The Degeneration of the Nation
Rebellion in Eden
The Last Cow

I dreamed that my death was red, and I ascend to the red Eden, and a red cow emerges, eating the red grass, and says: Come, black one. I want the circles from you, to be Moses' cow. As Rashi says, the cow is named after the one who made it. And I walk beside her, and she licks my face, and says: I love you, you're so salty, and I remember tongue in mustard and cry. And her tongue is hairy like a red shtreimel [Translator's note: fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews]. And she smiles at me: Have you read the Rebbe's secret book, Poems and Pigs? And I'm startled: The Rebbe wrote poems? And she laughs: The Rebbe wrote pigs! And when he arrived here he started turning the trees in Eden into tables. Haven't you noticed there's not even a tree for medicine here? He made a revolution. And the cow reaches the abyss with me, and says: The Black Torah is being written now, and he's already on the second portion, the Brain portion. And Satan is raging there. There's joint inflammation in the Torah, muscle atrophy that the righteous themselves need to move its bones, and its lungs are full of blood, and those killed by the regime dive among blood fish and search for the hole, when it coughs it's terrible. And the worst of course is the head injury, the crown injury. After all, the crown is the boundaries of the head, and the Rebbe is going to make a hole there and reach the highest world, above Eden, they will bring the Holocaust into the boundaries of thought, and there will be a catastrophe. Bottom line, Satan is right - your Rebbe is destroying heaven. And I tell her: The Rebbe is a special person. And she starts descending with me down the stairs to hell, cooling my head with her tongue, warming me with her huge belly, only it's forbidden to ride her, because no yoke has come upon her. And she keeps worrying: Are you okay? We need you alive, meaning dead only once. And she asks me: Atonements, check that I don't have black hairs. And she is innocent and sad: A Holocaust in Eden, everything you must bring up? Everything to drop on us with your Black Torah? In the end, after the flood in heaven is over - they'll start the tower to the earth.

Brain Ark

I dreamed that the Rebbe is secluding himself in his grave, and occasionally sends out some bird, to check if the world of the living has ended, and he can come out. And one night I see it in the window, and I strangle his dove, and it doesn't return anymore. And it has a note on its leg: My dear student, come join us. Great things are happening here. And every time Satan wins, and we hide even more! And in the morning I hear shouts outside, panic, the Rebbe has escaped from the grave. And I fear he's wandering the streets wreaking havoc, and everyone is looking for him, and here my wife lets out a scream: The dead Rebbe is lying in my bed.

Sukkot Sermon from the Old Rebbe

I dreamed that the dead Rebbe is standing on the podium in Eden, inside his bunker, and the red cow says: I wish he would fall. I wish the snakes would find the opening, catch him and hang him on the tree of life. If only they would find the fourth part of Agag and assemble him... That's the end of all the rebellious ultra-Orthodox. And the Rebbe sways: What is a sukkah in heaven? The opposite - a temporary house underground. Just like on earth Sukkot is against real estate, against buying a house. Because who is Cain? The man of acquisition. And the Black Torah is for the lust for money, and against the lust for acquisition. Because who is Abel? He is the investor - offering a sacrifice. People of acquisition are jealous, either mine or yours, while people of money know that money is not limited, it's spirit, vanity, money is an invention, money creates money creates more money, until a world of money, the world of redemption, where everything will be money - and therefore money will be nothing, the void. The obvious. Because money is faith. And there is no faith without God, and therefore no money without God, even the secular believe in money, because money is the root of the Jewish soul in the upper world, we yearn longingly. And therefore when you put glass on money it's a mirror, because man is God's coin, and he too depends on God's faith in man, otherwise there is no man, it's an invention, let us make man. And therefore the sinner is always the one who doesn't believe in value - he goes outside the system. The liar for example doesn't believe in the value of the word and therefore tries to speak outside language, or the thief who tries to create value outside the economic system. Even the three great sins: the murderer doesn't believe in the value of man, and therefore turns him into God. The idol worshipper doesn't believe in the value of money, and therefore turns it into God, instead of faith. It's forbidden to turn faith into God! And the one who uncovers nakedness doesn't believe in the value of woman, and therefore turns her into God, and damages men's faith that there are women. And the sin of knowledge included all three: Adam, snake and Eve. And each was cursed in his domain. After all, the sin is "and you will be like gods" - gods instead of believers, which is the destruction of the legal fiction, the halachic, to confuse between the fruit and the tree. In God one should not believe. Only in Torah. And the sacrifice is the giving of value, and Cain empties the value of the sacrifice. He is against sacrificing the firstborn - and whoever is against sacrifice becomes a murderer. Because sacrifice is the first money in trade between man and God, which today we trade with in ideas and intellectual property, after we have already risen above the stages of prayers and intentions, and therefore the cost of animals has dropped dramatically. And therefore to survive we must sell him new Torahs, he kills cultures that dry up, we are his stock exchange, and if we become illiquid we will be erased from trading, and therefore we must negotiate in faith. Because just as sacrifice is opposed to acquisition, so money is opposed to murder. The root of acquisition is real estate, and the root of money is sheep, movable property, and therefore Cain the tiller of the ground was punished with exile wandering. Because the direction of acquisition is the earth, and money - the heavens, and therefore Cain put Abel in the ground, and therefore the voice of your brother's bloods cry out to me from the ground - bloods is money. And the correction of acquisition is exile - the sukkah, which is the stock exchange, from the word tanner, David's fallen sukkah from the skin of Leviathan. And Jonah is the preparation for the sukkah - the flood inside, womb. And in the future to come everything will be money, including thought, because every calculation has a cost, and creativity has an enormous cost, a real Holocaust, because it needs an empty space within God, and not outside Him. And this is the shadow of faith, because in the womb there is darkness, like the skin closes over the eyes, and allows dreaming. And the stock exchange is the world of dreams. And therefore what is done inside the sukkah has dream importance, and woe to him who does not sleep and dream in the sukkah. If you don't sell God new dreams you will shed your skin and go bankrupt. This is the commandment of appearance, and you shall not appear before Me empty-handed. And the cow tries to shout: Boooo, but what comes out is: Moooo.

