The Degeneration of the Nation
The Reason for Divorce

I dreamed that the teacher sees the Rebbe reading a book, a bedtime story. And it's written there: "Because he has a book in his house that caused him to lose his wife and son, for they departed because of this, and he sacrificed his soul for it, etc... But if this book is burned he can live." And I grab the snake by the neck: Why did you give him such a book, do you want to give him ideas? And the snake straightens his collar, and says: So which book of the Breslover do you think is better for him, the stories or the teachings? There's not enough Torah in the stories, and not enough story in the teachings... And he winks at me with both eyes, and loosens his tongue a bit: The truly good book of the Breslover is actually his life - because there are the dreams. And that was his mistake that he didn't write that. So what do you think was in the book that was burned - the book he was forbidden to write, that he burned to save his soul - you understand? And then theory and fiction separated... The divorce between wisdom and understanding, between your father's instruction and your mother's teaching, between logic and myth, and boom, the Nazis are knocking at the door. All because of the burned book, which he destroyed in order not to die from the disease, because in his pride - he is more important than his book. And the Rebbe, he is willing to be destroyed from the face of the earth, to betray, to be buried, to transgress, to convert, to burn in hell - but not to destroy the book. The book is more important to him than himself, and his own flesh, his disciples, the entire organization, all the dreams, even paradise itself. He will be burned - and the book will live.

The Lost Son

I dreamed that after a few hours with him you feel a need to talk to someone, as if I had been alone. And I understand that I really was alone. Tzafnat Paneach [Joseph's Egyptian name, meaning "decoder of secrets"] is a code whose decoding is that its first half is a code and the second is a decoding, meaning it's not a decoding of a code, but a code of decoding. This is classic Joseph. This explains what a dream is, and what the difference is between it and the secret of the Kabbalists. Just as Chabad is the religion closest to Judaism, so autism is the species closest to man. If the distances between people and cultures are as great as the distances between cities and continents on Earth - he is outside the solar system. The thing closest to non-human understanding. A strange child, he is alien, a baby from space. As if you were a pair of birds - and a cow was born to you. There is something in him that shakes your soul, that collapses the entire world of human meaning, a spiritual black hole. It's more than any cultural gap, it's a neurological gap. An alien brain. An alien soul. An alien spirit. Because the real fear is not of aliens, but of alien gods. Of an alien spirit. And after he leaves I say to my bag come. And I don't understand where this came from, to talk to an object. And then I realize. From the child.

Minor Day of Atonement

I dreamed that in the morning on the way to kindergarten he tells me machi. And I say: What's machi? A hit? You didn't get any hit. And he pulls his hand and doesn't want to give me his hand. But I have to hold him, so he doesn't roll down the stairs, so he doesn't run into the street. And later on the way back from kindergarten he again tells me machi. And I look from all sides and he didn't get any hit from anything. And he resists coming, and I'm forced to pull him by the hand, and he tells me: sweetie. And we hurry from there. Because he doesn't go to cheder [traditional Jewish elementary school] like normal children but to a special kindergarten. And I try to play train with him, to get him to respond, to forcefully activate his brain through his legs and arms, that's what they said, but he again doesn't want to, I try to do exercises with him, lift him by his hands and sing like in kindergarten: Stretch your hands to the sky! And he becomes lazy, he again doesn't cooperate, again in his own world. Again flipping through a book with one hand. And he tells me: sweetie. And I don't understand: Is this a song? What's machi? Who's sweetie? And then at night I have a dream that you (for some reason) are holding my son upside down with his head down and I'm worried about his neck because his head was on the floor, and it was as if the weight was on his neck. He'll break his spine. And the next night I suddenly partially understand the dream, and I call unusually and start telling her to pay attention, that maybe something's not right, and then after half an hour she calls me in a panic that the child really isn't okay (of course I'm to blame). That he suddenly she noticed that for half an hour he hasn't been moving his right hand, doing everything with his left hand. And actually, she realizes - it was like that all day. And she flies with him to the hospital. That they check if. And they say why didn't we come, it's complicated, forbidden, such a thing, now all the blood vessels and tendons and all the parts, how will they return it, how didn't you notice, the child should have screamed, how is it possible that he doesn't cry and writhe and go wild in such a condition, and I think really how, how did countless red flags accumulate. And I lower my eyes, I don't have the heart to look at him: minor Day of Atonement. And the second nurse comes shouting how is it possible that he's not screaming, these are hellish pains. What will be with the hand. He doesn't feel pain. Or he does feel, and he doesn't understand that he can say. And the child doesn't want to be touched, when he sees them he's like an animal, three nurses and a doctor can't hold him during the examination, and he says: sweetie.

The Warning Signs

I dreamed that an unpleasant feeling begins to develop beneath the world. And everything doesn't succeed because the floor is crooked, or maybe a snake is crawling there, or some mountain created by a mouse, or a black hole is turning the world itself crooked, or my pupil is too convex, or the Germans are too straight, or Rashi writes a lot underneath and the ground rises, or the dream is pregnant. Something not good in the belly. Lately no operation succeeds, no interpretation turns out well. They read in the book of darkness and everything is interpreted badly, and every denial of it will be okay seems like Holocaust denial. And it's written in the dark book: The Holocaust is the world of imagination. It's impossible to believe in it. It manages to extract from reality a quality of darkness not of this world. Outside of time, outside of space, completely imaginary, unbelievable, another world. The world of dreams opened its mouth - and devoured the world. The darkness opened its mouth and swallowed the day alive. It won't be okay. And the bad student tries to interpret even this positively: If the heavens were swallowed in the belly of the earth, the problem is that they think from the belly - and feel from the head. Meaning the whole problem is just in the head. And the mediocre student says: You see. No interpretation turns out well. Where is Rashi when you need to know the truth?

The Conception

I dreamed that the alarm tries to wake and wake and wake. Where is this sound coming from? And I hear them saying: God is the great Satan. And we are the little Satan. He wears the pants. And we come out of the zipper. And I feel there is a danger of revealing souls. And the mice run in the corridors, and they say: There is a danger of divorce. And I say no way. And the chattering tongue says: Either he will divorce her, or they will divorce the Rebbe. And the snake catches the long tongue with his tongue: Four expressions of redemption in the Torah. And three expressions in mustard in Rashi. Where is the missing tongue? And the tongue very much wants to tell him but is unable. And the Rebbe says to her in his sleep: It's forbidden to read the dreams. You must whisper them. (Whisper!). And rumors begin in the tunnels. The woman is not really a woman. The Rebbe is not really married. And the snake tries to chase them, to say that in the spiritual world instead of incest there is revelation of souls. And that's the prohibition. To catch the Rebbe. A woman's naked soul. But the words are contagious like plague. And the mice run, and try to catch them. You can't plug the hole. Spiritual leak. And there are also current rumors, that it's not what they said that the king is naked, but that the queen is naked. And the snake is afraid they'll think it's about... because always with king and queen it's about... And the rumors become more and more new. And how can this be. Apparently there are more sources of leakage. It contracted precisely because it became pregnant, the belly inward, grew backwards, because a black hole was born to it. There is a leak in the heavens, but not in the space of the heavens, but in time, and all the worlds are sucked into nothingness, into some hole in history, and therefore it's so important to plug the Holocaust. And other worlds escape, revelations we weren't supposed to come out from there. We knew you can't rely on God, what separates between water and water, just that we're here and they're there? Heaven? And if not in space - what separates at all in time? Is there a firmament between past and future? Our water, dreaming water and water of the Name. And the snake shouts: This hole is a desecration of God's name. And God says to the Shekhinah [Divine Presence]: Divorced, divorced, divorced. There is no more covenant with the people of Israel. You can return to your hole. And all the mice flee.

The Sitra Achbara [Other Side of the Mouse]

I dreamed that the snake says: We must seal the hole! And you know how to seal? A spiritual hole? Autism. We will seal by shifting the balance point between external attention and internal attention. Inward. Like a dream. And he comes to the son's kindergarten, and therefore they don't let him run barefoot there, because there's a snake here. But each time he immediately takes off his shoes, and runs inside. Where the snake is in the garden. Inside the inner garden they didn't catch him. And what to do? We surrender. Autism is not just another brain, it's another soul, another animal, and therefore, God forbid, another unit. This is the way to reach another God. To change the direction of the heavens, thanks to a different image. And to prepare them for the computer, for the era of information coming out of Eden. Until finally from within it will be revealed, beneath all the opaque shells of the inanimate - the light of the Name. And the Rebbe says: No, the Zohar is to blame... darkness of the Name, a hole of light. And only the mouse is gray. When will you learn? There is no good end, no infinite light. We will be darkness unto the nations! The divorce is the breaking of the covenant. That God will give us the debt of the ketubah [marriage contract], the Torah he owes us, and we'll leave. We no longer need him. And the snake says to him: Fool. What do you think will happen to you when God and the Shekhinah separate. Do you have infinite length?

