The Degeneration of the Nation
Days of Awe
An Error Always Returns

I dreamed that Rosh Hashanah was approaching and everyone was preparing, while I was busy with the tail of the year, where it had disappeared to. And they tell me Rosh Hashanah is coming tomorrow, and I still haven't done anything, it's the last night, I haven't even started, and everyone has already gone, sleeping, the projects, the sheets, the screens, the guards, everything is ready. And we can already see beyond the mountains the top of his shtreimel rising, black black, soon his eyes will come out, and I don't even have time for something pathetic, my only chance is to find the tail after all. It must be very thin now, it's the end of the end of the end...

And I'm already thinking what trick to do with it, to tie it to a tree and then the year will never end, and everyone will fall for it, they won't wake up tomorrow, and only I will continue to pass in the endless night from house to house, talking to girls who haven't fallen asleep, who will never fall asleep. In space, real distances, a world where the Messiah came before the Holocaust, and therefore the Holocaust must happen in the Land of Israel, and so I move further and further away, a world where the Messiah, a world where the resurrection of the dead. Movement not in time, , pure movement in space. .

Or I can hold onto it and arrive with it to last year, to make a mess there, and change the future from there, like puppets, to control the world from the past, and they will never be able to depose me. One who sits inside the book of Genesis, movement only in time. I must, the tail, the main thing is not to see this new head. Why don't they rule that a new year is forbidden by the Torah. Who knows what other inventions of immorality, what Nazi Robotriks are waiting for us there? It's a matter of life and death. And I search in all the holes, and curse fools, why are you so flattering to the head, when the one who really controls the world is the tail? The real holiday is the tail of the year. It's not from the skull that one rises in the resurrection of the dead, but from the tailbone.

And I say maybe I searched in the wrong hole. Where could it be hiding. Where would I hide if I were in its place? And the dread of the new year falls upon me, the black shadow of the head - and I understand where I would hide. And I take off my hat and see a trembling mouse there, don't be afraid, and it cries: This is my end. And Rosh Hashanah opens its huge mouth and swallows it - swallows its own tail. And that year repeats itself again and again and again. Always the same holidays, the same jokes, table, and what was once a real organ has worn down to sand, once there was Passover here, once there was Rosh Hashanah here, digging, the eyes, ashamed to go below the neck, maybe the year is a woman. And never reaches the tailbone. And no one knows what new holidays were supposed to come after this head, holiday of Shfach, Psach, Sbavuot, Shuchot, Psach, Bsach, Shfavuot, Cosot, Sfach, Buot, Shvaot, Chfes, Toavus, Chushut. And already no one prepares for Rosh Hashanah. Like last year.

The End of the Year to the Left

I dreamed that tails are chasing me. Wherever I run. Tails. Last things. That need to be finished. Last opportunities. To finish. Tails of the Rebbe, from the past, and I already know what will happen, five minutes before the wedding you will die and leave me with the rabbi. She was so fat. That they thought she was pregnant. They waited to see what. It's not a bubble, it's a balloon. I looked for a heart, but found only a belly. And I stabbed her, stabbed her. In the wrong place. But you don't come, and the years pass. Could it be that all women arrive. In heaven and men in hell? What do they do. There all day? Sheol is the Messiah King! The baby cries when I teach him Gemara, and I get angry at him: You won't embarrass us again at the well-baby clinic, such a head circumference is not acceptable in our family. To accept the son out of wedlock as the son of God. They forget there will be two donkeys. Because there will be two Messiahs. Donkey son of Joseph and donkey son of David. And my study partner stops bringing me food to the room, because I stopped going out of the room even to the dining room, he thinks it will force me to go out, and one day the supervisor comes with three more and they grab me by the hands and feet and lift me, take me upstairs, to the office that says The Head on it. The search for the holy Rebbe. We need to discover - beneath Malchut [Kingdom] there is another measure, and we need to lower to it, it is hungry. If the seventh is seven, the eighth is fat. And the world progresses too, this time creation will be in eight days, and man is just one of the animals from the sixth day. And on the Sabbath the new creature is created, and instead of in the Garden of Eden it is in the World to Come - until the sin of the World to Come, because of which it is expelled to the Garden of Eden. Our writer in heaven reports on a new spiritual fashion: A shtreimel made of snake tails conquers the Garden of Eden - a new head covering joins the "Eve's clothing" fashion. Vision of the end of nights. To light the sukkah and live for eight days in a menorah. You can't drink a glass of raspberry syrup concentrate. If you have ten excellent songs you have a collection of hits, but you also need weak songs to have an album.