The Dwarves' Rebellion

I dreamed I was on a date in heaven, inside the meat market which is the souls market, and she says: I'm an angel, formerly white, a black angel raped me, one of the daughters that the sons of God kidnapped. Converted me turned me into an angel so we could marry. And they do it by immersion in fire, burns at first, but then the soul comes out, and they rise up. Wanted me to be black. Only now I've been released, he pulled all the strings, his father is God. And that's how it always is, for every fruit I wanted, every little thing in Eden, he said: It belongs to my father. - Reveal a bit what's happening up there, at your father-in-law's. - You want to know what was before the beginning? But I'm not allowed, I'm not allowed, she gets nervous. Maybe how the world began? She smiles. - No, I'm actually interested in how the world will end. And she's pleased: At first they fall spiritual entities, a rain of innovations. The waters come after them. Prepare, ark, because this time it's reversed, it's the humans who want to take the daughters of God - and therefore instead of the age of giants it's the age of dwarves. Smiling, charming. Do you want us to meet again? And I tell her no I'm married.

Breaking of the Vessels

I dreamed where did the Rebbe disappear to? And I see him hanging on some tree, and I approach and see it's a doll with a beard. And the mothers are walking around with sticks: This is not how you raise children. People without bodies - only brain and spirit. Only books - without a world. And there's complete darkness, and the wicked are running everywhere, climbing the trees, and asking: Where is she? - There was a hole and they escaped from hell. And the mothers shout leave us alone, and the wicked jump where is she, and all the men are underground in a bunker trying to save the Torah, and the wicked wail where is she, and Satan begs: Careful, it only needs one more small mistake for everything to collapse. And Doctor Scribe doesn't touch the Torah, doesn't try to help with resuscitation, and just stands in the corner and complains: First they'll discover all the secrets of the body and only the secrets of the soul will remain, then they'll discover all the secrets of the soul - only the secrets of the spirit will remain, then only the higher soul, etc., and I get angry and give him a kick in the head, and he says: etc. And I give him another kick, and he says: etc. etc. And so on, etc. etc. etc., and I'm frightened by what I've done, now his hat is on my foot, and I can't get his hat off my foot, and my foot starts to think it's his head. And it starts to want me to stand on my head. Pushing my head into the shoe. Jumping up ouch ouch careful the head - and the whole world turns upside down. The men grab the mothers' skirts so as not to fall, and the mothers cling to the wicked, and the wicked cling to the trees, and hell stands above Eden, and beneath us the skies are brown the earth gaping, and the fruits of Eden fall and fall, and the red cow hugs some Nazi general from hell, who's trying with all his might to grab the floor, and I say: Oh, no, the breaking of the Torah is beginning. And we hear Messiah son of Joseph falling from his deep pit, suddenly he comes out of the ground with all the snakes, from the hiding place he was in, and already continues into the former skies, and everyone hears him: Help, God is upside down!

Constricted Consciousness

I dreamed there's a tremendous destruction in heaven, and the new Rebbe below says: Happy Sukkot. Because he is thank God in the ground, and all the students of the previous Rebbe are in heaven. We told you not to go up but you didn't listen. And he delivers Torah to women only, God forbid, because this is the opportunity for a new generation, that did not know Joseph. And he sits inside his black sukkah, the size of a cardboard box, so as not to see them, and the men are kept away, so they won't hear. And from inside the sukkah we hear: Women are exempt from the sukkah - because they are the sukkah! We need to redeem woman from the world of Cain, shopping, the immoral, which relates to money and vanity as means and not as ends. Instead of investing in spirit they invest in body, and instead of raising geniuses they raise healthy children! Gentiles really. Therefore I will reveal to you, that the previous Rebbe, may the memory of the righteous and holy be for the life of the world to come, instructed before his death to buy a tablet computer at the circumcision for every baby. And that it should be on the screen all day, and to prepare learning software for the secret Torah, and puzzles of the sefirot, and dolls of the holy creatures, and that every baby should know the letters at age one, and read at age two, and calculate gematria at age three, and peek-a-boo where am I here I am - this is the basis for the secret Torah. And from age zero they will read him Genesis with clickable pictures on the touch screen, animation of the Zohar, and a computer game of Eden. And to warn all the girls about this, that a Jew in Israel can be like the gentiles of the lands really, and for this came the exile, Israel is more dangerous than all lands, because it can connect the Jew to the land, and the remedy is to establish the skies of Israel, that the child will be a screen of the heavens - schach, whose growth is from the earth but is not connected to the ground, unlike Cain the man of the earth. Because the whole world stands on the vanity of babies, these are my anointed ones babies. And the more the interface ascends it connects to the baby more in smallness, and the interface will rise from the hands, to the mouth, to the eyes, and will know where you're looking on the screen, and what interests you, and what you're thinking, and what you want, until it reaches the crown. And then it will be possible to connect the baby's brain to Torah without passing through the corridor of the world. Directly from the previous world to the world to come. And the computer will be the womb of the brain, and your role is finished.

The Escape Movement

I dreamed that the red cow is galloping with me down into the skies, to Satan's headquarters. And all the animals in Eden are fleeing there, and one righteous man is hopping on one leg, it takes him hours just to begin the descent, and he shouts: I'm trying to make a shortcut jump. And the fat righteous men are rolling down the slope upwards and saying: The safest place is hell. Who knows what Satan is planning in Eden. And the cow moos in tears: Two thousand years down the drain. Your donkey Rebbe has disappeared again at the worst time in the world, his students have gone crazy. Don't you see that all these great geniuses are donkeys? The huge computer they brought up to heaven at astronomical cost - it doesn't even have electricity. And now where will I find my dear son, the golden calf? Messiah son of Joseph is only interested in money, that's what they put in his head. And she has an attack: They still think they'll save the Torah from Satan, meanwhile the demons below are dancing around the "Monster from Jerusalem". And now they'll replace the sin of the calf with the sin of the circle, not to mention the sin of the kugel, and what will be with the child. The Torah of the Holocaust, huh, huh? And I tell her: Please, come, you don't want to see your son in hell. We'll never manage to reach Satan to talk to him. The Nazis on the way will kill us, and if not them the Christians, and if not them the Romans, and if not them the Amalekites, and so on. And Satan himself we won't reach. All the righteous you see here died sanctifying God's name ten times. Don't be afraid to be a sacrifice. Come, I pet her, I'm not allowed to take you by force, there's a prohibition to put a leash on you. Come beautiful cow, this time we won't purify the dead - but death itself from impurity.

And the Lesser Light to Rule the Night

I dreamed that the new Rebbe completed the purification, the screen saver cleared out all the last pockets, and the student is gone. And the Rebbe sits in the Rebbe's room, and all the angels of the Hasidic sect come to swear allegiance to him. And after them all the demons. And all the computer sciences and sorcery sciences and darkness sciences. And the animals that were saved come down from Eden. And curtains and screens come down from the net. And the chief butcher, and frog blood, both completely pale, they too in faces. And my face is there too. And the new Rebbe points with his lulav at a huge screen that replaced the library behind him, and a supercomputer that replaced the study hall. And his etrog is large and twisted like a brain. And the myrtle and willow move like a tail and wings. And the new Rebbe whispers like a snake: We will kill the state. We will remove this institution from the world. And we need to kill the state not with a sword, but with hunger. To turn into a black world. Tax is the Samech Mem [Translator's note: initials of Satan], everything needs to be in black, so as not to give sustenance to the state. Money through the net. To disconnect the kingdom from the foundation - and it will die. And only the economy will remain. Black as night.

Yeshiva of Torah Darkness

I dreamed that my shadow slipped into the general staff meeting at Satan's, because he's so thin that he reminds a senior snake of the shadow of himself, when he was young - before he got fat from too much fear. And the head of the yeshiva Satan bangs on the table: Where has this Rebbe disappeared to? And Satan takes his tail, and beats them Torah to torture them: We must tempt her, with me there will be no free dreamers. And he chases away the flies: Red cow? Naked cow! I want her to redden - from shame, that's what I want. Under the hair - skin, blood. And the general staff tail says: You heard what he said, we don't have time for fig leaves. The dream is the opposite of pregnancy, because it is the man's pregnancy, and then the woman is born in the head. And he quickly calls for the forgetter, who is the equivalent in the world of darkness to a secretary, to come and take off her skirt. But at this advanced stage only the electronic forgetter remained, and they left an encrypted message after the siren:
You forgot the Holocaust, which that tenth and last red cow, of the Messiah, will need to purify with its ashes. Red kingdom that turns black. Red darkness. Dream.
And my shadow recognizes the recorded voice and trembles, because the senior snake hears and laughs: They always put us down in hell, that we are the earth of heaven. And now - there's going to be an earthquake in heaven. Why did you flee, O sea? Jordan, why turn back? You mountains, why dance like rams? You hills, like lambs? Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord.

In the Fields of Hell

I dreamed that the cow takes me deep into the red worlds. And her daughter stands there in the stream - without a head. And all the elders say: Our hands did not shed this blood. And the cow collapses from grief, and I tell her: Wait, this is just the beginning. And her red milk spills on the ground, and she understands that she will be the last red cow. And the elders come to comfort her: There are no more sons, only elders. We fled from the white worlds. And the head of the beheaded heifer says: Three study halls are fighting over the next Torah: the old white Rebbe, the new black Rebbe, and the red Rebbe - Satan. And the cow hugs her: Do you understand what a monster? The Rebbe should not have been allowed to leave the black world. And the elders tell her: Don't cry over spilled milk.

Screen Descent

I dreamed that I can't lucid dream and I look at the clock and see that the time is illogical and I realize I'm in a dream. And I know that today is the yahrzeit [Translator's note: anniversary of death] of the Rebbe of blessed memory, but everyone is afraid of the screen saver, and I go far into the forest. And every time a couple hiding from afar sees me they run away or laugh, what's a black man doing in the middle of the forest. And I'm afraid they'll inform on me, you can't know in the black forests if it's day or night. And after a few hours in complete darkness I realize, that's why I can't get out. It's always in front of me - the black screen. I'm inside the screen saver. In the black world. And he says: You thought you'd escape from him? And I say: And you didn't chase after me? And the guard says: Whoever doesn't want to doesn't need to. We're not interested. All Israel are responsible for one another is nonsense, there's no law of responsibility in hidden matters - in the secret Torah. And he closes his eyes: We really don't care if you're inside or outside, in front of or behind the screen. The main thing is that the screen is closed. As far as I'm concerned all the Jews and all the donkeys can be outside - and only the Rebbe will be inside. We don't need the whole nation for redemption - just one. Messiah. What's important is quality not quantity. The elite unit. And the cow beside me is now a black cow, and she hides in the darkness. And the guard says: We know you're there. And I: I don't understand what you mean. And the guard laughs: You know you won't be able to disappear forever, it's a shame that with the suicidal Rebbe the loop got stuck on the neck. And the stupid cow can't hold back: Criminal. And the guard coaxes: Why? And the cow gathers courage: Behind the screen there's another world. And there are six days Sabbath and one day weekday, just to manage to cook is self-sacrifice for the mother. And their weekday is our Sabbath, so they desecrate the Sabbath. And everything is written with utmost brevity on weekdays, and they print print, so there will be what to read, and there's Sabbath-observant internet with bottles and ropes. And then all year they observe Yom Kippur, and only on Yom Kippur do they desecrate. Quickly quickly they expand the eruv [Translator's note: ritual enclosure], and already the whole world is one city, and people only talk to each other because there's nothing to do, they swallow some sack that has calories for the whole year that gets stuck in the stomach, and with a system that recycles the urine, called moral kidneys. The holy and the profane, the holidays and the weekdays - are reversed. And then the impurity of death is exchanged with the holiness of life, and there's no longer any point in a red cow. And the guard smiles in the darkness: And tongue in mustard? And the naive stupid cow laughs, already less afraid: I actually like it. And the guard passes his hand over the fur: You think that because I can't tie you by the neck I can't catch you, my love? And he hugs her by the neck, and takes her with him, and she blushes in the darkness. Red like a bonfire - and black like ashes.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy