The Degeneration of the Nation
The Fall
The New Opponents

I dreamed that we arrive at a center where angels invent new heresies, in order to build new defenses around faith, making it impossible to breach. And the tall angel says: God doesn't exist because if he's so old his beard should reach the floor, and where's the beard? And the angels scatter to find God's beard. His sidelocks should have reached hell, and one could climb from there, his hat should have concealed the heavens, his brain so vast it should have collapsed into a black hole. And angels go out to all the worlds to search for holy artifacts and God's organs, starting to tickle, what could it be, maybe the black square screen hiding this universe - that's the head tefillin, etc. And the tall angel just invents stronger heresies: To believe and not believe is the same thing! And throughout the heavens, angels spread out bringing people back to faith: Do you know what it means to be pressured for souls? There were those who sold their grandmother and aunt and son... a high seraph who committed fraud, fraud! You need three souls a day and you have no idea where to bring them from. In the morning the cabbage head calls you what's your work plan for today. You get an assigned chariot, you know how long we waited for them, the whole course we waited for the day we'd get the chariots. But then you realize it's actually your office. You can go from house to house, preach in synagogues, appear in dark corners, come in dreams. They don't care how. Just bring three souls a day. There are those who work only with Arabs. Roaming the villages. You show a gentile a new soul, he gets excited, bring me three of those. And then after three months you see he didn't use any of them, go figure out what's happening inside. So you understand, soul?

The Ministry for the Protection of the Divine Presence

I dreamed that a new movement of divine quality arose, trying to preserve God's quality, and they set up all kinds of apps in heaven to catch those who pollute God, because once God was white and radiant and today he's already completely black, and in the end it will be impossible to see him, only to touch. And they hunt down anyone with a new and dirty idea, and the holy beasts flee deep into the forests, but the forests themselves are already turning into straight columns and antennas, and soon God will return to being as he was before creation, and the angels are already emerging from the grayness of clerical work, and roaming his laboratory like scientists in white coats, like grooms, and inventing new physics, new mathematics, new theology, and a new and shiny Kabbalah. And there remains a mobile forest made of bears, where the beasts hide, and every time the bears run away, and so the forest can escape. And some of the beasts are already surrendering and turning into white cars, and only the donkey insists on remaining gray and smelly, so that the Messiah cannot come. And the activists of the movement don't stop scrubbing and polishing God, not heeding warnings that it's just the outer paint, they say what do you mean God is all white all of him, and here one of them sees a drop of red, but he ignores it and it's easy to ignore, covers it a bit with white that fell, and they're already telling them don't you see God looks a bit pink, but they - until the blood bursts forth.

The Rear of the Generation Like the Rear of the Dog

I dreamed there's an evil king who says he'll destroy the Jews with God's help. Because the problem was that until now they tried to destroy the Jews with Satan's help, and the Jews would call to God, and Satan would flee. You can't rely on Satan. And he puts God in a room, and brings the Jews to see God and they burn on the spot. And so more and more Jews, and he clears only the ashes from the room walking backwards without looking. And suddenly God starts to speak, and if everyone who sees him burns, then everyone who hears him flies, the frequencies so low and so strong it's a shock wave explosion, they see the sounds. And no one approaches anymore, there are no more crazy Jews who will enter inside, and God starts to rot in the room - and suddenly they start to smell God. But he's so well sealed that at first only dogs smell. And the dogs start to go crazy running from their owners, many of them are killed when they try to perform circumcision, they call themselves the Jewish dogs and try to imitate the Jewish culture that was exterminated, to hunt foxes in caves and put them on their heads, they even start to explain that Jews wore tzitzit with four corners out of a desire to disguise themselves as dogs, and argue in barks about intricate laws. One dog rabbi says Jews had two straps for tefillin in front to add two more legs and be dogs, a second dog rabbi says they tried to grow their sidelocks but couldn't reach the floor, a third dog rabbi claims they tried to grow a tail but mistakenly grew a beard in front, and so they go further and further from traditional Judaism, they quickly have a decline of generations. My grandfather was a righteous dog rabbi! He was, he, that one that one that one! And the king says: If there's a smell - go take a shower. But the dogs refuse to go inside, because such a terrible smell comes out from there, there can't be showers in there. It's a different smell. Today it's forbidden to see even God's behind, but it remains to see the tail.

The Descent of the Angels

I dreamed that the heavens are full of refugees. Who would have believed that God's brain is full of so much garbage? And the head of the institute of the last day of creation, who fled from Eden, conducts an online intelligence test to locate geniuses, captured sparks, and whoever passes he comes to take to his institute, which the devil knows what happens there, because even the devil is a gifted child like a demon - and was accepted. And the demon says that Satan is sick, but when you kill him you won't win, good over evil, on the contrary, you'll discover there was something worse behind him, more than evil. And the angels can no longer use wings to fly, because there's space there, without air, without wind. And here far away in the ruins - the prophet of destruction speaks with complete confidence, and I follow him. And more join, and I get closer. And I understand that he doesn't understand what he's talking about. And in the end I discover up above a tall and spiritual angel above them all, who is simply above all this. And he sees girls, starts to run, and I catch him: Why do you always leave me and run to talk to girls?
- It's more interesting.
- But why is it more interesting? What do they even talk about? And no matter what we talk about it's more interesting?
- It's more interesting because inside each one there's a secret.
- And what if there isn't? If I tell you there's no secret, that that's the secret, that there's no longer a secret and that's why you never find it, and actually in me - there is a secret.
But he's already not listening, I see him from afar talking to the girls. You can see the grimaces from here.

The Degeneration of the Other Side

I dreamed there's an innocent righteous angel who's forbidden to open up. And two girls harass the angel, what are you doing, looking between his buttons, peeking, starting to fight, I talked to him first, the angel tries to be nice to both of them, starts to explain patiently that he has two knees, but they want one thing, each grabs a different ear, all mine all mine, and his head opens - and inside it's full of hairs and penises and tails, he was just a doll stuffed with hair, and precisely that he was a doll casts terror on the girls. And the two parts of the angel's brain start to adapt to the new situation, his eyes can now see the same thing from both sides, his soul is torn into two parts, each lobe in love with a different girl, and the two sides of the angel start to fight over the body, over the angel's heart, and it tears and tears, and from the hairs jumps Esau - born with a shout: I was supposed to marry Leah. From me should have come Judah, the Jews, Judaism! And he runs away: Not again, let go of my leg. And he sheds his leg like a lizard, and Jacob falls inside into the hair and drowns. And the lame Esau starts to hop on one leg to Aram Naharaim: I'm not a snake, I'm an angel, I would love you tender eyes, tender eyes... with me you'll be number one, you'll be my Rebecca, Sarah, I want the birthright, I'm not giving up. But then he reaches the water well, and sees Rachel.

And he understands that he wants to give birth to Joseph. He's a very very old man born anew, and after a certain age the black hairs are no longer white, they're red, that's why he was born such a red shtreimel and screaming. He's completely from the other side of the page, but he wants his son to be - the master of dreams. To fix the dream. To mend the brothers. To erase the tear. Don't you understand that the fixing is a different story? Destruction of the Torah's story. You're going backwards and will erase the world, you'll erase the sin of Eden, and return us to a world that's all Sabbath, all white, all light. A blank page.

Divine Presence in the Lower Realms

I dreamed that I meet a mathematical angel, who sexually harasses without human touch, only with his brain, it's completely spiritual and filthy, reaches such high levels of abstraction, that it's dangerous, nothing remains of the girl, a dangerous rapist because the victim - - because he doesn't operate on the level of will, but of pleasure, that the inner essence of will is pleasure, as written in the holy books, he peels away the will and reaches pleasure, and peels even pleasure and reaches what's inside pleasure, that faith is the inner essence of pleasure, because sex is built on believing, and continues to peel, and finds something that, pleasure is not even its shell, king of rapists the perfect rapist, he knows all the girls in the world from the inside, without them even knowing, he turns them into something that has nothing to know in it, empties all the secrets from within them, even the most righteous women of the greatest rabbis. They don't even imagine what he does inside them every night. Desecrates the holy in a way no secular person before him, desecrates the Sabbath all that remains of it is a white tablecloth that no one wants to know what's underneath. In the faculty, I identify him by the glasses that he pretends not to see anything through, so the female students won't suspect that he sees even beyond them, peeks into their soul - and beyond it. You can't catch someone who looks at you from behind the eye, but he's actually right inside the brain, he turns inner beauty into more lewdness than outer beauty. I'll catch this old scoundrel, I'll enlist to help the female sex that's being emptied of content, to help the human race that soon will no longer exist. I'll follow him I'll discover how he returns after work home to bed up above, climbs the stairs on the ladder up the heavenly set theory. Infinity of the God type. God of God is God. And so on. But when God to the power of God it's a different God. Bigger. But when the other Gods repeat this process. God multiplies himself infinity times of the type of infinity that only God can reach, and suddenly Satan there to the power of - and here's another new God. And so they climb up, but here even this climb God suddenly does infinity times, and Satan does to him with the strong leg, and hop there's a more terrible God, and all I get out of it is dizziness. And so they climb all the Torah of the sets group A, B, and so on to T, all kinds of strange creatures like the group that humanity will discover only in a thousand years, two thousand years, and so the union of all the groups that humanity will discover if it exists for infinity years, and he builds a Turing machine from a toilet paper roll, to be well-defined, with thick glasses, after all if we run the computer for infinity years, the largest well-defined group of all the well-defined groups that the machine can write, after all it too can write well, using its own definition, and the groups that angels will discover, and God's computers, and God of computers, and my head is already exploding - and suddenly I start to fall, from the ladder, down, why didn't I think I could fall, oh it was so obvious, and now it's the end. But it will take me so many years to reach the ground that meanwhile I can imagine I'm flying.

Transparent Means: You Are Forbidden to See and Reveal in This World

I dreamed that it's not fair, and I shout to the heavens, a big mouth gapes almost swallowing, what is this taste of this transparent, I always thought it was air, the teeth almost reach, a feather got stuck between my teeth yuck, and suddenly an angel falls on my head, and I say I'll eat him not alive, to finally cook, pluck, what does he have inside, all kinds of rumors about the internal organs, sex organs of angels, and I see that they didn't want to reveal to me and already filled him with rice, stuffed angel, what do they want, they panicked, falling all the time, an angel who talks too much, and has all kinds of unpopular ideas, feels that the choice is becoming more and more cruel, who to throw to me, they tie the wings so they won't fly and escape and drop them from Eden, an angel born defective with one wing and even I pity him and raise him in a nest, a coop of angels, how they reproduce man has never seen, they're so modest. A small hole, and the female angel reaches the age everyone looks even I feel like marrying her, but they enter the room, and she like a butterfly removes the pin and inserts it in my hole in the eye.

The Spiritual Miscarriage

I dreamed they bring me a pregnant female angel. I didn't touch her!
- With us they conceive only from thought.
- But I didn't think.
Maybe that's the problem, the elders grimace, with us they conceive even from the dream.
- I can't know what I dreamed!
- If so the woman is faithful, go marry her. Surely in her womb is your spiritual son.
And she's in the I-don't-know month, and says: I know that you're in your impure network. Not true. I know. Mistake, don't know. Find me a movie on the network, I want to see birth. Don't want to. And she finds one herself. Starts to cry, I don't want to, don't want to. And I tell her: Too late. You can't change your mind. And I say: To stop a whole life because of entering a movie? And I say that even if they had filmed a beauty going to the bathroom, at such an angle, so close, from below - and she's going to kill the baby. And I hurry before her to wake up from the dream, to save him. And there's no more baby.

The Spiritual Fall

I dreamed that people stop committing sins, and Satan convenes an urgent meeting with all the demons, that people have started to read about sins all day, instead of doing them, and then they already started to just think about sins all day, instead of doing. They sit and dream and don't move! Satan pounds on the table and panic takes over, the demons start flying in all directions, some hide behind pictures of naked beasts with wings, or of female angels dressed only in nets, Satan's whole collection, all the models he produced, and Satan shouts: I thought they'd at least want to meet her. What did we create the new woman for. The previous woman did a better job, let's take her out of storage. And we see the new advanced model of the computer-woman-with horns-thin-round-with connections even for the man's hands-and all his organs-including his mouth eyes ears-etc we see her crying and they store her in Satan's hell, but the old woman is no longer in storage, and it starts to be a mess up above. And the new woman arrives in Satan's hell where all the righteous women of the world are, and he tortures them, and they don't stop saying Psalms and even the demons are tired of murdering and raping them, it's not fun when they read Psalms. And the only thing they eat there is pork, according to instructions even the water in the toilets is pig tears, so they won't drink kosher water in the shower. And one of the demons starts to develop feelings for one of the prisoners, that is this new woman is something special, I don't understand why they didn't want you, if I were a man I'd want to marry you, don't cry, stop crying, you're filling the bathtub with kosher tears and that's against instructions. And the righteous women encourage her yes marry this demon, maybe from here our salvation will sprout, don't look at him that he's ugly, God's salvation is in the blink of an eye, save him to fulfill the commandment to be fruitful and multiply, it wasn't created to be empty, and Judaism goes according to the woman after all. And she finally gives in marries him without looking so as not to vomit. And he keeps telling her my love look at me once, I want you to look at me just once, and he starts telling her that he's handsome that he's amazing, just once, and she says it's not worth it, not worth it, but he doesn't stop insisting.

The New Hell

I dreamed that I'm going down to hell, to see if it's possible to cooperate against the common enemy. And I ask the matchmaker of the daughter who was a daughter who is a son: What are you doing here? And he neighs: As punishment for my matchmaking I'll be matched with a beautiful monster. And they bring me into Mr. Holyland's office. And I mutter: Traitor, double agent. And he looks at me sadly: What you see from the minus forty floor you don't see from here. Do not use the elevator in case of fire. Around patrol security guards of the Other Side, and this idiot next to me doesn't stop choking with laughter, some senior official passes by, and the three legs of this thing protrude from my stomach, under the white shirt. And my stomach also hurts from so much choked laughter, I don't know how this will pass the security check. I feel and sense that it's actually three piercing nails. He says he'll make a sushi table out of it. He doesn't stop bursting even when we're already going down the opposite pit, for an unplanned meeting. It really beeps. I think about the holes in the festive marble wall, about the powder left there, on the floor. How he simply tore, like a flower. Throughout the journey, every time I remember I choke uncontrollably. I hope he made sure they neutralized the camera. At home we open the wrapper and discover the deception and I start screaming at him, so all the neighbors will hear. The stuff dreams are made of.

I dreamed there's a parasite running beneath reality, or above God, and therefore the angels can't discover it, and it pretends to be the normal world. And even the angels for nurturing God and discovering parasites can't discover it, because it runs beneath the whole world, runs behind the angels themselves, beneath what operates them, and anyway it's impossible to remove it without uprooting the world's operating system and killing it. Because this thing lives in the darkness behind the Torah, which is the chaos before the Torah, which is the spiritual plan of the world. A mushroom in God's brain. And I decide in the dream to lift the curtain of the world and reveal it, to uproot it from the root, specifically in a dream. And I search the web for signs of something protruding from within, open secrets, but in the entire virtual world there are only open miracles, exclusive revelations, or at least shocking revelations - in the weekly Torah portion. And to enter God's portal site you first need to kiss the mezuzah, and I kiss the screen in all directions, and there's no mezuzah, where is the entrance at all, I probably don't understand. And after 40 days and 40 nights of searches and wanderings in the internet desert, I discover on an outdated and remote site from the Stone Age: If once God's face was hidden behind the curtain, today the screen is the mask = screen of God [Hebrew wordplay]. And I put my face inside, fall into space, and think what, God has nothing inside his brain?

The Black Matter

I dreamed they're talking to me about the new areas in God's brain, and it's not clear if it's cancer or if it's evolution. And the raven says, they've been doing brain scans on him for years, and they still haven't found the Messiah. And the dove says, there are many more folded areas in the divine cerebral cortex, that man has never dreamed of, and whoever dreamed - didn't return from there. And the foolish calf, with golden blonde hair, tells about the two tablets of the Torah of chaos and void that were before Genesis, and have not yet descended to the world, orphaned Torahs still in the deep empty space - two breasts led to by a black Milky Way. And the fox: There are many areas where it's not clear if it's the brain or the shtreimel [fur hat], and if the brain has already ended or the shtreimel begins, and where the skull that was supposed to divide between them. And the donkey: We are approaching God's dream areas, and we need to bring his dream to his consciousness, that he knows he's in a dream, and this is the highest level in God's knowledge - that God knows himself. Diving into the Name. And we must be careful that God forbid he doesn't wake up from the dream instead of waking up in the dream. Because when we walk God, through him, what happened to Enoch can happen to us - Enoch in gematria [numerology] equals dream - and he was no more, for God took him. And the Name says in the dream: God forbid waking the Name! Dream is desecration in gematria, that's what creates the empty space - desecration of God. The worlds are God's dreams that disappear from him, otherwise they would be nothingness, and the Torahs are the dream story, and therefore man's main resemblance to his Creator is in dreams. There he is the Creator. That is, the dream, which is the imagination of God, is the image of God. And from there the instinct of Torah - in a dream I will speak to him. And the end is the end of the night.

From Beginning to End

I dreamed they reach a barrier, beyond which. In God's brain. Dreams don't pass. We passed the traffic part on the web - and only intelligence. They keep sending agents endlessly. And the agents return, some even with important information, but with twisted heads. And I enter inside, what's the problem not to fall for the trap, it's just a shell. And I understand that it's not my head that's spinning - it's the whole world spinning around it, because I'm inside God's head. And every tiny advancement in the black matter is a covert operation prepared for years, and even then most operations fail. And the bodies pile up, and the head of intelligence shouts: What did you think, that it's a trip? Beyond the old brain, the new brain is no longer movement in space, or even in time, it's pure movement within knowledge, into the secret. And the way is sacrifices. Who volunteers? I'm first, and I'm last - and without me there is no God.

Staff Work

I dreamed that in the end of days the greater the righteous person is the more hidden he is, and the Messiah has already come, only that he is so great that there's no way to know who he is. And God who is greater than can be imagined is therefore more hidden than can even be imagined, or even dreamed. And the black Torahs of the end of days fly in space without wings, around the area of the end of time, high high, and eat the remnants of spirit from skeletons waiting for the resurrection of the dead - like spiritual vultures. And the brain ark is stuck there on top of a mountain, and you can't go down, and if you move even a finger the ark will fall from the tip, all the way to hell. And birds keep coming out of the windows to check if the earth has already risen and reached the heavens - and it's possible to exit. When will this spiritual flood end? And Moses cries in the ark, but no hand is extended. And it's clear to everyone that he got lost, among the reeds. And the black Torahs circle around the ark, because it's clear that this baby will die. And Moses says: We've reached the end of history. So where is the Messiah. And Zipporah, who gives birth to all these birds for him and her womb is facing the window, says: Even the black vultures - I gave birth to. Dove daughter of dove - but they gossip about me that inside I'm a Cushite [Ethiopian]. And Moses remembers: Where is Aaron, who used to speak in my place. And God's sick staff in bed says: You won't bring the Messiah. It's not the place, and it's not the time, and it doesn't look like this. It's... And the staff, leaning towards death, leans to the side to whisper something to Moses - and the ark falls down into the black abyss. The vultures hurry after it.

The Black and the Dawn

I dreamed that the senior snake whispers to my shadow: Each of the previous worlds had a Torah, and in the next worlds there will be too. You don't need to fear the disappearance of man more than you feared the disappearance of the ape. The spirit will move on, if only it has a language, from which it can jump into the abyss, and a tongue - from which the snake will continue. Therefore we must continue the snake, and from its disappearance - that's what you should fear. Because Torah without instinct is a dead letter, an empty vessel, a blank screen. Sleep without dreams. It's not the darkness we cast that you should fear, and not the black secrets of the Other Side that you should worry about, but a white and much more dangerous holocaust, you're pouring out the baby with the ark - and losing the brain with the shtreimel. Do you understand the difference between night and senseless?

Floor Minus Forty

I dreamed that Mr. Holyland is sweating and stressed, angry and red, with a face of hell, but trying his best to hide and keep his cool: The innovation of Kabbalah was that the Holy One Blessed be He is not a person, but an organization (though he is the head of the organization, in the way that an organization is sometimes mistakenly identified with its head). And the innovation of Hasidism was that man is not a person, but an organization. And he too is sometimes mistakenly identified with his head. So now you come to say that the organization is a person? God is not just an organization, he is a secret organization, an intelligence organization, and so is man, and therefore the brain is an intelligence organization (and not an information network, as they mistakenly think). And the woman? That's an example of what happens to an organization that was once secret, and was exposed. The Holocaust was mostly a secret occurrence, what you saw in the lower world is just the tip of the visible tip of that occurrence, which happened in the upper world. The tip of the black iceberg. Because the head of the organization is bigger and more complicated than the body, spiritually the world is an inverted pyramid. And the shtreimel is the medium between the worlds - on one hand the highest visible tip of man, and on the other hand the lowest tip of what is already above the head and invisible - and therefore it is still seen, but it is already blacker than black. And just as in the future heads will connect not through bodies, but head to head, in a network, so the worlds above the heads connect not through the heads. And since the entire spiritual pyramid hangs upside down on the head of the Jew, one must be very careful, that one fool with a hole in the shtreimel and a hole in the head doesn't cause a massive collapse - and bury us all. And you don't want to be that fool.

The Descent from the Tree

I dreamed that Satan is very worried in the heat of hell. What you're doing can harm us no less than it can harm you. Whoever harms the act of creation can bring about an end different from what he expected, it won't just be our end. And the demon says: It won't be an end at all, there simply won't be a beginning. Like the relationship between movement and thought for us, so for God our thoughts are physical movements in relation to the spiritual layer above them, which is a bodily layer in relation to the layer above it, and so on. The story of the Tree of Knowledge is the ascent from the reptilian snake brain to the human brain, and so in the Tree of Life - we ascend to the divine brain. And man whispers and tempts the first angel to eat from the Tree of Life and become a living creature, and God expels the angel from the Garden of Eden to work and guard the heavens, which become desolate due to the angel's curse, and takes the legs from the human brain. And after ten generations comes a spiritual flood, of vanities, God's Judgment Day.

The Descent to the Ark

I dreamed that God's Judgment Day arrives, and in hell they wrap themselves in black and don't stop praying for God, and the cantor of hell raises his voice, and I see inside his mouth - a tongue in mustard. And it moos in wailing: And let us ascribe power to the holiness of the night, for it is awesome in deed. And in it your kingdom shall be humbled, and your bed shall rot in judgment, and you shall lie on it in truth. God's foundation is from spirit - and his end to spirit, by his soul he shall bring his Torah, likened to a broken vessel. Like a passing shadow and a dissipating cloud. And like a blowing wind and flying dust. And like a fleeting dream.

The Descent from the Mountain

I dreamed that the substitute god, the golden calf, says: Don't be sad, God's brain - that's the challenge of the next millennium. Anyway you had no chance of succeeding. They haven't yet developed tools for the lights of chaos, it would have required superhuman ability, things you can't even dream about, maybe in the dreams of angels, or in the dreams of computers, or in the dreams of the next supreme race, or in Satan's dreams. The Torahs are too far in their height, buried too deep in time, the dream can bridge a distance of a generation, two, not of generations. The spirit is still far, the technology not yet ripe, too many defenses, too few holocausts, intelligence failed to penetrate, the classification too black, God too advanced, the darkness too dark, the connections and links still loose and torn - we must wait for future generations. And he descends half the mountain, and meets Elijah in the cave, and we're already outside God's brain, so God can not only think, but also speak. And he says to Elijah the prophet: Go, descend, your people are corrupt. And Elijah the prophet descends and sees that they didn't wait for the Messiah, they already appointed a king over them, with a crown of gold.

And the crown sits on his throne and says: The plan is to change the goal of the state - that the next Einstein will come out of here, he winks, the next Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, he winks and remains with two closed eyes. I want to restore the crown to its former glory, renaissance, to before the Holocaust, the Golden Age in Spain, at least. Cultural revolution. Gifted budget, our goal is to increase gaps, to increase intellectual gaps, to increase cultural gaps, to increase increase huge gaps. In the top decile talented ten times more than in the bottom decile, and in the top percentile a hundred times, and in the top thousandth a thousand times, and the investment should be accordingly. We'll pave the way for geniuses in gold. Close the television by military force, only academic broadcasts, science and nature. On all channels only classical music and cantorial singing. All internet Wikipedia and lectures, only high content. Censorship. Whoever achieves a cultural achievement won't need to work for ten years, at the crown's expense. We'll establish, increase the academic budget tenfold and turn it into a yeshiva - university content and learning method like in a yeshiva. Master class, a great person, where everyone can ask questions, and lessons on the internet. And a rain of positions, not that I think, but it's a startup, you never know where he'll come to you from, that one we're looking for. I'm not interested in security, not interested in economy, we'll do the minimum there. To forbid expensive cars, expensive foods, expensive houses, expensive clothes. We'll ban chocolate, jewelry, advertisements. We'll close all restaurants, entertainment venues, junk food, parties, including weddings. Free wireless network throughout the kingdom, a computer for every baby. Scholarships, prizes, the kingdom will pay for every cultural creation of value, in full money. A billion shekels for every Nobel Prize winner who grew up here, divided among all who raised him, every institution where he studied, the teachers, friends, to the birth mother, a million for every genius, so he won't need to think about food. Cancel schools, a thousand shekels for everyone who passes a university course - for every citizen, and the gift as the king's hand. Long prison terms for youth corrupters, for idol worshippers, for singers, for models, for restaurateurs. The Committee for Atomic Culture - will impose terror against popular culture. We won't be here forever, Kingdom of Israel, what will they remember from this period? In the biblical period we were the first to use letters for the first significant creation in writing, the one that dictated all progress, the book of books, now we need to be the first to use the network for the first significant creation of the network. That we almost lost then to the Greeks almost killed us, we can't afford to lose to the Americans. Not just a subsistence scholarship, geniuses will be rich, yeshivas for geniuses - - the one, the Messiah.


I dreamed that the calf comforts me. Better than us have died. Failure is when you jump above the neck. It's not terrible, only God is terrible. Everyone who went didn't come back. You saw what happened to Moses, at least God learned the lesson, the Messiah's Torah already comes down broken from above. There will still be a secret. Secret will be still. Renewed = brain + demon = suspected = Messiah [Hebrew wordplay]. Zaphenath-paneah - the dream is the intelligence of the spirit, fusion of SIGINT in VISINT in HUMINT, listening agency merges into peeking agency merges into human intelligence agent absorbed in covert action space, the famous special medium, secrets become encryptions, when man falls asleep, dreams of computers. Modern man has lost the night, hence his tendency for sex, the window to the upper world, half of his world, the next world, the religious world, one-sided, the hidden world, the realm of spirits, represses and conceals the -- half of the human experience, the inner film, for the sake of control. Fills the void with movies, television, anything not to close the eyes, fights the night with flashlights, in streets, in parties, in alcohol, in work, in depression, in fatigue, instead of dreaming. He doesn't remember them.

To the next chapter
The trilogy