The Degeneration of the Nation
Supreme Holocaust
Who's Deceiving Whom

I dreamed I was fleeing to the network of tunnels beneath where Eden once was, before the supreme destruction, and today there's hell there. And everyone is angry that above we're dying like flies while those blacks live like mice underground. And Satan is constantly searching for the Black Torah, which those scoundrels are hiding, and peeling layer after layer from God, uprooting the trees of knowledge and life, tearing out pages and stripping branches, ripping curtain after curtain, breaking through the screen saver (inside help?), and capturing all the hiding animals. But Torah - there is none. And below the mice say we're saving the Black Torah from Satan, but to the same extent saving Satan from the Black Torah. And Moses of the Holocaust, the one who was supposed to lead the people of Israel out of the camps, and lead them to redemption, says: Rectification of the Holocaust? Hitler in gematria [Jewish numerology] equals donkey, the Messiah was about to arrive, some peak was built there, and that's always the most vulnerable moment. But, it's actually very logical that the exile would end in catastrophe, not redemption. Because the Holocaust is already beyond Satan, further to the left. There's something beyond the Sitra Achra [evil realm], the left arm of God - something connects to it. Because Satan himself died in the Holocaust, and he doesn't know it yet. Therefore as a balance we must have God hold something in his right hand, so he doesn't fall entirely to the left into the Sitra Achra - something before Abraham. We need a different and new spiritual technology, that isn't rectification, outside of God on the right side, because there's something outside of God on the left side. And this is no longer repairable, because breaking has repair, but this is death, and therefore requires revival, a new type of life, of vitality. And the mouse says: There are many souls that were cut off and don't ascend above, many ends, tails, and therefore everyone needs to continue one soul, to carry two souls, one from the Holocaust and one's own, and to marry it with one's soul, so that a new soul will be born in him - and I am but dust and ashes. And indeed if we continue in God the balance of extreme left with extreme right, we discover in the end that there is no end and that it's actually circular, and that if we move further and further to the sides there is a place behind where they meet, in the coupling of the end and not the center. And thus we must fight the tails and turn them into circles. Because if in the first sin the serpent was the most cunning - today it's the fox. And just as there were the serpent, the woman and man, today the trio is the fox, the donkey and the Messiah, and the fox must not seduce the donkey, but rather the Messiah must seduce the donkey. Or are they fooling the donkey again? Messiah in gematria equals serpent.

The Missing One

I dreamed we have a child in the family they didn't tell me about, that they hid from me, and I decide to call him for now "the missing son", until I find out who it is. And all the children behind the synagogue run away, and all my babies cry, they don't tell them the truth, they don't understand. They only know that he's missing. And I remember the cow that loved me. Could it all have been a lie? From so much importance placed on keeping the screen, nothing is framed. And I remember, the baby with the beard, why didn't I hear about him anymore, why. And the innocent cow, that disappeared underground. Is this heaven? One dark denial - from children? So I deny. Any connection. Really any connection. Was it all a lie? And Moses charges at the rock in fury, hitting and hitting. And not a single tear comes out. And I escape to the transparent worlds.

Closed in a Closed Circuit

I dreamed that in the future they find a kosher way to commit sins. And great righteous men take their brains and implant them in animals, and then they're no longer Jews, not even human. And there are murderous donkeys, rapist horses, a cow practicing idolatry, and Hasidic bears eating schnitzel in its mother's milk while wearing shaatnez [forbidden mixture of wool and linen] streimels [fur hats]. And there are special keyboards so they can turn on the computer on Shabbat, and in every room there's a button that turns off God. And everyone is celebrating but I - feel awful and bitter. The former Rebbe again enters a war he cannot win. And nothing helped, my babies are devoted Hasidim of the new Rebbe. And the fact that my room is the size of the whole world leads to the whole world being the size of my room. And Joseph is killed in the dream. His pajamas are full of blood. And the brain ark sank into the ground, there were no survivors, the dove returned and didn't find the ark. The culture of secrecy died, and even its death was in secret. And they implant the brains of holy animals in Jews and suddenly there are dogs obligated to wear tefillin [phylacteries] and they can't resist chewing the boxes, and pulling them by the straps, and foxes wearing streimels, and Rebbes blowing the shofar with their trunks. And Satan lies with his female Hasidim, they wear tzitzit [ritual fringes] and he wears sidelocks, and afterwards the Hasidim bring babies with horns. And Moses ascends Mount Abarim and jumps. And his body is not found either. And only the Black Torah remains on Simchat Torah [holiday celebrating the Torah]. And they can take my babies from me. The child. And I take him to the mountain and try to tell him something he'll remember, without revealing what not to reveal. And I say: There's more! Death is not the end of the world. Years ago, Dad was a human. And he met a man in the forest, a wise man. Do you understand? Do you understand the words? The world is round, not because space is round, but because time is round. And the circle of Torah is the circle of time. And for the Messianic era we need to reach the time after the future and before the past - a time we haven't yet reached, and that ended long ago.

The Next Generation of the Donkey

I dreamed that Moses rose in the resurrection of the dead. But just as his grave is unknown, so too it's unknown where he was born, where he rose from. And they search for him in the desert and don't find him. And there's great confusion, what, all kinds of nobodies rose, rabbis no one's heard of, the whole Bible is wandering around the land and asking forgiveness from each other before they start fighting again, and specifically great Moses - is gone. And Isaac says to David: Wow, Dudi, I always wanted to meet you. And David says: I didn't imagine you like this, Itzik, such a hottie. And Isaac says: Don't start. In short, they discover they're not so crazy about each other. And Joseph says to Judah, I didn't imagine you'd destroy me like that after all I did for you, and Jonathan gives David a punch and another slap for what he did to his descendants. And Rashi says to Abraham: What, you're a dwarf? I didn't imagine people in the era of the Patriarchs were so short, the seven Ushpizin [guests] are really the seven dwarfs. Now I understand the spies. And the worst are the generation of the desert, who enter every hole in the land for the first time, and say: This is what they teach? The desert was on a much higher level. We really need to ask forgiveness from the spies! And the Messiah's donkey understands that he needs to take care of the next generation of redemption, because even the dead won't live forever, and soon there will be war. The righteous are already polishing their shofars, and there's a secret project building a super-shofar, and no one knows what it will do. And there are shofars with screens that you blow with your eyes, and trunk ones you blow with your nose, and an ideological shofar you wear like a hat on your head, and the donkey has a shofar from its tail. And it's clear it's only a matter of time until the wrong shofar, from the wrong hole, things will reach the wrong ear - and the destruction of redemption will begin. The Holocaust of the resurrection of the dead.

And the donkey tries to save time with the help of children. Because if all times are in the same place and all places are in the same time, then the only way to move forward and backward is inside children and the elderly. And therefore repentance, which turns back time, must be inside children, and progress in time - inside the elderly Rebbes. No wonder the Rebbe returned to being a child, and the child became a Rebbe. And the holy donkey says: The most important conduit is between grandfather and grandson, and Abraham's uniqueness was that he was the grandfather of his son. And the connection of the living head to the plant network, to the thicket, was through an intermediary conduit - plant to animal - shofar. Therefore the solution for the head is not a hat, but horns. And therefore redemption is the horn of your anointed one, which will allow connecting all the heads in a network. Just as the first coupling of the head in the network was Genesis, because Torah is always written in a network of writers and writings, and therefore by divine inspiration. And now there will be - the coupling of the end times. And the donkey opens a matchmaking office called "Last Generation", and I enjoy answering the phone and saying my boss is a donkey. And every Abraham I match with Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, all according to the names. And the donkey gets angry: Do you want the Book of End Times to be a rerun of the Book of Genesis? And he does experiments in incest with the righteous: Isaac and Sarah, Abraham and Rebecca, Joseph and Rachel. And he tells me if Leah comes in, what will you do, look for Esau? Who calls their son Esau, she'll remain single. And he matches Reuben and Bilhah, Judah and Tamar, and so on. And I say: By that logic why not Amnon and Tamar? And here enters a righteous innocent maiden of her generation, and I ask her what's your name, and she answers: Dinah, and I see the look in his eyes, and I say no, and I see - and say don't you dare, and he tells her wait for me in the office, I have something special for you.

Simchat Torah [Rejoicing of the Torah]

I dreamed that the refugee from Eden arrived. And he says: Everything they told us is a lie. And here I see in him the movement of the Rebbe, when he was in distress, lowering his head, and suddenly spreading his hands upward. And I understand that he saw it somewhere. The Rebbe said it's no longer permitted to pray, and only this movement is allowed instead. And everyone around is dancing enthusiastically around the Black Torah, except it's missing in the middle, and we huddle in the corner and he says: I remember you when you were little. Simchat Torah! Come, I'll reveal something to you, in joy [simcha] there's the language of erasing [macheh]: utterly erase.
- What happened there?
- Beneath Eden there's a network, tunnels, those who weren't expelled hide there. Have you ever seen a talking snake, like in the Torah? Everyone who was created and we know nothing about, because they never left Eden. And when the Supreme Holocaust began, this network was the only possibility, for those who didn't flee in advance to the black worlds. The Rebbe isn't guilty of anything. And by the way, Satan is far from being evil, he's simply righteous in his domain. If only Satan were the problem.
- What happened to the ark?
- Inside the ark is the Black Torah. You know what happened to the tablets of the covenant, and that's still the Torah of rectification, so imagine regarding the Torah of chaos. The angels, of course, were the first to cooperate with Satan, and save themselves. The animals, at least, were with us. And then he turns to leave, and I see behind him coming out of his pants - a tail.

Moses in the Ark in the Oven

I dreamed I'm running in the black world. And all the trees are crying, and one dove that escaped from Eden says: This is the difference between a flood of water and a flood of heaven, between a lower Holocaust - Holocaust Tata'ah - and an upper one - Holocaust Ila'ah. In the previous flood the fish were lucky, and all the other animals survived in an artificial fish, until a bird freed them. While in this flood the birds live, and whoever survives is inside an artificial bird, and all the fish died, except for those inside the bird.
- What happened with all the righteous of Eden?
- They're hiding from the heavens inside the earth of Eden, but the heavens are entering their tunnels and suffocating them, only those who live in the air can survive. One must subsist on spirit. Because when Satan approached everyone fled, and the trees cried that they can't flee, and begged us not to abandon them, and in the second stage they cried not to cut them down, because there were those who adopted a scorched earth policy, entire white worlds that turned into red worlds that turned into black worlds. And Satan never came.
- Didn't come?
- They say he's sick. May he die.
- Die? And the Rebbe?
- Your Rebbe lives in the world of spirit. He wasn't interested in the destruction of place, but of time. He understood that the structural change in the upper world requires an appropriate Torah, and this is the entire Torah. The Black Torah. For example, it's forbidden to pray like before, because you might accidentally pray instead of to God - to Satan. And all the changes that happened in the earth are simply a result of the changes in heaven. The new chaos requires new vessels, into which it can descend. The Rebbe simply gave language to the darkness, to the black lights from above, to the gloom above the radiance.
- Are you willing to take me?
And the dove says: You didn't understand. Your Rebbe actually assisted in the destruction of Eden, he and his council of "geniuses". Judenrat [Jewish council under Nazi rule]. Decided he was the new Moses, after all a Rebbe is the soul of Moses in the generation, and therefore he needs to take us out of heaven like from Egypt. Lives in a dream, and dreams that new heavens will bring a new earth, but actually causes and brings a new heavenly Holocaust. Goes around with his staff everywhere, and meanwhile - plagues. No wonder they "love" him. I'm not going back there.

Shemini Atzeret [Eighth Day of Assembly]

I dreamed I meet in the darkness a pair of eyes, a tail, and a beak. A raven. And the black one calls: What are you doing here under the blanket? - Blanket? - What did you think it was, heaven? Woe if there were heavens here. That would be the end. And the raven croaks: Tear tear. If on Atzeret on the seventh day of Passover is the tearing of the sea, on Shemini Atzeret the tearing of the heavens, and we pray about the two Holocausts, in spirituality and in physicality: Who causes the wind to blow - the Holocaust of heaven, Who makes the rain fall - the Holocaust of water. No wonder Satan is depressed, when the new Holocaust makes him look like a righteous one, a black sheep, and soon they'll execute him too, like the evil inclination for idolatry R.I.P. Black black, but there I won't return.

