The Degeneration of the Nation
Annulment of Vows

I dreamed that I was going out to search for the Rebbe's grave, and couldn't find it anywhere in the world. And I arrive at a desert and meet a man. And the man tells me, Sh. And the man now looks like an older version of myself, so he must know. And I ask, and he whispers to me in secret: You've been wandering all your life around the world, and never found the Rebbe. - But I must, I promised him! There's something only he knows. And the man looks in all directions, in the middle of the desert, to see that no one is around, and he tells me in a silent voice, only with his lips: The Rebbe's grave is in heaven.

And I wander in the heavens for thousands of years, because the distances in heaven are thousands of years, they are distances in time, not in space - and I don't find the grave. And I meet a man there, the last man in paradise. And I ask: Where is everyone? And he says: Just as on earth there are many lands, and the Land of Israel, so in heaven there are many heavens, and the Heaven of Israel. And so it is in the abyss, there are many abysses, beneath all the lands, and the abyss beneath the Land of Israel is called Gehenna. And the heaven of Israel - Eden. And there is one who led the people 40 years in the heavens, and did not merit to enter Eden. And he says: The people who died in the land, and live in the heaven of Israel, so now there's no one there that you're looking for. Because God exiled them from Eden to wander throughout the heavens. Eden is empty of righteous ones.

And I leave Eden, and don't find the grave in any time, in any era, and finally arrive at the desert, to the ancient place, even before the Torah and before there was a people, even before there were trees and righteous ones, before there was holiness, only sand. And there is a pit there. And it is written on it: An evil beast has devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams.

Annulment of Tails

I dreamed that I promised the Rebbe. And I wander beneath the world. And here is the man, and he is a younger version of myself, he surely knows things I have already forgotten. If the old man is the man of the future, then the young one is the man of the past. And he is dying, because I have already become another man, and he says: You have already wandered all of death, even death has an end. You have labored and not found. Therefore do not believe. And I say: I remember sitting with him in the room. I had a bit of difficulty imagining him with a car, but he started talking about traveling in different directions in the land, according to the Kabbalistic map: To the east to the territories to ancient days. To the expanses in the Negev of Abraham the host - the side of kindness in the south. And to the north to the graves - into judgment. And to the west to the new economy - to the kingdom of woman, Malchut. Do you remember? And the man opens a small white ball, and it turns out to be a crumpled page. And he says: Do you remember? The Rebbe, shrunken from so many years, sat there in the dark room, inside his huge hat, in the mighty black chair - like a crumpled page in a huge holy library, where they search straight in the trash, because what someone bothered to throw away and hide is more interesting than all the ancient books. And the man reads from the white circle, which is revealed as a folded Torah - a forgotten dream.

First fold
After finishing with all the sides, the Rebbe said: In the middle. The holy city is a miniature model of the world, and therefore it is a divided city: Israel between God and people - between east and west, and Jacob between Leah and Rachel - Judah in the south and Samaria in the north. And the connection between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, between the center and the west - that's the righteous one in the land. Highway number 1. And one can also travel in time, but not to the past, present, future - but to travel to morning, to travel to noon, to travel to evening. And at night - the lights when I'm alone on the road, on the way to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, what freedom - I'm flying, as opposed to the fall into the husks when entering traffic jams on the way back. That's the difference between right and left. This is how the land becomes a body.

Second fold
After the rectification of the land according to God's image, the next rectification is of the stars - in traveling to the vacant space. Just as exile redeemed the lands outside Israel - now the time has come to deal with outside the world as well. Judaism must not abandon space to Greek culture. We've been so focused on guarding the day that we fell asleep guarding the night, and the idols took over our skies, opening a terrible void for us. Wherever you look at night in the dome of stars you'll see a Greek myth, and therefore it needs to be replaced with a Jewish myth: We came to drive away darkness. Like before the previous creation, when the earth was void - now the heavens are void. Because in the historical struggle between day and night over the heavens - night won. The skies are black. What are the heavens really? The vacant space. The true heavens are the darkness and not the light, the night and not the day.

Third fold
Since the shattering of the heavens, there are no longer just seven stars, there are ten sefirot: The sun is Keter, Mercury the spark of Chochmah, Venus the warmth of Binah, Earth - the water star - is Chesed, Mars Gevurah, and the star after it of the Other Side was destroyed, and turned into Holocaust stones - asteroids, and Jupiter which is the center of the system Tiferet, and Saturn (to censor)... - and Malchut is the great black. And according to this - the moon is Da'at. And the head of the year is when the rotation of Keter and the rotation of the neck, Da'at, synchronize. The new month is the renewal of the head, but when Keter returns to the place it was at the coronation of creation's crown, then it's the new year, which is the change of the head. Not just a new head but also a new year.

Fourth fold
Many think that secular [chilonim] is from the word sand [chol], but sand existed long before them. What's new about them is the stars, secular is from the word space [chalal]. And the future is a combination of secular and ultra-Orthodox. Not like the religious Zionists, who took the bad and external parts of both sides, the nationalism from the secular and the religiosity from the ultra-Orthodox. We will take the inner parts from both sides, the heart - the space - from the secular and the anxiety from the ultra-Orthodox. The black from both sides. Because before there is a new land - there needs to be a new Torah, and before there is a new Torah - there needs to be new heavens.

IIR: Inter-World Relations

I dreamed that the President of China came to me in a dream and tells me that he will reveal a secret to me, if I reveal a secret to him. For behold he reveals to me, in full disclosure that can only be between us, that the truth is that the Emperor is still alive - and China is a secret empire. And in truth, according to the Emperor's sages who err only once in a thousand years, according to the most classified reports in the party, China has no chance against America. And why, say the sages - because we have no Jews. All the ideas and minds come from America, we are only vessels, only reflected light. It is the head of the world, and we are only the body. Because today when Malchut is Keter - the world stands on its head, and the feet are above. And therefore the West is above, instead of the East. And even if the belly is bigger and fatter and stronger than the head, even if it is the factory of the body, still the brain controls the body. And the Jews - they are the minds of America. On the other hand, you have many superfluous Jews who are truly coachmen and gross beasts. They have lost all spirit. I am willing to give them wagons and stables, let them come to us. Because no matter how much we grow the animal body - it only gives more power and governance to the soul. But if you give the belly a soul, and the body of the world the spirit, instead of to the brain, and to the belly the soul, instead of to the head, think what kind of creature this could be. Without the destructive Western split between body and soul - a Jewish-Chinese union against the West. And I promise you that we won't do to you like Western culture, the kingdom of Edom, who after you crowned Europe over the world, thought they could do without you, that the hands of Esau could do without the voice of Jacob, and see what's left. So I tell him: Your Honor, Angel of China, there is a small organ in man that controls even the brain. The urge. And that's how the Jews control the world. We are the sexual organ of the world - not the head. And if you are in the middle of the body, in the middle of the world, then no matter how much the world turns upside down, you will remain. But if you rise to the head - tomorrow you're at the feet. And the evil inclination already has a role, the little Satan is already busy taking care of the next generation, the next world. Anyway the best of us are no longer in this world, they've already left for the race. We are already preparing for union with another world.

Soul Ascent

I dreamed that I am the strongest man in the world, the President of the United States, but I don't know how to help the Jews without being caught. Because everything I do that's not for America's benefit but for the Jews' benefit will eventually be revealed, and then they'll just hate the Jews even more. And I escape from the Secret Service to a secret meeting in our synagogue, inside the Holy Ark, to understand how I can help you. Because they say there, that the strongest man in the world needs to meet the weakest man in the world, and then redemption will come. But that one is just sleeping there in the ark, fell asleep-died and doesn't wake up from the knocking, and I ask: Is this the meeting? How can I help?
- What do you mean help? The question is how he can help you.
- Me?
- Dear Jew-loving Gentile, what do the Jews know, do you know? What do they know that makes them Jews? Not some knowledge, but to read. They know - that the world is a book. And in a book who has the power, the strong side of the page? The writer? Or is it that who ultimately determines the meaning is actually the weak side of the page, the reader? And so too when you act and control the world - who really determines the meaning of the world is who dreams it. The Jew reads America in the upper world. Therefore when finishing reading the Torah we call out "Be strong, be strong, and let us be strengthened". But when starting to write Torah? "Be weak, be weak, and let us be weakened..."
And the lifter and roller grab me - the lifter lifts me by the legs, and the roller twists my arms - and they start to bend and fold and break and crumple and compress me inwards, like a paper ball that doesn't fit all the way in, and try to close over me: The meeting with him is inside him. In his dream. And there the dreamer will see how he can help you, that is us, that is you, that is himself. And from so much weakness I look up to the black skies in the ceiling of the ark and ask for mercy - and die.


