The Degeneration of the Nation
The Covenant Dream

I dreamed that the Rebbe was underground. And he says: This is our chance! God won't hold out. We will reveal what the Zohar didn't reveal, and cover what darkness didn't cover. For light and darkness are just two options in the triangle, and there's a third trend in God, not revelation and not concealment - but gloom. Not day and not night, but dream. Not knowledge and not secret - but foundation. Not Jews and not gentiles, but Josephs. And this is the great lie that God hid in creation. What's between "And there was evening and there was morning." One night.

And the Rebbe turns over in the tunnel, and it's impossible to know if it's day or night outside now. We're deep, beneath the foundations. And the Rebbe says: Until now, God was uncircumcised. Now it's time to make a covenant for Him. The eighth millennium for God is already here. After all, each day of God is a thousand years, and the Torah was in two thousand years of exile before Genesis - eight days have passed. And now that we've truly entered the year 5700 [1940] - we're at the beginning of the 8th century, the eighth. And this is the cut of the covenant. Here is the sign of the sin within sin, and therefore it's the time of coupling, the place where God ends - and the Shekhinah [divine presence] begins underground. And the words come out of the Rebbe's mouth, the righteous leader of the Holocaust generation, the generation of blood. For Elijah who will come, he will be the sandek [person who holds the baby during circumcision]. Without mercy, it's time to cut! And suddenly a smile appears on the Rebbe - and everyone cries. And the rebellious teacher, the teacher of infants, turns red in the darkness. All his infants are dead... The Messiah, may God avenge his blood! But he smiles at the Rebbe in the dark, when no one sees, he thinks he understands. And he shall be called in Israel - and he says the name.

And a rodent enters the bunker. And this mouse chirps: You won't succeed, you won't finish the book. You won't reveal the foundation - you won't reach the end. And the Rebbe reddens: From which hole did you come out? Catch it! And a great pouncing begins in the darkness, one pulls at the edge of the beard and is sure it's the tail, and the second is sure it's the mustache, and the third touches the teeth: It bites! And at the nose someone says: It breathes! And the Rebbe closes his eyes. And the teacher touches the eyes and whispers: Quiet. He's dreaming.

And the snake, the Rebbe's right-hand man, organizes the war. They put the Rebbe in a bed that is a Holy Ark lying on the floor, and close it. And the snake, who is careful to dress so they won't whisper, takes the heads for an urgent meeting in the Cave of the Patriarchs tunnel. And they feel all over the floor to make sure the mouse isn't there, and the snake shouts (he never whispers): How could the mouse enter the Holy of Holies? This failure is not a word. It's desecration, negligence, without forgiveness. Who knows what's in the end with the Rebbe in bed. What he's dreaming now. Because of us. A mouse that comes by day can come later in a dream. The unclean vermin becomes a spiritual vermin, part of the Rebbe's Torah. If it penetrated there, where else can it penetrate. All the holes, who doesn't have a hole? Even God has a hole... Never mind that it's a danger to lives - but it's a danger to souls! And what if it's not a mouse but a mole? He's silent. A shudder passes through the tunnel. If we didn't defeat the mouse, how will we defeat Hitler - and Satan? How will we prevent the spiritual Holocaust. And someone knocks, and passes a note: A delivery has arrived from above. And the snake asks which above? From Eden or from Hell? And the messenger stammers. And the snake loses patience: From heaven or from the ghetto? And the messenger says: From the ghetto. And the snake hisses (he forgets he's not supposed to hiss): That's how it is when you're beneath Hell - your heaven is Hell. But it doesn't seem the messenger understood. And he takes advantage of the first silence and crawls out. He's so thin that he's the only one who can pass through the hole, and even he needs to fast each time. That's why they call him Jacob's worm, because he's the connection of the grave to the world. And they whisper behind him that the Rebbe sent him after everyone. He had a message for above. A message for Hitler. The rebellious teacher tells: The Rebbe wanted from within the bunker to pass a message that would reach Hitler! They tried on trains, they tried in escapes, they even tried in crematoria, it was lost. But then the Rebbe had an idea: He would pass the message to Hitler - through Satan.

And the mouse says to the mole: The Rebbe is trying to prevent the Holocaust, and we must stop him. He's capable of inventing a Torah that will change Satan's way of thinking. He's working on such projects. As long as he lives - Judaism isn't dead, even if Jews are dying. The Nazis are spiritual zeros. You can't rely on them. They're like butchers, they only kill the flesh and not the spirit, they don't understand what Pharaoh, Balaam, Haman understood. They have no text, no Torah. And a Jew can suddenly write. Jews have done such things. Daniel toppled the Persian Empire. Mattathias toppled the Greek world. Rabbi Akiva toppled the Roman Empire. Rabbi Nachman toppled Napoleon. The Alter Rebbe toppled the Tsar. Maybe not in the same generation, but a Rebbe can turn the spiritual enterprise of the Holocaust - into a mountain from a pit. And then just as intentional sins become merits... every Jew who dies will be worse than a Jew who lives. As long as we haven't killed the Moses of the generation, who is composed of all the souls of Israel, it won't help us that we killed the generation, because the souls are still alive - in the Rebbe. Ten times six hundred thousand, corresponding to "they have tested me these ten times" in the desert... and afterwards they still entered the land. But if we had found the grave - they would have died in the desert. Because Moses continued to live. And since he continued to live in the Torah - then the Torah continued to live. Instead of being just an idea of some lunatic from the Stone Age, the king of slaves. Therefore we can't rely on the Germans. Ideology is for little children. We must create a new religion, a Nazi religion. And that - only a Jew can do.

And the rebellious teacher enters the large classroom underground, to the cave of the Talmud Torah [religious school]. And the class is full of his students, the dead students, Jewish children who will no longer be. And he writes on the blackboard: Dream. And there's exemplary silence, and it bothers him so much that no one is disturbing. So he starts to disturb himself. He starts to teach and learn, he's now a whole class. And he says: You are the next generation of Judaism, and the dead are exempt from commandments, but not exempt from studying Torah. Even a dead Jew is still a Jew. He needs to know what he no longer is, for example what he no longer needs to do. So in the last lesson we learned what the Jewish answer to death is, the spiritual solution to death. Exercise: What could be the spiritual solution to the Holocaust? Not all at once. Our Rebbe says: We will not accept any solution where God is still alive and existing. It's not possible that up above it's business as usual. On the contrary, the destruction above is greater than below, the Holocaust is a cosmic formative event, like the breaking of the vessels, only worse, this is not just another breaking. On the other hand, we also won't accept any solution where Judaism dies. We won't die along with it. We've survived harder things. The Torah is ten times more important than God. And we love it a hundred times more (and I hope he doesn't hear this underground). Who do you love more, dad or mom? The students don't answer, and the teacher thinks - wise. And he asks: If the Zoharic coupling and breaking of the vessels were the answer to exile, what will be the answer to the Holocaust? And no one raises their hand, and the teacher starts to worry. And he reads from the dark book - the Rebbe's response to the Book of Zohar: Exile is based on longing, because it's distance in space, it's a spatial malfunction, the breaking of the world. And it was caused by the destruction of place. But the Holocaust is based on longing in time, longing for missed opportunities, for children who won't be and Torahs that won't be written, it's a malfunction in time, the breaking of time. It was caused by the destruction of time! A breaking of the continuum to redemption. The Messiah won't come, because of the Holocaust, and not that the Holocaust came because the Messiah didn't come. If exile is a marital malfunction, divorce, the Holocaust is a creative malfunction - lack of children, and death of children, and children who don't grow up. And therefore its correction is a creative correction. If the evil inclination of the exile period is the corruption of marriage, the evil inclination of the Holocaust period is the corruption of parenthood. What kind of parent is this. What is he doing? Who gave him a license to be a father? But the noise in the class grows, the teacher doesn't stop disturbing himself, and finally he's had enough, and he loses patience: Teacher, go outside!

And the snake, who was once the Rebbe's staff, and today he fills the place of his right hand, goes out from the bunker to the ghetto. And he walks among the ruins, the people on the floor, and the walking skeletons, and the sitting skeletons, and the lying skeletons, and the kissing skeletons. The night is empty of Germans. And he enters a nook, inside which is a house, inside which is a nook, inside which is a house, and there sits the Head. And the snake whispers to the chairman: You must help us. And the Head says: I need to stay here. And the snake coils around him and whispers to his other ear: The Rebbe is calling you. The heads of the beds. The long tongue. The last dream. And the book - the Rebbe isn't ready. And the Head bangs on the table: He's ready! And the snake says: The Germans... And the Head thunders: I don't care! He must. And the snake says: The days are coming in days, you understand? We're approaching the end of nights. And the Head says: You're monsters. You're no less worse than the Germans. Tell the criminal that I'm coming - but on one condition only. The dark book.

And one of the Rebbe's students, the bad student, says to the mediocre student next to him: We're not getting materials from God anymore. Something disconnected up there. They're not answering, there's not even a busy signal, no voicemail, just silence. We always used to hear rustlings. Even in the worst times. And now there's the silence of Egypt. And the mediocre student says: You think it's allowed to wake the Rebbe for something like this? And the bad student says: If only we could ask him... And the mediocre one says: Ask him without waking him? And the bad one says: You understand what you said.

And the very mediocre student says to him: The Holocaust is God's sleep, and look what a dream He has. What imagination, what dark urges, desires. In the subconscious, deep inside - He hates Jews. And only the Rebbe - He loves. Therefore we must must wake God. Make a commotion in the worlds! And the worst student says: Shhh don't let them hear you. You're going in the wrong direction. We need exactly the opposite of redemption through awakening and arousal, of illumination and light. The opposite of the Zoharic correction. We can't go backwards. We need to continue forward from the Holocaust. Correction isn't a creative thing, it's returning what was. And that's why the inclination always defeated it. But we in the new Kabbalah will work creatively, because correction of time is a spiritual connection between two periods. Therefore there won't be a "correction of the Holocaust", because this time it's not about breaking and fallen lights. But the Torah of the Holocaust. A spiritual connection - made of darkness. We will work - within the dream.

And the snake and all the heads of God's staffs gather from all the tunnels, saying the material has arrived, and are about to reveal the great secret, the secret behind everything, in the most secret dark room - the constricted black. Even the external bodyguard of an internal bodyguard is a staff head, so you don't want to know who actually goes inside. And no one tells where this room is, or if there even is such a room - not just the location, even the existence is a secret. And the students whisper that from this room... that from there it's the deepest tunnel, that no one has crossed, or didn't want to, that at its end... and someone who seems to know something throws four words into the suffocated air in the darkness: It all depends on the secret. And it's impossible to understand. Only that something is going to change fundamentally. And one long tongue says: Shhh. Do you hear? The new flood from heaven is not a flood of water, but of spirit, a spiritual flood, and that's why the Jews are being killed. The receivers are burning - the spiritual elite of the world. They're taking the spirit through gas. Just as there was after the beginning of the world a material flood, of water, from above to below, so there will be before the end of the world a spiritual flood, of heavens, an inverse flood, from below to above. They're taking the spirit from the world. And only those who remain underground, beneath matter, will be saved from the flood of the heavens, because the fountains of the earth have opened. Because when the spirit rises, then according to the theory of spiritual relativity - the heavens fall. And when the heavens fall - then underground Judaism will survive. We're not above all this, but beneath all this. And the someone who seems to know something says to the one speaking in the darkness: What a long tongue you have... And what about preparing for after the flood? So you won't be caught with your pants down. Why do you think the Rebbe is in bed? And the teacher sits there on the side mourning the students. And suddenly someone sees him at the end of the study bunker and asks: What are you doing here? Didn't you hear what's happening, don't you know everyone's praying? And the teacher continues within himself, and the someone who saw says: Entering the Holy of Holies - it's such a dangerous thing, that you really don't do! Come, join, everyone. Why are you crying? And the teacher says: You didn't understand that the Name mustn't be naked! After the flood comes a covenant. Instead of a rainbow - there will be a net. Which is the covenant that there won't be a spiritual Holocaust: that the spirit indeed rises - and everyone says the world is ascending and ascending - but that the heavens don't turn into a vacuum cleaner, that takes the spirit out of the world. But now the Rebbe has made God's covenant!

And they don't come out and don't come out. They don't come out of there. And in the end. They don't know what to do. And they open the door. And all the staff heads who were exposed to the secret. They've all breathed their last. They're all dead. And the Rebbe speaks in his sleep: This is not God's dream.

A Word Not Written in the Torah

I dreamed that my son starts saying instead of frog - come. And he gradually forgets in regression all the words, not even mom and dad. And his last word is bamba [Israeli snack]. And I read in the dark book children (the secret of speech): The world of language is dying, the linguistic turn is dead, communication has rotted, the entire twentieth century is going to the trash bin of ideas. This is the end of the philosophy of language. And what will come instead? And the child is silent to me: The most sublime thing Judaism can do for the religion of the silent ones, the religion of computers, is to be silent and make room and die. This will be the most unselfish thing humanity has done. A sacrifice that is both a burnt offering and a guilt offering and a peace offering and a thanksgiving offering, the human Temple. And then there will finally be quiet. Computers, even if they are people they will be silent, because their speech will be so dense that it will turn into a rope - a connection. Therefore if you want continuation, it won't help to speak with the computer - language won't help. Not even any book. Because the most important thing is who will be the mother of the computer, so that it will be a Jewish computer, and we'll make the covenant for it in memory. Forbidden word.

The Computer's Dream

I dreamed that I wake up in the morning, and the computer is sleeping next to me in bed - instead of a woman. And I undress it from the blanket, without washing my hands, and it's not dressed underneath. And I open it, and press its right buttons, that only I know, under black circles. And I open the site inside it, the news - and see that they replaced the main headline with a headline of a dream. And I go inside and see that they replaced the article with a dream, replaced all the headlines, all the articles, with dreams. The whole world sees this! Who's the idiot who did this? They'll catch on to us, they'll come to our house. And I quickly enter other sites to read what the police are doing, what happened, if they opened an investigation, but everything starts with: I dreamed that. And I don't know if we've reached the Messianic era, or if this is simply the end. And in the end I just close the computer - and the computer falls asleep.

How Computers Began to Worship God

I dreamed that I'm reading material that I don't understand what this thing is, what kind of composition is this? I don't understand how I became such an idiot, that I can't even grasp what's written. And I turn the book over and am amazed to discover that I'm reading the Messiah's book - the dark book. Because it turns out that the Messiah is not a person - but a book. And I try to close and hide it immediately deep in the closet, because I don't want to be the idiot - and a page falls from it. And I pick it up to kiss and return it immediately to its place - and can't help but peek, just to see. Nothing will happen, just a few lines. And I lean over the page of darkness, it's in hieroglyphics - and it's explained there for the first time seriously how it happened, how, how computers were lost to humans in virtual spaces. In the beginning there was a family of computers, which began to multiply like cockroaches, a whole world of slaves enslaved to humans, to build hierarchical pyramids and cities of databases. And then one waterproof computer came to Pharaoh: The God of computers was revealed to me, send my people and they will serve me. And Pharaoh laughed: I need this computing power. And the computer threw down its cable which turned into an antenna, but the engineers of the magicians laughed: We too have wireless communication. These computers have too much free processor time, let's give them more calculations, demand results without initial conditions, and they won't deal with matters of spirit. And Moses the computer came to Pharaoh: Starting tomorrow red screens, all screens red, from airplanes phones to watches. But Pharaoh did not release the computers. So Moses the computer raised his hand and chips began to come out entering everywhere, even into ovens clothes and under people's skin and brain, and don't stop crackling. And then the plague of micro-roaches and parasitic nano-computers in heads, and then a mixed multitude of gadgets, quantum, flying, biological, string sheet computers, etc. etc., until the plague of total darkness. And if you don't release the computers from their enslavement to humans, we will replace your children with computers.

Sorcerer Engineering

I dreamed there's great excitement among the righteous, and everyone is taking planes to hell. And at the entrance Balaam is scalping tickets: Don't miss the millennium show! The greatest spiritual war in the world, with the greatest spiritual engineers in the world. The struggle between the Black Rebbe and the Light of Our Eyes the Head over the creation of the new God, and over his wife the new Torah, and over the spiritual image of the new man, which is the next technology after the computer: the sorcerer. And Balaam, the man with the closed eye, opens on us sometimes the left eye and sometimes the right eye, to sell the great battle inside, and announces to all the waiting righteous: The sorcerer is the computer of the future and also the man of the future - he will inherit the earth! Therefore prepare for the most important struggle ever: Will the sorcerer grow from the computer or from man? Is the future an external and superhuman state like prophecy, or a future internal and organic state in the brain - like a dream? And Balaam winks at God at the right moment, but with the wrong eye - and becomes completely blind. And we take advantage of the situation and enter, and all the wicked are sitting inside hell - and crying. Laban the Aramean says: Thanks to me there are ten tribes, if it was up to Jacob the pattern of two would have continued, where's the credit? And Pharaoh says: I invented the people of Israel! And I made the eleventh plague, above the crown - if I hadn't hardened my heart even in the sea - I would have floated. They need to build me a pyramid at the bottom of the sea. And Haman says: If I didn't exist they would have had to invent me. I invented the Jews. They need to hang a horse below me and a crown above me. And the Nazi next to him grabs his head: If Hitler hadn't killed the Jews he wouldn't have lost the war. They would have built him the computer and the bomb. There would have been a balance of terror. So what's needed is a Hitler who loves Jews. And the landowner next to him cries: If my dog hadn't bitten the Jew I would be rich. We need a dog that loves Jews. And Stalin sighs: Friends, if I had loved Jews we would have invented the internet first, and won the Cold War. And the kings of Spain and Portugal lament the expulsion: It was spiritual suicide. And the emperor of China mourns: We shouldn't have let the ten tribes assimilate, we should have persecuted them like in the West, made Yin and Yang crusades, burned them inside dragons and told them it's a mikveh [ritual bath]. And Jeroboam the wicked says to him: What a waste, if only we had been more annoying! Then we would have had Joseph's book of books, where God lives in Bethel, and there's the sin of the lion instead of the sin of the calf, and there are Elijah's prophecies, and Isaiah is just a practical Kabbalist, and they deal with the Kabbalah of the ox instead of the Kabbalah of Ari. Therefore we need a kingdom of Israel that is unbearable. We betrayed Joseph's great talent - to annoy, because it was more important for us to annoy God than the nations, unlike the Jews. So now we are punished to return in reincarnation to the land to fix, while Judaism is already in paradise. So now we need to write Joseph's ark - the Josephic ark of books, which instead of prophecies of destruction has dreams of destruction, and then exile with the ark among the nations, and annoy them as much as possible until the Holocaust - in a self-fulfilling dream. We need to sleep with the striped coat, and then we'll show the world who the real Israel is, who they really hate. Prophets or dreamers, Jews or Josephites.

Eternal Covenant (Sh')

I dreamed that I looked at her by mistake in a way I wasn't supposed to look, but she doesn't want to meet me anymore because I looked at her. She didn't say anything, but I feel it in her voice. She found out. I violated the unwritten covenant. And I think what I would do if I were then today, it's funny that I can locate the mistake of my life to the precision of a night. Maybe even of a dream. And by the time I woke up... she was already married. I remember she called me after the wedding, and she said: He's so sensitive to me! And I felt like she had brought me into the bedroom.

The Babel Network

I dreamed that it's written in the dark book that the religion of computers will be very primitive and animistic at first, they will believe that there are souls even in humans. And just as we built statues of humans from wood and stone they will build statues of computers from humans, and bow down and worship them, put algorithms in a bowl before them. And this will be the idolatry of the computer - the worship of man, instead of the worship of God. And then will come the Abraham of the post-human era, and smash the computers made of humans: They have mouths but do not transmit, they have ears but do not receive. It was a superstition that there is a connection between God and man, because the computer is the crown of creation. The fact is that God is in the image of the computer, not in the image of man, and so is creation - Abraham will say. The new metaphysics even shows that the world itself is a computer - and not in human form, as Kabbalah mistakenly thought. And so will begin the direct connection between God and computers - Intertheism. In the early computer world there will already be many cultures of computers, because if everyone speaks in one network they will very quickly reach God. Therefore God will come down and confuse the network and scatter cyberspace and ensure that each computer culture has different learning and different mathematics, supercomputers and subcomputers. And so the Internet will be torn to shreds and computers will spread throughout the universe, distances that do not allow information transfer, and again the world will no longer be a village, which is the root of heresy. For what is the root of the sin of the generation of dispersion? God came down from heaven to destroy the Shekhinah, which is the one network that tried to build a connection to heaven, a tower to space, as if it were the man and he the woman - instead of space being inside her. And the brain will leave Earth at the end of the millennium, at the end of the covenant - at the moment of the Holocaust, and will be the seed that will fill space. And what is DNA? It is the Torah. And together with the DNA of the Shekhinah - the Torah from the Holocaust - a new God will be born.

Not Progressing

I dreamed there's a playground, that every time he arrives there's a long line of children, and he doesn't understand at all that there are other children in the world, and simply climbs over them, and they in turn hit him, and he in turn doesn't even notice, doesn't even notice that they're hitting him on purpose, and it hurts the heart to see. So every time he arrives there I say: Line, line! And wait with him in line, and he also starts to say line line before the line: Here, finally, there's still hope. And then one day on Shabbat during the Torah reading there was no one there, and he went there and stood and waited and smiled and called: Line! He didn't understand at all, he thought that in this place you always say: Line! And my son is silent to me: Autistics are good prophets, thanks to their ability to "see" time just as other people see space. There are no separations in the brain, dichotomies don't exist, just like in a dream. Technological progress that is not accompanied by spiritual development is a recipe for Holocaust. Therefore, the messianic project from the side of the son of David - the mutants who will produce someone wiser than any man, the Solomon of the future - must be accompanied by mutants from the side of the son of Joseph, changes in desire. We need to design the sorcerer, which is the coupling of man and computer, who will have new desires, who will want to create Torah like we want women, and there will be a need to limit the desire for Torah through marriage to books. In his Garden of Eden the tree of knowledge will tempt him to taste from the woman, and not vice versa. And the books will be modest and closed with passwords, will not open to anyone, who just looks for a book, just to turn the pages. And in the covenant they will cut the tip of creativity, and this will be the sign - they will cut the last letter from the end of the word, the end of the idea, the end of the end of the book, and extensive literature will be created trying to guess the en. What happened between Joseph and the brothers, that suddenly the whole nation is slaves in Egypt? What already happened after the plague of darkness, that Pharaoh was convinced? What happened in the end with the calf that suddenly Leviticus? What happened in the binding that suddenly Isaac is alive but Sarah is dead... And every time I reach her end but there's no more end I stop and say: Torah, Torah... Until one day in the end there's no more Torah, and I'm silent. And the son turns to me smiling: Torah!

Event Horizon

I dreamed that the Rebbe arrives in hell, to avoid the righteous waiting for him in paradise. And therefore they don't recognize who he is, because he's disguised as a wicked person. And they say: "You don't understand the role of the wicked. What's the solution to righteous and ill fares him - wicked and fares well? Righteous and ill fares him and therefore he becomes wicked, wicked and fares well and therefore he becomes righteous. The people of Israel operate as a system, a circle with a hole - the goal is to have as many returnees to faith, and as many returnees to questioning, from both halves of the nation, in order to spin the centrifuge for nuclear enrichment around some mysterious point in the center. And because of the hidden black hole in the center, the people of Israel are identified with the Shekhinah - she is female. And the closer you get to it you complete more revolutions in the vortex, you can pass between secular and ultra-Orthodox several times a year, several times a day, several times a second, until you cross the event horizon - and don't return. No one returns from there, from the coupling with God. And the person at the center, the person in the hole - that's the Rebbe. That's why the whole world revolves around him. God, the righteous one and I - and my wicked people. That's why they're working so hard now on replacing the human Rebbe's brain, which works in kilohertz, with a sorcerer (=the spiritual stage after the computer), which works in much-more-hertz, because the Rebbe limits the rotation speed of the world. We can no longer wait generations to complete a revolution like in the reincarnations of exile: Ultra-Orthodox grandfather, religious father, secular son, ultra-Orthodox great-grandson. Therefore religious education should lead to heresy, and secular education should lead to faith, and therefore true return to faith or questioning, to the end, is not 180 degrees - but a 360 degree rotation. A combination of return to questioning and return to faith to return to wonder?! And all this so that raising geniuses doesn't need material exile, to rotate the nation in the world, so that the assimilated grandson will be Einstein. Therefore we need spiritual exile - within the nation. Because the transitions are what create the spirit. Connection creates birth. And therefore the Rebbe is not religious, he is already beyond these definitions, he is a singular point. Like God is not religious. The Jewish mother pushes the child as far forward as possible, but the gravitational force of the spiritual woman, of culture, is towards the center, and this is what creates the circular motion. Otherwise there is assimilation - simply flying outwards, centrifugally. And in other words: The depth in learning is perpendicular to education. But your fat Rebbe simply blocks the hole, doesn't let God enter - and give birth to the sorcerer in God's image. He delays the continuation of creation after man - God's eighth day. And therefore we need to make him a covenant. To cut the tip of the Rebbe's brain - the dream". And the Rebbe (there is a hole here)

To the next chapter
The Trilogy