And This is the Torah of the Future

I dreamed the raven brings me to the window a white hair, from Elijah's beard, who is found with a Torah in a cave that has no entrance, a truly black Torah. And it's written in it that the first inter-world war was: World War II. And that the problem is the conflict created between the two worlds, which caused the wars of the worlds: the World to Come took the Jews, what's called the Holocaust, and then This World conquered the World to Come. The heavens and spirit turned into earth and sand. Only a few high mountains remain where angels of death live, who descend to strip and snatch and steal righteous ones from This World to the World to Come, and rebuild the heavens above the earth. And therefore specifically the most innovative righteous one was requested, meaning the craziest, and the dispute in space turned - into a dispute in time. The new Rebbe, who is in the previous world, doesn't understand that the previous Rebbe is already in the new world. Even in the grave - one step ahead of him. When he's still busy turning the earth, the Rebbe is already turning the heavens. Because there's a whole mess in God's head, and the head of His head is the crown, and now that His head has turned the crown spins faster and faster, and everything that arose in thought is ejected outwards. Refugees and breaches and innovations and inventions and nonsense and mutations - and technologies. And you run around in the rain of ideas, jumping in puddles, and don't understand that the dangerous place is the bottleneck. Because what will happen in the end, when the head detaches from the body?

The Sin of Redemption

I dreamed the refugee comes running to tell me, excited: Now there will be 2 people of Israel, 2 arms: in the land - to return to the biblical period, a period in which Torah is written, an internal boiling greenhouse. Abroad - to return to the period before the Holocaust, the era of the geniuses, and then spread to the world externally, explosion! The people of the book - and the people of the brain. The golden age - and the silver age. And there's an inverted rainbow descending from heaven, with an arrow pointing downward, and below everyone is dancing around the Torah, a golden Torah of redemption they made for themselves, not ashamed, and I look and see it's a computer with horns, oh no, he's about to return. Instead of a Torah of screen they made a Torah of mask. And they drink, and laugh, and eat kugel with pickles, and I don't know where to bury myself. And suddenly it's quiet, the women stop chattering, and everyone just looks. And the Messiah son of Joseph comes, from within the void, rising from the valley, and in his hands two black screens, shining like mirrors, and says: I am the Messiah of the Holocaust.

The Holocaust of the Messiah

I dreamed the white dove entered my streimel [fur hat]. And she coos: Your baby is special. A teacher shall not ascend upon his head. The spiritual potential of combining babies with computers, between cribs and networks, a brain ark - they wanted to change God not at the level of the crown, or at the level of the head, but at the level of the brain. And all the holy animals inside the ark - male and female. All the instructions for the limbs of divinity, right and left, inside the brain, just reversed - left and right. And then - the catastrophe. So you want to change God at the level of the streimel?
- But He won't even feel it. The brain doesn't feel pain. Only pleasure. But pain is felt in the brain. Therefore God doesn't feel that they've entered inside Him. This is the ultimate breach, where the intruder becomes part of what's inside, without breaking the locks.
And the dove angrily: Haven't you learned a lesson from the new Rebbe, and the school he made for you, that you come here and turn our heavens and earth upside down, and confuse the brain? Did you think about how it is that in your land the previous Rebbe lost? How did the student fall? Things are not what they seem. And you're messing with God's brain from the inside? My dear doctor of theological neurology or neurological theology? And she pats my face: My dear, do you know what happens to one who goes too far in God, into the secret? Do you know what happens to his relatives? To his friends? To his students? The student of the secret is no longer even hinted at. Certainly not inside the pig, and not even in the night's dream. And it was not known that it had entered into its midst. There's a room in the institute - in the brain there's no difference between a room and a book - that even its existence, where the pig that has a secret inside it, or the secret that has a pig inside it, go distinguish in this state, is stored, in a state of matter different from what you know for a human, and he will never leave there. Two burned angels guard it from outside, and the walls of this room are the boundaries of thought, so you have no way to even think what's happening there. The curtain has fallen.
- But my innocent dove, that's exactly the advantage of breaching from within. The boundaries of dreaming are much farther than the boundaries of thought. Who said we can't dream what's happening there? We can still go far in the dream: red dove, black dove, sealed dove, slaughtered dove...
And she pecks me: My dear dreamologist, there are all kinds of spiritual abuse, tortures of the soul, to extract secrets. There's a Sodom of the sefirot [divine emanations]. The institute has special experts. And there are special Rebbes and special babies. And the confessions that come out of there - are instructions. And she puts my head under her wing: You think we don't understand? The takeover of heaven wasn't so complete - if they didn't have someone on the inside. Since they eliminated Satan in cold blood, crime didn't disappear, it turned into Holocaust. And we'll still miss him, and we'll still miss her. They say in the new hell there's no longer fire and people in cauldrons, it's all high-tech. Because in the end, the chief butcher is deeper than the screen saver, precisely because he's below. There's something beneath commandments and instructions and orders and programs - and that's the recipe. It reveals the flavors of the Torah, which are beyond the lips. I'm white, the raven is black, the red heifer is red, but why, what's the flavor. That's what they discover inside the hot pot. And then all the things that hide come out.
- Yes, and isn't the streimel a pot for the brain? Isn't it nice for you here in the nest? Warm and cozy, really a brain ark. What do you want.
And she flies away, and I see that an egg remained in my streimel.

The Staff of the Bed

I dreamed the black raven came to me: I need to return. And he announces to me the news that I received a position. In the new system. The new Rebbe forgave me. And they take me into the building. And there's an enormous model of God there, on a scale of one to infinity. And the staff is like an iceberg, above there's some miserable blackening peeling building, but there's an entire kingdom underground. And it's written there: Moses' staff, and I see erased underneath Moses: God's. And until the ants below dig me a place, they seat me meanwhile in the "brain", in the server room, and I open the door and brooms fall on me. And they give me a page, but don't tell me what to do with it. And it's written there: When a person sleeps he divides into three. The lower part of kingship and control is disconnected from the middle part, the dreaming, of the brain, and therefore the body doesn't move, but it's also disconnected from the upper part, and therefore there's no awareness. And therefore one must lucid dream and reach a higher dream, a clear dream - to bring the darkness to light. And in such a dream it's permitted to commit Torah prohibitions, because this is a reality above the tree of knowledge, in a dream, and your head can reach the crown, which is not part of the body, and is above the brain, and therefore has no physical parallel, in the secret of the streimel. There's nothing hairier than a streimel, and just as hair comes out of the wisest organ, the head, so too the tail comes out of the wisest animal, the fox. And so too in the upper worlds, the Messiah for example wears an entirely white streimel - from donkey tails - corresponding to the black light of the fox network. While Satan wears a skin streimel made from snake tails, and all the women fall at his feet. And this crown above the head in the dream is the positive and negative commandments in the dream - the Torah of dreams, which is very high because it contains prohibitions in spirituality, and obligations in spirit, while from the perspective of our Torah the prohibitions are in the body, and it's permitted to think whatever one wants, and there's no limit to imagination. But the crown is the boundary of creativity, rotating departments that are higher than the brain, and in general than this world. Things that can only be judged from outside, and not revealed from within. Fundamental secrets, for which there's a way to solve them - but it can't be revealed. Do you understand?

When a Soul Offers

I dreamed I'm inside the soul of the previous Rebbe of blessed memory, and I reach a room in an organ that medicine hasn't yet discovered, and therefore it's forbidden to reveal where it is, and the holy animals whisper that there it's "the service of sacrifices in the human soul". And all the animals come to see human sacrifices, and to scare them the sheep says: Imagine that in the Temple they sacrificed real animals! And there's a red heifer there with white clothes of a high priest, and she says to the children of the animals who came to watch: Until now you saw how he sacrificed his parents, and his wife. Now you'll see how he sacrifices the son, inside the soul, more than Abraham our father who was willing to sacrifice his son but not kill his love for his son, he sacrifices love itself. And the red bull approaches with the child who is entirely naked, and at first the child is embarrassed and covers himself with his hands, but afterwards he understands there are only animals here, and he raises his hands up to be slaughtered and suddenly all the animals are frightened, and like a herd they try to flee from the room - pushing goring kicking colliding stabbing - but the blood is already starting to come out of the walls, and they only get more and more pressed, their horns get stuck in the sides, wounding more holes, parents climb on children and children climb on parents and men on women and women on husbands to reach the top, the blood is already past the neck and rising and rising, and the ceiling is high high, the white clothes are all red, and it's already clear that no one will leave here alive.

Breached Vision

I dreamed they're trying to reach the end of the world in heaven, because they didn't succeed in reaching the end of the world on earth, and returned to the same place. And Moses sleeps inside a brain ark, floating on a river of blood, and all the great minds engage in rabbi-student relations, yuck. And the ark is already almost drowning in heaven, all the righteous are running around, breach, and what scares me most is that I hear the secretary saying on the phone: God is panicking. And I enter the server room, and see in the streimel the dove sleeping. And she says: Mr. Earthsick was a traitor. That might explain what happened. We extracted documents of Satan. And the Holocaust? It wasn't his idea at all, we have a worse enemy. There's no chance for heaven, we must find a piece of earth. And the raven says: This time you first! And I ask them: Have you thought what will happen if you get married? And the dove gets up, and I see beneath her: a red egg. And I start shouting: What is this supposed to be? And cause an uproar. And Moses wakes up, and enters the room full of blood and feathers, and says: Staff in gematria equals brain! And takes me by the hand to his office: A new kingdom has arisen - that did not know Joseph. Our challenge is not to transfer our brain to the world after us, but our head. Our Torah. The culture. Hardware is the female of matter, and software is the female of content, do you understand? The transformation is already beginning, to the Shekhinah [divine presence], to the woman. And what is genetics if not the turning of software into hardware. And therefore it will be easier for us at first, before the end of the world itself, to produce a repository of Torah geniuses.
- Or monsters!
- Or monsters.
And Moses says to the dove: Come sleep, Zipporah.

The Monstrosity

I dreamed that Moses' ship disappeared into the empty space, in the depths of the brain, because it turns out that for God it's reversed, God's brain is larger than the body, than all the rest of creation. And therefore the brain is also larger than the head. And I flee from the area of trees in Eden, which the Supreme Holocaust conquered, to the desert. And the desert is the world of speech, and there's a tongue lying in the sand from horizon to horizon, and it's not clear which side it ends on, and which side is the mouth, and maybe it's best not to reveal. Who knows if it's the tongue of a snake. And I approach in the desert the mountain, which looks like a giant belly in the tenth month, and meet Aaron there below, who remained in the desert of Eden, sitting in the sand and waiting endlessly. And Aaron says: My brother of heavy tongue disappeared in the upper brain, which is above speech, so suddenly I'm unnecessary! Moses in the bed of the divine kiss - left me here below. And the red heifer is about to give birth here from Satan behind the screen, and I don't know what to do with the child. Such an innocent calf, and of gold no less. And I start to ascend the mountain, and meet Phineas waving with the sword: It's so dangerous they don't understand. To make changes in a complex network they don't understand, like God's brain. They might tear essential connections. And I ascend even higher, and meet Elijah with the silent black raven in the cave. And the raven says: There are people of rectification, and there are people of chaos. Don't go up there. They're searching for the Messiah - in God's brain. They want to discover the secret by breaching from within, not from outside. Because God knows, right?

Son of My Breach

I dreamed I'm climbing even higher on God's mountain and meet Jonah the prophet and the dove in the same bed, and I say: Shame on you, couldn't you wait for Moses? And they say: In the ship? Jonah permitted/released the agunah [abandoned wife].
- Oh really? According to which loophole in Jewish law?
- You don't need a loophole when there's a gate, behind the screen - and the guard fled. When the Messiah dies everything is permitted, these are waters that have no end, only there's an end to infinity. But if you're such a righteous one, don't continue in this direction, it's not for you.
And I climb with great difficulty, and here is Moses our teacher's heifer, the innocent red one, slaughtered, and the blood, and the decapitated head, and the tongue licking dust, and I discover there: a jar of mustard. What? And I run upwards, and at the top of the mountain there are no tablets, only a golden calf - dancing around Aaron. And I ask Aaron: What are you doing here? How did you get here? And Aaron says: You really don't understand the situation, huh?

To the next chapter
The Trilogy