I dreamed that I ascend upwards to the upper world to the upper Kabbalah - and ring the bell, and immediately they serve me a bill, a detailed list of the sins that indebted me. And suddenly I discover that I've been robbed, they recorded many sins I didn't commit, and there's some giant sin bigger than all my life that says on it and I have no idea what it's about. Simply thieves. It can't be, someone connected to my soul and committed sins on my account. Partied on me all my life. And the angel representative chuckles at me: You don't know? Everything is documented. And this sin is true that it's not recorded in my system what it is, but that's because you did it in another world. And apparently its name is censored so as not to offend my delicate angelic soul, not everything is permitted for an angel to know. I can transfer and send you to the world where you committed the sin, and you'll manage with them. And I ask: Is this the new Kabbalah you prepared for me? Is this the Yom Kippur surprise? If this is the reception - I don't want to know what the tail reception is. And I wait and wait until the end of all days, but meanwhile at least we hear the angels' song in the background. Ministering angels at your service / Angelic service for you / Turning worlds for you / Your time is precious to us as light - in darkness.

Yom Kippur of the Upper World

I dreamed that I am in the heavenly court and they accuse me of something I didn't do, lies, blood libel, there was no such thing. And I shout it's not true show me where it's written, I want to see in which place in the Torah it is, show me that there's even such a thing, why is this even a sin, and the father of the court hits me with a hammer on the head: Shut up, we're not a court, we're an intelligence agency. Our sources are secret, we know because God knows. Do you think He'll reveal to you how He knows? That for you He'll burn the "means", that everything will leak? You made a hole in our head, quiet in the courtroom, oh sorry, in the secret department. And they bring in the witness - and suddenly it's my wife. And I start to go wild to bark liar she's making this up to justify her behavior, no no, she behaved like that in order to justify this, to make this up, she's exaggerating, inciting you against me, pressuring, she knows what to do, she knows which button to push! And my wife says: You see he's not human?

And they take me from there on a leash, and I bite the hand that takes me and protest: Everything she says is he that that that. That woof woof. And I try to speak, to explain, to clarify myself, at least to myself, but all that comes out is that woof. That woof woof. And they put me in a cage with an animal, and I open the animal's face, and I see that the animal is the son. And he's already older than me, and I say to him: Already? What kind of generation are you? Your mother is an animal. How is it possible that you're here before me? And he starts to smell me, to play with the leash cable, and says: How can I know that you are you? You have no smell, and anyway, it's impossible to connect you to electricity, to any outlet. And I pounce on him: But tell me, what's happening down below? I want to know. What happened to Judaism? In my generation there was already electronic fear of Heaven, and you with your moral books between your paws... like a pig. What happened tell me, did they destroy you again? And my old son tells me from the height of his years, like talking to a child: You know when I was your age, they told me that in the situation that arose, that if we want to survive as a religion we need to give up one of two things: Either our God is not all-powerful, or He doesn't love us. And we went to all the synagogues, cried, held votes. And in the end it was chosen by an overwhelming majority: that He is not all-powerful. But, when I grew a beard, when I grew a tail, I understood that it could be that He simply doesn't know everything. He doesn't know about the Holocaust.
- They didn't tell Him?
- The five senses of Torah were burned long ago, the sixth sense of the Mishnah also disconnected, and the seventh sense doesn't work, because it's Shabbat. After such destruction of all the sources, such elimination of all the collection angels, the terrible falls from the heavens, can you predict the behavior of a secret organization in such a situation? Where can people reach? More than that, where can angels reach? And more than that, where can God reach? Tell me, have you ever heard of the "means"?
- Huh?
- True secularism is not space, that space is empty of God, but temporality - that time is empty of God. Because contrary to what people think, time does not fill itself. Yom Kippur is the seed of the whole year, just as Rosh Hashanah is the womb, and therefore a righteous one like a Rebbe can give in it the dream code from which all time grows - and a year is created. Otherwise - default, cessation, the years are empty, and life runs, a dog's life, a moment ago everything was future, and now everything is already past, and like a dream it shall fly away.
And my son is already very old, I start to fear for his life, and I say to him just to wake him up, something about the love of the father, but he doesn't wake up, all that comes out is love of woof. Love woof woof. And I try to tell him, at least to say, what I wanted to say. But he woof woof. And all the guards went home, no one stayed, Yom Kippur, default. And I think that at least they've given up on me, because instead of bars there are only curtains and screens here, the whole prison is empty, if not the entire upper world, where is everyone. And I start to wander in the upper world as a dog, and think that at least as a dog I can do a lot, enter many places, behind the curtain. Maybe to the laboratories. They never allowed me to the laboratories. Yes, the "means". And I start to think, how to enter, but all I have in my head is woof woof. And soon I'll also have a dog's soul. And a dog's spirit. And a dog's higher soul. Woofwoofwoofwoof. And I discover there deep inside and before and within, inside of me - the means. That draw all the secrets from within. And think that now I too can deceive God.

White Worlds

I dreamed I was a dog in heaven. And there are special toilets for dogs so I don't dirty paradise, but by mistake I get loose from the leash to an angel. And I start to run, run fast, run and run and more, run very fast, not looking at the trees, not looking at the righteous, who are so righteous - that they're allowed to walk naked, and it won't affect them, and there's already a place with naked women and it doesn't affect anyone to see, apparently, and even I don't glance anymore. But there start to be people connected with 4 legs and arms, and all the time running against the direction of my run - from the place I'm running to - snakes, more and more snakes, and here soon the first days, worlds where light is still mixed with darkness, or the sea is mixed with land, or the sky is connected to earth, mixed, and I catch one of the snakes by the tail, and it whispers: Help, you're killing me, please, let me escape. And it rattles, tempting me, desperate: Pleassse, even just change direction, okay don't go backwards, let's turn to the side, to other worlds. You'll see, I'll take you to the worlds of the Sabbath, where God ressssts, bride, "and God finished", and then man lives, there you can escape from him, without fear. And I think hiss snake foolish head of straw, he doesn't know that if we turn to the side not... but really, there are lots of trees with beards, at first white stubble of children, and then trees with mustaches, and then long long and tangled beards, that cover the whole floor like white snow. And I peek up and see that the sky is divided in the middle half black half white, and the snake says it's not the sky, there's a white mountain that reaches to the sky, at an infinite height, so even though it's terribly far, it looks like the dividing line is exactly in the middle of the sky, like the sun at noon. And he whispers that I should be careful where I step! All the threads are connected, and there are hairs here that reach to the beards of Rashi, of Moses our teacher, and the snake trembles excited: carefully be careful not to tear! Each such connection took thousands of years to grow, for each one to grow. And I pull gently, on one of the threads, and I hear from far far far away screaming, and the snake: Enough! But I say: Shhh, it wasn't a rabbi, it was a woman. And the snake whispers no! And I: Not true it was a woman. And the snake whispers no no no. And I advance with the thread and pull every minute, and the distant groans and screams from within the trees are already closer: aa ah oh ee ha heh ho hi va ve vu vi ya yeh yu yi, and we cross a stream of blood, and I can see from his face, and I ask him what is it, and he whispers: It's the cycle of Rosh Hashanah, a cycle that happens only once a year, don't worry. And we get closer, and here there's another red river. And I ask: So what's this? And he whispers: This, this is the cycle of Yom Kippur. Well, once in a lifetime. And we barely cross, clinging to the last passing hairs that hold on - and here we are close, and there's a sea of blood there. And I shout at the snake: What now? And he whispers: This is from the cycle of the Holocaust, the Holocaust holiday, the hidden holiday. It's a holiday that hasn't yet descended to the world, so they don't know when it is yet, but there are people who can suddenly feel some bump under the time in the calendar, but really you couldn't expect that I would know, or foresee this. It's the first time since the creation of the world. And if you hadn't insisted on going in this direction we wouldn't have gotten here at all. And the snow reaches right to the edge of the water, that is the blood, and the hairs go inside, and here there's a woman with a beard between the trees. That is, a woman only with a beard, naked, but a long, white beard, that covers like a swimsuit and reaches down and connects to the network of beards and is absorbed into it. And the snake whispers to me: King David, the kingdom...
- What?
- Shhh... Let's tempt King David.
- What, is this King David, or Aunt Malka [Queen]? And suddenly today is the hidden holiday? I don't believe you, is this a biblical or rabbinical holiday?
- There's a third period after rabbinical, that you haven't reached yet. When you know it you'll understand that the two previous ones were just one side of the triangle.
- Triangle? What organs do you think she has under the beard, is it a man or a woman?
And the snake whispersss: There will be a third sex, and then you'll understand why there was a lack of balance until now. And the snake smiles, and I come to strangle him: Is it you? You think it's you? The third, huh? You're the sex that would create the woman? After she would fall asleep, that you're the crown of creation, the last sex? That you're the third rib that comes out of the second rib when she dreams?
- Leave me alone, come on, to dust you shall return - and who eats the dust? They didn't hide my creation for nothing, suddenly I appear. Naked! Adam knew nothing about it. What did you think, that there are only two? There must be a medium. You thought God is a sucker? Gave you the tree of knowledge, and told you about the tree of life? He hid the third tree. There's a third tree, not just the Written Torah, or the Oral Torah.
- Torah of the ear? The nose?
- No dog, be creative.
- A language that's not spoken and also not written?
- Come on dog, if you didn't merit a snake's head, at least think with the tail.
- Are you hinting something to me? Sign language?
- Think that your owner instructs you - that's Torah, but what you... There's a third Torah, what I'm not telling you. What I expect, not command - from you to do. Alone. What I can't tell you, but. You understand?

No? Let's say God tells you what to do, not to eat, and then you tell the woman, also not to touch, but if the woman wants something that she can't say, because what, because that's the point, that without her saying. So here I come - the snake. I, well, you don't understand, follow my tail - he gives me a look - and then I notice that his tail doesn't end. It becomes a thin thin thin thread, a hair... So he's also connected to the network? Oh! And we reached the end of its length, and now we need to follow the whole way we made back, in order to continue, to advance, we need to release it from where it got tangled. And I go following the thread, and it seems to me that I lost the way. Maybe I got confused between the threads somewhere? And now go find in all the white tangle, damn it. And in the end I reach a land of very young trees, babies, trees that scream, that they're hungry, and suddenly there are huge organs of women in the sky, clouds of glory that have no shame, that the whole world will see, and milk rain falls from there, buckets, drops the size of heads, and I already understand, it all connects to the snow of the beards, and I think, I already know how they connect, the babies and the elders, what connects them, white, what connects them is the seed. And I'm dying of fear from the next forest, what will be there, and I start to run backwards, fleeing from all the white forests, to the black forest.

Black Worlds

I dreamed that I suddenly. To their hideout. Righteous partisans. Inside the forests, outside of God, in a clearing, opposing God. Jonah the prophet. Elijah. Nimrod. Cain. Holy criminals. Sitting around a campfire, and the fire is black, so they won't be discovered. Every so often they hear a distant buzz in the sky of some poor white angel that God sent to search for them, who tries to shine into the forest, but immediately they launch a "darkness" team that aims a darkness flashlight at him, and he disappears. A suicide mission. And they sit around the campfire and study Torah, and scratch behind my ears.

Cain says: They say I'm a murderer? I want a brother. We were three brothers, Noah had three sons, but suddenly with Abraham and Isaac etc., it's quarrels between two, suddenly it's pairs. So who's the real concealer here? So I understood that the middle brother needs to be eliminated. Here, God doesn't have just 2 legs, he has a third leg. And I bark: But what does this third leg even do? - Sweetie, God has organs that humans don't have. Like angels - wings! And they all laugh around, and I don't know what's funny. And Cain continues: There are three types of espionage in the world. This is how a holy organization should work: There need to be spies for it, and to transfer from Torah sh... to Oral Torah, and from there to Written Torah. First of all to elevate. There's Oral Torah: to turn people into sources, and sources into agents. All the people you know in the outside world are not your friends, they're not your family, they're first of all sources, and therefore they're your friends, therefore they're your family. And there's Written Torah: to turn information into intelligence, and intelligence into secrets. That no one knows what you're doing with the information, why you're interested, for what you're doing what you're doing. And there's a third type of Torah: to turn operations into doctrines, and doctrines into organizations, meaning to know not only what to do, but how to act. Don't think of yourself as a person, think of yourself as an organization. You hear, dog? - Cain asks and everyone laughs - You think God thinks of himself as a person, just because he has executive arms and foundations on which he stands like legs? And he pets my head: The whole question is what kind of organization you are. Religion is not an army of orders and commandments. Religion is an intelligence organization, espionage. The army is an organization that lies to itself, it lies to itself that the orders from top to bottom really determine, that the structure and roles are what create and define the activity, that it really acts according to how it imagines it acts, meaning how it should act, meaning dreams that it acts. While intelligence is an organization that hides from itself. And he strokes his forehead: In your army of God there's no spiritual ability, because everything is perceived as mechanical, as activating force and mechanisms and commandments from above and orders and red heifer, and there's no understanding of the need of the system below to adapt to the new direction. The force with you is perceived as creating speed - as determining where to go, or even as creating location - where you are, and not as creating acceleration, gradual change of direction and speed. And when the mass and force of the systems is very large compared to the command, like in the world versus God, or in culture versus the Torah, or in the global village versus Judaism, the problem only grows, and momentum becomes the almost exclusive parameter - and therefore only friction creates change. You Jews think as if the head is a handle that moves the body, like a dinosaur with a bird's brain, and still wonder why you've atrophied. While with us in the organization it's like a bird with a dinosaur's brain. The picture as if the bosses above "operate" us is wrong, God must work also from bottom to top! But with you there's no recognition of learning from bottom to top, and therefore the learning is ultimately from outside inwards, in a large, painful feedback loop, against the enemy. And then they still wonder: Oops, Holocaust. The original sin is always the lack of a center, a medium, that will mediate between the head and the feet. That's not how God works. A head for God is not enough, you also need a heart, and a belly, and a pancreas. Maybe in the future to come the brain will be the heart. But today you need a center, a middle, that will connect between above and below and all the other directions, that you don't know at all. Now you understand, bow wow wow?

Red Worlds

I dreamed that Nimrod was eyeing me a bit too much, and he pulls my tail and I shout: Leave me alone. And he laughs: You know what "mighty hunter before the Lord" means? Hunting is one thing, but before the Lord? And I bark: Please leave me alone. And he says: Don't worry, but he starts to lift me with the tail. The more he tells them his Torah the more he lifts me with the tail, until I'm completely in the air, and I whine: You'll tear it off. And he sways and preaches, and spins me in the air above his head, like a Kapparot chicken, and I'm afraid I'll fly off - and I fly! And Nimrod chases after me: I'll catch you.

And this is what Nimrod claims. The problem was that there were only two sides in the triangle: a connection between the woman and man, and a connection between the woman and the snake. And there wasn't the connection of man with the snake. And he explains, he understands animals, that your connection with the inner snake is at night. You understand now what a tail is? And Nimrod says that you need to hunt, and he looks at me with a meaningful look, and says that the old categories of meaning of creation from Sefer Yetzirah - world, year and soul (ASh"N) - have become place-time-person, and today they already talk about sites, updates, users. And there are the sides that connect them: that connect to every user a world, and a site becomes that connects souls and souls that connect a site, or that give every time a soul, and times become that connect souls and vice versa, or a world made of update and innovations, and place becomes that connects times and vice versa, and in the end they make time into place and vice versa, and what's left of the soul. And what will the God-fearing do, when they turn the holiday into a soul for him, and he comes at least to talk to her, and here she already turns into a place? They're stealing our commandments from us, suddenly Shavuot turns into the Land of Israel, and Moses turns into Passover, and Sukkot into abroad, and the Western Wall is Tisha B'Av, and your soul is Yom Kippur, and Jerusalem turns into King David who turns into Shavuot, etc. Not to mention commandments that they turned into pig. Therefore we need to guard the Torah and commandments. And you know how to guard, dog? When we sit on the three sides, and guard the place, and the time, and the soul - because the correct and equal relation between them is the dream. Not wakefulness, in which time and place come at the expense of the soul, and the world comes at the expense of man. In exile, outside of time and place, they only guarded the soul, and therefore its end was a Holocaust of souls. Here they guard the place, but at the expense of time and at the expense of the soul, and therefore the end is a Holocaust of the land. But the guarding of time was abandoned everywhere: in the land, abroad, and even in virtual sites, and therefore time is already escaping. They let innovation become the kingdom of Satan. And in the end there will be a Holocaust of time. And you ask how to guard it?

And Nimrod answers: Bow! Bow wow. What's needed is to bark. To bark at night. If you dreamed a dream that has at least one sixtieth of prophecy, that won't be nullified in sixty - then write it according to its time. Dreams according to the holidays - they are the soul of time. A person works all day for the night, all the lights that entered him during the day find vessels at night. So you must add the leg of the night to your time. You need a minimum of three legs to rotate time and progress, to round it in cycles, because if it's only two it runs between them back and forth, like people who live from sunrise to soul departure. To round the day you must take an additional step also at night. And that's how you'll guard time: Shacharit-morning is the innovation of bursting kindness and ideas from the night's dream, Mincha-afternoon to sit in judgment to judge to order, and Arvit-night is mercy, to fall asleep under the wings of the Divine Presence. And you, the guard dog of the Jewish regime, God's dog, know that all the power of communication, of connection, is time. Therefore you need Torah in time. If you want Torah to have power. Because you can't wait for prophecy anymore. Once the innovation in Torah was really in prophecies, but today there are only dreams, and prophecy is nullified in sixty.

Therefore as a hunter, I tell you that every new technology is an animal, and you need to go hunting at night and capture it in Torah. For example, if there's clean energy - without destruction, you need to learn that this is the purification of the vessels, lights without breaking. Therefore it's like a burnt offering that all goes up in fire completely upwards, without any black part for the Other Side, which might anger it. And therefore you need to prepare vessels for it on the side, throw a bone to the dog, because a hungry dog is dangerous. That is, on one hand it's one of the signs of the coming of the Messiah, pure and clear energy, but on the other hand, haven't we learned anything? Again trying to put lights of chaos in vessels of correction? In the end there will be a terrible breaking. What's needed is actually lights of correction - in vessels of chaos. So what do you do with all these lights that don't have a body, all these new animals that weren't in the ark, all these ideas that don't have a mate? What's needed is a new woman. A new type of vessels. A new ark. A new body. A new land. A new pig. A new organization. New secrets instead of the old ones that died. The elevation of: find, eat, grow is not enough. You also need the internalization of: revelation, mating, covering. The sin of knowledge and the sin of the secret. Every innovation - to use it, that's a commandment. But to understand it, that's Torah. Torah of the mouth I understand what it is, but what is Oral Torah? Lips are the meeting of two languages, a kiss with the lips of Torah, mating, tongue to put it in the mouth, snake from heaven, to catch it by hand, to turn it into God's staff. Foundations to receive them. Currently disconnected from the language of God. That in the mouth.

And I'm already not listening, and happy that he continues to talk. Because the medium is finally trembling inside me. God discovers me, locates me: place-time-soul. And the God of dogs tells me: Bow wow wow. And I escape from there to the red forests, before the holy rebels go up in ASh"N [smoke].

To the next chapter
The trilogy