The Black Plague

I dreamed that the black screen is covered with a guard, and I no longer have access, no permission to the internal network, and only the black book was abandoned. And it comes down from the trees and out of the forest, and there is a period of spiritual flowering. And all the ideas are walking around with dots, and don't stop sneezing. And in the advanced stage they are already walking around with buttons, and everyone covers their mouths and shouts: Sick ideas, they will infect us with the black book. And we start to hear about a dangerous idea, completely white, that infects all the girls: button and flower. And in that period the head is the womb, and therefore only women have a head. And Rosh Hashanah is the womb of the year. And the idea tries to enter the womb to infect the whole year, but it doesn't understand where the entrance is. And they send me on behalf of the white Yom Kippur to spy in the black womb of Rosh Hashanah, to see where the black books are hiding, in preparation for the invasion. And the two guards on both sides - the lifter and the roller - say: What do you have to do with darkness? And I laugh: What do I have to do with darkness? Apparently you don't know the situation with darkness in the world. Even my wife on Shabbat no longer lights candles, but only extinguishes the darkness. And the two guards grab me by the legs and head, and start rolling me like an embryo, and I cry out: Darkness and I are best friends, although I once mistakenly thought that the secret doctrine was a revelation of higher lights, but today I understand that all the lights from above were just the absence of darkness. All revelations are just the absence of the secret. Because the secret is the basic medium of the universe, darkness is the material from which the world is made! And they lift and raise me, and I beg: Darkness is me, therefore light will be death. Black is not space, but on the contrary - white is the empty place, because the world is a book. Do you understand what kind of book? Darkness is first and it is last, and without it - but they are already putting me into the ark.

And I start swimming among the books, and they pass me on the left and right, and I know I have no chance, against all the sharks, to be the Nachshon [first to jump into the sea]. To reach the egg first. And they have long electric cables behind them that once connected books to walls, but in that period they are already torn, and the books work from the air. Wireless literature. And there is a huge temple inside with a giant embryo under construction, and next to it a guardian angel teaching it, from a glowing screen in the darkness, which apparently replaces the candle, full of embryonic ideas. And to my horror the embryo is playing with the cord that connects it to the world through its navel, and I stop above its head, and peek at the new Torah:

White Mishnah
Time must not continue to be a thread. It can tear, or end, not to mention getting tangled or forming a loop, or worse - a knot. Therefore we need to add to it above and below, so it won't be one-dimensional, but two. And the holidays - they are the connection points - the exits down and up. Because there is for example an upper Rosh Hashanah, the first day of Rosh Hashanah, and a lower Rosh Hashanah, the last day of Rosh Hashanah, and we need to connect between them, in Tashlich from top to bottom. And so to add connections, and turn the timeline into a network, until it is possible to catch something outside of time - to catch God like a fly.

Black Gemara
Why are there two Rosh Hashanah: Rosh Hashanah A and Rosh Hashanah B? Said the lifter: The year is a monster with two heads. Said the roller: There are two days of world creation, Friday and Saturday - because the world was created from two wombs. And the lifter and roller said: From Yom Kippur come out two white goats, one for day A and the second for day B, one for above and the second for below, one for the upper womb in time and the second for the lower womb in time, one for God and the second for Azazel. And both come out of the white righteous on the white day, high priest on Yom Kippur, who enters the secret of secrets in the Holy of Holies. And all ten days of repentance return the goats in time, from Yom Kippur to Rosh Hashanah, each day transferring from the day after to the day before, from the future to the past, and this is repentance. Returning in repentance is returning in time: to return. And only therefore can it fix the past. To turn retroactively into initially. Otherwise how on Yom Kippur can one change the judgment that was justly decreed on Rosh Hashanah? Only thanks to repentance. And the affliction of souls on Yom Kippur is from the word onah [marital duty] - the holy matrimonial union in the temple in the Holy of Holies in the holy time of the year. From there the re-examination, the idea, that is transferred to Rosh Hashanah for pregnancy - today is the conception of the world. This is the white seed that is sent back in time to the gestation of the world within the dark womb of chaos. Because from Rosh Hashanah is born the whole year - the source of all judgments and mercies in the year - just as from the creation of the world is born the whole world.

The Holy Darkness
"From your bowels they will separate." The screen guard opened: Why did it say "bowels" in plural? Two wombs. If one does not connect the two wives of man, the woman and the Torah, or in our days the woman and the computer, then the wombs separate into mercy and judgment. And then the days of Rosh Hashanah instead of overlapping as one day, and connected one above the other, they are consecutive - one after the other. Like Jacob and Esau, Israel and Edom. And then half the tongue that is tied to the head of the goat is red on Yom Kippur, and then all year there is war between the brothers, who is first. Because from one womb comes murder, without mercy. Like with Eve and Rebecca, unlike Sarah-Hagar and Leah-Rachel, who had two wombs connected to the same righteous man. Therefore if we do not connect now the woman and the network - Leah and Rachel - and the next generation will come out only from a woman's womb, or only from a network womb, and not a connection of wombs between them of woman-network - in the next generation there will be a Holocaust.

Rash"i [Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki]
Repentance - to turn the head into a womb. And the years into women. And this is the matter of the roller, from the word rolling, from circle to circle. And when connecting the two days in Tashlich to the river, and throwing the deeds from above to below, then from the connection of the upper womb and the lower womb - they become mercies. And thus we break through a perpendicular path to the direction of regular time, up and down. And this is the matter of the lifter. And I found in the old tail additions, that it is hardest to move in time, because it is a very narrow bridge, and therefore free will is difficult in time, and easy in space. And we want the opposite, that it should be easy to move in time, and difficult in space. And this is the intention of the guards: against space - and for time.

And the angel closes the screen and explains in the darkness oral Torah: Know, little baby, that all the war of the Jews is to add time at the expense of space. And eternity will be the victory, a decision in the ancient struggle - time against space. Because once there was no time at all, only space, and if we succeed in adding now another dimension of time at the expense of a dimension of space, both will be two-dimensional screens, or better time in three dimensions, and space in one dimension, and in redemption time will be in four dimensions and there will be no space at all - and this is eternity. The redemption will not be from exile in space but from exile in time, from the period of exile. Therefore redemption is not spatial redemption, of the Land of Israel - but temporal redemption, of the festivals of Israel. The holidays are the first structures in time, an opening for continuation. Therefore the end of the world will not be in time, namely the end of time, but in space - the end of space. The Messiah is outside of history, in two-dimensional time, and in this direction of time will never arrive, only after death, outside of this time. And the resurrection of the dead will be when time is a round ball. But when time is in all four corners, then there will be a fourth period of redemption. Higher than the resurrection of the dead, from the world of resurrection - will be the world of the Holocaust. And the Jews will be points, embryonic ideas, like all dimensions that are in the aspect of gestation. And the Holy One, Blessed be He, will no longer be called The Place, but The Appointed Time, and all bodies will be in time, Passover will be a person, and it will be possible to talk to him, all the holidays will be alive, and in circumcision they will cut part of time, German precision will be like a knife, and Amalek will return from the past, through the lower track of time's hell, despite the erasure of memory in linear time, like a bad dream. And women will be exempt from commandments, because there will be no commandments that time did not cause. And the three pilgrimage festivals will be the fathers, and the four fasts the mothers, and a people of holidays will be born, and they will be the people of the Name, and they will celebrate the Jews, they will celebrate Moses, for example, and it will be understood why there is no early and late in the Torah.

And the embryo expounds: Afterwards, from the gestation in Rosh Hashanah all the holidays develop. The sukkah is the pregnancy, and therefore we sleep in the sukkah. Hanukkah is the birth, with eight days for circumcision. And Purim is childhood. And Passover is the age of education, and you shall tell your son. And Shavuot is the age of entering into commandments, and going out to Torah. Because the Jews - they are the ones who spread the black book. Therefore it is forbidden to go with an uncovered head, and we protect it with a kippah and even a hat. But only a shtreimel gives hermetic protection, with a layer of tails repelling heads, and thus we must also protect Rosh Hashanah - with the shtreimel of the year, made of time's tails. And the rolled embryo raises its head for the first time with a pleading look, and the guardian angel says: I'm sorry, but it seems you won't finish the pregnancy. According to the ideas you said, you've probably already been infected. And from the embryo comes out an achoo - and it is reabsorbed back into the black womb.

The Reversal

I dreamed that my wife wakes me up for the Shabbat Teshuvah [Sabbath of Repentance] sermon of the new Rebbe, who planted agents in the Garden of Eden, and is planning a theological coup. And everyone is hurrying. And he is very tall and opposite him is the women's section, and he looks at it, speaks to it, above the head of all the holy congregation: I am against Hasidism! And everyone falls silent. And he thunders: We need a movement of judgment. No more man of light - Admor [acronym for "Our Master, Teacher and Rabbi"]. But master of darkness - Ba'alta [acronym for "Master of Darkness"]. I'm sick of prayer! And everyone looks at each other. And he raises his hands - to the heavens: The entire Torah is to turn prayer and blessing into prophecy and commandment: to ascend from below to above - to from above to below. From mercy to judgment. From problem to algorithm. And just as Torah without innovation is forbidden, prayer without innovation is forbidden. Not to thank that I'm breathing, unless it's something new. And he looks at the congregation that's not breathing, and says: If the world ends tomorrow morning in a second Holocaust, if God kills you right now for no reason, then yalla it's not part of your relationship, not interesting. Oh, and this too - we need continuation from Islam! That God should be more Allah and less God, to join the Arabs against the West west evening mixed multitude b. Against popular culture, subculture - that's the meaning of hell. To burn the trash books that women read. Only high culture, that's the meaning of paradise, dreams are not subconscious, but superconscious, a new way to talk about God, new work in the upper worlds. And prayer - only if you have something new to say. They corrupted speech, and still wonder why He doesn't answer. Just be careful not to be a nudnik [pest]. God hates nudniks. Better to study during prayer time, if you must show your face. Because in the synagogue, the house of the congregation of Israel - there is your second married life. Quiet from your small wife, and quiet from the internet - your big wife. Ours! And everyone looks into the women's section. And he sweetens a secret: For technological redemption we need technological exile, and then we will stand before the heavens, behind us will be the gentiles, and we will have the parting of the heavens. And then there will really be the question of who is the Nachshon who will jump first - to the heavens. And we will pass through the heavens as on dry land, we will walk all night until we reach the other side, and the heavens will return to themselves, and the camp of gentiles that marched after us will crash to the ground. And then, then we will also walk seven weeks until we reach God's mountain - paradise today is a desert - and we will receive you know what. And he mumbles: For what is Torah study? Not to study the Torah, but to study within the Torah. The commandments are not tools, but materials. Therefore it's better to fall asleep in prayer, and more than that - to dream in prayer. Because when the sleeper sleeps the world disappears from him, but not sleep, it doesn't disappear, it is his world. But when the sleeper doesn't know he's sleeping - when even sleep has disappeared - then he dreams. Then he passes to another world. The Zohar understood only the lower level of night, and therefore wanted us to wake up at night for the midnight rectification. But we want higher than that - to dream at night. And I see the multitude of eyes in the darkness, they sparkle like stars. The Rebbe.

And the new Rebbe shlita [may he live long and good days] twirls the shtreimel [fur hat] on his pinky finger like other Rebbes twirl God, and shoots into the holy congregation: I am against work. Slave! To sell yourself is forbidden, Jews make money from investment, it's forbidden to work. From today every smallest child must invest in the biggest stock market in the world, and let them work all day - mental illness - and we will dream all night - mental health. You don't need to be rich, that's a mistake, investment is what defines wealth, not the other way around, there are rich people who work like donkeys. It's your decision if you're above or below, if you're pure capital or material for sale, on the side of the Messiah or on the side of the donkey. And why is investment so high in spirit? Because it's a dream. It's THE dreaming. Gematria within gematria: stock market! Because fulfilling commandments is consumption, while Torah is investment. And consumption is the animal soul, that's why the commandments are in the body. While money is concentrated spirituality, just as matter is concentrated energy. And to embody spirit in matter - that's idolatry. Therefore luxuries are forbidden, and even charity needs to be an investment. Charity is God's justice, and His justice is very different from the justice we imagine. It's the justice that needs to be. Not our justice, of mercy, after the fact. Charity is not the lights and sparks in money, but the vessels - the technology. Justice is structure, not content. A Torah scholar needs a pill with all the daily food, and no more than that. And thus we will merit God's justice, without mercy. Judgment Day.

And the Rebbe shlita bites his own beard, and like a snake that ate its tail spits out venomously: They slander me, that I'm a politician. Why do I even deal with and hate the state may its name be erased, so why do I mention its name? And I ask, didn't the prophets fight with the Baals? Once there was masculine idolatry, and today there is feminine idolatry. Once there was idolatry of God, and today there is idolatry of the Shechina [Divine Presence]. The foreign kingdom is idolatry, and the pure kingdom in this world is THE network, the last letters - and the end of rectification. The war with the state? It has begun. The state is the organization of the day, the great enemy of the organization of the night. You think we can dream at home, and it won't enter our dream? This monster has taken over Jews' consciousness, with the help of the impure democracy from the wicked kingdom of Greece, when the state should concern a Jew like the sewage infrastructure, while dreaming is the infrastructure of the soul. That's how it washed our brains with sewage water - the government of the day. While the Holy One Blessed be He promised our father at the dream event that his seed would be like the stars. The government of the night.

And the Rebbe shlita continues: For every Torah - there needs to be a drawing down to kingship, meaning a connection to the network, an elevation to the virtual world, to build vessels in the world, to wrap in films and pages. Not naked Torahs, but clothed, so that there will be desire for Torah - like you have desire for a woman, precisely because she's clothed - and then there will be creativity. And in that creative Torah you will understand the secret of infinity: not that the limit is included in the limitless, but that the limitless is included in the limit. The future - in darkness. The Messiah - at night. God - in a dream. The Book of Darkness - the spiritual answer to the Book of Zohar.

And the Rebbe approaches the climactic moment and cries: We must replace the hollow and everyday secular literature with dream literature. What is hidden in Hebrew even in the most impure secular text, no matter what they try to write? The Name. The three most common letters in Hebrew yud-heh-vav the name of Havaya according to the order of descent, in the next level the six most common letters in Hebrew alef-lamed-heh-yud-mem, in the next level ten letters complete to the letters of Bereshit, etc. for those who know. Because just as man received the Book of Formation, the serpent received the Book of Desire, and it is written there: In the beginning God created the heavens - and desire, and God said let there be skin. Because in the future, we will turn from flesh to virtual, and from reality to imaginary, and from body to imagination, and from matter to dream, and from man made of earth to man made of fire, and the serpent will shed its light. Then, when skin turns to light, incest will turn to lion revelation - and we will use a lion revealer to reveal the next Ari [Rabbi Isaac Luria], even within a pig if necessary, because there is a world where the pig is king of beasts and the lion eats garbage. Because just as the people of Israel return in repentance - the Torah needs to be returned in repentance. The fall of the serpent that seduced Eve was much greater than the fall of Adam, because he was supposed to seduce the Torah - and not the woman - and she would have already fed God. Therefore when man dreams, a woman is created from him, but when God dreams, Torah is created from Him. Therefore to rectify now we need to reverse: leave the woman to God, and fall into such a slumber that Torah will come out of us. Because God stopped sleeping - and all the righteous don't succeed in putting Him to sleep, but we - will put man to sleep. Jewish time begins from the night, the day begins from the night. If the dream is really a dream, it remains a dream even in daylight. If the secret is really a secret - it remains a secret even if it's revealed. We will take the dream out of exile - from darkness to light. Because after the return to the land, the time has come to return to heaven. And just as there was, only after they arrived in the land, the period of the prophets, the time has come for the period of the dreamers - because precisely because a dream is lower than prophecy, its root is higher in the Torah. The root of prophecy is in Shemot [Exodus] - and the root of the dream is in Bereshit [Genesis]. And the Rebbe bursts into hysterical crying: The new black heavens, higher than the old heavens, are waiting for us - the darkness. We need to unite the Torah with the bed. If day has become death - the time has come for night to be life. And he puts on the shtreimel, and calls out: Who volunteers to go out with me into the night? And he descends stumbling from the stage, and the lifter and roller stand to his right and left, and the crowd roars, and the walls recoil, and the study hall grows. And I look at the Rebbe's student crying in the dark. The old Rebbe is dead. Long live the new Rebbe.

The Leap of Faith

I dreamed that at night, on Saturday night, the first note already comes out from the new Rebbe, and he demands: A Jew must be able to jump to the heavens. Hear O Israel, when you lie down and when you rise - cover your eyes and jump. And l  o    v    e. You think you're skipping over the night, falling asleep and waking up in a second? The day is just an abyss, and the righteous one jumps from night to night, from horizon to horizon, skipping over the days, leaping over the nights. A Jew needs to write dreams.


I dreamed that

At the Head of Sleep They Shall Be Inscribed

I dreamed that they tell me: Write your dreams. And thus you can be two people. Because the networks, the houses, the roads, the books, are becoming more and more crowded. And the solution to crowding is for the world to be black and white. White cars will drive only during the day, and black cars only at night. Instead of adding hours to the day - half the people will live during the day and half at night. And you sleep during the day, and your wife tells you at night: We don't know who the people are who live at our place during the day. You can be one woman during the day and another at night. Not to mention a man. Or a black cat. But now that half the world lives in nights and dreams, instead of days, even the paths of dreams in the heavens are starting to become more and more crowded. And there are traffic jams, honking in dreams, accidents, dangerous overtaking, startled awakenings, and just a step away from a black police, dream police. And I meet someone familiar to me, I have no privacy even in a dream you're following me. Can't I be free? And you: The Rebbe demanded - dawn of a new night. The wild east is over.