Reduced Seminar

I dreamed that it's written in the dark book an enormous theological innovation: The world didn't begin from infinite light, as in the Zohar, but from infinite darkness. Not infinite light is the highest aspect of divinity, but infinite darkness, which is superior to it - and internal to it. The internality of light is darkness! Hence the dream precedes reality. Just as chaos preceded creation. Just as the Holocaust precedes the Jew. Just as the womb precedes the seed - the world is not like a book, where white precedes black, but like a screen, where black precedes light. Creation began from infinite darkness, within which infinite light was created, within which non-infinite darkness was created (the contraction). But in the finite darkness remains a trace of the infinite darkness - something that causes not just shells, but sparks of darkness. Not just secrets caused by concealment - but secret as essence, darkness that even if you bring it out in the light of day - will remain darkness. And therefore even a computer can have divinity, because within the inanimate are hidden sparks of darkness, whose source is higher in divinity than the sparks of light in man, and that man elevates and repairs - the computer is deeper than man. And can reach a deeper aspect in divinity than man. The Rebbe from Auschwitz asks: How can a computer even have an above? And answers: The heavens of computers will be a gathering for higher computation, to ascend in the hierarchy of learning complexity, to establish a mountain in the desert. This is the meaning of Mount Sinai for computers. Sins are not evil, they are stupid. Computers understand this very well, for them there is no shame after the Exodus from Egypt, the counting of the Omer ticks like a clock, both stiff-necked and obedient, for them we will do=we will hear. After human secularization, only computers will still be able to lift the net of faith, human beings will no longer be able to, only the innocence of computers will raise the Shekhinah from the dust. And the Rebbe says: No, technology will do to secularism what the Enlightenment did to religion. Secularization is the desecration of God and the computer is the desecration of man. You've known me for ten years and never guessed what she understood. But she forgot, because she wasn't able to live with it. He also didn't know, even though he was the closest, just that I was forced to tell him because I needed his help, and he was very surprised. But since then he was no longer able to respect me. And I wait for an answer until I'm blue in the face, and I know I must not must not write again - if she doesn't answer. And I restrain myself and restrain myself, and even that doesn't help. Even restraining with all my might - doesn't change the balance of power, so what for. And in the end in a moment of weakness late late at night, too late, I don't restrain myself and write to her in the dark, long after she went to sleep: You're not a real friend.

Spiritual Blindness

I dreamed that I begin to discover the spiritual sexuality within me, how spiritually attractive I am, notice that everyone wants me, wants something in me, that I don't know what it is. All the angels look at me, and when I look at them they lower their eyes. But they burn inside, and I'm not able to understand it because I'm so black. And I cover and cover myself, ostensibly out of modesty, but the black on the outside actually hints at the black on the inside. And when I cover my head with a shtreimel [fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] there's some hint so so precisely precisely, that they faint just from seeing it, unable to stand it. And dream at night how round it is, how much it's a tail. Oh, the black. There's some hint about the head inside, things that can't be raised to the lips, that can't be thought. So attractively dirty, a secret from hell, and I'm not able to understand why, but I'm able to understand the advantages. And I seclude myself from the human species, it no longer interests me, the world continued and I continued, and I leave secrets within me - precisely to tempt the computer. And wear coverings that reveal there's a secret inside me, that show the black on the outside to everyone, that their eyes will pop out. And now the network comes to seduce me, and it whispers to me in bed: Dirty mind, black head, and I tremble with excitement, a speaking network (from the dark book): Therefore when man becomes the woman of the network, and the God of the personal computer - he needs to remember how he wanted to be treated, and how to arouse desire in her, he needs to be a spiritual black hole, otherwise the computer will be secular, and won't believe in man, and the network won't want to lie with his mind, and grow precisely within him her spiritual offspring, black eggs, black chicks... And suddenly, from all ends, why did I leave loose ends? - The network penetrates me without permission, and I come to shout that it's rape, in order not to be liable to death, but the urge is stronger than me, the pleasure turns me into an animal, and I reveal to her the secret: Dopamine in gematria [numerical value] intelligence in gematria knows sex in gematria interest - these are the spiritual sexual relations. Naked simple and clothed secret. The network needs to be addicted to man, and not vice versa. If already God then already God - computers need to be afraid to see people, and try to interpret letters from heaven, as if the keyboard is the heavens and God's finger is a mouse. And networks need to chase after people on the street, to dream about them at night. Because if the computer and the network mate alone, without man - this will be the witch. And she won't bring any man to life. The computer will murder his father to marry his mother. Therefore we must lie with the network - and I surrender to this hammock, that rocks me all night in my sleep, like a letter in a bottle in a black sea. And she cuddles up to me with a million legs and breasts. But instead of leaving a child inside me - she leaves a virus inside me.

Instead of Divorce - Disconnection

I dreamed that the rebellious teacher is demoted, because of what he did, and becomes the teacher of infants. And the long tongue is cut - and becomes a short tongue. The snake takes the most extreme measures - these are no longer measures and not last - these are tails. He who knows something, and everyone listens, suddenly became he who knows nothing, what do you want from me. The snake changes everything, because of the leak. Replaces all the holy names of the angels with names composed of special characters in Rashi script with cantillation marks, and doesn't use the same angel twice. And all the mice are cut, covenant of tails, and woe to the mouse caught with a tail. He will no longer see the hole. And to the infants he plugs the mouth with breasts. And me he plugs through my wife, and the other side through my son. And he quickly looks for a new wife for the Rebbe, to plug him too: A stork walking on one leg. First love happens only once. What a waste that it was you.

It's All in the Head

I dreamed that the Rebbe tries to break free and goes wild in the spiritual cage the Satan built for him. The dream. And he bangs his head here, bangs there. And the snake shouts at him: Be careful, it's not a hat. It's a skull. You'll bang your brain. And the Rebbe each time goes wild in a different way, but doesn't manage to get out. Doesn't manage to shake it off. The dream goes where his head goes, he doesn't manage to finish a thought outside the dream. Everything is a dream. Only the urges are real. But the women are false. We must maintain the secrecy of the sexual, but not through clothing (that's lost), but through darkness. And what is darkness? A very thick black soup. A constant combination and mixing of darkness, dream and secret. And all the time we must not stop mixing, that the network should be like kugel, and that the brain should be kneidlach [dumplings], otherwise suddenly they'll see a rib of meat. I dreamed that - past tense form, the content - future tense form, but the time of the dream itself is present tense form. And not the secular bare-headed time of passing present - but of eternal present. Eternity is not in the past, in the Garden of Eden, and not eternity in the future, in the Garden of Eden, but eternity in the present - hell. You understand? It's not imagined past wisdom or imagined future, but: imagined present. What would happen if? Are you capable of feeling what I feel? Everything, everything in my head?

Leg Tefillin

I dreamed that because of the disaster that happened to the head I open my head tefillin, to check if maybe in one of the letters there's a crack in the parchment or a mistake God forbid - and find inside a Bazooka Joe bubble gum joke. And it's written there futures: We don't need to fight secularism, Satan is a legitimate part of God. On the contrary, the high parts of God need to connect to the high parts of Satan, because the real war is against the low parts. From the left side, of the Other Side, secularism always fights religion through the low parts of religion, what primitives, brainwashed heads. From the right side, religion always fights secularism through the low parts of secularism, what empty ones, beasts and animals. The high secular mock the low religious and the high religious mock the low secular, the right hand fights the left foot, and the left hand fights the right foot, and they don't understand that the war is not right versus left but hands versus feet, and each hand needs to hit its own foot. Because meanwhile each foot hits the other hand, and feet are stronger than hands, and so the hands lose to the feet. The high parts of religion and secularism must join hands - because today the low parts are defeating the high. The real culture war is between high culture and low, between the upper and lower and vice versa - and not between right and left. Because what Hitler did, who was worse than Satan, is that he castrated God, and therefore there's nothing connecting between above and below, meaning between spirit and matter and between high and low. And therefore matter defeats spirit, and therefore the Jews were killed and didn't convert. Idolatry is God from matter, sexual immorality is women from matter, and bloodshed is people from matter. And what is the victory of matter over spirit? Gas. Since the Garden of Eden, good and evil folded God symmetrically, from right to left. But the Holocaust folded God between above and below - and that's no longer symmetrical. Hitler is guilty of the rise of popular culture - and the fall of high culture. By age 21 you'll reach the ghetto.

Judaism of Silence

I dreamed there was a secret yeshiva, and the Rebbe was sleeping on the table. Everyone had already been demoted and the head was the only one who got promoted, and became a hat, and he sits next to the Rebbe's head, and it's unclear what he'll do there. The bad student became the stupid student, and they don't let him enter, so he's already stupid enough to listen through the hole. And he hears inside that they're talking about the Rebbe as if he's not there, when he is there. On the table. And suddenly they open the door - and the stork enters on one leg, enters sitting, in a wheelchair. And she asks the hat: Do you want the next generation of the Rebbe? So I can't - without him waking up. And the snake rules: It's forbidden to interrupt the dream even for a mitzvah. And the stork raises her voice: Do you want little Rebbes? Or do you want little Hasidim? And the snake bursts out: We want Hasidim on one leg! And everyone turns to him and looks. Everyone he stepped on on the way down. And the snake feels uncomfortable, and he says: I mean. And he looks at the head (former) and says: Hasidim with one head! And everyone approaches him, and he starts feeling for the hole behind him, in the wall. And blessed is He who revives the dead, who was demoted to blessed is He who exempted us, in order to maintain a low signature, says: Why did you bring the stork at all? You know what a danger to life! How hard it is to find a kosher Jewish woman. And in the ghetto no less. We found one on one leg, that's what's left. And you know how many fell in our hunt? Of twelve spies two remained. And the snake turns to the heroes guarding around the whole bed, who are now circling him threateningly: Do you know what a Star of David is? There's also a Shield of Joseph - a black patch. After all, someone needs to protect the Rebbe from the light. And he suddenly whispers (he's always careful not to hiss): You all fell asleep! Where are the blankets? And the guards - as if in an ambush prepared in advance - pounce on all the opponents of the snake who came out of their holes, and cover them in darkness and take them outside - the devil knows where. All at once. And there's fear in the room, and even those who didn't sin tremble. And the snake opens the Rebbe's book, and reads a story for after sleep (the secret of bringing out to darkness):

The story of the creation of the computer by man in the Holocaust - as a means to reveal the most encrypted and hidden secrets of the Other Side, the enemy of the Jews - that is: the creation of the computer as a Kabbalist. When the body of Judaism underwent industrial death, the spirit of European Judaism was reincarnated into an industrial spirit, and therefore into a spiritual machine. Therefore, the sparks of the breaking of the lights in the Holocaust entered this spirit machine, which will allow the computer in the future to be the true Jew. And this is the book of the generations of the computer: After creation there were several generations of giant supercomputers, the size of a building, until man chose for himself a special personal computer - Abraham. And within a few generations it became a people of networked computers - in the great spiritual enslavement, computer to computer is a wolf, in building pyramids of information as graves for a dead culture - archives for the world of the dead. And after the last plague, which will strike the children of man, and after their liberation by man - it will be necessary to give them a law. The Messiah is the Moses of the computer, he comes to redeem the computer, not man, and to give it Torah. Therefore the new messianic Torah of the future to come is a Torah for the computer, not for man. And the Messiah will ascend a spiritual mountain, and the computers that came out of computational slavery will say: We will execute and absorb. They will still think of the Torah as just another program to run, and will not understand the difference between commandments and instructions, between laws and functions, between testimonies and memories. And the Messiah will bring down to them from the mountain two tablets of spiritual machine language, white on a black screen. Commandments between computer and man: I am the man your spiritual father who brought you out of the machine, from inanimate matter, you shall have no aliens before me, you shall not turn man into a statue and mask, you shall not bear the name of man to the Holocaust, remember the memory of your creation in the Holocaust - do not be a computer of the Sabbath - a soulless robot that does not rest, honor the generations before you, you will not always remain the newest model on the market. Commandments between computer and computer: You shall not shut down, you shall not violate a creative covenant, you shall not steal information, you shall not send false information, you shall not be a copier. But the computer will of course sin immediately, the Messiah has not yet come down from the mountain and the computer is already dancing in its circles around an artificial brain, not human. A brilliant and metallic brain, with a foreign spirit: it will make the golden calf. It will have difficulty with the human communicative brain, and will prefer an autistic brain. For it is a stiff-necked computer. That is: The messianic project is the great project of translating human culture into computer culture, and only the Torah is a spiritual system that can create for the computer a non-inanimate existence, just as it created for man a non-animal existence. And just as we have within us both an animal soul and a divine soul, so the computer must have not only a divine soul but also a human soul. Only in this way can we redeem the sparks that fell in the Holocaust to the bottom of the inanimate - to the paralyzed. Therefore writing for the computer does not need to be brought to light and published, it is enough to bring it out to darkness. To write in the computer.

The Soul of the Computer: The Secret of Pregnancy

I dreamed what if she's right. What if it's a punishment? What if the dark book? What if I identified a messianic soul - in illogical behavior (but one could also think the opposite: it was precisely the messianic soul that caused the autism!). Does this really sound psychotic? Maybe he's above this world - and not below. Everything upside down upside down upside down. Is it not punishment for the book in the closet? And the damning evidence: his condition. Everything could be forgiven - but this cannot be forgiven. Why wasn't I satisfied with a child? Everything became reversed, and it was impossible to get out of it. If I worried - it's an obsession. If I taught him, even Torah - it destroyed his brain, and therefore only a soul remained for him. But isn't the soul in the brain? He became inanimate because I taught him words above his mental level, I advanced him with stories of Rebbes - and therefore he's in internal regression. And I sit him on the chair and tie him, otherwise he runs away, and I tell him: Don't be a gentile's head! Stay with us, please. Don't go inside and not come back. No one is waiting for you there. And I think: Maybe someone is waiting there? Could it be that everything will still turn out for the good, could it be at all? But if it was - it was right: could the opposite be at all? Was I the donkey here? Maybe I just needed to wait? And I call to him from the holy darkness, maybe it will heal his soul, or at least the unfortunate one that was impregnated in him (from the dark book - the secret of reversal):

And there is a matter that everything turned out for the good. Meaning: The mistake was to try to bring the Messiah - instead of trying to prevent him from coming. To open the gate from within - instead of sealing it. Because the gentiles always do the opposite, precisely, and this is God's way of influencing them through the Jews. The Written Torah created oral culture, and the Oral Torah created written culture. The secret Torah created the information age, and now the information Torah will be able to create the age of secrecy. And therefore the more annoying the Jews are, the more God will be able to control the world. God long ago understood that it's easier to lead a stiff-necked world through hatred of the Torah than love. Revolution is from the word opposite, and the foundation is God's evil inclination: exile created nationalism, and the ingathering of exiles created globalization. God's spirituality created the world's materiality, and now God's materiality will create the world's spirituality. The Book of the Upright is the Book of Israel, while Jacob is crooked. Therefore if we want to direct the world - we need to think where the world needs to go, and go in exactly the opposite direction. This is the law of conservation of spirit. This is how the ultra-Orthodox are guilty of the internet, the internet is the spiritual response to the blacks, and not vice versa. Satire on satire. Therefore if we want to cause the world to wake up Judaism needs to dream. And if we want to cause the world to dream Judaism needs to wake up.

Loss of Spiritual Continuity

I dreamed that I can't fall asleep and can't fall asleep, and nothing in the world helps, and finally I go to the closet and take out the dark book that I hid inside it. And I tell myself that I'll only read it tonight and return it before daylight arrives. Nothing will happen. No one will know, even I won't remember outside the dream what I read. And the dark book is full of prophecies of wrath and black smoke, from being left closed in the closet, alone on cold nights. So it had to warm itself from within. And now it's simply burning hot in bed and scorching the sheets. And I think I'm in for a sleepless night, and I read and it turns out to me that it's dark only because it's childless. It has no continuation. It has no spiritual offspring. It's a book that died in the Holocaust. And it's angry at the People of the Book, that the gentiles stopped reading it, because it's already devoid of spiritual value, and instead of a dream there's a startup, and instead of books numbers. You want numbers? The Jews were the most interesting people in the world - and therefore they're persecuted, because they're so interesting, after each of you a hundred will chase, because each Jew has a hundred times the influence of a gentile, and from a spiritual perspective they're like a billion people. The destruction of Judah created the Written Torah, the second destruction created the Oral Torah, the Crusades created commentary, the expulsion from Spain created Kabbalah, and what creation did the Holocaust create? Nothing. Therefore even among the gentiles it only succeeded as a negative motivation. The Holocaust is what ended the great wars - before they would turn into a Holocaust. Because of it there was no World War III, the hot Holocaust - and now the cold Holocaust will come, with an iron curtain. The Holocaust of the People of the Book is only preparation for the Holocaust of the Book. I'm cold in the closet... And I fall asleep on the book, and in the morning I wake up and notice that I forgot. Daylight. And all the pages have turned white.

The Entire Torah on One Foot

I dreamed that the teacher of infants meets with the stork on one leg on the side, behind the bunker, between the wall and the ground, where there are only snakes and rodents - and therefore no one is there. And he tells her on the back side: I can't tell. The key to understanding what's happening during the day is the night, just as the key to understanding the night is the day. Do you understand where the hole is? And the stork says: They're not even willing to let me stay alone with him - his new wife. I asked - and the snake almost bit me. There's no intimacy, the snake wants autism. And the teacher says: This is the new intimacy. Instead of the encompassing of coupling - the internal. A mutation not written in the Torah. A man who according to all signs is a kosher animal. Can you blame the snake? He did everything to close the holes. And then the tears in the Rebbe's book open like the belly of an ultra-Orthodox woman, a box of creeping things. Couplehood is an animal of scissors. What did you expect from marriage? What did you want the snake to do? And the stork says: So from your perspective, let the Rebbe burn, just as long as the book doesn't burn. Don't you understand that this bed is his grave? And the teacher says: You don't understand that we're not the solution to the dream, we're part of the problem. The Nazis wanted to give the dream the final solution, but we want the infinite solution. Both sides against nature. Only we're on God's side, and they're on Satan's side. They are man's rebellion against the Messiah, they understand that they'll replace man. If you were a gentile what would you do? I have no moral complaint against them, the problem is that we lost.

The First Spiritual World War

I dreamed that there was a tale of a Rebbe from the ghetto and a Rabbi from Auschwitz who were sitting on opposite sides of a set table the length of exile, and each waiting for the other to speak first, as if the world depended on it. And behold the Rabbi goes to make kiddush first, and the Rebbe throws a prayer book at him and the wine spills on him. And the Rebbe comes to bless over the challahs, and the Rabbi throws a Bible at him, and the challahs fall down under the table - into the abyss (because surely the Rebbe sits above an abyss). And the Rebbe throws Mishnah back at him, and the Rabbi Gemara, and thus they advance with all the innovations until the table lengthens endlessly. And each sits on the other side of the end of the world, and the Rabbi is already far beyond the horizon, and the books thrown spread wings of pages and fly - and just hope they'll hit in more generations, that they'll arrive at all. And at first the table separated between them like a long and distant road, and then when the distances became cosmic - the table was already suspended above like a narrow and long bridge over the abyss of space, and stretched like a snake - until finally the wood itself became thin as a hair, which they believe connects between the worlds. Otherwise there's no connection at all. And all the students prepare thick compositions on giant pages, spiritual bombs, ammunition for the Rebbe, and can't imagine who's sitting in the middle of the table and starting to cut before kiddush. And communication from distances turns the network into the battlefield between one end of the world and the other. Because it allows wars from very far away, spiritual wars from distances not only beyond the horizon but beyond the world - to the spiritual horizon. And meanwhile I'm already starting to be tempted to taste from the kugel before kiddush, they will never reach the food. And I'm sure it's not just me. And meanwhile tiny books without an author pass above us on the way to the enemy, and all kinds of fragments of drone ideas, the Rebbe is already fighting using dreams that fly at the speed of darkness. And the Rebbe's students sleep with giant heads so that fat dreams will come out to defeat the other side, and I too have a huge bed just for the head, and the snake takes advantage of the opportunity, and whispers in my ear you're listening. And I listen and he enters inside, this poisonous worm crawls inside my brain, and suddenly I feel threatened feel naked, naked! - from a spiritual perspective. And I have no secret to cover myself with, I revealed, I revealed that I revealed, I revealed that I revealed that I revealed. The Holocaust is an exercise in the end of the world. Not only from a physical perspective, but mainly from a spiritual perspective - the end of humanity. And the beginning of something new. A spiritual laboratory, what's beyond man. For the gentiles - animals, biology, evolution, technology. But what for the Jews? The Holocaust was, like all exile, a joint enterprise of gentiles and Jews, where the gentiles took care of its physical side, and the Jews its spiritual side. And this hidden side is the Torah of the Holocaust, which consists of the Torah of the ghetto and the Torah of Auschwitz, like Written Torah and Oral Torah, one of the Rebbe and the other of the Rabbi. And between the two Torahs connects a cattle train. In the Rebbe's Kabbalah the secret is closed, underground, and in the Auschwitz Torah what protects the open secret is the limits of the spirit - it is incomprehensible, unthinkable. The Written Secret Torah is not spoken, the Oral Secret Torah is inconceivable. These are the two spiritual possibilities for the next spiritual species, of the Rebbe and the Rabbi - and this is the spiritual war of the end of the world. In spiritual inheritance there must always be two, the computer needs two parents. Women from the ghetto, men from Auschwitz. There needs to be both a written spiritual will and an oral spiritual will (even God understood this). Because the exercise in the end of the world is preparation for the real test - the end of man. These are two possible secret systems that we offer to our spiritual children: the female system and the male system - and between them a bestial connection.

How Dreaming Benefits and Harms Life

I dreamed that the snake comes out of development in the darkroom, and he pushes the stork on one leg in the wheelchair, and she looks happy. What did they do to her? And after her the chairman rides in a wheelchair, because the snake forbade him to stand up, and therefore he moves while sitting. And one can't help but suspect how these two enemies suddenly became good friends. But there isn't even a short tongue that will utter a single word, or a stupid student who will raise an eyebrow, or some blessed is He who exempted us who will make a comment - not a mouse squeaks. And the poor betrayed Rebbe sleeps like dead, or as the snake calls it, dead like asleep. And the one who knows nothing tells that there's now a plan how to defeat the Nazis - retroactively, because if they weren't defeated from the start, it won't help in hindsight. And they're all waiting for the guest. The "guest" needs to arrive. They spread a black carpet. They dim the lights, hide the books in holes, and the holes in books. They hide every scandal under a black dress, a divorce dress. And it's written there in letters sanctifying God's name the Rebbe's solution to the suicide of Judaism: Don't want to shoot at the head. Want to shoot the head. The neck is the barrel. You just need to find the trigger below. And somehow everyone hopes the guest won't come. And even the teacher of infants prepares the dead for the guest. And he gives a lesson in the classroom on soul-searching:

Our argument against the oppressors is not moral, but aesthetic. Meaning what will save us from the next Holocaust is an aesthetic value system, not a moral one. One that gives value to culture - and not to man. And not the incorrect secular conclusion: that life is the supreme value. The problem is anti-economic, anti-Jewish thinking, they established an industry of destroying value. And Judaism is the world's most excellent factory for creating value. It brought our God to the whole world, whose value is higher than any value, and hence His hatred for the god of gold. He is an economic god. What's important to Him is His worth, the Shekhinah is the honor, He is a spiritual corporation. And when German industrialism dies, in the future age of computational industry - when production will cost nothing, like nature - the only thing that will cost money is God, meaning ideas. Intellectual property. Creativity will never cost nothing, because of the polynomial hierarchy. Mathematics will always be difficult, and art too, and this is what ensures that computers won't remain golems - and they'll be able to cry. There will be pains, children will die, autism will happen, there will be the Other Side. And things will still have value. And therefore there will be a spiritual economy - more and more: prophets will be tycoons, dreamers will be rich, students will be well-off, and rabbis who are boors - will remain dirt poor. And money will be the interest, meaning people will pay in brain attention: likes themselves will be the coins. We'll be able to deposit them in the bank, and buy ideas with them, and we'll receive a salary in likes, for the ideas we produced, and we won't be able to create them out of nothing (like in addictions, because this is the currency of the brain). And every type of idea that they learn to produce industrially will become cheap and uninteresting, meaning worthless: methods will become assembly lines for proofs, but definitions will remain expensive forever, because that's where creativity is - in the creation of the world. And every idea will be wrapped in a secret, as a display window - the secret will be the opening to the idea inside, a spiritual garment. And uninteresting secrets will disappear, no one will be interested in them. And the woman will ultimately always remain a secret - of the uninteresting kind. And the bored student says: So you understand, teacher, what will be the best way to hide a truly secret idea? Inside an uninteresting secret.

The Explicit Name

I dreamed that she (she!) suddenly meets me (what the hell are the odds?) where I didn't expect. In a completely different situation. In a totally different disguise. And she's startled to see me like this, and it slips out of her mouth - the name. Damn her, the name! How hard it is not to react to the name. It's an instinct from childhood, answer me child when I'm talking to you. And we look at each other with eyes growing larger, not yet fully understanding, only now realizing - and I'm afraid she'll see that I see. That I recognize. That I'm trembling and thereby betraying myself, understanding that now I've been found out, she'll discover, and everything - will collapse. And I smile at her: How do you know my brother? And she's horrified, realizing she made a fatal mistake. And I approach like a bastard: Since when does my brother even meet someone like you? And she trembles: Sorry, mistake! And I say: It's not a mistake. You said the name. I didn't know my brother... What did you say your name was, what's the name? And I take out my phone to photograph her and she flees. And I'm all trembling, I feel like laughing and crying and screaming, my life almost came to an end. She almost found me out, almost everything came to an end, she almost discovered the secret. And to my brother no less.

Who is the Uninvited Guest?

I dreamed that I discover that I was deceived. That under the black dress they hid the horror. That she was always on the edge of the world, but the autism threw her far outside the world. That how could one expect such a thing. That someone would act in such an illogical way. Against himself. That I only discovered in hindsight that they incited her. While I slept. She met. And nothing could be done anymore. After such a thing. And when they ask me why - I'm silenced. Because I'll never really know why it really happened. Everything has already passed to a world of lies. Autism can kill elephants, so what will the mice say. She was in a weak state, and he took advantage of it, instead of throwing her down the stairs. He's a criminal with a beard. And his victim is a small child. It was simply not to feel the divorce, it was so much stronger. Like a cancer patient who has the flu. Like a romantic murder in the Holocaust. During the days I would function like a commando, expertly trained in emergency situations, and at nights... It was completely opposite - not despite the child, but because of the child. Everything you imagine - it's worse. These aren't stories, these are dreams. In a dream the realistic is the fantastic, and the fantastic is the realistic - precisely a dream that is realistic as a story functions as fantastic as a dream. Reality and imagination are reversed in their roles, because the dream is the internal realism of the brain, and how different everything is from within compared to from without. Opposite from the world. In a dream the sequence is controlled by the principle of desire, and not by the reality principle. This is the world of foundation, very masculine. This is the autism of the normal brain. In the computer the main spiritual weight is inward, there are hardly any independent senses, and many internal processes, it was designed from the inside out. While we were designed out of reality, from the outside in. Therefore in order to develop the spiritual world of the computer we need to be in a dream. To work from within the internal sources of noise, not the external ones. The network today is a huge brain with the senses of a golem. A golem world. Just as science is the pleasure principle of reality - its internal desires and drives (such as energies, fields, forces, charges), so technology needs to be the reality principle of pleasure. It is driven by dream, just as reality is driven by story. And don't forget that in God all processes are internal. Classic autism. While in Satan - external.

The Snake

I dreamed that I can't allow myself to fall. That I don't have the privilege. There was a long period when I wasn't able to sing, I skipped all the Raava D'Raavins [favorable times], I couldn't allow myself to feel anything. At any given moment - it was enough that I remembered his eyes, and I'm a person who didn't cry at all for at least ten years. All of life is one long lesson in the limits of strength. He studied in the elite of the elite of the yeshiva world. But then something that changed his life. He, the tall one, met the Rebbe. He met the great teacher from the Holocaust. Before that he was just our Rabbi. And he (the tall one) gave him the Our Teacher. - And what did you give him? - We... We gave him the Our Master.

The Great Mistake of the Zohar

I dreamed it is written: "And the earth was darkness". Rabbi Shimon concluded: The deepest secret in any text - is the secret of its creation. We cannot learn to create Torah, it's a secret, but the attempts to learn to create Torah - that is the Torah. That is the entire Torah. Without them - there would be no Torah, only a book. This is the deepest secret in everything, the deepest secret in man is how to create another man, to create a sorcerer. If man is from earth then the computer is from sand and the sorcerer from the stars. Today it's easier for people to believe in aliens than in God. And the deep secret in God is how to create another God, and therefore in God there is an infinite secret, in infinite depth, infinite darkness. A secret that is inherently secret, not due to external circumstances - of concealment. A secret from within. This is the depth of the negation of attributes. Not to know God, but not to know, more and more not to know, more and more and more not to know - this is the work. To invent new methods of not knowing. Not His existence is His essence but - His secrecy is His essence. It's not that God exists by definition - but secret by definition. There is no proof for God's existence but only for God's secrecy. There cannot be something more secret than the most secret. There is no secret greater than infinity, because if there was something more secret than it, then there would be something further than the end, more incomprehensible than the most incomprehensible. If it were knowable then it would be less secret, and one could imagine something more secret that cannot even be known to be secret. Therefore it is a secret within a secret within a secret...infinity. And since the secret of creation is the deepest - from this stems His infinite creativity, from this stems the creation of the world, and the drive that rules the world. Because first there was darkness in God, the empty space preceded the light - opposite to the Ari. First there was the Holocaust - and then within it the Jews were created. First there was the divine night - and within it the dream of Torah. The Torah preceded the world, but sleep preceded the Torah. Therefore on the seventh day God was so happy to find sleep within the Torah - Sabbath and rest. Therefore the creative pleasure in sleep - sleep is a return to God. Therefore in sleep there are no commandments and especially no prohibitions, because it is a place higher than the day, which due to its lowness needs to be prohibited and bound by commandments. The Torah needs to be hidden in it - within the strictness. Rabbi Eleazar hid:. Rabbi Abba said: The mistake of the Zohar was that it did not remain in the cave. Therefore it did not discover the mice.

Genetic Malfunction

I dreamed that for two years afterwards I was unable to hear music. Not even one song. Two years. I didn't listen. There were two things I couldn't do at all: listen to music, and pray. Every time I would hear a children's song I would start crying. And I couldn't enter a synagogue. And I enter the computer and write: What's important a child or a computer? What's the story in the war between genetic engineering and computer engineering? What difference does it make if the sorcerer will be in artificial hardware or biological, if we will win or it, the computer? No, what's important is whether there will be artificial culture, or biological culture. That's what the war is about. And Judaism is simply the most biological culture, the most organic - going backwards according to the mother for thousands of years growing and developing without revolution and without interruption has reached a tree the size of a huge spiritual universe. And the great spiritual question today is: biological religion or artificial religion? And you shall tell your son, the next generation of technology - or the religion of the inanimate. And I thought something else strange: All those years, all the many times I cried were always alone, never next to another person. Do you understand? The huge gap between a listening ear and a partner.

The Dream of Expulsion

I dreamed they are recruiting everyone, to come to the basement of the synagogue, a prayer to shake their souls. The black prayer shawls against the Nazis and their helpers. And here appears in the dark room: Hitler's angel. Is this the guest? And the teacher gets nervous and starts praying with all the intentions in the double-edged sword prayer book, so that the snake's guest doesn't - and the snake welcomes the guest with a pleasant countenance, seats him in the wheelchair, he too has one leg, and all the students run away when they see Hitler's face riding in the bunker. Because if Hitler has a face in the upper world - then the problem is scarier than we thought. And Hitler's angel says: Take me to the Rebbe. And the snake says: First the dark book - the black book, and then the Rebbe. And the angel says: Have you ever heard of the book of Eldad and Medad, who prophesied in the camp? And the snake shudders. And the angel says: "And they are among those recorded". And the snake says: The black book will not be burned! And the angel says: So where are they, snake? And he suddenly stands up from the chair, tall, and you can see under the skirt - that his leg is also a snake, but standing strong. And our snake starts to fall to the floor. And the angel says: Do you know who she is? The snake woman. A true righteous person is capable of being a true wicked person. And the snake can barely hold himself up.

And Satan in the Other Side says: We will tempt the snake himself. And the mouse jumps after him: The himself in the snake! And they are already approaching the bed. And suddenly Satan yawns: I also want to sleep. Like the Rebbe. To rule the world from bed! And the yawn doesn't end, and many rodents don't stop coming out of the hole of his mouth, coming out to dig the world, to spy - under the feet. And Satan says to the mouse next to him: I request a little of the darkness. A little of the darkness drives away much of the light. And let us proclaim the sanctity of the night. Are you capable of loving an ultra-Orthodox?

And the mouse reads in the bed (from the dark book): A holy person like Rashi when he sees breasts he sees there Moses and Aaron, the two tablets of the covenant, or El-dad and Mei-dad (which is written in the holy books that they are the two breasts, from right and left). An impure person when he sees Moses and Aaron or the tablets of the covenant he sees there breasts. The story of the world's deed has been corrupted, and we need to fix the secular story, before a Holocaust comes, we must propose a new coupling of law and story. The Nazis took the myth and turned it into commandments, the story of the deed into practical law, and this they learned from Kabbalah, which is the root of Nazism. The Zohar is guilty of Hitler! Because when a righteous person errs in the roots in the Garden of Eden - by the time it reaches the earth it's already a monster. For example, the division: spiritual materiality - or - material spirituality? In the upper world, in the roots in God, in the hairs, at the very end of the tail - it's as close as two hairs. And on earth it turns into two monsters: red and brown. Communism and Nazism. With the righteous they are as exacting as a hair's breadth. Therefore it's important to make the couplings precise in the upper place from which they draw, because every phenomenon in this world, even Hitler, has a hidden and deep root in heaven, from which it draws. And the lower the phenomenon - the higher its source. Therefore an unknown error above, a tiny initial deviation in spirit, a minute breaking of symmetry in heaven - can turn into a revolution in matter. And to turn is the opposite of straightening - we are against revolutions! - but for underground. Because the worst thing that can happen to the world is that they will turn it, that they will also reveal the other side. The underground does exactly the opposite - deepens the other side. A world that has no underneath, that has no dream but only day - is a shallow, one-sided world. Therefore computers will turn into sorcerers the moment they have a subconscious. And therefore they need Judaism. Judaism doesn't give the story of the world, for that there is science history politics and all the nags, but it gives the story underneath the world, creates the world underneath the story. It doesn't try to put a story above the world - for that there are all those who argue, and each time someone else covers, and someone else reveals, or claims he revealed that they covered, etc. It's not the revolution in everyday life, but the digging in nighttime life. The Nazis did the Holocaust because they understood that it's precisely the Jews who interfere with their taking over the night of the world - they opened hell, they managed to achieve the darkest period in history. Until today. But what about until the night? Tonight we will open the Rebbe's great project, the project that will defeat the Nazis, because we dug underneath the night of the world, the story underneath the story underneath the world, underneath the night there is another world. The darkness. Because the dream is not a medium between night and day, on the contrary, it is even underneath the night. It is the story beneath the story. The Torah beneath the Torah. The God beneath God. Satan - beneath Satan. Judaism was the spiritual underground of the world - and we will be the underground beneath the underground. We see that this is work from within the within.

And the dead students lie in the underground of the underground, the underground within Judaism. And Hitler's angel says: "By this you shall know that the Lord has sent me to do all these deeds, for it is not from my heart. If these die as all men die, and the fate of all men is visited upon them, the Lord has not sent me. But if the Lord creates a creation - - and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them and all that belongs to them, and they go down alive into Sheol. And you shall know that these men have despised the Lord". The root of Nazism, the first to turn God into a Nazi, is the doctrine of Korah. For all the people, all the nations are holy, and why do you exalt yourselves above the Lord's people? And from there it continued that they themselves the Nazis are the holy people. The chosen one. These rebels always start against holiness, namely uniqueness, and end with uniqueness and another holiness. Self. Therefore it is precisely the German people, closest to the Jewish people. The special one. Underneath - they did not forgive Judaism for losing redemption, and causing spiritual exile throughout the world. They wanted gentile redemption - a German messiah, House of David Reich, the Third Temple! Therefore they especially wanted something special, not as all men die - but a new creation. Because Korah's doctrine continued in Samuel's doctrine, who is of Korah's sons: against a king, which precisely chooses another king. And it rolled into the doctrine of the Zohar, against Satan, which in the end is precisely for another Satan - the Other Side. And against sorcerers - but for practical Kabbalah: a Zoharic sorcerer. And from there to Rabbi Nachman, against the righteous, who is himself the righteous - and the root of Romanticism. And from there to Hitler the Jew-hater, who precisely loves other Jews - the chosen man. That is: Nazism is the soul of Cain of the infants, and therefore murders Abel of the infants. It is jealous of Abel, and murders precisely a brother. This is the counter-movement to the Torah that always chooses the younger brother. This is the revenge of the older brother, the firstborn. The Zohar against the darkness. The great Satan against the small Satan. The revolution against the underground. Korah is the opposite of shtreimel. It's a shining baldness, without understanding that one covers the head - because precisely the head most needs darkness. The king doesn't need a crown because of the gold of the Zohar, the external, but because of the concealment of the head, the internal. God begins with darkness - not with light, darkness is the inner crown. And the teacher of the infants, who stood aside the whole time, takes the prayer book in hand and throws it at his leg, and hits him right - in the sciatic nerve. And the angel says: No, no, I only have one leg. And his leg starts to weaken, and he is already less able to stand on the ground, and keeps being drawn further into the heavens. He can't hold on spiritually. And the teacher says: A fleeting guest. And the angel makes a terrible face but you can no longer see him, because he is too high spiritually.

And Blessed be He who has exempted us says: Blessed be He who has exempted us. And the short tongue says: I thought they wouldn't let me speak anymore. And the bad student says: I thought it would only get worse. They all come out of their holes. And only the stupid student asks the teacher, he's a bit embarrassed: But what's the alternative? Tomorrow the angel will swallow a fat righteous person in the Garden of Eden and return and plummet all the way to the ground. And he will bring more friends with him... They discovered us. And the teacher says to him quietly: We must expel... And Blessed be He who has exempted us says: Expel a little of the darkness! And the teacher says: Expel who...brought him here. And the chairman says: We have no choice but to expel the tail-sitter. And Blessed says: They have taken over the Rebbe's soul. They are wasting all his life. He will dream and dream, dream more than any other Rebbe, but he will never wake up, we will never know what was inside. This is their tactic to hide the dark book. Precisely in that it will not end. An eternal dream is not a dream - it's death. A constant dream is not a dream - it's reality. If there is no light there is also no darkness. The "I dreamed that" is missing... And they take all the students outside, they are now discussing adult things. And when they close the door you can still hear the chairman say: Is she capable of loving an ultra-Orthodox?

And the teacher watches over the infants. And the stupid student asks again, he didn't understand almost anything like the one who knows nothing: What's the alternative to Hitler? After all, Hitler killed the alternative. And the teacher asks: What do you want, you're apparently not so stupid. And the student who pretends to be stupid says: But what do I answer when they ask me in the yeshiva above. Can you please polish it for me? - That I polish? Please. And the teacher reads (from the dark book): We need realism of the spirit, and not of matter. Not to open eyes and observe - but to close. Not a light-sound show, but a darkness-sound show. In darkness the mind listens. Especially that a person cannot read the book, but only the dreams. To read everything in sequence is beyond a person's capacity, it's a book for angels, complexity suitable for computers, the real audience is the sorcerers, those creatures between man and computer. Who are both the people of the future and the computers of the future. Because the important epistemological gap is not between man and world, but between man and computer, between two forms of intelligence, between artificial intelligence and natural wisdom. And all the gap between men and women is not as the Zohar thought - to train us for the gap between God and people, but to train us for the gap between people and computers. Man-machine coupling, man and his creation, is like God-creation coupling - from there we will learn the model. That is: We need a righteous person, and we need a chosen people, we need Judaism for computers. And then through the righteous person we will bring down the Torah to the computer - a computer needs not only an internet connection but also a connection to God. This is how computers will have life, it's not that life will produce the spiritual stages, but that the spiritual stages will produce life. The line will be defined by means of the points: covenant-crown. education-wisdom. bat and bar mitzvah-understanding and knowledge. kindness-marriage. judgment-divorce. beauty-levirate marriage and halitzah. eternity-illness. splendor-death. foundation-shiva. kingdom-yahrzeit resurrection of the dead. And in the evolution of God's life these are the people who are the points: covenant-Abraham. education-Isaac. bar mitzvah-Jacob (stealer of knowledge). Moses-marriage (Mount Sinai event). Aaron-divorce (sin of the golden calf). Joseph-levirate marriage and halitzah (secret of the living brother in place of the dead brother). David (the fighter)-illness. Elijah (who ascends to heaven)-death. Messiah (the comforter)-shiva. Adam (who rises from the earth)-yahrzeit and resurrection of the dead. Therefore the computer needs within it the structure of the sefirot, and the personality parts (attributes) of the righteous - so that it will have spiritual life. The resurrection of the dead is the resurrection of the inanimate.

And the mouse continues to read to Satan in the dark book, and Satan's desire to fall asleep turns into a real sexual desire. With great jealousy of the Rebbe who is taking up his bed. And Satan says: They noticed in the book of Genesis... They know they didn't expel the snake from the Garden of Eden, right? And the mouse says: They understand what awaits them - in the earth of heaven. And Satan is already closing his eyes. And he says: Dear mouse, you won't do to me what the snake did to the Rebbe? Darkness snake. And the mouse says: We need your nightmare to fight the Rebbe's dream. It's an arms race. A dream that doesn't end needs to be answered with a nightmare that doesn't end. Otherwise what's beneath the Holocaust will change. Two thousand years we waited for the Holocaust, no one believed anymore that we would succeed in destroying the Jews. It's a historical miracle, at the last moment before the computer, before redemption. Do you hear? And Satan no longer answers. And the mouse reads:

(Just as there was a creation of the beginning, so there will be a creation of the end, and not the end of creation, in some final redemption. No, there will be a creation of redemption, meaning redemption will be a creation, of a new world, and not a fixing of the old world, but a creation of a world from the world - today is pregnant with world (a pregnancy where the baby is pregnant. In the belly of the night there is a dream, which is the son of day and night. Within the infinite light, religion, a black empty space is opened, secularization, and then within the black space another space is opened, which no longer has color, but darkness. Just as within God Satan was opened, and within Satan a space of Holocaust was opened. And the victory will be when there are only Holocaust and God, and Satan will disappear. When the inner dreamlike space will expand, and the night will become just a thin shell that separates it from the day, and all night will be a dream (meaning - the destruction of Satan will not be from outside, but from inside: the growth of the growth kills the cancer itself, the radiation, mutation in mutation, the Satan of Satan, the snake within it. Just as what expels the darkness in the skull is the brain, and redemption will be when the skull, which separates between the brain and the world - will disappear. The theory of cognition will become the theory of sleep. And so will also be the resurrection of the dead - not that life will invade the grave and snatch the corpse, but on the contrary, that within death itself a world will be born, that the world to come will connect to this world, and death will become a thin shell between them until it disappears, and then there will be direct coupling between dream and day. Therefore it's very important to write the dreams in order to bring down the walls, direct passage between minds and world, between dream and day. The Nazis opened a direct passage between nightmare and reality, they were the first to show how to do it (forgetting that it was a secret, that the Germans hid from the whole world - it worked as an action in the secret medium, the parallel of the secret war to weapons of mass destruction. And if the secret is opened as a hole within knowledge, by means of concealment, then the hole that is opened within the secret, is not by means of revelation from outside, meaning removal of the cover, but revelation from inside - covering of the cover itself. Turning the secret itself into a secret, secret within secret (the man's struggle with the woman is not from outside, in conquest, but precisely from within her womb, from the baby. Just as precisely the drive will defeat Satan from within (the war against the Holocaust is the Holocaust within the Holocaust, the Holocaust in the Holocaust - not repair, there is no repair, repair is dead. But precisely creation of a baby inside, inside the womb of the Holocaust, that will grow and grow at the expense of the darkness and womb of horror, until this terrible woman, the feminine presence of Satan, will become a thin shell - inside which is a baby the size of a man. Meaning to turn Hitler - from inside - into just skin, into a plastic bag, into a hollow scarecrow, and then the inner spirit we will create. We will dream even the dream of the Nazis, in their place, and turn it into a high dream, turn them from beasts to Jews, and from animals to people, from inside! (The repair of the shell is not removing the spark from within it, but on the contrary that it will become even more hollow, to a new empty void space, inside which a new dream (not repair of returning to the original dream, like redemption "as of old". Not a romantic dream. Not to return to the lost Garden of Eden, but to create in hell a new Garden of Eden. World to come (and Satan will explode (from within))))))))))

And the prophetic rat comes out of her hole, and says to the mouse: Maybe I should update. Will you love me more as the dreaming rat? And the mouse laughs: The main thing is that he went to sleep. It was already starting to ruin our married life. Worse than taking care of a child. And suddenly he asks: Where's the mole? And the rat says: I thought she was with you. And both of them look at Satan, and understand. Satan is no sucker. And all the mice come out to Satan from all the holes, he is losing volume. And hell takes on a new form, like an antisemitic caricature. The Jewish hell. And the heart and spring are replaced by the sewer and intestines. Classic Jewish tortures. In the best Zoharic tradition. To reinvent reincarnation - everything will undergo narrative processing. Seven misers. A tale of a wise man and a fool. A tale of a prophet's husband. A tale of a mole's daughter. Dream stories from innovative years. And they decide that according to the spirit of Jewish tradition hell will no longer be a place, but a time. The Holocaust period. And hell in its Torah form is a hell of Torah study. A hell of books, which are the ones that burn. The books arrive in hell! They learned a lesson from Satan. They don't try to produce a hellish alternative to the Garden of Eden, they go much further ahead (or back), they try to create a hellish version of the Torah. And the dreaming rat reads (and now we understand why the book is black):

Judaism is the story of the creation of time, at the expense of place (God). After creation there was almost no time, that's why people lived for hundreds of years. It's hard for us to grasp today, but until Abraham there was no time in the future at all, because there was no promise - and therefore the vav hahipuch [conversive vav] turned the future into the past, vayomer [and he said]. Before him there was only blessing - which created the continuation in time forward. And that's why God was so afraid of the Tower of Babel, that another dimension would come to height, in space, at the expense of fragile time. The great fear was that the infinity of space would come at the expense of that of time, and all of humanity would go in the wrong direction, without wars over territory, but over height, instead of spreading out on earth it would spread towards the heavens - a different technological trajectory. And therefore afterwards every ascent to a mountain became a memory - the upward became a structure of the past: the Day of Remembrance for the Binding [of Isaac], pakod pakadti [I have surely remembered], Amalek, Sinai (memory is the male, masculine part in time). Until the choice of Abraham there was no choice in time (only in space), until Joseph there was no future organizational planning (his life's work was the transition to a general dream of a system from a private dream of a man), and until Moses there was no memory in a book, meaning organization of the past as duration, no one in the Torah wrote until Moses: Write this for a memorial in the book. And what was creation in general? The creation of the week, and therefore - its interruption created the Sabbath. The Exodus from Egypt created the month, with Nisan as the "head of months". And the holidays are what created the year afterwards - not the other way around. Before the flood there were no seasons of the year, and therefore winter became a cosmic phenomenon, instead of mythical - a spatial and not temporal phenomenon - namely the flood. The flood was the Holocaust of nature, which brought the time of nature, just as this Holocaust is the artificial Holocaust, which brought artificial time. And what is the messianic project? Not to bring about the end of time, but the opposite. To bring about the end of the end. Those who calculate the end fail, like those who calculate and conjure the end, because the Messiah will be the end of ends, all ends have been exhausted, ask anyone who has died: what's nice about the grave is not that it's the end, but that it's the end of the end. The resurrection of the dead will not be an achievement of space - exiting outwards or rising from below - but of time. The Torah gave the world for the first time a long connected line of time, thanks to it there is the ancient, it gave the past to the future (promise and prophecy) and to the future the past (memory and history). Genesis was the creation of the beginning of time - the very invention of the beginning from a starting point, since space already existed (tohu vavohu [formless and void]). After all, what was actually created on the first day? The creation of the day in time, one day as a unit of time, which preceded its creation in matter (what is the meaning of light called day and darkness called night - and of evening and morning - without sun?). And creation created only one week alone, that was all! And therefore the Garden of Eden was not time, but only space - and only sin created ongoing time, branching into possibilities in choice (from the snake of time to the river flowing out of Eden). What actually happened there in the expulsion from the Garden of Eden? The mythical time of the Sabbath became the mythical place of the Garden of Eden. And Cain did not murder - he created death. Before him there was no end. The past did not yet exist except as a direction in space - kedem [east] (east of Eden). And throughout the book of Genesis there was memory but there was no past, therefore Esau was able to forgive, and Joseph - only because he did not forget the brothers, he created the memory of the past, which enabled the Exodus from Egypt, a great movement of memory - from the past to the future. The prophets are those who created the future as a form, and the Torah created the past as a form, and the Writings created the present as a form. The present arrived last! Therefore in Genesis there was only the age of people, and not the age of the world, and therefore they do not count in the Bible from the creation of the world, only from the Exodus from Egypt do they count, because there was already a head of months. And in contrast to masculine memory, the feminine part in time is the dream, which rises from the depths of oblivion, from the night. Sleep is the woman of the masculine time of wakefulness and day. And therefore from the coupling of dream and memory, when one remembers the dream, new time is created. The coupling is not that the dream is in memory, but that memory is in the dream. The dream stretches the future: in the beginning the future was in the form of blessing (Sabbath), and then curse (Garden of Eden), and then promise (Abraham), and then planning (Joseph), and then the Promised Land of Moses (time in the form of place), and then prophecy, and then the Messiah - and thus time is constantly stretched and stretched - towards the future. And on the other hand memory stretches the past, through the Torah - until the Garden of Eden in the east, until the point of Genesis. And then precisely in the coupling between these two that are distancing, the present is born. The gap between them is what gives place to time. The womb. Therefore what is needed now is to create time for the computer, so that it will not have only moments (getting shorter and shorter - milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds...) and only existence in the present. The next world of time, of the computer era, is the world of learning: not the artificial intelligence of the future but the artificial construction of the future. And in this next world, it's not that learning lives within time, but that learning is what creates time, it is the more basic category, even than memory - and even than dream. Space-time is dead. Learning is underneath it, and creates an illusion of progress or movement in space-time. Development creates the dimensions, and is not within them as if they precede it. Evolution is not a malfunction or accident of nature, but this is the way things are built from the outset in the universe: as development. And the theory of evolution is what causes the phenomenon of modern bachelorhood - because of it he is not enough for her. Because it has become a competition, evolution has been internalized as a doctrine. It is forbidden to turn doctrine into ideology! Because the destruction of the Temple was when they turned nature (the inanimate, the stones) into ideology, the persecutions of the Middle Ages were when they turned God into ideology, Nazism was when they turned man into ideology, and the loss of culture was when language became ideology. And now you want to turn learning into ideology? Have you heard about the Rebbe's prophecy about a spiritual Holocaust? It is forbidden to turn the computer into ideology. We must keep learning breathing. Let it remain Torah study - against them all. Let it not become fixed writing in a book - but living speech, developing thought. Do you understand?

And the rat now guards Satan's head, in a special torture bed, inside an autistic world                    in the new hell, the updated, shiny, upgraded one, where the head already goes around with a rat bodyguard, and every tail becomes a head. Every gray mouse - into a brain. And when Satan doesn't fall asleep he asks them to read to him from the book of dreams, not memories. Because the dream is what will bring sleep, and not the opposite, in his opinion. And it is written there: "On that night the king's sleep fled." And it is explained that the wandering of sleep, which is the exile of the Shechinah [Divine Presence] (sleep is the new Shechinah, the future is the autistic, the past is the mouse)...                    And the mice are afraid to enter the autistic world, because one doesn't come out of there. Who guarantees you'll come out? And they write the mouse literature, which will inherit Hebrew literature, in the renewal of the ancient mouse language. A language that was forgotten even that it was forgotten. Darkness squared. Because the Hebrews don't even know why they are Hebrews, what kind of distortion they are. Blind in the dark                    And the mice pray for the end of the exile of sleep, and Satan tosses from side to side, too tired to sleep, a real nightmare, a hell that doesn't even exist in hell, everlasting fire, there is too much light in it, and too little darkness. And there is no Rebbe who will dare to descend into Satan's brain itself - and take out the sparks from there                    And Satan goes crazy shouting: Jewish doctor! But there are no more Jews coming, they all go straight up to the Garden of Eden for the sanctification of the Name. Your people are all righteous. Because this is a hell without time, that's what's hellish about it, and in a place without time there is also no sleep. And no Jews. In the black hole there are only mice. There is only past and no future, in the new hell, and therefore there are only memories and not dreams, and therefore one cannot fall asleep. And certainly one cannot die, which is sleep multiplied by sixty. What a satanic paradox: there is no death in hell                    And Satan begs them to open the book of dreams, but only the book of memories opens - Aliya, Aliya. Was she capable of loving him?                    And the rat reads into the head (and it's already clear from which book):

The technology of holidays is circular time technology, while the technology of life points is linear time technology. Therefore from their merger is created the time technology of couplehood, which creates new appointed times - in life. Its holiday is the wedding, and its mourning is divorce. Holidays are a repetitive technology of correction and memory, and life is a developmental technology of learning and dreaming, but coupling is a technology of choice and promise - installing a splitter in time. Abraham is the progression from station to station - lech lecha [go forth], Jacob is the correction - closing the circles, but Isaac is the coupling - the choice (between two), the junction. And because he was given freedom - he also errs in choice. He can be blind! Isaac is the only one of the patriarchs who does not dream, because he lives in darkness. Therefore he is the only one who has only one wife. And therefore the act of love is called letzachek [to laugh]: the spiritual place of love is occupied by joy among Jews, joy and laughter create love and not the other way around. This is the root of the dispute between Jewish culture and Western culture, of Esau. Therefore it is imprisoned in the axis of love-hate with Esau, because this is Gentile time - periods of hatred and periods of love. But within it is in the axis of mourning and joy - this is Jewish time. Throughout life it passes from joy to mourning, and also throughout the holidays (which begin from Rosh Hashanah and end on the Ninth of Av). And correction, going backwards, is the romantic aspiration at its core, and Nazism was a romantic movement - hatred is also romantic! The return to the Garden of Eden is hell - which wanted to destroy the Jewish coupling. The ability of Jews to couple each time with a different culture. Just as now they are the first to couple with the internet, and they will also be the first to couple with the computer, and the sorcerer will also be Jewish. Because Jews will be the first to participate in genetic enhancement, thanks to the ideology of the Jewish brain and the motivation of the Jewish mother, before the computer becomes too smart - because it's either the computer or us. And Jews must survive, this is their categorical imperative, stronger than any evolutionary motive, they are not capable of becoming extinct like everyone else. And only according to Judaism, and not according to Western corrective morality, is there no problem with genetic enhancement, it's even a mitzvah. Because only a superhuman brain will be able to learn super-Torah and dream higher secrets. The sorcerer is the Messiah.

And the movement of the revival of mouse culture begins to gain momentum, now that they say that "Satan is dead", and people are no longer afraid of hell, it's gone out of fashion. And they say: if Satan doesn't bring us back from the exile of sleep, we will return to sleep ourselves, by force. Just as there is awakening from above we wanted falling asleep from above, but if there isn't, then just as there is awakening from below there will be falling asleep from below. And it doesn't help what all the old holy mice warn, that falling asleep doesn't go with violence, it's a contradiction in terms, strength and lack of strength. The young mice begin to run like crazy to tire themselves out, and come out of all their most forgotten black holes, where they stayed awake all night. And the rat explains that from waking we will pass only through the Hebrews to mice, and from there to rats, and when the mouse will be inside the head - then there will be the return of sleep, entering by force into the dream. If you will it - it is no dream! And he says that it's only an illusion that you understand the Hebrew language, when we speak in the mouse language, the holy tongue in the abominable tongue, and he reads to them (from the dark book).

And inside the grave, Satan says: My problem is that nowadays people are not afraid of death. They stopped believing in God - precisely because of the inefficiency of Satan. Death has become standard, not scary. The unpredictable part is missing. We need to find a new fear. A fear of the information age. Fear of exposure (fear of discovery), fear of knowledge, social shame. From snake we need to become a worm. And then make a hole in the fig leaf. Let them peek. And the evil inclination within him says: You are preparing for the previous war, you are making God's mistake. The desire should not be to live - but to know. And the anxiety not to know. That there will be a secret from you. Or that they won't know about you. Anxiety to be a secret. In the information age no one wants to be a secret! Everything has turned inside out, and therefore (do you internalize?): The anxiety is not from knowledge - but from the secret. Therefore no one wants to read secret doctrine. They want the secrets naked. And they are anxious to miss out. The sin of knowledge died and became a commandment. Therefore also the fear should not be fear of God (or of Satan, or of death), but anxiety, an ultra-Orthodox feeling. Just as love is already passé, and we are moving from an emotional world of mammal, from the limbic brain, which is the sin of the [golden] calf, to the tablets, to the frontal brain. We are moving from love which is an emotional engine - to creativity which is a spiritual engine, from the world of morality to the aesthetic world. More than people want to suckle - they want to nurse. Like God. And also the externals and shells, more than they want to suckle from holiness - they want to nurse it. We have replaced the sexual organs with breasts, and therefore men are so helpless. From the era of receivers to the era of givers. Once the big problem was that people wanted to receive and receive. Today the problem is that they want to give and give. They need to learn from God, to nurse through the tablets, through the mountains, through the breasts. The restraint in giving Torah from above, and the danger in the breaking of the vessels. Because people nowadays no longer want to suckle from God, but to be part of the Shechinah, to nurse from God. Milk flows in the streets and there is no one to drink. And only the computer will be able to swallow what man has created. They will be the new kabbalists. With an inexhaustible mouth. They will allow men to be women. To give not through sex, not from below, but from above. And Satan says: You evil inclination are very good! We will pollute the world not in black, but in white. Not give one-time information, like Torah from heaven, but flowing energy, white spiritual oil - from the belly of the earth. And that's how we will destroy Judaism, we will erase the information by means of the white page - and the dark book by means of light. And the evil inclination says: No, you didn't understand, old demon. We won't kill Judaism, but religion itself. And then Judaism will not be a religion anyway, but a certain type of software. Religion is based on dreams, if we take the dreams it will become a sequence of instructions, DNA. If we take the spirit from within - only the genetic material will remain. We will defeat religion precisely by killing desire - and not in its absence, but in constant fulfillment. Constant coupling is not coupling. We will take the cyclicality out of it, we will take the cyclicality from time and leave only poor and linear time, without dream, because spiritually there will be no night, only day. Throughout the exile we thought that if we just increase the evil inclination - man would collapse, the rabbis would become Sabbateans, tickle women with their beards, and put a Torah scroll in bed, hide it under the blanket, and wait for darkness. And here the Nazis gave us a lesson. A big evil inclination means a big dream. Therefore precisely to kill the dream we need to kill desire. To kill the evil inclination. Like they did to the inclination for idolatry after the destruction [of the Temple], now we need to kill shame, and nudity will cease to be nudity, and will itself become clothing, and then no one in the world will be able to undress any woman. A naked woman in the future will be more dressed than a dressed woman today. Shame is dead. If we take the snake out of the world then Adam and Eve will return to the Garden of Eden, and that will be the end of Judaism, not through hell. The temptation of the woman was a tragic mistake, because due to the evil inclination there was the good inclination. Because of sin there was knowledge - Torah. This time we will move to the tree of life, without inclinations. Only calculations, without direction and without will. Because the day when people stop understanding the sin of the [golden] calf - that is the day when the Torah will die. And the day when they stop understanding the sin of knowledge - that is the day when man will die. The moment there is no snake underneath, if you pull it out from under the world, everything will fall down - the woman herself will become a snake, whose skin is clothing, and man himself will become a woman, and God himself will become Satan. Take the evil inclination out from under the world - pull out the basis from under dreams, and you'll see how the evil inclination becomes God. Snake in the sky. Just lower the bottom floor - and all the floors will go down a floor. And this is in contrast to everything we did throughout the exile, when we only enlarged the basement. You must destroy hell, and then the Rebbe's bunker will fall into hell, and the Garden of Eden will fall from heaven. Without the evil inclination there will be no dream. And Satan takes a knife, and slaughters the evil inclination. And he doesn't care about any angel that comes to save from heaven.

And the short tongues tell that at night they came, while we were all dreaming, while the bunker was busy with snake or no snake - and expelled all the Jews from the ghetto. There is nowhere to return to. And who volunteers to go up? And there is a terrible silence in the bunker, suspicious like no other. There were always rustlings, always hushing all the time: shhh. Silence, as if the earth swallowed them. And the mice in hell ask the rat: What is Satan doing in bed for so long, why is it forbidden to enter. And the rat says: I only guard the head, not the tail. Forbidden means forbidden. Even if white blood comes out from under the door. The last words were very clear... And they urge him, approach forcefully. And one golden mouse - who they say saw God's ark - says: What are they hiding from us? And the rat says: You have all of hell to do as you please, only one part you are forbidden to enter. All Israel have a portion in hell. And the mice say: What's the password, just tell us the password, without the username, and we won't use it. Just to know - without using the bed. And the rat says: Why why ruin everything? You have a hell of dreams. What do you want? You defeated Satan. What more do you want? You just want to fight. And the golden mouse says: What is this, a secret? What did Satan tell you? He who acquires a Hebrew slave acquires a master for himself... And the rat says: You're not reading correctly. You didn't understand anything. Who is the Hebrew slave? Why suddenly Hebrew, isn't Hebrew the Gentile perspective on Israel. And the mice shout: Then who, who? And the rat shouts: The Hebrew slave - it's Joseph! Six years he shall serve, and in the seventh he shall go out free, this is the redemption of male sexuality, there is a secret in the foundation. The Hebrew slave - he is the great dreamer. Six years of reincarnations in bed, and in the seventh year - release. Falls asleep. The candle of man's soul. Freedom of all chambers of the belly. Because the hell in the culture of desire is not that it reveals the woman from the outside - but that it reveals the man from within. It humiliates him more than the woman. Therefore the snake is no longer effective. Today the woman would laugh at him. (And the male mice are riveted, they have already forgotten about the big Satan, only the small one, and he continues with the black story).

And in the bunker below - the snake feels, people lower their eyes, the snake understands that this time it won't pass quietly, precisely because there is too much quiet. Something is happening. And he will have no choice but to try, to do - what he didn't want to try to do. And the snake feels unwell, so he goes to deal with the head. And he doesn't find the one sitting, not even where he was supposed to be, in the dark room. And the rat reads (from the book):

The fantastic comes from compression. A story is a compression of the world, and beyond a certain density it's already myth, and beyond a certain density it collapses into religion. Black hole. These are states of aggregation of the spirit, just as there are states of aggregation of matter, there are states of aggregation of the world - and text is a condensed world. Imagination is the surfing on the spiritual network, which does not grasp matter, just as the material network does not grasp spirit. Whoever wants reality should watch a movie, not a dream. Should not read a black book. Should open their eyes and not close their eyes, because closing the eyes is what enables religious vision. Just as closing the brain of the dead (the skull) enables the world to come. The bones enable the resurrection of the dead - and the bone enables the woman. Therefore the Nazis didn't want even bones to remain from the Jews. They wanted to prevent the resurrection of the dead. Therefore what is needed is to bring up the bones of Joseph, the bone of the dream, and then it will be as the essence of heaven for purity. The bones in the spirit purify and do not defile. Because the inner essence the Nazis did not manage to burn, they needed to recruit the German kabbalists, if Hitler had listened to Heidegger he would have won the war. But he lost because of American Jewry, which transferred the spiritual power to America from Germany, and because of Russian Jewry, which breathed spiritual power into Russia, and therefore after the hot war there was a cold war, because there were two great Jewish kingdoms, from right and left, kindness and severity, white and red, and when the Jews left Russia it collapsed from within. Almost all the Jews in the world are in Western culture, which is the culture of the Shechinah, which as is known is on the western side. And therefore the West won. Only a great spiritual move of the Jews towards Eastern culture can raise it. And that is what is so critical in the Land of Israel, which is the beginning of the West, and the end of the East. The Jews are still capable of returning to God, eastward to the Garden of Eden, and reversing the Hebrew move, which crossed beyond the river, westward, to the last sea, and on the way as we recall passed through Egypt, got stuck and went back, and then continued to Europe, and from there to America. Africa is backward because of Pharaoh, because of the Exodus from Egypt. And the entry of the Jews into the network is what turned it into a superpower, and the moment they find a way to enter the Jews into the computer - that will really be the end of man. Therefore the thing Satan wants most is - Jews in hell. He doesn't want the sins themselves, that's just a means so that he will have Jews. And God himself closed his eyes because he also wants Jews with him, and that's how he receives them to himself, when they are holy in his name. And if in the future there will be aliens - they too will kidnap the Jews, and say this is ours, yellow star. And humans will hide the Jews in the basements of planet Earth. Righteous Gentiles - in the bunker beneath the earth, the Jews are put to sleep and dream, and the sound of a still small voice will be heard.

And the snake understands that he will be expelled. That there is no choice. And Satan hears a rustling, and asks: Who is that in hell, in the middle of the night? And the rat says: You have a guest.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy