power are still kicking, but personal desires are in danger of extinction, and in constant pursuit of creating secrets in an era where it drowns - the information age. On the day when politics will be transparent - there will no longer be a desire for power. Today, even sexual desire is less and less based on itself, and more and more on social desires such as power and status and appearance, which more than romantic enjoyment of beauty has competitive social enjoyment in it. All this is part of a process of emptying of the individual in favor of the network, and of particles in favor of string sheets. Is this an irreversible process?

A Fundamental Property of Physics - That Enables Mathematics

History teaches us that this is a dialectical process, and that personal desires will return in another guise. At different levels of reality, the plausible description moves between a complex system and discrete atoms, again and again - between levels of high mutual influence and complexity that can only be understood as systems, to levels where the phenomenon is understood as isolated individuals, who are in relatively simple interactions with their environment. The universe is composed of discrete galaxies. The galaxy is composed of discrete stars. The global cultural network is composed of individuals. Individuals are again composed of networks within them - the brain. The brain is composed of neurons, that is, discrete cells, within each of which is a network of information and activity, which is isolated to a discrete genetic information code. Complex biology is composed of simple chemistry between atoms. Particles are composed of string sheets. If there's one thing we know about the universe, it's that it moves again and again between enormous complexity and enormous simplicity, and never moves to infinity in one direction, for example towards enormous complexity that cannot be understood at all, or conversely to a simple and final reduction at some level. Since the development of history is the development of the universe, and the time axis is actually the axis of system building, we are guaranteed that from time to time complexity will collapse, and it will be possible to understand - between chaotic periods. The development of evolution did not create infinite complexity, but collapsed again and again, into understandable and discrete units, such as the cell, the bacterium, the organism, the species, the ecological system. Sometimes there are many orders of magnitude between one level and another, but the collapse always comes. We will always find ourselves eventually reaching a level where there is an inside within it and an outside outside. What distinguishes between the inside and the outside is the skin, that is, something that hides the inside from the outside, that is, keeps a secret. The content of our body is not revealed from the outside, and the content of our brain is not revealed from the outside. If the content of our brain is revealed, and the secret collapses, the individual will collapse with it, and the complexity of culture will intensify by orders of magnitude. It is likely that then the boundary will be set at another intermediate level, which will prevent total chaos. Therefore in mathematics, always within continuous and dynamic analysis one can find at a sufficiently fundamental level discrete and algebraic mathematics, and vice versa. This is actually what enables its very existence.

Late Addition (Above the Banana Layer)

The laws of nature themselves, and particularly mathematics, are a place where physical complexity collapses, and therefore mathematics hides the secrets of nature and does not reveal them, it is the shell. Just as the world of law and legislation is a place where the complexity of human relations, psychology and literature collapse and are hidden. Therefore, countries are an example of the collapse of complexity, as if the world is composed of about two hundred individuals and the relations between them, and not seven billion. The reason for the existence of countries is the inability to cope with complexity, and therefore the country as an atom is a modern phenomenon that stems from globality, from increasing the scale, and then internal relations become a secret. Hence the growth of the modern intelligence institution hand in hand with the state - because it became its interior, and around it a game of concealment. That's why countries do not tolerate interference from other countries in their internal affairs, the peak of which is interference in the government itself, for example in elections. The will of the voter must always be some kind of undeciphered secret, some mystical, chaotic and unpredictable wisdom of the crowds from the outside. Therefore, the inside of the law is the mystical, in mathematics, in religion, and in state laws. This is actually the assumption of the field of law interpreting laws according to the intention of the law itself regardless of the empirical intention of the legislator. But today, because of the materialistic-scientific view, the belief in the mystical revealed behind the law has been lost, and we are left with law as clothing only, without the nudity within it. Thus, brain sciences empty the secret from the individual, and humanities empty the secret from culture, and psychology empties the soul, and pornography empties sex, and intelligence empties the state, and so on - precisely because they expose what is inside these shells, and the desires that drive them from within. The splitting of the atom is perhaps the discovery of trapped energy but its release annihilates the matter itself. The look beyond the shell is a glimpse into the primordial chaos, a blinding look into the sun. That is, the opposite of a nuclear bomb is a black hole, which is the ultimate last secret. And even it is sought to be annihilated by the idea that no information is lost inside the black hole, but everything is preserved on its surface (Bekenstein-Hawking entropy).

Discoverers versus Inventors

The secret of discovery has indeed perished, but the secret of invention remains. Only the creative secret remains, and from this last secret it will be possible to create a whole new world of desires, and to renew the world of secrets, as in the dawn of humanity. The creative secret is by nature a dynamic, procedural secret, and not a static secret as an object that can be exposed and discovered and consumed. The creative secret is not accessible to science, and the thing that can destroy it is only a creativity machine that makes creativity trivial, but mathematically it is an impossible computational problem. Every desire is built on a mathematically unsolvable problem, such as uncertainty, unknowns, chaos, or problems that are fundamentally difficult to compute. We need to copy the mathematical solutions for creating secrets in the network (security) to create secrets within culture. That is, we need to find problems in culture that there is no efficient way to solve computationally (i.e., by computer), and base secrets and desires on them. The artistic problem is such. On the day that sex becomes art - its secret will be guaranteed, and therefore it too will be guaranteed. Religiosity will also be able to give sex secrecy that it has lost, and this time not through prohibitions but through mystery and mysticism. Religion will return precisely through sex. And it will return to it the sense of holiness and touch with the sublime and the divine. But more than that - faith. It will have to incorporate sexuality as part of the cult, but not as in polytheism (in cultic prostitution), but in monotheistic (and therefore monogamous) sexuality. Instead of going to church people will have sex, but sex will become going to church. The body of Jesus will be replaced by their own body.

The Religions of the Third Millennium

The world of personal fantasy is undergoing processes that will allow it more and more to be a shared fantasy. For example, sexuality through augmented reality. The creative process is becoming easier and easier, and eventually it will be accessible to everyone, as a word processor is accessible. But for the world of fantasy not to become a completely controlled reality, but, similar to a dream, to contain a large core of uncertainty, combined with exciting personal content and intense sexuality, it needs to become a shared fantasy world, like a multiplayer computer game, or like in sexuality, where there are two participants. A fantasy world in its broadest and most social sense is religion, as a network that encompasses life, in a narrower sense it is art, for example a book or a movie, as a network that exists within life, where there are partners to the fantasy, but only one creator of the fantastic world (religion insists on inaccessibility, and sometimes on non-existence, of the creator of the fantasy. It is a closed fantastic world, defined by its own tools). An even narrower fantasy world is a social game, a fantasy world limited to two is a sexual world, and an individual's fantasy world is usually a dream or drug hallucination. The ability to make fantasy more and more objective and comprehensive is virtual reality. The fear of the human race shutting itself in a computer game and drugs is similar to the fear of the human race shutting itself in culture, and basically it is the fear of an uninteresting and uncreative fantasy world. Therefore, we must ensure aesthetic appreciation and aesthetic criticism for the fantasy world, in order to use mechanisms from the world of art to pursue interesting and true creativity. The last concept of truth that will remain valid is true creativity. A masterpiece cannot be faked, and it is not a relative thing. This will be the basis for the philosophy of the future and the new ontology.

The Three Religions in the Future

Just as two possible religions emerged from the Bible, in two opposite directions (Christianity and Islam), so it can happen to Kabbalah, which is the sexual-mystical core of Judaism - sexual Judaism. Islam stripped from Judaism only the ideology, and therefore was left with extreme monotheism and zealotry, and therefore Islam is expressed in the sexuality of jealousy. One God one man. Christianity took from Judaism, which combines ideology with emotion, only the emotion, and emphasized the emotional side of religion, and not the system of law, which is related to the rigid ideological system (Islam did adopt religious law. As Christianity was influenced by the pre-Mishnah world of Pirkei Avot, for example the influence of Hillel on Jesus, so Islam was influenced by the world of the Talmud, for example in the tradition of transmission of the Hadith). Therefore Christianity is expressed in the sexuality of love. Islam had to create a simplistic, ideological version of the sacred texts, which could not be forced into rigid ideology and lack of complexity, while Christianity had to perform allegorical interpretation in order not to read their rigid and ideological side and to smooth everything over. The ideology of Kabbalah is the side of the Ari, and particularly against bachelorhood and for coupling through correction through law (commandments), while the emotional side is Hasidism, which contains tendencies against religious law. Therefore, the next Islam will be an intensification of the Ari and a simplification of his complexity into a simplistic ideology of single coupling and correction according to rigid law, while the next Christianity will be an intensification of Hasidism, and complete abandonment of the law, and preservation of the emotional mystical side. That is, sexual Islam will offer sexual ideology, as a substitute for non-functioning sexuality, while sexual Christianity will offer sexual mysticism and spirituality.
Philosophy of the Future