The End of the Student

I dreamed that in the future it's even possible to record dreams, with a special shtreimel, and after the privacy of thought is lost the last freedom is lost - the freedom of dreaming. And there is absolute panic in the last refuge of the secret doctrine, the secret that you don't remember even in yourself, soon the light will come, and illuminate into the head. And the angels burn all the pages. And the memory center flashes: They're coming, they're coming. - Who? - Your wife and children. And the student says: Don't you dare dream about me. The new Rebbe doesn't sleep at night, he doesn't really study all night. - Does he read minds? - He reads dreams! And that's what the old Rebbe called idolatry. After all, what is the foundation of religion? To oppose all human spiritual authority - physical doesn't matter. That's why the old Rebbe commanded a spiritual underground, in order to come out of the last hiding place left, of dreams, because they already control all thoughts, and from there to conquer anew thinking and Torah, because there's no place left in them for secret. No, you'll just dream that you're dreaming about me. And the student knows that he lost, and he nods in despair: After all, among the gentiles women were always the most effective tool for social supervision and murder of creativity, and that was the Jewish uniqueness - women who have pleasure from creativity, but now they have pleasure only from social order, like shiksas [non-Jewish women], they've become screen guards. And therefore only the father today can raise a genius. Like the group of genius children, that the old Rebbe taught himself, and they all disappeared. May God have mercy. And therefore the Rebbe spoke about black terror - he meant spiritual terror. He wanted his book to be a car bomb. He wanted his son to be a nuclear weapon. He wanted to make a revolution in paradise, not in this world. And he had a fondness for secret projects that only three people worked on. Teams of Adam, Eve and the serpent. And the new one, the awake Rebbe, doesn't understand what he's talking about. And the student hugs me inside the hideout, so I don't escape from him, and he says quickly: The purpose of the Torah is to raise the next generation, that's the meaning of the God of the fathers. The purpose of God Himself is to be a father. Our purpose is for Him to be a grandfather, meaning that from Him will be born the next image. And therefore we need to raise people who will be innovations, to teach them the entire Torah at a young age, each year corresponding to a day in creation, so they'll be old at age seven, and then the tree of knowledge will kill them at puberty, and then in their maturity they will eat from the tree of life - and rise. Because after all it is the tree of resurrection of the dead, which is: reverse Holocaust. There will be gas chambers that will put smoke into them and people will come out the other side, naked, who will get dressed, and take trains to the whole world. And Jewish culture will return to rule the world - but only in secret. And it will be forbidden to reveal. Whoever needs to know - knows. Because it is actually correct, they are actually right, and from here their power, but they don't understand how right they are, and precisely from here their disaster: A secret in itself, even if everyone knows, precisely if everyone knows, will still remain a secret. Its essence is its secrecy. It is a secret on purpose. But what even makes it a secret? That the covering itself is revealed, not that it doesn't exist. That they don't cover that they're covering. Precisely the externalization of the covering - is the internalization of the secret. Therefore in the resurrection of the dead the coupling will be through the clothes themselves, and not through the internality, without revealing nakedness, only covering nakedness. And the baby will be born into the mother, not outwards. And the student grabs my coat, he begs: There are many things. After all, the crown is a brain-world interface not through the body, it's a bypass route - the root of kingship in the crown, control of the computer from the brain, writing from thought, and then in dreaming... Do you understand? And he holds me tight: There are so many things. To grow on the tree of knowledge a parrot, that knows the entire Torah - that's the sin of knowledge. Therefore you need to raise a son. Not a parrot. To grow fruit, and that will be the tree of life, whose fruit is a baby. Don't leave me here alone. And I say: I'm sorry.

It is a Tree of Life for Those Who Hold Fast to It

I dreamed that they're upgrading the system, above the tree of knowledge the tree of life, and holy birds above holy beasts, and a higher layer above the angels, coal seraphim, clouds of glory, wheels of the throne, because they say God is trampling us, there is judgment even for angels. And angels do kapparot [atonement ritual] with me, circling above the head, because from their perspective a man is a rooster, and we are animals. All the heavens rise up a layer, and where will there be room for God, He must move to time... And the new Rebbe's reorganization begins. The trees in the Garden of Eden hang upside down, gravity upwards, righteous ones hold onto the tree so as not to rise. And the branches approach, and the trees begin to connect. Replacing the tree-like and hierarchical structure, with a network structure. And all the righteous in the Garden of Eden stand like idiots holding ropes and cables and branches and wings that are supposed to connect them to each other and no one knows what to do with it, the main thing is not to fly. Where are the days when we hunted birds, and each layer would do kapparot within the one above it with the one below it. And man would do kapparot in the upper world with animals in the lower world. Now the trees do kapparot with the righteous. And the tree of knowledge, the previous Rebbe climbed up and hides on the branches, and the tree says: This is my replacement, this is my exchange, this is my atonement. This righteous one will go to death, and I to good and long life. Goodbye.

We Lost

I dreamed that in the Neilah prayer, when everyone is tired and weary and God-fearing, the new Rebbe carries out what even they didn't dare. And they send out a team of password crackers, break through the gate and enter the underground storerooms. And there's a drawer there in the darkness. And they steal all the writings, quickly quickly and escape, everything he wrote for the drawer. And the door locks. They forgot me inside. And I see there in the drawer a fig leaf - and written on it Adam's leaf, and underneath it a larger leaf - Eve's, and underneath it skin, I touch and recoil - it's warm, it's alive, it's scales, and the serpent says: I've been waiting for you.

And I grab one of the pages, whatever my hand grabs, and escape, leave the team, no one needs me, and run to hide in the bathroom, because at this stage of the fast there's no one in the bathroom. And it's written in the handwriting of the meshugene [crazy] Rebbe:

Not for reading. Only for writing.

Rectification of ASN [World-Year-Soul]: The Ascent from World-Year-Soul to World-Sleep-Soul

I dreamed that in the order of ascent of worlds to the highest classification, first of all you need to sleep. Because don't make high from action, and the original sin is exiting outside the system. Don't murder outside the system of life. The sin of Cain. Don't commit adultery outside the system of family. The sin of the Nephilim sons of God with the daughters of man. Don't steal outside the economic system. The sin of the generation of the flood. Don't bear false witness against your neighbor outside the system of language. The sin of Babel. Don't covet outside the system of perception. This is the sin of Sodom. "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them". This is the sin in a dream. Instead of people dreaming dreams, they realize dreams. Instead of producing higher dreams - desire for base dreams. And when the sin is lower - it damages a higher place. Therefore the sin that is in time, which is beneath everything, damages the highest place. When year is from the word to repeat and recite and not from the word to change, then you can be the greatest of the previous generation - in your generation. But worst of all when sleep is like that. Because then you can be the smallest of your generation - in the previous generation.
I dreamed that the Rebbe greatest of the generation who passed away is already dead but they didn't tell him so as not to upset him. Therefore he thinks he's still alive. And therefore he's the greatest of the generation - because his generation is already dead.

And the smoke rises, and the wind extinguishes the soul candles, and above this there is darkness. Because the problem is there are no secrets, and therefore it's not intriguing. And you need to show that there are secrets, but that way you'll kill the secrets. And she takes off clothing for the highest classification. And underneath - censored, not modest, breached. So she takes off the skin for the highest classification. And the soul burns. And the smoke rises.

I dreamed that my eye falls out and rolls under the car and I can't find it. And I go home with half a black world, and think oh what a disaster, oy vey bad luck, evil eye. And then suddenly I realize that people don't notice half their world, half their lives and half their day, and half the globe and half their brain, but really really, always - half a world is black.
I dreamed that just as there are righteous who die the death of a kiss, there are those who die the death of a bite, death from the side of the serpent's tooth: repetition. While when the Holy One Blessed be He "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth" - these are the flavors of Torah, rectification of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Because the serpent is a small male organ: memory. And what a righteous person needs is not memory - but a dream.

And all that remains, that rises up - only smoke thin thin as smoke. The chimney of the eye - the Holocaust of the dream.

A dream goes out by tooth and eye
Tooth dream and mighty eye

And my hand trembles, what's left to descend? I suddenly realize that soul [nefesh] reversed is rabbit [shafan] - and peek out of the bathroom. And it turns out everyone rushed home quickly at the end of the fast, and locked me in the synagogue. They forgot me inside Yom Kippur. Because as long as I'm here, and I don't have a Havdalah candle, and I didn't do Havdalah - my Yom Kippur fast hasn't ended. And the holy day can continue all night.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy