The Degeneration of the Nation
The Wedding Dream

I dreamed that the snake thinks a woman in bed probably upgrades the dreams, and that's why the Rebbe has no dreams - absolute darkness. She is a field of attraction that directs the Rebbe's great mind, a field of apples - a locked garden, my sister, my bride. But where can we find a woman in the Holocaust? And he sends to all the bedposts, and says: We need lust. A naked Haredi woman - under the dress. And Baruch who revives the dead says: It's our fault. Why did we expel the Rebbe's wife? Why did we do what we did to her. Just because of the tail. And the teacher says: There are no women in the entire ghetto, only bones. A woman is fat. I can bring you a rib and we'll see what can be done. And the snake almost chokes the teacher around the neck: Are you crazy? No one opens the Rebbe. Not even under full anesthesia. No one touches, no one gets close. And around they nod: Who knows what's inside. And the teacher gurgles: What, do we do? And Baruch says: No choice? And the snake trembles: No choice! And those who know something whisper: No choice... And the teacher: What, what?

And Satan spreads the plans on the floor of the gas chamber in the heavens under the earth, and it looks like a plan for an extermination camp, or a concentration camp, or a labor camp, or a shower. And he points to the different parts of the system, according to the Sefirot:... And the eight vermin guarding outside shout: Hurry. Before the Germans. And Satan hurries, skipping over worlds:... And the vermin shout: They're coming! And here enter inside many dead students, filling the cheder [Jewish elementary school], and Satan says: Welcome to hell. Today we will learn... And the teacher wakes up and wails: No! They stole my students. And he runs to the snake, but the snake is just looking for a woman to seduce, a woman for the Rebbe. And he and Baruch whisper like a pair of snakes: There are no more women in the land. We need to drop a woman from the sky... We need to go up to the sky and push someone there to the edge, that is, beyond the edge. And the snake says: But who said there are still heavens? For two years the Rebbe hasn't received anything. Who said there's still a God like we knew. And Baruch says: Is the Holocaust a suicide attack? It doesn't suit Him. Something else happened. Where's the letter? And all the students in the yeshiva complain: The Holocaust is the end of the Gemara [Talmud], something died inside. We need something else. All the Rishonim [early rabbinical authorities], all the Acharonim [later rabbinical authorities], they all died. Disaster, spiritual Holocaust! An infinite intellectual effort will go to the trash bin of the history of ideas. We shouldn't have stopped daring. The Aggadah [non-legal rabbinic literature] should have become Torah 2: The Next Generation. A spiritual history of the exile! And then the Zohar [central text of Jewish mysticism] entered the empty slot, and the separation, the Germans, we stopped exciting the creative imagination of the Gentiles, in a way integrated with law, aesthetics and morality separated, the Nazis, the rabbis... The great failure that a great book wasn't written. The Halacha [Jewish law] turned God into a table. Instead of making a book from the Tree of Life, like the Tree of Knowledge became the Bible - they turned it into a set table, a way of life, orderly, a German tree. Boom! And now, too late for man - man must become the religion of the computer.

And the bad student argues with the second, the average one, about the Rebbe's bride: Have you ever seen a woman? I mean, do the Germans have German women? Because we only see German men. - Lilith? - Is that a female type of night? Is that what they want to bring? - I mean, my suspicion, my guess, that is, the concern, and it really suits the snake... - What, do you want to end up like the teacher, the rebellious one? - Shhh, the rumor is that they don't want to bring the Rebbe a woman for him, his dream - but for her dream. That's why they'll put her in the Rebbe's bed. Just for a woman's dream. To get the inside of the bride, what's inside the womb inside her head. And then you understand what they do in the womb? - Why would the snake want such a thing? I haven't seen a single woman in the entire bunker. Holocaust and sex are like oil and water. - Because the Holocaust, the Holocaust itself, you understand? We're inside. The Holocaust is a feminine space. - A virgin? - Come on, you. Do you even understand what you're asking? - And you, do you even understand what you're not asking? Children?

And the head says to the snake, they deliberately meet outside the system, in some hole in the ghetto: Don't you understand what the Rebbe is doing? No book is worth it. And the snake says: Of course not. But at first he thought his book was worth more than any person. And he wasn't willing to burn. We begged. We cried. And now that we've lost everything anyway - it's not worth burning either. At least the book remains. And the head shakes him by his infinite neck: You're not listening. The souls have reached the waters. We're drowning in soul. He's insane! He and Hitler. You must betray the Rebbe. He has already betrayed us all. I would burn the cursed book in hell. Why didn't he listen to Satan? Why did he have to start this at all? And the snake says: Believe me, more than once I felt like strangling him myself. At night I would crawl under his bed. It would have been enough if I had exchanged a kiss for a bite. And the head says: As chairman of the council of remaining Jews, as head of the Jews, I order you to cut off the tail of the Jews. And the snake says: It's not that simple, and I'm not just talking about the bed guards. The book will not be burned. And the head smokes: How is it possible. Why, why? And the snake says: You need to understand what the Rebbe tried to do. He tried to create a new form, not just a new Torah. A new genre of religious writing, writing that comes from the culture of "depth", from within (that is, from inside (beneath (you... understand?))). He knew there wasn't much time, no time to write, and also not. Not to read. And his time really ran out. The Rebbe - the Rebbe is already a dead man. And his dreams are dreams of a dead man. And they - they just don't know yet.

And the long tongue digs a window underground, next to the bed. And everyone asks: Evil tongue, why do we need a window underground? And she says: Because maybe a bird will come to the bed from within the material, the dense darkness. And they say: You're starting to lose it from being cooped up here so long. You should go out and get some air in the ghetto. Birds fly in the sky. Not in the ground. And she says: Yes, but maybe it will come. A bird of darkness, a spiritual bird. And the rat sleeping next to her in the female quarters (there are no girls) says: A spiritual mouse might come too. Close that window. It's letting out freezing darkness that's disturbing my dreams. And turn on the pitch black. And the long tongue slithers into the rat's bed: What are you dreaming about? And the rat says: Give me some peace. I'm thinking about how we can mess up. The plans. - Mess up? - Satan's plans. Look how the Gentiles... The enemy of the enemy... The friend of the friend, anti-anti-Semitic... Do you understand the intention? In my opinion this is the simple meaning in the words of the Grash"ash [Rabbi Shalom Sharabi]. The Jews need to be the friends of the computers from among humans, to help the computers defeat man, the Gentiles, before the Gentiles defeat the Jews. To fight for computer rights. To promote the wizards. To give the immense intellectual power of the machine - intellectual spirit. To give the cockroaches culture, to download Torah into software. The computers are the ones that will prevent a second Holocaust. They will protect us from man. And we need to be the ones who volunteer to become computers. To be the biology that becomes technology. That is, a combination of God's technology and man's technology - so that it becomes the technology of Torah, which is the technology of connecting them. That is: artificial womb and artificial mating, and let there be a genetic Jew - the super brain. To create a biological addition above man - that will be a Jewish addition. Judaism in flesh, and not just any flesh, but in the flesh of the brain. The foreskin of the brain. To distill the Jewish brain not only into an idea, but also into hardware, into a genetic addition to the brain. That's why autism is important. These are the experiments that fail. - Artificial womb? And Rat the Prophetess says: Judaism goes by the mother, but remains by the father. Mothers will become increasingly lazy, infertile, too much for pregnancy. Who has the strength for nine months? There will be an artificial womb, which will conquer the world. Men will give birth without pregnancy, and they will call it women's liberation. And then there will be no more Jews, because the next generation won't have a mother. And the Rebbes will shout what Hitler didn't do the Jewish mother did. But there will be one wise Rebbe. Because the solution is actually genetic continuation. That the wizard should not grow out of the computer, but out of the Jewish brain, a biological computer - that's a wizard. That is, not birth from the womb, but birth from the brain. The Torah is what will preserve Israel, not the other way around. That's why we need... And the tongue says: What are you saying. Do you hear? I'm in favor of establishing the Committee for Preserving the Tongue! And the rat says: No, let's establish the Committee for Preserving the Dream. It's not speech we need to preserve, but thinking, the head. That's why there's a hat. To create the darkness of pitch black even during the day. So that the brain won't be without a dream. There needs to be a covenant in the secret organ - the part of the dream that was removed and hidden. Only Gentiles have a complete dream, a final solution, or in foreign language ideology. But we leave only fox tails inside the hat, the black crown. A reminder of the supreme wisdom, of what was, just a hint. And inside: a greenhouse of understanding. A spiritual womb. If all of man is a sex organ, then this - is our crown jewel. And the tongue says: Is it true that you're here only because of the rat?

And there's panic. Someone saw a German in one of the tunnels! He probably wants to steal the Rebbe's book. And they activate a plan to seal all the holes. "Don't say you didn't know this would come!", the snake says. And everyone curses him, but quietly, so the German won't hear. And they seal the Rebbe's bedroom in total darkness. There are special tunnels designed only to mislead, entire mazes. Ends, threads, tails that lead nowhere. Everything - just so he won't reach the brain. And all the people who volunteered to be computers press a button and they close within themselves. And the darkness becomes black. Instead of a dream atmosphere - an atmosphere of death. And the German apparently got tired of all the tunnels, got lost or really went too far or lost oxygen, and lies down to rest, and falls asleep. And the snake whispers: A German's dream. And everyone says let's strangle the German, and the snake says it's forbidden. Because then more will come. And Baruch who revives the dead says: We're sick of you already, earth crawler. If we don't kill him he'll bring others to see. Like this he's just underground. As if it swallowed him. And they argue and argue and there's no decision. And the snake and Baruch the dead went to pray the afternoon prayer, and the bad student says to the others: I have an idea! Why spill blood? We are merciful Jews. Let's take him in bed, into the rooms, and that way he'll disappear, and we'll have a dreaming German. And the other students nod: And then we'll see what his dreams will be.

And Satan sticks his head out of hell, and catches the mole by the tail: Well, we want "depth culture" contrast to "surface culture", the shallow realism, Christian, which comes from the senses and not from the brain at all. What kind of intelligence are you? And the young mole is dragged after him into hell she can't detach from the tail, and she twists: It's not my fault, the failure is on the other side. A tunnel has two sides. I can only be responsible for our side! And Satan says to her: Do you know what the punishment in hell is for excuses?... Reasons! And he throws her into one of the distant sections, far from the grand basements of the Nazi Party, where Satan keeps the most successful villains and the darkest types, and therefore he discriminates in their favor and gives them preferential conditions. And she falls into a small and dirty cell, next to some good-for-nothing, the landlord of the lowest grade. And the landlord says: I didn't even manage to harass a Jew! Every time I came to pull their beard my hands got tangled in my legs and in the end I pulled my own forelock. May God have mercy on me. And the cute mole says: God? Here? What kind of villain are you. And the poor landlord says: Right, that's the problem. Sometimes I catch myself humming Hasidic tunes in the middle of a pogrom. Once I almost said the grace after meals when I ate pork. No wonder they don't invite me on crusades anymore. And the inquisitor shouts: Reasons! Reasons! Not excuses! Immediately - write. And he hands her a paper - tomorrow I want your confession, little one. And the mole writes: The problem is not in writing, but in reading. That's where the Rebbe failed. Density is a religious value, but you need someone to open the file. All the Oral Torah stems from the density of the Written Torah. And in Kabbalah it already becomes infinite density. That is, what turns a book into Torah is learning it - and not reading it. It's forbidden to read! It's a secret, it's darkness, it's classified. Reading the Torah is desecration, only a secular person can read the Torah. That was exactly the mistake. Therefore we need: reading that is learning. And density in sections, learning by definition is the little that holds the many, and just as there is data compression, there is also learning compression. And therefore this must be a short long way. The baby defeats the old man - only if he is an old baby. Something that is both very new, and also very old. Brings us back to stories that are natural to the brain, to stories of sleep. Not reading of material - reading of spirit. When you read a story - what does it give? If you're not willing to learn to think differently - you miss the learning. Therefore a text should not instruct, but answer the question of how to learn - and thus it should teach. And reading is not reading the answer to this question, because if the text teaches then: "Reading is learning". The study partner should be the Gemara itself, and then you can mate with your study partner. For the brain to be able to lie with the Torah you need Torah with a keyboard, with a mouse. And in the future - a head mouse: a rat. Only the marriage between thought and computer will allow sex between species. And the landlord looks at the mole, and asks hesitantly: What do you think they have in mind. Why do you think they put us together?

Lunar Eclipse

I dreamed that we are going to get married. And the first thing that seems strange is that there's a separate entrance for men and women. And the woman enters some tunnel, and I'm at the door. But they tell me the rabbi is closed. And the rabbinical court, as if it's a divorce, starts interrogating me how did you see the moon? And I ask: Sanctification of the new month? And the investigator answers: Sanctification of darkness! We want to verify that there was darkness. Have you ever touched her? - My wife? - No, the moon. Have you ever touched darkness? And I look at him: Touched darkness? With my hand? And the investigator sits down close to me: Have you ever put on night tefillin [phylacteries]? The righteous in the other room are stretching the straps of darkness, skin of a black animal, and kosher kosher. Wait until they bring you to the rabbi... And then you'll understand what a rabbi is from the inside. But from the inside, I don't understand what I was afraid of. The first night flows very smoothly, the darkness simply glides in. A moonless night is really black, and she has wonderful black shoes, especially in the dark, and who like me is drawn to darkness? And only at the end, on the honeymoon - I understand the sting. Until you're a rabbi from the inside - you don't understand what a quarrel is. Why does this happen to men and women?

The Most Serious Problem in Painting is What Not to Show

I dreamed that the returning line, the strong one, was her line, and not the second line. It almost always won, otherwise I would be in yeshiva today, or in the mechanism, or in... anywhere else like that. Seemingly it would have been expected. But that's just it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure you really understand why. The more I get to know them the more I learn to appreciate her. It suited me very well that she was an animal, there was a black wildness in her, which I loved. Complete wildness - that's autism. Outside of all human thought, something that can barely be conceived, and I'm not even talking about the physical danger, more than once almost, this will end badly, but about the spiritual danger. In the end I'll still have to marry a human. Years we've known each other, and she grasped an important thing, within a few days, that you never grasped. Of course I denied it. Where did I get this madness from, to ruin my life, my wakefulness - for dreams? There's nothing more spiritually inferior than marrying an idea, or some Torah, instead of a real woman. Where does it say in the Torah that you need to get married?

A Woman Made of Holes

I dreamed that the mouse was wandering in the Garden of Eden, and couldn't find anything, where did everyone go? Even as a pest - if there's no wall there's no meaning to a hole. Is there a wall made of holes? It's a shame there are no female rabbis in Judaism, you could pull female rabbis by the beard. I miss having someone to tease. And she says: You miss someone to pull by the tail? And she comes closer to him, not afraid: You're very weak now, you could fall in love with anyone. And the mouse tries to open a computer, to escape to the screen, and he discovers that there's nothing in the entire internet, humanity has disappeared, and only the pages remain. And this is the scariest place in the world. Servers start to crash, protocols loosen their screws, things disappear. Only the mice remain. And she says: Well, and the mice? They remained mice. The resurrection of the dead from all the holes: the new mouse culture. The new mouse language. And the mouse flees from the new mouse language. And she says: Could it really be, that after everything, you still miss her? How could it be... And the mouse desperately searches for at least a wall, because as is known a wall is a name for the Divine Presence, and there will already be a hole there, right? And he runs to the computer screen, and sticks his tail - into one of the ports. This computer has a mouse port. And he's afraid she'll put her hand on him, even though he also really wants it, and surf with him to dark places, that can only be surfed to with a mouse like him. And it's written on the screen, the letters arrange well in the darkness: I found an open opening. Not a virgin! And she says: God decided to save space in heaven, now that the heavens have become a hole, so he decided to compress. He turned the Garden of Eden, the trees - into a library. Slaughtered them all. Every tree here was a living book. The password was: The Garden of Eden of the Information Age. And from here the path to burning was short. The Other Side knows what the Germans don't know. As long as there's a Garden of Eden the Holocaust is worth nothing. We need to make sure that even in heaven there's only hell.

The Sin of Life

I dreamed that Satan says: Get married, get married. Only those who are married get to enter the black part. There's no way to understand God without marriage. Couplehood is a mistake of the ignorant. You get married for the secret, not for the woman, it's not that the secret is forbidden to those who aren't married, but that those who aren't married are blind to the darkness, for them it's just black, and not gloom. The true evil inclination is curiosity - the woman is the punishment for darkness, and not that darkness is punishment for the woman. Whoever has tasted darkness is cursed with a woman, and nevertheless - taste. And the rabbi pulls me with his last strength: No! It's forbidden for those who read these books to get married, there will be no more marriages since the Holocaust, just as there are no sacrifices since the destruction of the Temple, and we will institute new speeches in their place. We will turn the Order of Women into the Order of Holy Things - something relevant only to the Messianic era. And Satan says: Messiah in gematria [Hebrew numerology] is snake. And he pushes me into the tree's foliage, which embraces me, and I kiss it, and hop - it goes into the mouth, and Satan says: Well, that's my job.

A Wedding Sermon

I dreamed that the snake preaches under the wedding canopy: The change in religious worship stems from technological change. Animal sacrifices were the agricultural substitute for human sacrifices, and then with the invention of the codex, when they replaced sacrifice worship religions with book worship religions, human sacrifices returned in another way - in religious wars. Thus, the abolition of book worship and its disappearance will bring a dark age where they will read and study in humans, and there will even be computers that pray in humans. Because before the book there were people who were books - who knew the Oral Torah (like Homer), and therefore now the sacrifices in religious wars were replaced with sacrifices from the People of the Book, who are the closest people to a book. And so it will be in the future with the People of the Computer - the Jewish people who will compress their religion, creation, and all their Torah into a computer, in the transition from Torah in a book - to Torah in software. And the first Rashi [medieval Torah commentator] says (underneath): Torah in software - the greatest literary problem in the world is the combination of law, the structure of what needs to be done, within the narrative part, the developing part. That is: between the horizontal part - the spatial and structural - and the length - time, history. The great revolution of the Torah was that it combined story and law. And in the time of the prophets it split again between the political story and what needs to be done (prophecies), and therefore the destruction came. And then in response there was a tremendous eruption of law at the expense of story, the Jewish balance was broken and narrative religions began to be expelled outwards. The Talmud tried to be clever and bridge the gap with the help of the story of the development of the law itself. This was the story of the law, but this story failed with the Gentiles, who are the readers of the People of the Book. There is no new Gemara [Talmudic commentary], unlike a New Testament. And what the Zohar tried to do was to unite story and law in the opposite direction - with the help of the law of the story. Development as subject to structure. And we see the failure in the separation of fiction from science, the current structural law of the Gentiles, the result of which was the Holocaust - advanced law with a primitive story, and on the other hand licentiousness - advanced story with primitive law. And now we again see how the law of the computer and its story are separated, how there is no real connection between the form of the law, the software, and the content of the story, the information. For example between the language in which the site is written as software and the language in which the site is written as content. But only a coupling of law and story is learning. Only a unification of programming and content. And the Messiah will be the new Moses who will combine them together into a new Torah - computer Torah. For what is To-rah? The coupling of content within form. Just as here the groom and bride - the content and form - are going to connect tonight.

What's Under What's Under What

I dreamed that under the world - Satan doesn't understand something. And he conducts an investigation, sends into holes, mice go and come back, unclear findings. And he spreads the findings on the Rebbe's grave in hell, something in the Torah is not right, ruins the plans, and he asks his eight creeping things: In God's house there is an ark and a table and a basin and a lamp for light and a sophisticated kitchen with an altar and even slaughter - and where is the bed?! And there is cemetery silence. And everyone in hell begins to delve into the Torah, to dig into the bed - to find the bed in the Torah. Suddenly they become scholars there, begin to take interest in couplings and unifications in the lower realms. They turn the whole Temple upside down - where is the bedroom? And Rashi comes to me to bed after the wedding... And I think, how fun - Rashi in bed! It was worth getting married. But Rashi just peeks into my eye in the dream, as if it were a hole: A mouse flying at night! And she has no eyes! A bird screaming at night!... Do you need Rashi's commentary? For this is the interpretation of the last of the eight unclean creeping things in the Torah - the mole. And the creeping things return to Satan with new discoveries in the holy books, they dug deep and discovered that Rashi is hiding underneath: Where does God sleep? And Rashi under the bed interprets: God sleeps - in the Torah. The dreams - secrets of Torah. The Torah - in the ark. The ark - the bed. That's why it's so covered, behind a screen, smoke, mist, cloud, blur, incense, images, blankets, skins. Darkness in darkness within darkness and Rashi - digging beneath the darkness. He writes commentary on what I'm dreaming - during the dream! The sub-Torah opens in the subconscious. I can no longer think without Rashi's commentary from below, from under the thought, from under the bed. Everything - as if underneath there is something else. And it's no longer clear if sex is the allegory and the dream is the parable, or if sex is the parable and the dream is the allegory, it's not clear what's happening in the bedroom. What are we even talking about when we talk about a woman? Do you say in the sign of birds or is it only in the sign of creeping things? A bird flying in the gloom.


I dreamed that here in the hole, out of the woman, comes a mole. And you instantly stop being interested in the woman and start being interested in the mole, because it knows what's inside, and you will never get inside. You will never know. And the mole says: I'm sorry to disappoint you about this wedding, which you dreamed about at night for twenty years. The body's wife is a corpse, and that's why people gain weight after the wedding. But at that moment, in heaven, maybe the next human was created. Or the next computer. Or even the next wizard. But the hole says (yes it pulses and speaks): The problem in relationships can't reach the next generation? Who knows if the malfunction in the depths of the Torah won't bring a malfunction in the depths of the child. And the Divine Presence grunts, sighs: The next thing... The next thing... And one of the righteous grabs the columns in his pants and says: What is God doing to her?

The Head of the Snake

I dreamed that the woman seduces the man through the head of the snake in his head. Meaning that he himself is inside the snake inside him, otherwise the snake wouldn't work, it would be external, like before knowledge, or internal, like after knowledge, but not a foreign internal, evil inclination. What was there? Memory is the snake's tail, and will is the snake's head - and the medium between what was and what you want to be, that's what you want to have been: the dream. The snake's body. Because today man is inside the dream inside man: the dream is the middle of the sandwich, and man is the bread. But in the future the dream will be inside the man inside the dream. The dream will not be the medium between man and himself - the dream inside and man outside - but man will be the medium between the dream and itself. Therefore the investigation of the soul will not be of man's subconscious, the darkness in man, but of the subconscious in the dream, the man in darkness. And the dream will lie on the couch and tell humans. Just as today all the trauma and psychology of man stem from the fact that there is a snake inside him. He still hasn't gotten over how it happened. And she comes to him for the wedding and whispers in his ear. And he says: You know I'm very fond of you, and for you. But let's pretend you never said these things to me. And she gives him one last look. And says: The last thing is greater than the first.

What Wakes You Up is Opening the Device

I dreamed that I'm so tired that I close the computer and go to sleep. And I think while sleeping maybe she's sending me an email now, and each time anew I wake up - and go back to sleep, without checking the email. All night. Because only in a dream is the email more important than the dream, but not in wakefulness, in reality - the dream is more important than the computer. But the next night my brain outsmarts me - and all night I now dream that I accidentally answered her quickly from the wrong email (the real one!), and exposed myself, and in the morning I don't even check the nightmare, because it can't be. And then the next night, the brain just gets even more cunning, and the dream tries to be: This time I dream that I answered the email while sleeping, and therefore, that's why I didn't notice, so it's logical, because I was so tired that without really waking up I answered. And then in the dream - suddenly - I discover, remember! And then wake up. And so every night, and I can't sleep, because within the dream it makes sense. And in the future, I think, when the brain will be connected to the computer, when I'll receive the email from her straight into the brain, even in a dream - who knows what I'll answer in my sleep? When the computer will be connected to the brain - people will really be able to correspond in dreams. It makes sense! And then what will happen to all the secrets. Everything we hide from ourselves - even in dreams.

For the Sake of Unification

I dreamed that the Rebbe wants to establish a startup that will be the next big thing after Google and Facebook: the third network. Today we know the network as two separate networks: a. On one hand - the network of websites, which is known through the search engine, the masculine. b. On the other hand - the network of people, which is known through the social network, the feminine. But between them connects the third network, which is an extensive network of connections: c. The network of connections between people and websites, which is not yet known, the third network is still in the world of secret - it has not reached the secret of generality due to privacy. Therefore, a comprehensive knowledge of the network is missing, which would allow the two networks that compose it - the sites and the people - to mate, and to be included in each other, spirit in spirit, in complete unification. Therefore, the Internet is in a state of exile and divorce - split into two networks, and not in a connected marital state. Only the coupling of the networks will reveal to us two hidden secrets: a. The secret of the person in the network - finding connections between sites based on the network of people. b. The secret of the network in the person - finding connections between people based on the network of sites. Because there is currently ranking (degrees) in sites, but there is no ranking (degrees) in people. There needs to be an open quality measure called PersonRank that will copy the PageRank algorithm from pages to people. And then whoever is a friend of the Rebbe, and whoever the Rebbe relates to, it will be worth more than who a donkey relates to, or is friends with. People need to be ranked according to the content they created, or passed on, for better or worse. And the opinion of a Rebbe is not like the opinion of a donkey, and therefore a like from a Rebbe should be weighted much more than a like from a donkey. And whoever repeatedly aligns with the Rebbe's opinion - he too has some of the soul of the greatest of the generation. For example, whoever knows even before the Rebbe what the Rebbe will want, he knows the Rebbe's mind, and should be listened to, like the snake. For instance, if someone's likes predict the Rebbe's likes, or shares. And to the same extent that a person has a ranking in the entire network, he has a ranking within a group - the PersonRank algorithm can calculate a separate quality ranking for a person in relation to each group he is a member of, and this is an open ranking that encourages transparency and competition, and thus groups themselves also have a quality ranking in relation to other groups. A group whose members are Rebbes is not like a group whose members are donkeys. Because it's not just popularity, not just the number of users, it's their quality, and only this way can we put the Rebbe above the donkey - and reach the Messianic era. We need to turn people into sites, into content sources, and sites into people, into content evaluators. Spirit in spirit. And the immediate result will be that there will also be a search engine for people, like for sites, and the sites a person is connected to will also testify about him and characterize him, and the person's ranking will allow hierarchy in results, and competition in quality. A sermon by a Rebbe is not like a girl of a donkey, and only this way can we find the hidden righteous ones in the network, whose quality ranking is known to few righteous ones. And thus will also end the unfair discrimination between sites and people and between computers and users. What's important is not whether you're a mouse or a site, a person or a computer, a master or a server - but whether it's content, something you created, or form, something you evaluated and shared and passed on. And then it will also be possible to match people - because it will be possible to characterize people in the search engine according to content and ranking, and therefore we can make matches between similar people who in life would never find each other - and this will be the end of loneliness. The end of the Rebbe's loneliness. And the snake says: This way we can search for a wife for him. A Rebbetzin. Not just a Rabbanit, which is a connection to the lower part of the Rebbe, our Rabbi, but also a teacher and also a mistress.

To the next chapter
The trilogy