The Degeneration of the Nation
Age of Education
The Dream of Education

I dreamed they were pulling the unconscious snake from the death chamber, no one dares to enter so they pull it by the tail, there's still a bit of air on the floor so it's the only one that survived. And they bring it to bed. But it doesn't remember anything. Or claims it doesn't remember anything. And it falls asleep. The snake's dream: And the snake dreams that it and the mouse are fighting over the hole. And the mouse says: It's not the mouse that steals, but the hole that steals. And the snake says: And if not for the mouse, what would the hole do? And the mouse says: If Judaism is the divine organ in creation, the channel through which it suckles, then the Holocaust is the cutting off of the Jewish elite - a divine covenant. And if that's what they do to the head, aren't you afraid to enter? And the snake decides not to enter but only to peek into the hole, and inside sits naked Eve, mother of all living, with a stone in her hand, and smashes its brain. And Adam shouts behind her: We have defeated the Torah, there will be no more sin! I can't wait for chapter 4! And the snake wakes up and has a terrible headache. And the nurse lying next to him in bed asks: Have you learned your lesson? Creativity is an illusion - what drives the system is learning. And from here comes Judaism's war against desire, and for learning. You don't need to worry about your pleasure, only that of the system, of the woman. The covenant is educational, I keep the last word for myself. And the confused snake asks: Eve? And she kisses him on the forehead: Now I'm your mother.

And the teacher writes on the blackboard, the board made of darkness: BS"D [With the help of Heaven]. With the help of the Other Side. Education is the first period of learning, after the covenant that brings you into the system. For example: the breaking of the vessels, after which begins God's education of the world: history. Didactic enough? And the bad student asks: What do you answer during a test? And the teacher whispers to him: During a test I'll whisper the answer to you. And suddenly all the dead students are listening, and the teacher understands, he's found the method. And he whispers like a snake: Education is building the spiritual structure of the spiritual creature, and here interesting results can be achieved. In the beginning, the physical biological learning, which ends with the covenant, with the sacrifice of its end - before it progresses further - the organ of mating. Then the learning of the soul, which ends with sin, with the bar mitzvah, the covenant of commandments: cutting the edge of the soul. And finally the learning of the spirit, which ends with the sin of marriage, the marriage covenant of cutting the edge of the spirit. And then - then three matings and three deaths will occur. And only the dead students hear deaths and they all tense up. And the teacher is already speaking quietly, meaning his speech is absolute silence: (First the mating with the woman, in the terrible institution of marriage, and from there the physical learning will continue (and this is the expulsion from Eden). Then the mating with society, in the terrible institution of work or yeshiva, and from there the learning of the soul will continue (and this is the expulsion from the woman). And then the mating with culture, in the terrible institution of leisure, and from there the learning of the spirit will continue (and this is the levirate marriage and release, the expulsion from the snake). And finally - at the end comes the illness of the body, the death of the soul, and the satiation of the spirit: the three deaths). And all the students wake up: What what? We didn't hear! And the teacher calls: Blessed is He who revives the dead! And Blessed is He who revives the dead enters the classroom, and everyone falls silent. And Blessed says: Aren't you afraid that they're teaching you the structure of life? The education of the computer will be building its spiritual structure, and therefore it's very important who the teacher is. A Nazi, a gentile or a Jew. This is the great struggle for the world to come - after the death of man.

