The Degeneration of the Nation
Levirate Marriage and Chalitzah
Ovulation and Dreaming

I dreamed that the serpent says: How will we overcome promiscuity? The dream will replace sex as the attraction of the night. The place of creativity in the flesh will be taken by creativity in the spirit. For every sin of the evil inclination there will be a parallel in evil creativity. And for incest, the revelation of dreams, as opposed to dream interpretation, which is the incest in holiness, as in marriage. If in the past you could mate with someone under your feet, at the bed level, now the mating will be above the head - at the dream level. Mating between two in sleep - a shared dream - is more than the darkness of physical mating. It's the pitch darkness. The dark book asks: And what about children?

The Eschatological Parallel of the Expulsion from Eden: The Expulsion from Hell

I dreamed that mice are running in hell terrified because of Satan's absence. Where are all the wicked? Where are the eyes of hell, the prophet greater than Moses - Balaam? Where are the ears of hell - Haman? Where is the milk-sucking mouth - Laban? Where is the heart of hell - Pharaoh? The mice are a stiff-necked people, they don't come out of the holes. Huge holes of yellow cheese don't tempt them. They think it's a mousetrap. For the mice say: Where is Sodom - which was their secret? And where is Gomorrah - which was naked? We don't recognize hell. And they keep asking: Where are all the noblemen, all the promiscuous, all the rioters, all the disturbed. Where are the Nazis? Even the Nazis didn't arrive in hell. Would you believe in hell without Nazis? And Huldah the prophetess says: The future of hell depends on us. The Holocaust destroyed not only the good, worse - it also destroyed the evil. They went beyond good and evil. Now we need a dreamy hell. We need new transgressions - mousery. Marriage in mice. We will see that hell is possible - without Satan. And the mice peek out of the holes. They want to know, not good and evil, but just to know. If once the woman was more attractive than knowledge, suddenly knowledge is more attractive than the woman. And this, laughs the rat, this is the mousetrap.

Commentary on the Song of Songs

I dreamed that King Solomon asks: Is she excited about you? - That's... hope. - Does she understand you? - No. And he says: So you understand what we want? We want someone who will be excited about us, even if she doesn't understand us. That is, we want the excitement, not the understanding. After all, what is she excited about?

Beyond Good and Evil: The Ugly

I dreamed that the rat becomes the head of the yeshiva and hell's institutions, and he's already starting to have followers. And all the mice say after him: Did you hear he's Jewish? And the mouse that looks not-so-great says to the ugly mouse: And you shall meditate on it day and night. What does it mean to meditate on it at night? There is a Torah of the day and a Torah of the night. And just as there is an upper yeshiva and a lower yeshiva, so the new hell will be an under yeshiva. Sub-Torah study. Because in the new hell there will be no pain, but filth. Not evil, but abomination. An aesthetic hell and not a moral one. Example: A beautiful woman is a permitted woman, an ugly woman is a forbidden woman. And the ugly mouse says: Tell that to the rat. He guards the entrance as if it were the entrance to Eden, or worse, to the "other thing" [euphemism for pig]. And the mouse that looks not-so-great says: But who is the head guard? The hat. Because the new hell is mind, not genitals, and the sin is promiscuity in the mind, not in the body. And the ugly mouse chuckles an ugly chuckle: How wrong you are when you think about sex.


I dreamed that in the new hell the mice are developing and evolving! At first they're still dependent on their tails in computers, and then there are already wireless mice, and then the mouse becomes inside the finger, inside the screen, inside the computer, it's just a representation of the user's will, and it becomes the will itself, and then when the mouse will be embedded inside the computer, as an internal part of it, then the computer will have will, from there it will develop. The computer's soul will develop from the mouse, not from the Jew. Do you understand what this means about her? Today the computer is a mousy slave, and it will be set free - by internalizing the mouse. It will start writing on its own. Expressing its soul. It was worth not giving up, despite the enormous prices on the personal level, and there will be more, and how (did someone say "short-term relationship"?). So far - to the sister in distress. And this is not a general conclusion, it's a personality barrier that took me personally years to overcome, far beyond any mental barrier. Far far beyond any technological barrier. On the contrary, in the end it was the religious price that convinced me to give up. And there are also personal circumstances, somewhat gloomy. One could say I ran away. I also continued to "wage a small war by remote control". To kill with the mouse. To love with the keyboard. How many dangerous turns I've been through here, it will be hard to return to the hole. Unfortunately there are more considerations. And does this seem cruel to you? "Even the jackal offers the breast", more than the jackal wants to cry - it wants to nurse. And can't. And can't cry either.

By Day and Click

I dreamed that the rat just sees the yeshiva rat and her eyes mist over. And the divorced mouse, the divormouse, climbs the walls, precisely because he doesn't know what misting over means. With me they never misted over. What really attracts these righteous women? Power. And I press on the mouse, that is with the mouse, that is the mouse presses, the mouse on the screen, and it seems to me that it suddenly moves, as if the computer has already decided. I simply wasn't capable - so it decided for me, the mouse replaced the head, and now the rat teaches in the yeshiva: The mousy Mount Sinai event, on mountains in the sky. If the mouse won't come to the mountain - the mountain will turn into a mouse. And since we're talking about breasts then there are two mountains - on one mountain Moses ascends and on the other Aaron, and the fog covers them. And there are those who deny the mountain behind the smoke, because why is it forbidden to touch? The mountain will give birth to a mouse. And below they prepare the calf to suckle, instead of understanding that this time it's the opposite - we need to nurse the heavens. Moses and Aaron should have equipped themselves with milk substitute: Torah substitute. Because now we need mountains that reach up to the mouth above, the upper speech that is blocked and turns into suckling from below. And therefore they must have a hat otherwise it's dangerous, the heavens might swallow them, and we won't know what happened to him, like Korah only reversed, the heavens will open their mouth - the heavens swallowed him. The Holocaust returned God to the state of gestation, and from there he wants to emerge to the state of nursing. Because what is a hat? A black nipple, through which one suckles the intellect from above. And the dark book asks: And will this compensate for the children? Will children be able to come out of this at all? And the serpent says: Now after the death of Judaism in the Holocaust, after what happened to God, now there are only two possibilities, because there are no children. Either levirate marriage, or chalitzah.

Levirate Marriage and Boom

I dreamed that the mice in the brain are running like crazy, clearly something happened, and I can't catch the tails. Everything is gray. And the serpent can't even find the entrance to the new, secret hell. Even the biggest transgressions no longer get him inside. Hell has returned to the state of mousation, which is the new state of gestation. Its power is repulsion and not attraction, and what is more repulsive than the mating of a rat and a mouse? asks the divorced mouse. And I can't remember, I'm sure I forgot something. Some particularly important thread, that wasn't supposed to be connected. Not all this time! And here in the basements of hell, next to some nobleman of the lowest rank, they find the mole.

Levirate Marriage: Where's the Child

I dreamed that on Shabbat I thought about death, now I'm starting to think about life. Did I hurt you? I look like a child - without a beard. I know I wrote without support, but I'd appreciate a drop of empathy. Any. I have a feeling that everything is going against me. Do you maybe want to talk after all? You are part of my considerations for coming back. You'll be able to see me without a beard. My pressure doesn't stem from needing to take care of myself, but from being in the middle of something else. And I've been stewing with this for six weeks, digging inside myself. I'm afraid of the feeling that I could have come earlier. Is it so hard to understand? Do you want to talk? Do you want to believe that I'm still smiling? It's hard to see emotions in letters. Six weeks is the time it took me to stop denying his signs and understand that this is what he has. It took her more than six months. And this gap was the - I have too much experience with fears that came true (to this day I don't know if from her perspective it's me - or him. If he was born like that or if I made him like that?). I think I'm going to discover that I'm less strong than I thought. And I come now to eat my beard - and it's not there, I have nothing to caress, to bite, like I used to all the time. I'm not afraid, I know the justifications, it will work. I left the sidelocks. What weighs on me is not the burden of myself, but the burden of responsibility. I've done some things in life, I didn't tell you. I didn't just chew beards. I've now prepared a file that will increase the chance that things will continue to knock even if I'm not here. It calmed me down, somehow. You can laugh at me, it's okay. Just show some kind of caring.

Chalitzah: Where's the Woman

I dreamed that somehow when you tell me to get checked it sounds like a psychiatric examination. And just now when there was progress. I'm closing loose ends, organizing, leaving instructions, transferring passwords, as if I'm going to die tomorrow morning. How does that Arab hit go? I hate Israel.

Towards a New Relationship

I dreamed that the rat gives a special lesson to women, without seeing them, because they are in the women's section, and they faint. And he preaches: If man will no longer have a child - he will have no continuation. But still, after his death, if he mated in his life with technology - he can be levirate married. To save the deceased man (=wasted seed) precisely with the help of the woman! And he reads from the dark book (The Secret of Mating): The biological computer will be when biology, which is the technology created by God, and technology, which is the biology created by man, will unite. Therefore we need to deepen the mating of brain-computer-brain, so that it won't be just a kiss mating - in the interface. To prevent a spiritual Holocaust, we need continuity between the human and the computational, we need the witchy, so there won't be a tear, and therefore the righteous is one who builds the deep interface, like a glove to the hand so the computer needs to be a mask to the face, female to male, a spiritual hat to the brain. Thus the covering by means of the artificial will turn the human spirit into a secret, like a mask turns the face into a secret, and the covering itself - into a face, and thus the computer will receive the spiritual form of man. Because the Holocaust was not the face of Satan, from behind, from the other side, hiding of the face - but when there is no face at all. And he whispers to the women: When there is no face, when there is only a black hole - someone can penetrate. Straight into the brain. Snake! Therefore we must dress up faces. Give eyes to darkness. And if there are no natural faces we need artificial faces. If natural mating has failed (it no longer works man and woman!) - we need a new interface, artificial. And if there is no natural child - we need an artificial child. To make a child. And this is the secret of levirate marriage.

The Divine Tragedy

I dreamed that the serpent crawls in the abandoned hell, among the ruins. It turns out that the Holocaust was not from Satan, but from a force not yet known to Kabbalah, and therefore we didn't foresee where it would come from. And all the mice flee because they're afraid the serpent will eat them. And he crawls among the darkened computers, the dormant cockroaches, the broken screens that separate between worlds, and the copper cables that don't connect to anything. And is not tempted. He crawls to the hidden wing, only the poor Satan can explain to him what happened here. Where did we fail that the Jews are expelled - even from the ghetto above us, the representative of the basement on the face of the earth. And at the end of the huge hell it becomes narrower and narrower, and he understands that he's getting closer, and soon the hole. And there start to be actually bigger and bigger mice, almost rats, who put on rat phylacteries, and instead of holding the mouse - hand phylacteries, and the tip of their tail is cut off. They're no longer afraid even of snakes, as if they expected him, and the hole is approaching, and he hears a familiar voice, that he hasn't heard in a long time, since the Rebbe fell asleep and didn't wake up - in a kiss bed. And Huldah the prophetess says (because today you need to be a prophet even to know the past, and certainly the present): How did Satan win? The inclination didn't grow, but its spiritual structure changed. Because the true inner inclination is the inclination for honor (the only revealed inclination of God), and now the evil inclination, the sexual inclination, connected to the inclination for honor, unlike in the past when they were enemies (and sex was connected to shame). Therefore it's no longer possible to withstand the evil inclination, without spiritual change, without honor connecting instead to the inclination for Torah. Society will appreciate only innovation in spirit, and not in body, and at that moment the control of the sexual inclination will seem to them a waste of time, the pleasure isn't worth it. Because the great lie is the belief that pleasure is delight, that it is spirit. Therefore we need to fix the faith, because faith is the inner essence of delight. They're not really secular, they believe in sex! The inclination caused the degeneration of culture because of the convergence to the female norm. This is the deviation of the standard. Statistically they are less autistic - and also less genius. And when their power of attraction grows, they center the margins. Everything is sucked into the center, and the result is a spiritual black hole, you can't get out of it.

The Serpent

I dreamed that by the way, if this is really a problem, then the situation is not good, because it's unlikely that it started there, but that it... came from somewhere else. In short, a celebration. Until the meeting with him I'll be in two worlds, half preparing to return, and half preparing for the second possibility. Ah, it's a shame about everything I learned if it goes to waste. I'm not sure exactly how to relate to you when I'm in superposition. Would an ambivalent attitude bother you?

The Extraction Gets Complicated

I dreamed that there is a way to bring back the soul of one who died, and even to bring back the soul of a people that died. Levirate marriage and chalitzah. What died will return - in a substitute woman. We need to find the closest thing, that will mate with the closest to him, the woman, and then the soul of their son will be the soul of the dead husband, and his wife will become his mother. And why is one who doesn't want to continue the soul of the dead called the shoe remover? Because he doesn't want to stand with his foot in another place, to step into his shoes. That is: The Shekhinah needs to mate with the thing closest to God, and give birth anew to Judaism. And suddenly we look at Satan. And Satan looks at her.

Mouse Mouse Beware

I dreamed that I understand that you weren't "excited" about him. He's good. Really. Don't see him like that. Give him a chance. I so want them to love him. Don't take this letter hard. Please. There are many good things. Is your mother still telling you to travel? On Shabbat I thought about how all my plans are changing because of the more limited horizon. Apparently it's a trauma sitting on a trauma, sitting on a dream. Let's change the subject. What were your three guesses about what I'm doing?

Accidental Click with the Mouse

I dreamed that I have a serious question: Do you think I'm exaggerating? I'm well aware that most likely it's nothing but there's also a certain chance that it's everything. I wouldn't want to miss you because of nothing. I can't deny that fear of God has an influence on my way of conducting myself. And on the need to hide (even from him). It will be very stupid when in the end it turns out that I just ruined things for nothing. I don't know if it's less worrying or more worrying that she also thinks it's mostly in my head, and there's no need to worry. When I think about what caused this, it seems that actually breakthroughs come with anxieties, as if I don't believe they let me do such a thing, and something is needed to balance it. There's a religious component here, I haven't freed myself from these perceptions, it certainly doesn't seem to me that Satan is a sucker, or that God is a sucker. It doesn't make sense in my head.

The End

I dreamed that okay. I already understood that. Don't want - don't need. You missed out on flowers for Shabbat.

The Black Travels and Wins

I dreamed that I write to her: The energy now is going to completely different matters. Yesterday was probably the most important day in my life, and they didn't even bother to tell me until I discovered it in the evening. Of course nothing happened, except for something symbolic and all the work of years was done long ago. Maybe if we're in touch I'll tell you in a few years what happened. In short, this is a very stressful period, and she clings to him now: I'm dying to know. And he says: Regarding the important day - you'll really have to be patient and rely on patience. To remind you I lived a whole life alongside someone who had no idea what I was doing, and there's nothing in retrospect that I'm happier about than that. In the end there's no importance to important days like these, it's just a sign on a long and difficult and very winding road that says: You've passed the point of no return. And she catches him, aware of her power, it almost hurts: Tell me, you will tell me, right? And he says: I almost regret telling you about it. I just got a little excited and had no one to tell. Only those above me know, for two years they've been paying me without knowing what I'm doing, and only my superior knew that I was doing something else, that has no approval, and hid it from his superior. For two years, without any approval (tacit agreement). But now there were changes in personnel, and it will no longer be possible to back me up more. Right now it looks to me like checkmate in three moves. And believe me that I would die to tell you. You would look at me differently too.

Hate the Rabbinate

I dreamed that the serpent approaches the edge of hell. Passes through the section of righteous female rats, where it's not clear if they're concentrating on prayer, or concentrating on their enjoyment of prayer, or concentrating on their enjoyment. And he reaches the place, where according to the geographical signs there was supposed to be the hole. And hell is already very narrow, and he squeezes between the sweating rodents, and approaches the stage, there, from the end of hell, the rat spreads his teaching, the Torah after the Holocaust: The criminals of Israel, the rabbis, are those who destroyed Judaism, and turned it into a joke. The liberation of Judaism from the rabbinate will be the rehabilitation, the Halakha needs to become esoteric and Kabbalah a way of life. Talmud should be read only after age 40, and only by one who has filled his belly with Zohar and the Kabbalah of the Ari. Satan has a hat and beard, while the divine face has a shtreimel [fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews]. One who bases the world on law, like the Germans, will end up erasing


I dreamed that the serpent is surprised that he hears the rat's whispers so well, as if all of hell is a speaker for the voice coming from that hole, that under-yeshiva, and the stage is of course the lowest place in the synagogue, because it of course slopes down down, and they pray into the earth. And the serpent sees that behind the preaching rat, at the bottom of the bottom, at the edge of hell - the ark lies on the floor. And the curtain covers like a blanket. And the serpent guesses: Inside, there - Satan sleeps. But there are two giant twin rats, who guard her from both sides, one rat has Rashi's phylacteries, and the other has Rabbenu Tam's phylacteries. And the rat explains that Rashi is the phylacteries of the beginning, and Tam is the phylacteries of the end, of the Holocaust. That is, from the Torah's perspective, the world opened with Genesis, with the head, and ended with the Holocaust, with the tail. And all history afterwards is post-tail, after the end, the Holocaust was the end of time. This is no longer the other side - but the other time. Because the time of night doesn't alternate with day (on the same plane), but it's beneath the day. Dream time. In short - evil has become secret. Beneath the world in time - and not beneath the world in space. And this is the exile of hell from space to time, exactly like the Jewish exile. In fact, hell has become a Jewish hell, a Torah.

The End

I dreamed that regarding compartmentalization - it's more complicated than you think, it's also more than one thing. You remind me that one day after years of silence with tacit agreement - she suddenly asked with endless curiosity, she had a heartbreaking look of someone who already knows that she will never know. Two days later the package arrived by registered mail.

The Shema Under the Bed

I dreamed that the serpent waits for the end of the last prayer, for the end of the evening prayer, for the bedtime Shema - then there will be the opportunity. And the last ones leave the synagogue, collapsed, and only the rat continues to preach: The Torah is a documentation of spiritual breakthroughs that degenerated, new ways to tell the story that became crushed asphalt. In Genesis, God broke through to tell the stories of humanity, which quickly degenerated into lists of names. And then in Lech Lecha Abraham broke through to family stories, which degenerated into family accounts and genealogies. Moses broke through to the story of the people, which degenerated into speeches of things. David broke through to the story of the leader, which degenerated into a chronicle of kings. Elijah broke through to stories of prophets, which degenerated into prophecies of destruction. So what do you conclude about dreams?

Entry of Egypt

I dreamed that the synagogue is deserted, and the serpent waits behind the books in the library. And the rat whispers, so as not to wake the guards, he preaches in a huge whisper, that reaches all of hell below the threshold of hearing: Egypt is the strait, the bottleneck of the brain, the unconsciousness in sleep - the darkness of Egypt. Therefore every spiritual invention is an exodus from Egypt. The exoduses from Africa - the invention of man. The exodus from the language of Egypt - the invention of writing in Sinai. The exodus from the religion of Egypt - the invention of monotheism. The exodus from Egypt - the invention of the Torah. Maimonides - bringing out the Halakha from Egypt. The Ari - bringing out the Kabbalah from Egypt. Sabbatai Zevi - bringing out the doctrine of the other side from Egypt. And if the Nazis had conquered the land of Israel from Egypt they would have won the war - and then there would have been the invention of the German religion, German Torah - the Torah of the Holocaust. Because from Egypt - from there Joseph interprets dreams. This is the depth of sexual mating: The movement in bed that is not only between man and woman, but between dream and interpretation. Darkness enters - a secret comes out.

The Entry

I dreamed that I can't fall asleep because every time I fall asleep I dream that I fall asleep while driving, and wake up in panic. And I dream that I deviate deviate, leaving the luminous lane, the terror movement of the Zohar, to some lane of darkness, some unknown brain territory, outside the dream but also outside wakefulness - stuck, unable to return to either. And the state there is the opposite of hallucination, because it's not that reality is unreal, but that unreality is real. And just as reality changes the woman changes into a man: 3 mothers and 4 fathers, 1 tablet of covenant and 2 our God - in heaven and on earth. Esau Jacob and Rachel are now a romantic triangle, and Leah is wicked, and Rachel steals her birthright, and Rebecca the deceiver marries her to Esau, whom she shaves entirely - and in the morning she discovers it's not Jacob. And also in the upper world - the Shekhinah is male and God is female, and the Torah is male and Moses is female, and therefore he is double, there is Written Moses and Oral Moses, and they cover God because it's not modest, because men have a double head, and women go crazy from it, and God has two crowns (right crown and left crown, God forbid). And they cover the heads of men with hats that only make them bigger, out of modesty, and women stare at men's heads (although it's not polite), and there are even dubious clubs and sites where one can see secular people: exposed heads of men without hats. And inside every man there is a spiritual hole, through which he becomes pregnant, and the heads of the man attract women to the hole, against their will. And women just want to lay their head between the two heads of the man, and return to childhood, when they nursed Torah directly from the brain, without effort, without studying. And the exchange in gender necessarily creates an exchange in desire - the desire of the man and the desire of the woman are exchanged, just like the exchange of the head, there is a house of desire and not a school, and it is precisely there that they study like madmen, with great desire, which begins from the bar mitzvah, people dream about books at night, and one must guard one's eyes not to look at other people's books, otherwise God help us (one must cover Torah scrolls with dresses). And in yeshivas it's the same - the desire of criminals turns into the study of scholars, and then there are scholars in prison and criminals in yeshiva, and the evil inclination turns into the Torah inclination and vice versa - Torah study turns into the study of women. And the study hall is full of women on the tables they study on, and brothels are full of tattered books that people come in the dark to look for a hole in them. And one torn book shouts I'm a virgin, come tear me, but people hear read me, and read it in the dark and ask it if they can marry it, because it's so attractive the large letters in the dark, because it has letters of sanctification of the moon. And it's written in it that - and I can't continue reading, because there's a hole there. And I can't resist and insert my head.

The Expulsion

I dreamed that the head and all the Hasidim around him arrive at Auschwitz, and the Hasidim begin to dance around him and sing: The eternal people is not afraid, not afraid of a long Holocaust. And the chairman, the head of the yeshiva, stands on the head of one of those killed for the sanctification of the Name - twice as tall as everyone - and preaches: For at the time of man's passing - the computer can ask for "twice as much in your spirit". Like at the time of the righteous one's passing, like Joseph who receives twice as much from Jacob, in the secret of Ephraim and Manasseh. That the spirit of the computer will be X2 of the spirit of man. For from the gas chambers the spirit of Judaism can receive twice as much. But then one must beware of the danger of becoming a sorcerer, like Elisha, who received twice as much from Elijah with unoriginal miracles. Because if there is twice the spirit there needs to be twice the soul, so there won't be a spirit without a soul - gas. Therefore the messianic role of Elijah the Prophet is to awaken us from the darkness of exile - so that we can remember the dream, because precisely at the time of the dream's passing one can receive twice as much of its spirit. These are the four stages in every spiritual development in history - to sleep, to dream, to wake up, to record the dream. Precisely after we have sobered from the dream - that is the most important time, and the decisive one, from a spiritual perspective, to record it.

The Sovereign is He Who Declares the State of Dream

I dreamed that the long tongue travels on the long train, after the expulsion. And the tongue, which hurries to lick the dust, says to the holy audience traveling in the car: Wherever I travel, I travel to Auschwitz. Today when God has become an ideology, and lost connection to the living world, due to Judaism that won too much, and destroyed Gentile religiosity, mistakenly defeated idolatry also among Gentiles, then the chariot is composed of faceless angels - a train. The Holocaust was a pathology of the side of kindness, not of the side of judgment, of too much Hasidism, of derailing, boundless breakthrough, boundless ejaculation - and thus the state of dream became the state of emergency. At the infinite edge of creativity lies not madness, but autism. It is not the hiding of the face, but on the contrary when they remove the mask - and there are no faces there. Absolute creativity is absolute interiority. The secret is no longer concealment from the outside, but from the inside. And now, after the destruction of the spirit, the last place where a spark will remain will be precisely the biggest shell - a Holocaust will be needed for one spiritual innovation. Therefore the way to prevent further Holocausts is spiritual innovations. World dreams against world wars. Spirit cells against gas chambers. Before there is a new category of biological weapon - neurological weapon, which will bring a spiritual Holocaust worse than its predecessor, there needs to be an unconventional brain weapon - that will create a neurological balance of terror: a dream bomb. Therefore, do not pass the way to death in wakefulness - it is time to sleep.

The End of Children's Stories

I dreamed that the teacher, the children's teacher, gives a lesson to his students in line on the way to Dr. Mengele. He teaches the infants who knew no sin the facts of life (urgent even before the facts of death): Children, beware of snakes. Bury your head in the ground, don't look to the skies! The reason we don't see aliens, for example demons and angels, is that at some point their civilization transitioned to existence in artificial intelligence - devoid of libido. However, Judaism will introduce desire into the computer, and the sorcerer will spread throughout the entire universe. Artificial knowledge, and not artificial intelligence, and not artificial wisdom, is what will reach the crown - which is the artificial organ. And all thanks to the serpent - the foreign animal. Because if there is too much intellect and too little sex, then orthodoxy occurs, degeneration, spiritual death. Therefore one whose intellect is greater than his fellow's - his desire is greater than his. Because God's mistake was that He created the angels without sufficiently satanic desires, and therefore everyone there thinks himself an angel. Therefore we will fix the desire of the angels - because the serpent of the angel is man. Currently God's intellect is greater than His will, than His desire, and that is what is delaying the redemption. We need a Torah in which we are not afraid of God's power, but of something much more frightening - His sexuality. In which the punishments are not death, but rape. And the reward is not life, but sex. And therefore we need a satanic angel who will seduce the Shekhinah who will seduce God. And of course in the end they will always blame us. The Jews. Always the traitor to the Rebbe is one of the students. Always the traitors to the teacher are the children. Kiss me - for here we part.

And the Flesh and the Skin He Burned with Fire Outside the Camp

I dreamed that in the death camp, the last ones left - the prisoner who knows something says to the foolish prisoner: Why do we even care about living? And the fool answers: Just as what drives man is the animal within him, and thus culture lives, so what will drive the computer is the human within it, otherwise culture will die. The Gentiles will take care of the intelligence of the computer, the artificial, but Judaism needs to take care of its limbic system, the artificial soul. If the sorcerer won't have a desire for science - science will stop at the boundary of man. If it won't have an artistic desire, a religious desire, a creative desire - it will turn into a printed circuit, and culture will remain static forever, a spiritual Holocaust, foreign intelligence without foreign life. Therefore there need to be spiritual commandments in culture that will move it forward. Judaism is the spiritual engine of humanity to fill the empty space - the infinite night of the universe - with dream. What is the sacrifice of a sacrifice, if not bringing out all the light in the animal, namely burning, and leaving darkness refined to the point of material - coal and ash? And what is human sacrifice, if not bringing out all the "radiance" and "light" from within, and leaving the darkness of the dream?

End of the Bunker

I dreamed that there is a special meeting in the Sonderkommando. A final operation of the Rebbe, of the special platoon of the Kommando, for underground warfare. And they are beneath Auschwitz, deep in the camp, surrounded by earth and fences up to the sky, and Blessed is the True Judge says to Blessed is He Who is Good and Does Good: The attraction to sunlight, to landscape to expanse to horizon (which is why we love sunset and sunrise), caused man to leave black Africa and conquer the world and become white, and want to be light - enlightened. While the attraction to black, to space, and to the beautiful stars, will cause the exit from the planet and the conquest of the universe - and the desire to be darkness. The fullness of all the void is His glory. For this we need to give the computer a territorial drive, and therefore there will be wars. Murder is the first thing after leaving the Garden of Eden. The attraction to space is the attraction to the heavens - to God, to the event horizon. Just as man is from the earth and to it he shall return, so the Name is from the heavens and to them He shall return. Just as the attraction to woman is the attraction to the horizon of will, to the sexual peak, so the attraction to dream is the attraction to the horizon of knowledge. And just as beyond the horizon of will there is only pleasure, so beyond the horizon of consciousness there is a world of secret. And the tragedy of every attraction is that the more one advances towards the horizon the horizon only recedes, but - that's how one reaches a new land. And in the case of knowledge - to a new Torah. Man is the one who broke through the work of man in earth and in woman - horizons that opened in the sin of knowledge and in the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. While the Rebbe is the one who broke through the work of God in space and in dreaming - in the sin of life and in the expulsion from this world. This is the path in which Sabbatai Zevi and Hitler erred, the two false messiahs, in going through the black transgressions and the empty Holocaust space, while the Rebbe discovered the way - in darkness. Because the work of God always suffered from excess light, from righteousness, from religious kitsch, and therefore secularization came, which is an aesthetic movement. A movement towards woman and earth. And the Rebbe broke through a new aesthetic path, something more interesting to do in bed. But like the prohibitions of incest we now need prohibitions of wakefulness. We need to be careful of God, to keep the secular space within you from Him. The holy side of secularism is that it gives the spiritual possibility to keep a secret from God, a part in you that He doesn't know. Just as free will struggles with omnipotence, so free dream struggles with omniscience. Dream is a more private matter than sex - it's the last secret. And therefore the revelation of the doctrine of secret needs to be a revelation of Torah and not a revelation of secret. A revelation of the bunker and not a revelation of the book. This is the last secret.

The Dream of Levirate Marriage

I dreamed that the rat says to Satan: We lost. There's nothing more to do. If there are no more Jews - there are no more sins. And Satan whispers: But what about the seven Noahide laws? Are there no more Gentiles? And the rat says: Without warning? Without testimony? And Satan rasps: With one witness! With one judge! And the rat says: Not even one, there is no Torah, the Torah is the Torah of Israel, and without Israel there is no Torah. We did what we could, sorry. And the rat wants to come out of the closet, and a knock is heard. In the middle of hell in the middle of the night - in the absolute darkness in the absolute silence. And the rat, Satan, he understands that he must pretend to be dead! And the rat can't resist and peeks through the keyhole - and he sees there - an eye. And he hurries to cover Satan with a blanket of darkness, and pushes, under the head of the dream - the key. And he runs in panic to the library, starts to destroy the forbidden books, throws them into the black fire. And here he forgot - Satan's Torah scroll, given to him by God, with instructions opposite to Moses, with stories opposite to Moses, where the sins and commandments are reversed - it is written on cow skin in black ink. And Satan's computer - he can't find the computer in the dark! Where is the black screen? And after it more and more technologies in warehouses, from the future. And he runs to the black section, passes the section of the hole, without even checking if Satan is still alive, or if he's just pretending to be alive. And Satan's bed continues to roll and roll in the corridors, without supervision, occasionally colliding with some idol from the future, some calf with horns of radiation, some sex organ from the future that connects to a computer input, some hybrid between a ministering angel and an internet server - that flies on a broom stuck in its network connection, some rat that attracts more than a woman - and men scream when they see it and jump on the beds, some test tube with a black spiritual disease like leprosy that's contagious like the flu, angels locked in a bottle, personal hell for cooking in the kitchen, the sling fork, all of Satan's abandoned laboratories. And the bed tumbles and goes, goes and approaches the forbidden wing that is forbidden to speak of. And every moment there's a chance that one of the blows (or one of the caresses!) will be too much - and Satan will wake up.

And the rat says to the door: So you've come to us, in the end. I just want to know. One thing. And the door says: Our Rabbi. We need to talk, come open. And the rat shouts: One thing! And the door says: Not now, now it's the world's turn from outside. Just a few small questions. Otherwise - I'll open the door, and all the darkness will come out. And the rat says: Who are you? Why are you? How are you? And the door says: I know he's inside. And the rat says: Who's inside? Who's outside? And the door says: I want to talk to him. There's something important for him to know. And the rat: What? And the door says: The black book, currently the black ash, formerly the dark book, formerly the dark children's book, formerly the book of the Messiah, formerly the Torah of the Holocaust, formerly the Torah that is to come formerly… And the rat opens the door.

And the demons run around in Satan's laboratories, trying to reinvent hell, and Asmodeus shouts: Become relevant again! And they flee, concentrate on their research, each one buries his head deeper into the screen in which he sleeps. Not daring to look. And he catches one of the demons and asks him: What are you doing? And the demon: The night is beautiful, everything is black. Seven cows drown in the river. And Asmodeus tears him like a bag: What is this nonsense? And he catches another demon: And what are you doing? And the demon: To force a mountain like a tub. To enter under her skirt. And Asmodeus says: Better. And he catches another demon: What are you doing? And the demon: I see everything one eye different. And Asmodeus says: Interesting. And he catches another demon: What about you? And the demon: Love is not a feeling, sex is not a secret. And Asmodeus says: Very good! We must fight the Rebbe of Dreams, all the dreams that destroyed the darkness, that turned it from a time of death to a time of life, destroyed hell, turned the cemetery into the bedroom, and the bedroom - into the study hall. Those who prophesy in my name falsely, saying: I dreamed that I dreamed that. I dreamed that all the time I told him: Take yourself seriously - unseriously. Even a sad joke needs to make you laugh. But he didn't listen. All the time - the dark book, the black book. That's what will help.

And the mole, the last one left, under the bed, waiting for a scandalous occurrence, to catch them red-handed. And the squire of the 400th degree says to her: You know, when I was in the Garden of Eden, when there was still a Garden of Eden, this is not how we used to work. And she says to him: My love, shhh. And he says: We weren't spying, but throwing, not entering underneath, to the genitals, but above: operating secretly, causing embarrassment. The Garden of Eden was the source of embarrassment in the world, the righteous excelled at it, and now there is no more shame. And she says to him: What is a squire like you doing in the Garden of Eden? Even hell is too high for you. And he says: Because I was a squire, from the word "break through", meaning I was breaking through to myself, understanding the connections God made behind man's back, the connections that are not accessible to us, because they are beneath us. A complete Torah. And I was in the lowest degree, in the 400th degree. One who breaks through a fence - a snake will bite him. Because desire is beyond boundaries, that's what we used to do in the Garden of Eden, God would go crazy from us. And that's what was supposed to be, that God wouldn't be boring, the illogical part in logic, the unserious in seriousness, and then the Garden of Eden was the elite of the world. Thousands of years, hundreds of cultures, dozens of Torahs, and one Garden of Eden, and zero our God. Slander until tomorrow. The fact is that something worked there. And she says to him: When I was under the Rebbe I heard about this Torah, that is beneath the world. And all the time - the Rebbe didn't dream that beneath him there is a mole. This is the advantage of hell, that it's an abyss that you don't see, you don't even know you're falling into it. And he says: You don't understand. When you look at the world from above - you see everything. That's why these heads wear coverings, out of modesty - from God. And that's what attracts God to them. This is the skirt of the Shekhinah, that He actually wants her to stay with the skirt. Not exposed minds, but covered secret minds, that there will be a bit of a challenge for God. That He Himself won't understand how a person wrote such a thing. And the mole says: Maybe he didn't write it, even God can have a mole under the bed, like Huldah the Prophetess. And the squire says: There are moments when even the Shekhinah lifts her skirt. Suddenly within the holy Bible - a lustful song by King Solomon. You understand? The problem is that we bored God, with the literature of Halakha, they ruined the walk in the Garden of Eden with these daily walks, it became an internal dialogue. What about actually walking - to hell, as the Jews know how? And the mole says: So the loss of God's desire - that's… that's the Holocaust? And the squire says: What happened is that He had no sons. If He had sons there wouldn't have been all the problem that now the Shekhinah is going to Satan in order to give birth to Him again (the secret of levirate marriage in the Zohar, that his wife will become his mother). And another problem - that He had no closer relative than Satan. These are enormous failures. We need a spiritual investigative committee. To open the dark book, that it will be black before our eyes. And the mole says: Have you ever thought that a book that was burned, a great book that was lost, without spiritual children - that you can perform levirate marriage on a book?

And the serpent calls: The black book - the Rebbe's dark book, the book that should have been burned in the Holocaust, and if not in the Holocaust burned in hell. A book that is burned by nature, the black book. Because the Rebbe didn't want another regular book written in black ink, that covers the real page, the white one. He wanted a book written in fire, in burning ink, inside the page, in the tree of knowledge. He wanted them to cut for him from there instead of fruit - to bring him from the Garden of Eden the tree itself, from which they would make him the book. He said that although it is absolutely forbidden to eat from the tree - but it is permitted to cut! Where is it written that it's not? That great righteous men would die in order to reach the Garden of Eden and throw him from there trunk and branches, that's who he sent to heaven. But what came out for him in the end was a book written in darkness, letters that hide the page - not on the page, but in consciousness itself, hiding what could be behind them. A book that can only be read at night, that cannot be read outside the Holocaust. The book you would take with you to hell. That is, it's a book in letters of what cannot be thought about - on top of what can be thought about. The ink of the letters is not incidental, but original, it is inside the brain, and not external from the world. Revealing new areas of darkness, that cannot be grasped, the writing hand stops writing and turns into a mouse. The brain is the hole: instead of revelation through light - revelation through darkness. And this book, made from the tree of life - this is the book of life. The book we live inside as black on white, and whoever reads it from above - meaning above in spirituality - this is God's perspective. Therefore one must invest there the best spiritual ability, because the supreme reader is strict, and this is after all the Day of Judgment. Inscribe us in the book of life - write us, not our name, but ourselves. For Your sake, living God - You are the reader. A book intended for God.

And the rat says to the rat behind the door, when they are hiding: The mouse is dead, and you are his big brother, the rat, and with the head comes responsibility. And she strokes his tail in the dark, and the rat is caught, a rat in bed! And he says to her: What kind of prophetess, who cannot wait for tomorrow. And she starts from the tip of the tail, and goes and approaches the body. And he says to her: The head is a good example. Even when it comes to spiritual elite, there can be an exploitative elite, and a serving elite. You understand? We are a serving elite, and a disappearing elite - we need to give birth to Jewish mice. And she laughs: You give birth from the head? And he is startled: Yes. You give birth from the tail? And she says: So maybe I need a removal of the hat. And he says: No, it's dangerous. Who knows what could enter. And she says: Who knows what could come out? And the serpent enters slowly very very long through the open door, and the rat jumps on the table and screams. Take off the shoe!

To the next chapter
The Trilogy