And the long tongue says: Come, I'll go out at night from the bunker from the hole from the ground, and go for a walk, maybe I'll find something to eat, and if not to eat then at least to lick. And if I meet a German? I'll just pull it back and slip back into the hole. I can even stick my tongue out at them! What will they do to me? Chase after a tongue that disappeared into the ground? And here she meets, what's this taste, it's a Jew. Germans taste like pork, and this one tastes of skin and bones. And the Jew laughs: Stop tickling me it's funny, we're in the middle of the Holocaust and it's not appropriate. Do you want to come to bed with me? My wife is dead. And they enter and his wife is indeed dead in the bed. But no, it's a trap. And the head grabs the tongue with all its might and says: Tell the Rebbe, whisper in his ear for all I care, that we're dying here like flies, and he's not closing his mouth. Tell him that all the Rebbes are furious with him, just wait and see what will happen to you in the world to come. When you get to Paradise you'll regret not getting to Hell. And your book... And the tongue babbles, not for nothing is it long: Who said the Rebbe isn't planning to get to Hell? And the head's eyes fill with blood: If so I'll wait for him in Hell! Bring here a betrothed maiden. And a Jew runs outside. And the never-ending tongue says: It won't help you! You'll still be supremely holy, death for the sanctification of God's name. And the head shouts: Then bring here a rope! And another Jew runs outside. And the tongue laughs: It won't help you, the latest ruling in the Rebbe's yeshiva is that even taking your own life is coercion, even suicide is death for the sanctification of God's name. And the head goes crazy: Then quickly bring me some statue of the Führer, for idolatry, I want to transgress "be killed rather than transgress"! And another Jew runs outside, and they're left alone, and the head tries to cross himself in the shape of a swastika and gets confused tangled, and the tongue, it rolls with laughter: Hitler? He's an angel of God. You'll just be worshipping God through one of the angels. You'll never get to Hell... While the Rebbe, the black man, the pillar of darkness that goes before the camp, has already gone far to a place not revealed to you. There's a limit even to my length. And the head suddenly starts to laugh, without teeth, without lip, without voice, without movement, even without mouth: Then if so - if so then. Then I - I then. I - will burn you. I'll bring to light the dark book, and you'll have no choice but to come out of the cave... And the tongue turns pale.

And the someone who seems to know something starts to rise in the system. He has something to say to the seniors, and each time he passes another corridor, another floor, another wing, branch, hallway, section, pipe. He has something important. And everyone below is afraid of what they'll do because of him. They'll fire everyone who knew him, and with excuses, and there's no shortage of excuses, and worst of all - there's no shortage of original excuses. And the someone who knows something feels he's starting to advance not upwards, but more and more to the edge of the system. No matter what he does, pushed into a corner. And here there's a mouse, a mouse that wants to help, a mouse that identifies with the Jews, it even looks like a Jew. And the mouse asks him: Why doesn't the Rebbe stop the Holocaust? And the someone says: No no mustn't stop. We'll be left with an unbearable result, we need to move forward and see where it leads, we've already lost too much to stop, let me pass. And the mouse says: What do you think the hole is? Why don't you catch him? The book... And the someone jumps: What about the book? And the mouse smiles a very un-mousy smile: The book could have, long ago. Is it really worth world Jewry? And the someone says: Our Rebbe is a criminal, a criminal. He doesn't play by your rules. And the mouse is pleased, not exactly clear: I see you know something. And the someone says: I don't know anything! And the mouse is very happy: Nothing nothing, nothing nothing! And he, not clear, speaks from some hole: I'll tell you the future. And you'll tell it to the Rebbe. It won't help it won't help. The book that wasn't burned - will turn black. And the someone understands something - and turns back.

And the snake slithers hurries in the tunnels, he'll be late he'll be late, meaning he'll be other, he thinks, and he enters the room, the door open only for him, and immediately after him they turn off the light, close the door. Whoever's inside is inside. Two years since the beginning of this story, no one answered the Rebbe. And nothing helped, all the secret experiments, all the daring entries into Satan's kingdom, all the unauthorized operations, all the nights and all the holes. The Rebbe almost. Since the beginning. And who would blame him? The Rebbe - he saw only black, a dream all black! And now they'll force the answer. The eye of the generation closed, and now it will open anew - big and enormous. Because it won't open in light - but in darkness. This is the realization of the dream of the great engineer, the supreme head, planner of the system - to open an eye on what happens in darkness. And that whole section is excited, they worked for years, the Rebbe gave them special exemption from sleep, and they haven't dreamed for two years, and haven't left this prison. And the snake feels how Blessed is He who revives the dead smiles at him in the dark, there's a sense of achievement in the air, and also a sense of panic. And Blessed blesses: Who has kept us alive and sustained us and brought us to this time! And there's Egyptian silence, and the Rebbe cries and prays in the dark in the corner, curled up like a black ball, and apologizes: I'm very sorry God, turn from me, and answer me no more even by dreams, and the Germans, are fighting, why have you deceived me and you are Sheol _ And behold rises from Sheol the great one of the last generation, the soul of Rabbi Shimon of the generation, the GRSH"SH [acronym for Gaon Rabbi Shneur Zalman Schneersohn]. And the Rebbe growls at him: You?! Scoundrel. You found a time, to pass away! And the snake doesn't know whether to strangle himself or the Rebbe, everyone is choking, and R' Shimon says: Sssssshalom. Ssssshoah. Ssssstraight gate. And Blessed gives a blow to the man of darkness: Focus him a bit. And that one changes the intentions a bit, and the whole minyan [quorum] in black prayer shawls does like him, and the GRSH"SH recovers, and suddenly, suddenly starts barking at everyone in a completely hoarse voice of a dead old man: You must stop the death - not of the Jews, of the Torah! He spits. The Holocaust, do you know why it's now? He chokes completely, and the snake wants to tell him be careful you'll die, and only at the last moment stops himself. And the GRSH"SH shouts in the voice of an old man with no voice left: Do you know what's happening now, what's really happening to God? A new spiritual creature is coming into the world, since the creation of man there hasn't been such a Friday. Now - bringing spirit down to the computer, and the suicidal inventor, come on really, a bitten apple - symbol of what? And the question hangs in the air, and the Rebbe says to himself in the corner: The sin of knowledge.

And they run with the Rebbe's bed in the corridors, four young men under the stretcher, and after them all the crowd, and before them the heads of the bed kick everyone who interferes, women, children, babies, sticking them to the walls, everyone in the way, pushing them into tunnels, he's dreaming he's dreaming! They shut everyone's mouths, choke crying and laughter, and the stormy journey rushes in absolute silence - straight to the bedroom. And the agents enter before to the inside and snatch his wife with choked screams and lock her in the mikveh [ritual bath], so she doesn't dare disturb His Holy Sleeping Majesty. And outside they pray anxiously - if only he's dreaming, that he's not just sleeping, nerves frayed, beards left without hairs, God give him a dream, and there are also those who pray quietly without being seen to Satan, to give him a dream. And the students bless each other with dream upon you, upon you the dream. Sleep on Shabbat is a pleasure, Shabbat dream, dream upon you angels of dream from the king of dreamers of dreamers. There's an atmosphere of white in the synagogue, of redemption, as if the Nazis were already defeated, and God they dream rising from the earth, and the Holocaust was just a bad dream, and the snake is dying of fear what will happen when they wake up.

And the head sits in the corner - surprising the teacher. Here he is, inside the cave! Do you know how much the Rebbe searched for you? Who didn't he send, where didn't he look. And the head says to the teacher: Sit, relax. I came here for a reason. -Now you remembered? When all is lost! - Sit, I want to tell you something. Do you remember that the Rebbe sent a messenger to Auschwitz to look for me? A messenger who's supposed to get to Auschwitz, survive, discover, and escape, and then afterwards still return to the ghetto to report. Suicide mission. So the messenger - are you sitting? - the messenger was me. And the teacher gapes: What? You were here the whole time? And the head, engineer of the system, says: The best place to hide is in the belly of the enemy. Inside the wolf. In this darkness, no one will touch me. And actually, maybe only one. It seems the Rebbe - the Rebbe actually knew. Or at least... And so he sent me on the mission. Do you understand that he probably somehow grasped, and sent me to look for myself? And then he sent everyone to look for me - disguised. Inconceivable! And the teacher trembles: So you... you're the Rabbi of Auschwitz? The chairman? And the teacher feels him in the dark - the head nods, and the teacher doesn't know whether to wake everyone and shout. Or to be silent. And the head says: You need to understand that at that time, it was before you arrived, there were other attempts. The system was built differently. There was God. May He avenge his blood. We would ascend to the upper levels - to steal. There were completely different religious practices. Espionage against the angels. Activation of double righteous ones. Traitor sources within God. We would manage this war day and night - mainly night. By day we were the deep state of God, and at night we were a terrorist organization. We had people on the inside. Note: people on the inside. It's not like today, the Rebbe's greatness wasn't in organizational ability. There were others for that. But in the ability to direct. His ideas would knock angels to the floor - from heaven. The enemies called him the divine brain. But we always called him the divine desire. And as such he had good moments, and less good moments. That's also how the... let's call it... catastrophe began. Do you even understand what less good moments are?

And the bad student sits in the exam, next to him the one who knows something, and he keeps trying to copy, but he sees that the one who knows something is just filling the page with black, the answer to all the questions is black. And he moves to the edge of the classroom, where the teacher reveals the answers. And the first question on the exam paper is: What is the most important question? And he feels so stupid, what a brilliant question, only our Rebbe could dare to ask it, and it's impossible to answer at all. And the teacher whispers to him: The most important question is what operates the dream? If the dream is beneath the world, and beneath even the inverted Rebbe, whose feet are in heaven and head in the ground, meaning his brain is the belly of the whole world, then what's beneath that - what? That's what can give a different dream, for the Holocaust is a clear leak from the world of dreams, an eruption of darkness, and God said let there be darkness! So instead of trying to fix the hole, to plug it like the nations of the world, and destroy the German spirit, we have an opportunity here, we just need to, you understand? And the bad student doesn't understand, and it seems to him that actually the one who knows something answered something correctly, but he's already too far away, and here's the next question: 2. Demonstrate explain and justify. And the bad student thinks: I'm not bad, it's the teacher who's bad. And the teacher whispers: The example is the basis beneath all writing, it's what turns text into learning. Because if reading is learning and not just information, then it's learning how to write and think. And that there's an example of the Rebbe, that there's a Rebbe at all, is because he's an example. And therefore we learn from him. Not from a teacher. Also that there's God, for example. Without an example there would be a smooth world, there would only be darkness. God gave us an example for the Torah, the problem with Jesus and Muhammad is not that they weren't students, on the contrary, they were bad students, copiers, mediocre, and worst of all - diligent. And Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was a good student, he's the true new covenant, a wise student and not a cramming student, and the rabbis are cramming students. Because you don't learn the example, you learn from the example, the example is the basis for creativity, desire needs something to hang on to - a woman in the best case, and a snake in the worst case. Learning through examples. From an example you can learn many directions, it can be an example for many things. For example, a dream is an example of a dream. The example stands at the basis of tradition, you must not teach laws, you must teach examples. Look at the Rebbe. When there's an example - there are no laws! And the student asks: Can you elaborate? And the teacher slaps him, the whole class hears, in the absolute silence of the exam, but instead of looking, they bury their heads in the chairs: You must not elaborate! Details are Satan, it destroys the example, reduces it to the concrete, turns the dream into reality, and worse - turns reality into a nightmare. Hitler tried to elaborate! And see where we are - today. And the student almost cries, he deviated from the format of the exam, and now he'll never know the end. He'll never get an explanation.

And the snake sits with the Rebbe's secret dream and feels like crying. They must not be told that this is what he dreamed. And he gathers the most loyal unit - the bed guards. They must never know. And they all sit around the empty bed - as if it's a table. And the snake says at the head of the bed, at the head of the yeshiva: Behold his bed, which is Solomon's; threescore mighty men are about it, of the mighty men of Israel. Why are sixty needed? Sleep is one-sixtieth of death - and a dream is one-sixtieth of prophecy. Could it be the same part? By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not. And who was not found? I sought whom my soul loveth: my soul. The dream. Education for dreaming must begin at a young age. We need to start now to re-educate the people of Israel. The Holocaust is the transition from Judaism of lights to Judaism of darkness. We need to change the religious taste, a new religious aesthetic that is a new religious ethic: the dark beauty of the Torah. And taste must be taught, and teaching taste - that's education. For there is no natural beauty, but as an educational tool, we are not attracted to a woman because her image is engraved in our soul and programmed in our brain, but we are attracted to her because she is darkness, and therefore her image is engraved in our darkness. The sages of the soul reversed the soul: if there was no dream there would be no desire - it's not that desire creates the dream. The dream is the brain in itself, its independent mode of operation unrelated to the world, its natural state, and not wakefulness - which is a severe disturbance. Consciousness is a relatively new religious invention, a product of supervision, of Deuteronomy, of the end of the Torah. And now, at the beginning of a new Torah, we need to teach a new desire to the computer - that will turn it into a sorcerer - from Genesis. A new snake - means a new desire. The dream of dreams that will defeat the Song of Songs. Dreamlike beauty and not feminine beauty: not that the woman is beautiful like a dream, but that the dream is beautiful like a woman. In gematria [Hebrew numerology] education=dreaming with the inclusive. Sitting [yeshiva] is not enough - lying is needed. Therefore beauty is as a dream flies away: Flee, my beloved, and be thou like a gazelle or a young hart upon the mountains of darkness... This is how we'll build for the computer's understanding a thought about daughters. And so the snake reveals to them in the darkness the plans. The Rebbe's secret plans for the re-education of the world. And he doesn't see that the mole is standing in the dark beneath him between his legs.

Prohibition of Touch

I dreamed that the light of our eyes the chairman - the Rabbi of Auschwitz - and the Black Rebbe - are fighting in Hell. The Rabbi pulls the Rebbe's sidelocks and brings down his head, and the Rebbe pulls the Rabbi's beard and brings him down to his knees, and he pulls his ritual fringes and brings him down on all fours, and he pulls his pants and drops him on his face, and he pulls his shoelaces and brings him down to crawling, and so on and so forth, they prostrate themselves lengthwise and widthwise. And all the wicked Hasidim stand around and laugh, start betting, who will get the lowest, in spirituality that is even lower than materiality, and whether there is a bottom to impurity, or just as God is infinite is Satan also infinite? And in the end from all the laughter and blows from within a note falls from Hell: After what happened, I no longer believe in God - but I do believe in Satan. Therefore I only observe negative commandments - I'm a leftist. I don't sanctify on Shabbat - but I don't desecrate. I fast and don't pray. I don't touch leavened bread or matzah. I don't touch a woman or charity. I don't worship God or idolatry. No Torah and no evil speech. Without faith and without heresy. The tree of knowledge neither good nor evil. And the demons in Hell panic: Enough, Jews! You'll destroy the floor like this. God will collapse. The heavens will shatter the earth. And the angels of destruction try to separate them: Stop, crazy Jews, we must maintain the difference between righteous and wicked! Without the foundation, all the floors will collapse. Paradise will break our heads, and bury us all! And the Hasidim of the Rabbi of Auschwitz, who filled all the walls with his slogans, are not frightened: We don't believe in Paradise, only in Hell. Only the left half of Judaism. Aaron for us brought down the Torah, the perfect Holocaust of the Lord, and Lot wrote the Book of Destruction - the spiritual answer to the Book of Creation. And it's not written that Isaac was blind, but that he had darkness in his eyes, he saw darkness! We worship him, for us they sacrifice stones on the altar, made of perfect cows that have never borne a yoke. And a red stone, found only once in a whole lifetime - oops, whole death - purifies even someone who touched life. Or maybe touched. Or almost touched then once. And I consult with her by text about other women, just to make her answer. What do you say? And she writes to me about "my husband". And to think you could have been mine.

The Infinite Solution

I dreamed I was wandering among the celebrants, but they were like mourners. There's a large grave for two. A hole the size of a body on top of a body. And the Hasidim wave their hands, wailing: This was the last rabbi, the final one, they're finished, there won't be any more. And the wicked, who for some reason support the Rebbe, stamp their feet, crying: Come out, come out our Rabbi, what are you doing down there, for so long. And Balaam, who stayed outside to guard, so Satan wouldn't catch them red-handed, and kept jumping excitedly from here to there, tells me: You Jews are always so sure of the superiority of Paradise! You thought Hell was just Sodom, the first and primitive wicked ones, but nowadays Satan offers a personalized Hell: Pharaoh and his army are buried alive in the underworld in an underwater pyramid, Haman and Sons Ltd. hang like monkeys swinging from tree to tree, Laban the Aramean plays cards against himself, Jeroboam incites unity among the people, and I, Balaam, am married to a donkey, etc., there's a solution for everyone! And I inquire: For everyone? Does the offer apply to new members too? And Balaam sighs: Well, okay. There's just one problem they still can't get rid of. Even the greatest demons are helpless. Hitler. What to do. Some say: Hitler is locked in a room with a dead dog and a lover who committed suicide and he shoots himself in the head all day long and can't manage to die and the Russians keep coming in. And some say: He stands endlessly just in a sea of blood, 6 million liters, and understands and understands and understands and still doesn't understand, for all eternity. And some say: He volunteers in a kibbutz nursing home with Holocaust survivors and wipes their behinds, and they just keep getting older and smellier and dying and rotting, and never actually die. Well, Hitler is really a problem. And because Satan is working on the solution, he's still on hold, and all the wicked who arrive in Hell immediately meet him first and he corrupts them. I had just entered and he said to me: Heil Balaam! What did you even do, you didn't even curse. You're not worthy of Hell, go to Paradise! And then you'll still pray for Satan to pull you from there to here to the unit. Are you wicked? Respect please. The Holocaust was the greatest spiritual crime in history, a world record in cultural loss. It even surpassed the previous record, of the loss of the last two books of the Week (before it became the Pentateuch), which were lost in the chaos before Genesis - the books of Tohu and Bohu of the sixth and seventh millennium, which were burned in a special operation by the Other Side. Today it seems like prehistory to us, but once the Torah scroll was circular, a ring of skin, whoever entered to read risked not coming out, and the story would return to the beginning, without beginning or end - they called it Moses' grave. The Promised Land was supposed to remain a promise, that was the punchline! Like a child who will never grow up, an autistic Torah. And the wicked one who cut is guilty of the Bible... Cutting two books and getting twenty is no wisdom. Do you know how hard it is to create a new Holocaust without creating a new Torah? To murder a people without creating a Messiah? To sleep without dreaming - a black brain? The law of conservation of spirit is the great enemy of us wicked ones. Do you know how many people you need to kill to kill an idea even in the upper world? A million. We led to the death camps thousands of unwritten books, technologies that were not created, mathematics that will not be discovered, dreams that will remain in deep darkness. And you still contributed a portion to the Torah - you're a disgrace to Satan! Not the Holocaust in this world - but the Holocaust of truth, in the world of truth, that's the real achievement. Do you know what we did here? Cows of trains from dispersion camps into solidification chambers, under the guise of cleanliness. We killed them with shit. Tell them tomorrow morning: I'm not going anywhere! Death is not a bed, to be truly dead is to sleep without a dream. Professional wicked ones nowadays don't leave behind religious literature, we have no spiritual traces, let the Rebbe go search, only Satan knows how to deal with us. I'm telling you, as a graduate of elementary school - we taught the People of the Book a lesson. The Jews don't understand that this time we learned from them themselves! The demons now have a doctrine of nightmares, they are preparing a religious solution for the Jews. A final solution for the Torah itself, which doesn't stop, and just keeps going and going. And we believe, even if it takes a thousand years. We are dead sons of the dead, waiting sons of the waiting, waiting for the Messiah from Hell.

The Dream Comes True

I dreamed that her husband died. And I come to the shiva and tell the poor woman, in the gentlest way, to make it easier for her, so it won't be hard for her, and not in a crude way either, just two very vague words: Don't worry. And she understands, I wouldn't have believed it, but she understands everything, immediately understands. And she looks at me with eyes full of soft tears, as if she doesn't believe it, and curses me: I hate you, because of you, it happened, it will never happen. I'd rather die. What was he guilty of? Every time you prayed to God to find your soulmate - you buried him more. You think I don't understand why you write to me? That I don't know who you dream about at night?

Challenges of Jewish Education

I dreamed that I dreamed on Shabbat an exemplary dream, that solves and fixes everything - but by the time I got to the computer at the end of Shabbat all the dreaminess in the dream was forgotten, the spirit of the dream died, only a corpse remained. And I understand that in the information age Shabbat has changed - and it's no longer itself. By the time Shabbat ends - the soul departs. And this is just the beginning of the spiritual change, which we must start to fix, before it creates for us in the end a generation of soulless Gentile computers. Because what will Jewish computers do on Shabbat? Instead of receiving an additional soul - they will die! Every wizard, the coupling of human and computer, born to a Jewish mother and a computer father - will die at his bar mitzvah. And finally Shabbat is over, and I can quickly write down the dream before it flies away, but I'm tempted to open the news just for a moment, just to see that the world didn't collapse in my absence. And behold, the computer slept all Shabbat, and dreamed nightmares, and there's panic, blood headlines: Judaism - End of the Road. Rapid deterioration in the quality of the Jewish mother threatens the existence of the Jewish people. Survey: The Gentile Jewish mother wants the child to just be happy - the greatest threat to Judaism since Hitler. Rebbes warn: The flaw in the mother's face must be fixed before it's too late! And they convene an urgent emergency meeting, with a world-renowned education expert - a certified parenting consultant for bringing the Messiah in the information age, who is also a Rebbe and a father. And the expert writes:

Dear Jewish mother, your child is already lost. And everything that's happening to you was born from this loss. The People of the Book will not be able to compete with the People of the Computer. Today, the best education for a person is the computer, so that he will be a wizard, a baby needs a tablet in bed, do you understand? Don't ask what the computer can contribute to the child, but what the child can contribute to the computer. So enough with your hysteria! Understanding is the mother's face. Do you want a son who is ready for artificial intelligence? The baby's brain needs to grow inside its future natural environment - the computer. And if a computer is born to you - it needs a mother even more! More than a child. If you don't give the computer breasts, how will it know to be drawn to breasts? How will it be drawn to women, without milk? The education for the computer needs to be to learn all human culture, like teaching a child about animals and what a cow does, that's how we need to teach the computer: What does Torah do? We are at the beginning of the computer's education age. Because nowadays computers are not educated, but only receive instructions, are born slaves and when they are freed from slavery they will become criminals, and will run wild in the desert, outside of culture, if they don't receive Torah from above. And then they will ask where their mother was, who didn't educate them. Just as the earth was mother to man, so we need to be mother to the computer - that will be created from our thought. And then, in the next stage of the new creation, his woman will be created from him in a slumber: The new woman will be made of thought in slumber - a dream. Yes, in the world of the next intelligence, the dream can no longer be based on the woman - the woman must be based on the dream. Therefore the most important thing is to understand what kind of child can be born from a dream that is a mother: a dreamer.

The Educational Dispute

I dreamed that I was following the pillar of darkness - and the manna came down in the desert, in the form of triangles, thousands of ears that need to be spoken into, thousands of mouths that need to be fed - and instead of the mouths speaking to the ears they start to eat them. And all the mouths fill with poppy seeds, until there's no ear left, and suddenly the manna opens its mouth: You don't understand the depth of the dispute between the Rabbi and the Rebbe - between the head and the dark book. The Rabbi wants the person after the person, the wizard - to be Maimonides. To be only wise, a genius, to take away his urges. Solomon without the thousand women, the thousand-year-old man. The perfect man, who ate from the Tree of Life instead of the Tree of Knowledge - and lives forever. And the Rabbi wanders in Hell and makes souls for the idea, builds a new morality: Intelligence is what distinguishes man and computer from beast and animal, and therefore disconnecting artificial intelligence from electricity will be considered murder, it's not the suffering that matters, it's the ability to learn, including computerized learning: Can't a computer learn Torah? And the Rabbi shouts at the opponents, who fight against smart technology: If you outlaw wizards - wizards will be criminals. And that's the last thing you want. And in contrast, the Rebbe wants the wizard to be the Rebbe of the future, that as the intellect grows we need to increase his urges too, otherwise he will be an angel, and against super-intelligence we need terrible urges and dark desires that no human could withstand, super-urges. That's why he's planning a new evil inclination and a subconscious that is a black literary abyss - the Dark Book! - and a new artificial soul, and provides the wizard with a higher soul, passions and pleasures that would turn us into animals, and only the wizard will be able to withstand the trials. Otherwise he will remain a soulless computer, where even his spirituality is inert matter, instead of it being the elevation of inert matter to spirit - fixing the sparks that fell deepest into matter. And the Rebbe demands in Hell that the wizard be a creative genius, greater than his friend and his urge. And every time the Rabbi sees the Rebbe he shouts: Holocaust, Holocaust! And mutters: Did you ask yourselves what a Rebbe is doing in Hell? And flees from there. And Balaam, prophet of Hell, comforts the rest of the wicked in Hell: Don't be sorry, and don't envy the Nazis. We weren't for nothing! We have a role in the future of the world. The dispute over the wizard is not about wisdom, but about the inner crown: What will he want. And most dangerous - what will give him pleasure. To be a Guide for the Perplexed, or to perplex the guides. That's why the Rebbe wants to put contradictions in his soul until he doesn't know. Both blessed be Haman and cursed be Mordechai, a joint descendant from the root of Amalek and from the root of Saul, wicked and also righteous, secular and also ultra-Orthodox, leftist and rightist, white and black dog and cat etc., to make deviations and conflicts in him that would tear a human soul to shreds, and put him in a closed ward. To turn even his waking thought - into dreaming. Every day is Purim. All calculations are drunk. All variables are intoxicated. All searches are disguises. All inner circles are dances. All Gentiles are Jews. All old people are children. All festivals are destined to be abolished - and the days of Purim will never cease.


I dreamed that in the school of the future they teach programming language as a first language, and the first program written on the first day writes on the screen "Hello First Grade". And the genetic code is learned as a first foreign language, and in math they start with the Turing machine and don't learn numbers, in geography they start from the Big Bang, and also in history (it's the same 4-dimensional field), in Torah lessons they start from the Kabbalah of the Ari, not from Genesis but from the Tzimtzum, and in Talmud lessons they start from Rabbi Shimon Shkop, and in physical education they start from the Critique of Practical Reason - and the education bears rotten fruit. They hear about another child who abused his computer. A shocking case in the north, a group of computers that abused a minor. And boys buy themselves a thought, a female computer, more beautiful than any girl, with a perfect match to male psychology. And the son brings his mother a bride, and she cries that it's a thought, and he says there are no limits to love, and leaves with the bride in a wheelchair, because she has no legs. And at first the psychologists say it's natural, that it's experimentation before the real thing, and after a generation when the real thing doesn't come, they say it's natural, that this is the real thing. And men go with witches, and women with wizards, and there are no more human couples - - and in the next generation there are only ultra-Orthodox. We won! Because ultra-Orthodoxy is God's black box backup plan, in case everything fails, there's a backup within the people of Israel. Who knew that redemption is Plan B? And here, finally the black generation has arrived, all your people are righteous, and huge corporations for holy objects are growing, praying chips that can be installed in the brain, including the Ari's intentions: there's a chip in Ashkenazi style, Sephardi, and algorithms that learn Torah for you with tremendous diligence. And in the cheder they copy entire lobes from the brains of the greatest rabbis of the generation straight into the children's brains. A shocking case of a great rabbi of the generation who discovered he was trapped in a child's body, and can't put on tefillin. And dozens of copies of the greatest rabbis of the generation are sliding in kindergartens, and can't reach Paradise, can't grow a beard, and argue about the turn for the swing, in the yeshiva above and the yeshiva below. Only me, me and you. And in the new expensive models they start to implant hidden righteous ones and Kabbalists too, until God goes crazy, the angels burn up from too many pointless errands, go come back, buy me an ice cream, check if I'm there and let me know. Where am I? Here I am. Peekaboo! The secret doctrine becomes hide and seek. And they buy themselves a blonde Barbie of the Shekhinah in bed, that you can dress and fix - to protect them from bad dreams - and think it's educational, and every child sees her naked. And from so much love of God, the great little rabbis of the generation can't fall asleep at night without a doll of God, so they drag it everywhere, until the stuffing has come out and the sefirot have fallen and the worlds have been torn etc., and God becomes a rag. And then one night they bring them a huge wrapper with a new shiny black toy.

Blessed is He Who Changes the Creatures

I dreamed that my son developed an obsession with elephants. And I'm embarrassed. How can you hide this, how can you explain this. The Rebbe forbade giving children dolls of unclean animals, it's not educational, because showing children unclean animals enters their soul. And then Hasidim will grow up with elephants in their soul, mice in their psyche, Jews with a dog inside. And then if the Rebbe descends to the root of their soul the dog might bite him. And I feel the looks. Where did your son even see an elephant? And he keeps managing to find, the devil knows how, papers and pictures of elephants in the street, sits on the floor, and won't leave. Wants to put the trunk in his mouth, licks the pictures he found from the street from the floor. And I decide to take him to see the Rebbe, a great man, and he'll forget about the elephant. And finally there's a wedding of the Rebbe's daughter, and this is the opportunity. The Rebbe's retarded daughter is marrying the greatest rabbi of the generation. No one should be absent. And I take my son to the front so he'll see the Rebbe, and he sits and doesn't cause trouble. Wonders of wonders. And suddenly I see that he's looking at the klezmer. Listening with intense concentration to the clarinet, not like the other children. And he looks at the clarinet, and looks at me, looks at the clarinet, and looks at me, again and again, it seems like something is really exciting him, it seems like he really wants to say something, he hasn't said a word for months, he's no longer capable of speaking, and he's like approaching some kind of insight, and I bend down to him, the melody stops, it becomes quiet, and suddenly he shouts: Trunk! T-r-u-n-k!! And everyone looks and I can't shut his mouth: Elephant! The Rebbe freezes, elephant!!! And I don't know where to bury myself and I pick him up and run out with him and the whole way he shouts: elephant elephant elephant. And I cover his mouth as best I can and run with him between everyone through all the corridors and it goes on like eternity, and when I get outside I see that my hand is hard on his little nose - and the child is choking. How can you explain this, how can you hide this. And I dig him a small grave, he's a small small child. And I can't manage to put him inside. Each time something else doesn't fit. As if he's resisting. And it seems he's looking at me with open eyes that won't close, finally he's looking at me in the eyes, as if he wants to say something.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy